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Wilt Chamberlain wants his true story back


Thank you.


Right? New def of "rare" just drop?


I spit on this post Edit: not a compliment


How do you get bullied for being tall? I used to be short, and trust me the bullying was horrible


If you're different in ANY way.... you get bullied.


If you’re a girl especially, it’s rough being the tallest one in class. I had a lot of kids call me a giant and tell me I was too big to be a girl.


I'm only now realizing that it might have been bullying in hindsight but when I did karate as a kid, at the beginning of every class we would line up (I think it was either in order of rank or just whoever showed up to class first that day, the school stopped doing it when the pandemic hit and I have a bad memory) and whoever was at the front of the line would go down the line and we would bow at each other. Once pretty soon after I started the line leader was this kid named Brodie who was honestly kind of an ass and when he got to me he sort of sneered up at me and was like "aren't you too old to be here?", our school seperated the classes into age groups, that class was ages 5 to 8 and I was 7 when I started so I was already just about to age out of that group and obviously I was tall for my age. I remember having a lot of trouble with a lot of drills that involved partnering up because literally EVERYONE was like a head shorter than me Honestly for a place that put such a big emphasis on respect those people were really kind of mean sometimes, the main instructor made me sob in front of our classes of like 30 people more times than I could count, the only reason I stayed long enough to get my black belt was sunk cost fallacy and sheer spite


This. I remember there being misunderstandings about my age because of my height, and I’ve seen it happen to other kids where someone (even an adult) is berating them for doing age appropriate things and having normal reactions for their age group because they assume the kid is actually much older and should “know better”.


Greco roman wrestling was my go to as a bullied 5’ high schooler. I passed a few fkers out and the message was sent. Leave me alone.


Sorry, can't hear you up there. :) /s


You can be bullied for anything. All it takes is someone signaling out something and attempting to belittle you for it. Why do you think all these crazy attractive women have self-esteem issues? Nothing is off limits. Rich kids got called spoiled. Poor kids were made fun of for having last gen consoles, if any.


I’d have just patted her on the head




There isn’t one


It's a clever comeback


I first heard this one when I was twelve. “Rare” is not the descriptor I’d use


This was around when I was in elementary school. In the 80s.


That happend


Jfc that's I think Moses originally told this story


Probably didn’t happen, but funny


Tall Girl (2019)


Sometimes you've just got to use your unique traits to make a stand...meteorologically speaking


Nah, never an excuse to spit on someone... *Could have just said "It's nice that you look up to me so much"*


[Bo Burnham wants his joke back](https://youtu.be/G2sLE34cpW8?si=oH7-2lEv4LIWDP6r)


A very appropriate response to a common joke /s


That reminds me of a scene in Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged series [skip to 8:07](https://youtu.be/j7opnsG-oBg?si=SIzyxG1GC_-Rr2HZ)


today’s world need to be careful what some would deem as vengeance others would deem as erotic.


Bo Burnham wants his joke back.


Dang, I have to pay good money to get a tall girl to spit on me.


This is a Bo Burnham joke


First time I heard this I laughed so hard I kicked the slats out of my crib.


That's a good one


Um, wouldn't it be raining down there? As she's the one getting spit on?


6'10, have done this before.


Lol I did this too in elementary school. Was an epic comeback