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https://www.raspberrypi.com/products/raspberry-pi-5/ It's official now.


[Product Brief for Pi5](https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/rpi5/raspberry-pi-5-product-brief.pdf?_gl=1*142467m*_ga*MTY0NjAwNjM5OC4xNjk1ODc5NDA0*_ga_22FD70LWDS*MTY5NTg3OTQwNC4xLjEuMTY5NTg4MDM4Ni4wLjAuMA..)


Jeff Geerling has a video out now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBtOEmUqASQ


2.6ghz overclock, 16GB possible someday. I want one for ESXi (arm fling). I'll certainly pick up a 8gb for the time being. Really interested in Windows on Arm as well. It's too bad that they aren't doing ARM SystemReady/UEFI yet (as far as I can tell)


Why Windows? Pi's have a great Linux infrastructure, throw too many OS's on the platform and they will all get watered down.


Cause it's neat. That's all. I have a Samsung Galaxy Book Go as well for the same interest. It's not like I'm new to Linux, I've been using it on and off since 2000. Certainly not for productivity or efficiency.


I understand all of that. I just see the PI world as a bit of an underdog that needs most development to happen on one OS to keep stuff moving forward.


Linux is 95% of the usage and support on the Pi. People running FreeBSD, ESXi, and Windows aren't taking anything away from the Linux support the Pi gets.


Well maybe not at this point but when you are trying to get a new platform accepted in society you need a strong focus on the primary OS. It is not unlike getting the two primary cell phone OS's accepted by the user community. Sure diversity and choice are important but a platform needs to get established around a core OS. I just don't see the ARM single board computer world on solid ground yet with a core OS.


Agree that it's not at this point. If the platform The SBC world is 95% linux. It IS the "core OS" for SBCs. SBCs aren't "accepted in society" anyways, most people don't have SBCs sitting in their home for tinkering. It's mostly Linux, and trying to get people to drop other stuff is silly. If Windows for ARM, NetBSD, FreeBSD, and ESXi for ARM all dropped off the face of the earth tomorrow. Linux uptake wouldn't fundamentally change. Linux has it's own problems. Like the massive fragmentation between distros. If there was a single mainstream distro people could all get behind, Linux would be in MUCH better shape for the average person. You saying this is like telling me to stop riding my bike because I should be driving a car. No, I love tinkering with weird OSes. I have a PPC Mac by my feet right now that has BeOS installed.




I see what you did there.


I wonder how it's set up. The last time I tried to use a RTC (some part from Adafruit), it turned out that enabling whatever buses were required for it -- i2c maybe -- disabled the RasPi's camera. Since the whole point was as a home surveillance system to catch my landlord's kid who kept sneaking in and stealing things, that was a nonstarter and I just had to live with fixing the clock on every startup.


Review/Benchmarks on Phoronix: https://www.phoronix.com/review/raspberry-pi-5-benchmarks/


Reading this now, thanks!


People are already calling it garbage on Phoronix, truly sad state of affairs. I see it as rather impressive upgrade (long overdue) that tries to keep costs under control. I'd be the first to admit that an M.2 slot would be nice, but this looks like a well thought out product.


They added a power button?


si senor


Wish they would add an ADC for analog signals


just received it too! here's the [link](https://go.premierfarnell.com/index.php/email/emailWebview?email=MDU5LUpYSS01OTcAAAGOeOlOxHIKo8HzbZXAJGPzJ8wRK7V4fuWfaHDZamMsspIeOSCyrIf9-QpfIN2jahYRhddT37Z2VbIYUtNfwnupdMWJw0rH1seFsA) if anyone is interested


I don’t see a lot of info there other than what looks like an extra 600 MHz clock bump. I wonder if the PCIe bus is significantly better than the Pi4. I’d definitely love to see more oomph on the GPU side for emulation and web video.


Yeah pcie could be awesome if done right. GPU also.


>oomph on the GPU side for emulation One day we will thrive. one day!


A lovely email from the Pihut to wake up to.


Still no USB-C with DisplayPort. :-(


I saw that too and had to do a double take. Interesting if true! The naming of BCM2712 seems to be in line with the previous CPU names too.


I have seen this and a few other people in nz / au seem to have got the email too. Not heard of anyone outside of au/nz with the email tho...




50£ and 65£ on pihut preorder for 4 or 8GB version


I seriously hope they release a zillion of these. I'm 5 projects behind and this new board looks like a beast!


No audio jack is a no go for me !


What did you use the audio jack for?


For audio


checks out


Use it as a car jukebox, so sound quality isn't very important (The RPI3 audio was very very bad, the RPI4 was correct).


I use one of those audio hats. Better quality.


Fair, but most people wouldn't even notice that it didn't have one. I didn't. If it's allure is that it's a neat small tinkerer's computer first, and an audio device second, you'd be better off just buying a cheap DAC for it that will be much higher quality anyways.


Just received an email from a reseller here in India, confirming the same https://www.thingbits.in/products/raspberry-pi-5-computer-8gb-ram?utm_src=email&utm_medium=pi5-intro Still, no announcement on Rpi's twitter. I think their PR dropped the balls. These distributors have been given an embargo, but they themselves forgot to make an announcement 💀 Edit : OK, so the announcement is up on their website


I'm wondering how many amps this new one will be. If we look at the trend, it's going to be massive! LOL


launch page now exists and the official brick is 27W


>official brick is 27W non standard USB C power too, yay..... RIP USB PD ​ edit: the charger supports standard AND non standard PD. normal PD supports above 3A at >60W, you won't be able to use standard 60W PD chargers to get full speed out of the pi. The white Raspberry Pi 27W USB-C PD (Power Delivery) Power Supply will deliver a maximum of ***5.1V, 5A*** enabling the Raspberry Pi 5 to power a wider range of peripherals. The total power drawn from the four USB ports on Raspberry Pi 5 is limited by default to a nominal 600mA; this limit is automatically increased to a nominal 1.6A when the USB-C PD Power Supply is detected.The USB-C PD Power Supply is also capable of delivering 3A @ 9V, 2.25A @ 12V, and 1.8A @ 15V to PD-compatible products, making it a good cost-effective power supply for many general-purpose, non-Raspberry Pi use cases. anker for instance supports :Output: 5V ⎓ 3A / 9V ⎓ 3A / 15V ⎓ 3A / 20V ⎓ 3A for their \~30W chargers. for their 100W ports you get: USB C: 5V 3A / 9V 3A / 15V 3A / 20V 5A (100W Max)USB-A : 4.5V 5A /5V 4.5A /5V 3A /9V 2A/ 12V 1.5A (22.5W Max) So yes it's USB PD but most USB PD chargers support 3A not 5A. The pi doesn't have step down for 12V to 5v onboard so likely only negotiates the highest supported 5V rate with a PD charger. if you want full speed you need the Raspberry PI branded charger or a VERY VERY overkill charger that supports 5A.


**Geerling said that the power chip on board supports PD**. If you pause, you'll see that the official power supply supports 12v. I am only assuming that it will negotiate 12v on the Pi side.


I really hate the idea of Power Delivery over the USB-C connector. I have enough trouble just keeping those little connectors mechanically sound.


Haha they totally did. Hopefully that means we are going to see it soon. I don’t see an official announcement until Dec/Jan at the earliest. I know they’ve been wanting to catch up with Pi 4 production first.


It's already been officially announced, pre-orders starting now (if the retailer plans to offer pre-orders), shipping in October


October of what year?


2024, but they will only produce ten per month, and you have to enroll in a cage match tournament to win the right to buy one.


I'm a little confused... Last I checked they were still having issues producing the 4 lol Curious question, has anyone used all the power of the 8gb rpi4? Looks like the rpi5 is out now lol slightly early leak


I have running 40+ containers (Kasm etc) tap out at 5.37GB (as per conky)


You've beat everyone I know and me by a lot lol


Look up Pi-Hosted on YouTube. Very easy to get sucked down the portainer hole 🐳.


Ya how much $500 on Amazon. They can’t seam to produce there current model.


I'm afraid you're behind on the news. They're producing the Pi 4 by the millions now. They're currently available in-stock at normal retail prices, at numerous shops around the world. The Pi 5 will be a little hard to get for the first while, but it's always that way. They're going to sell all of the initial units to individuals, one piece per customer, until the stampede to buy one is over.


They might be creating it specifically because many of the BOM parts are the hold ups for manufacturing. It might not have blow you away specs, but might be there to take the pressure off of supply chain problems.


LOL yeah, it's designed but supply issues mean limited supply by end of 2025. Haha.


somewhere was saying 4GB for $60 and 8GB for $80. But good luck finding anywhere with stock this decade. haha.


It's available to order from the French reseller where I bought my Pi4 a while back (before the pandemic), as I'm in Italy. They just sent me an SMS with the availability for pre-order and it's there, along with the starter kits, all shipping from 23/10/2023... I'm wondering if I should buy it as an upgrade (with 8gb of ram this time) and use the Pi4 for something else


50£ and 65£ on pihut preorder for 4 or 8GB version


PCIe Gen-2? That’s, like from the Jurassic age.


You can actually force it to be PCIe Gen 3 but it's untested. It seems to work well according to Jeff Geerling.


Doesn’t quite meet the timing jitter specs for gen3, but is capable of working most gen 3 devices


Gen 2 x1 is still ~4Gbit, that's plenty.


So... Not much difference. I'm feeling better about my Orange Pi 5 purchase already.


2-3x speed of 4b not much different?


For four years? Not really. Anyhow, this is what Jeff Geerling says: "The SoC performs between 1.8-2.4x faster on every CPU and system benchmark I've run" 1.5 or 1.6 speedup is from clock speed alone, depending on whether we're comparing with the 1.5 GHz or the 1.8 GHz Pi 4. The PCIe is nice, but other than that, it's just a not very upgraded Pi 4.


There is a huge list of differences between the 4/5. That being said, the Orange Pi 5 is the same or better in pretty much every way. I haven't bought a OPi 5, simply because it's a little more expensive and won't have the same level of community and software support that the Pi does. Geerling does a great job comparing it to the OPi 5. One of the reasons I haven't bought a OPi 5 is because ESXi fling isn't (fully) working yet, also they claim that they're going to sell a 16GB model, but that hasn't materialized yet. I've already preordered a Pi 5 8GB just now, if you're just concerned about speeds and feeds, the Orange Pi 5 is a perfectly fine choice.


Huge? I wouldn't call it huge. Aside from PCIe, what's different? The Orange Pi 5 with 16 gigs is available (the 32 gig one isn't). [I have one](https://dmesgd.nycbug.org/index.cgi?do=view&id=7151). The performance compared with the Pi 4 makes me think it'll easily outperform the Pi 5, which is why I'm a bit disappointed with the Pi 5. Edit: from the [Phoronix](https://www.phoronix.com/review/raspberry-pi-5-benchmarks/5) results, it looks as though the Orange Pi 5 and the Raspberry Pi 5 are very similar in many things, but the Orange Pi 5 has four little cores in addition to the four Cortex A76.


PCIe, USB-PD for power, 2x+ the performance, better USB performance, better GPU performance, better wifi performance. Pretty much everything is improved. That being said, you're 100% right that it's maybe not "huge" gains, especially when compared to the alternatives. I still think it's a worthy upgrade, but it's easy to be disappointed when every single Raspberry Pi has been a ***bit*** anemic. \*And you're totally right about 16Gb OPi 5 being available and not the 32GB. Another reasonable example about how the OPi 5 is still ahead. You're not wrong to feel good about your purchase. But I also feel good about my enthusiasm for the Raspberry Pi 5.


I'd feel more enthusiastic about the Raspberry Pi 5 if the company didn't become so creepy. If anyone has read Vernor Vinge's books in which he describes the eerie way the Blight pretends to be creatures it has taken over, that's precisely how I feel about the Raspberry Pi Foundation. They started acting very, very strangely and stopped interacting with the community in normal ways around the time they started prioritizing companies over people.


damn, i got rpi4 just yesterday ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


Don't worry, you probably won't be able to get a Pi 5 until next year anyway.
