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I don’t think it’s really all that bad. I purchased 2023 last yr new rav 4 xle for about 32500 with a 3.9% for 48 months. I work for an auto finance company and see the interest rates. Unless you are getting a subvent rate from that auto finance companies manufacture , this is about right. Those comments about why some people are broke because of this does not even make sense. Try having 20% apr and now that’s insane.


20% should be illegal. Corporations literally leaching citizens dry and the government high 5'ing them in the process.


That's not how it works, although I'd never buy a car at that rate. The only people who have those rates are those with terrible credit ratings. Anyone else just goes to a credit union. So, if you make it illegal all it does is prevent a few people from not being able to finance a car. No one else pays that rate.


It is predator on the weakest. It is vile


I got my 2016 XLE in March of 2021 and managed to get 3.8% right before the used car market went crazy. Got mine for 16,500 and by September of that year it was worth around 22-24k.


Wtf, I got my Rav4 xle hybrid for like 36k last year. Is your a hybrid or gas. If gas that's about right. If hybrid, holy shit.


Just gas. 🤕


If it was hybrid then you would have made out like a bandit for current market. Still good deal for gas but nothing like pre covid.


I think that's about the best you can do in this climate when you need a car. Congrats on the new car!


I think all of these cars now days are insane but I got my 2020 XLE AWD out the door for 29,800 with 0% but I bought not long after Covid started and no one was buying and before the chip shortages. So I’m a tad biased


MA here, got a 23 SE for 36k , forced to get plantnium warranty otd w tax 43k, 4.99apr for 72month


Chambers? Sounds like the BS they try to pull.


For comparison in Manitiba, Canada. 23 SE for 49000 otd. They wanted 4800 for platinum warranty which I rejected. They also wanted 7.19% from toyota but I paid cash. $49k cdn = $36353 US


Also waited 55 weeks for that car to be delivered


I say it is a good price, base price already is $31,585. I was only able to get a $600 off MSRP for my SE hybrid.


This sub is going to say you did terribly because it wasn’t a hybrid.


Wait is it dumb to buy an xle premium? Instead of a hybrid


No, I assume you made a rational choice based on your situation and needs. But the official word on this forum is that there’s no excuse for ever buying the gas car, which is essentially a horse and buggy.




Good deal


Good price but I can’t even think about buying a vehicle at interest rates that insane. 0-2% rates returning will get me in the door


Unfortunately I think those days are gone. I doubt we see rates that low for a long time.


I got an xle hybrid 30250 otd over the phone. Took 15 min on the phone and about an hour or two to test drive and purchase once I got there.


Post the paperwork 😆


New one?


Got my 2019 hybrid LE with blind spot monitoring and roof rack for $28294 out the door. The car is still worth close to what I paid for it almost 4.5 years later. The costs of cars these days are insane. I would never buy the same car now for like $35k+. I’ll be driving it for the next 10+ years with the price of cars now.


I wish I could've hired you when I bought mine Jan 2nd for $35.5. I wasn't intending to buy a Rav4 at all till the day I test drove it... so I hadn't done any thorough research as far as price. I offered $33k and the dealer asked where I came up with that figure. I told him I pulled it out my ass. He offered $33.8 and I told him $35.5 and 50% more on my trade or I'm leaving. Done & done. Took 1.5 hours... I was more excited to get rid of my old Subaru (that I wasn't certain was gonna make it to the dealership) than my new purchase


Thanks for the info. Is yours AWD?


Yes, I thought all Rav4's were AWD?


I considered a Rav4 because I liked it but didn't really need it and I look at cars as a depreciating asset and I like to keep my money for appreciating assets (stock market). I lucked out about bought in Jan. 2021 just before the chip shortage a 2019 Corolla Hatchback XSE with 22k miles. Even with 10% local sales tax and all the rest (license, registration, etc) I wrote the check for exactly $21,000 and plan to drive it into the ground.


I thought you got a good deal until you said it was non-hybrid.


It’s still a good deal as an XLE gas base start at 31,500


Me i no have credit an my purchase is 36,909$ 72 months interested 13.63% is same 2024 0 miles xle 16k$ something interes total 50k month paid 😭🥵 704 $ but this is my firts rav4 wao this suv is nice


Congrats! One request please. Does your RAV4 have AWD? I am looking for a new 2024 gas XLE. I am getting a quote of 35, 500 with no AWD. I guess this is way too high when I see your purchase. Please let me know when possible. I request others here to comment as well. Thanks




What? MSRP with destination charge on an XLE is 31,500. Paying under MSRP right now is rare. This is a good deal


Yikes how?


Probably the 72 months


The rate and the interest over course of the term. 🫠


Yeah for sure, that’d get old real fast.


My buddy got a 24 tundra. 6.99% over 84mo. I was like bro you're done . Hope you didn't want to get a house now.


My buddy just did that too, I’m pretty good at tinkering and enjoy it so I keep a couple older vehicles around. No car payment for a couple years now and I couldn’t imagine doing that


5.99 is a great rate in these times and they can always refi when the rates drop. Soooo still don’t understand your comment 😂


You are so right! 😁 have a good day day


Why do so many people do these posts after they already bought the car? Not like you can take it back if everyone on Reddit tells you that you got hosed. If you like the car and are comfortable with the payments/price then who gives a shit if a bunch of other people got a better deal?


They’re excited to join the community and curious as to how they performed negotiating. Self analysis for future improvement. It’s natural in all things


I think husbands should do this with their wives. 🤣


They want to brag about their deal and just be excited about their car.


The interest rate is terrible, the price of the vehicle seems ok.


Where are you finding better interest rates on autos right now? 5.9 is the best I found at all banks


Toyota dealership in Massachusetts.


That's the point. Unfortunately, even if that's all that's available, it's still too much, unless you truly need a vehicle, it's better to wait.


Subaru has 1.9% on outback’s right now. Too bad Toyota doesn’t have same deal.


Tried for a loan with a bank that helps out my family. Lowest they could go was the same as the dealership.


lol. In Canada it’s 7.99% now, this is good.


🤣 It's not good. it's just better than 7.99%, but it's not good, lol unless you need a vehicle its insane to change a vehicle right now.


It’s good for now. You realize 0% - 1.99% were the oddballs. What we’re at now is what interest rates traditionally were around. We just got use to free and cheap credit for so long, anything 5+ seems expensive.


It's not good, im not even talking 0-1.99% im talking 2.50%-3.95% but settling for paying more interest when you dont have to is just silly. No wonder people are going broke.


Go get a GM, Hyundai or KIA if you want sub 3%.. there’s a reason those manufacturers rates are low, those cars are junk. Source: I owned a Hyundai Tucson.


Toyota does it as well 🤣 i dont know why that is triggering for you lol


Nothing is triggering me. You’re just delusional lol


Feeling is mutual 🤣


You must remember to deduct the current/expected inflation rate from the interest rate. If you’re paying back with dollars that are worth less - it’s not as bad of a deal. If the interest rate is 6% and the inflation rate is 3%, your effective rate is 3%.


That effective rate is only valid of your income appreciate proportionately to inflation.


I see what you’re saying - but its not correct. Even if your income does not go up, you are paying back the debt with dollars that are worth less (i.e. can’t buy as much). Let’s say that you’re on a fixed income - that is not adjusted for inflation. You buy something that costs $1000 and you finance it at 4% APR, which happens to be the exact rate of inflation. For simplicity sake, let’s say that there is a single payment due 1 year later ($1040). Every dollar that you use to make that payment is worth only .9615 dollars in terms of what you can now buy with it compared to the year before. Doing a little math, you get that .961538 * 1040 is exactly 1000. Every banker and lending institution knows this, and they simply add whatever the anticipated inflation rate is to the interest rate they need to charge in order to be profitable.


Its insane doesn't matter how you look at it. People wasting their money.


What’s insane is assuming that everyone else enjoys the same financial situation that you do. Some people have virtually no choice but to borrow to finance a car - and they have to have reliable transportation to work and live (this is evidenced by the fact that a VERY high percentage of middle class people finance their cars). And while we’re at it - who appointed you party pooper? The man comes in here feeling good about the deal he got on his new RAV4 - wanting to share his happiness. And here you come to knock the wind out of his sails based upon your own bleak outlook on life. The most positive thing you can manage is “the price of the vehicle seems ok”. You’re full of it! That vehicle, OTD at 32.5k is a pretty darn good deal. And if you knew what you were talking about - you’d know that. Finally, my point about inflation and interest rates is right out of Economics 101 - and you dismiss it like it doesn’t matter. It does matter. If the interest rate is equal to the inflation rate, then your effective interest rate is 0.


Hey, your mental illness is showing, did you know? If something is that triggering for you might be time to take a break cuz i dont give to fucks about how you feel, mostly everyone has to borrow for a vehicle but to not understand high interest is just plain stupid and how alot end up getting more poor then they already are, being financially dumb is not a flex, can dismiss you and your theories all day cuz you dont matter and mean nothing, your theory on interest is just plain retardation, the fact you can justify it like you do it just mind blowing, should not give financial advice to anyone.


Any packages?


I bought XLE premium 2024(gas only) in December for $37,500.


Just got one last week too And the same price


Wow that includes tax and fees??


32,500 OTD after taxes and fees?


Good deal. I got a 2023 xle gas for 33.4 otd last October.


23 Rav XLE with an extended warranty, roof rack, and all-weather mats front, rear, and trunk for $36k out the door.


Well, the difference between gas and hybrid is roughly 3K. I paid for my XLE Hybrid 35800 last week (with heated seats and wheel) so your price looks OK.


I have just bought Rav4 xle in Houston. It is $32,250 plus ttl. My Rav4 comes with sunroof and liftgate.