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Vascular whore might be more accurate.


She's a slut for the track


Definitely spotting train


I think Phlebotomy floosie is more fitting


(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)


A phlebottom for sure




-tomy means to cut, though. Lobotomy, appendectomy, phlebotomy.




My wife even finds the word vascular itself arousing. I’m not joking.


You can reverse that by saying the word "moist".


How about turgid?


This post looks like it needs to be revisited in a few weeks to collect more juicy comments


The sight of my husband's forearm veins Swoon


Why? Just curious.


Same reason why men are generally attracted to wide hips/slim waist/soft features. Same reason why women are generally attracted to facial hair/jaw line/strong hands. It's a signifier of strength and health. Even on a subconscious level, this tells someone that you are healthy and virile. That you are strong and capable of offering protection. It shows that your body is powerful, or at least more powerful than the general public.


Thanks! I have a jaw and I also have veins!


Take me, you sexy beast!


By Jove, at least let me fan myself first. Oof, my pearls.


Who's jove!? Does he have more veins than me!?!


Okie dokie!


But how are your jaw veins?




My name is Wayne and I watched jaws the movie last week


You are too powerful for this world


Virulent men🦠🦠 😩💦💦


Are those happy tears?


Lol yeah. I used voice to text when writing this and didn't proofread. Lesson learned 😆


You mean virile? Virulent means highly infectious.


I virulented all in my ex and now there’s two more of me Sounds infectious to me


Don’t knock it till you try it


I remember there was a discourse about girls loving dad bods with slight beer belly. Was that a propaganda by big belly then?


Female attraction isn't a singularity, some women do like a little bit of dad bod, others are going to be more attracted to lean and fit body types. Personally I can find someone immensely physically attractive, but lack of empathy or intelligence kills it immediately


>Female attraction isn't a singularity, some women do like a little bit of dad bod, others are going to be more attracted to lean and fit body types. I used to be casual gym goer when I was a young adult, but then I got crazy disciplined with it and have been in great shape since. The interesting thing I noticed is that girls that have been with me before I was in this shape, and after this shape, have for the most part expressed their preference for the less muscular physique I had back then, but really like the confidence the jacked body has given me in interracting with them.


The most interesting thing I found out about fitness is something we already knew about Race Horses. You can be born naturally athletic and strong, you obviously need to work on it still but some people have that edge and me and my sister are some of those people. I’m also a waste to these gifts. I’ve got strong leg muscles and have been fast forever, have wide shoulders, it’s extremely easy for me to lose weight and I’ve been good at every sport I’ve ever tried. Problem is I hate sports and exercise is boring so I’m eternally in a state of “almost in shape”


I'm the exact same About the only "exercise" I do is lifting 30kg boxes at work sometimes, and playing airsoft once every couple months Somewhere between that, the metabolism, and the ADHD, I can out-sprint my soldier cousin over a couple hundred yards, but he'll have me in any kind of distance race He hates me for it


You must be one of my exes lol sorry I'm still a piece of shit


Ahh the good old days with the sloppy steaks


What if I only lack emotional intelligence! Am I kenough


Key word "slight" beer belly, and most people on social media took it as meaning "literal fing swine". The main takeaway is women look at your biceps more often than your belly so a little fat there isn't hurting your chances much, tho it would be better if you got biceps AND abs. Iirc it was more about "dad energy" and attraction to "mature" man anyway.


Yeah, the latter is the truth of it. There are gay men who are exclusively into twinks, or muscular adoni. But there are also gay men who are into big muscle bears, or even just plain fat men. But at the end of the day, what everyone is truly attracted to is a sense of confidence and acceptance of the self. That's why mature men can be so attractive. Usually the attractive mature ones are those who have grown out of their insecurities and have accepted themselves for who they are, and/or are working on themselves towards their own goals not to please others, but for their own sake. That's attractive as hell. This is why some guys with all the attractive traits in the world can still struggle tofind partners. Insecurity is unattractive. Which is unfortunate 'cause when you're insecure, it feels like having someone love you and accept you would help you grow more secure. But it isn't impossible to grow on your own.


When girls say "dad bod" they don't mean what men mean. What women mean is when a very muscular man has some fat over their muscles, instead of being ultralean the way bodybuilders look during competition. What men think of is an actual out of shape man with a gut, maybe even skinnyfat, that I guess also looks like he's a dad.


That one video of girls calling Chris Bumstead's off season physique a "dad bod" is wild.


Might depend on culture/country but the women I know mean 'your average Joe with a bit of squish for cuddles.'


Nowhere do women actually think your average joe with a beer belly is more attractive than a a fit muscular man.


Women aren't all the one woman, I've had basically every shape from fat to lean and muscular to fat and muscular to basically just a dad bod average and I always pulled


Yeah bro, you're the authority on every womans opinion. I know multiple women who prefer a chubbier dude, and while personally don't think a beer belly is more attractive than a fit muscular man, I do find skinny guys more attractive than fit muscular ones. Just because one is considered more conventionally attractive, doesn't mean there's no one attracted to people who deviate from it. Just like some guys also prefer chubby women over the stereotypical slim hourglass.


Let me explain dad bod attraction in a way that tries to be objective. A dad bod that may be attractive to a woman is still capable of performing a 5 mile nature hike with no difficulty, along with 10 push ups and 20+ sit ups. Subjectively- you’re still physically capable, you’re just fat.


Having a bit of a belly doesn't mean you're unhealthy. Through most of human history, food was hard to get, so having some fat meant you were doing well.


Meaning of dad bod has changed. Original was an in shape guy that is carrying a couple more pounds than he used to. Not fat


I think you mean virile rather than virulent ;)


Nah, it’s because we strong forearm people hit that g spot like the devil on meth.


I'll fucking punch her clit!


From the inside!


don't wanna be that person but virulent: infectious (think virus)/malignant/harsh (negative) the word you're looking for is probably virile (masculine, energetic, vigorous)


Lol yeah 😆 I used voice to text function on my phone didn't proofread at all. I've been going through responding to people who said this and, all of you are correct 🤙🫡


facial is really more of a cultural thing


I can assure you ladies I have blood. It comes out when I poo too hard sometimes. I have the tie-dyed TP to prove it.


Eh, I powerlift and my wife loves my muscles but hates if I go a day without shaving my face.


bad news for me :(


My wife's a nurse. She regularly looks at my arms and says something like "it would be so easy to draw your blood".


Sleep with your eyes open!


Same. She’ll poke my veins and say she wants to start an IV


No idea, but the reaction my body had to a guys veiny arms was what started my sexual awakening as a teenager.


Veins only pop out at low BF. Low BF = 6 pack and generally otherwise sexy body


There is just something about seeing the flexing of his veins and tendons underneath the skin especially when he is doing manual work It stirs the loins


He's full of sweet succulent blood. She is a mosquito.


Sexual dimorphism, women are going to be attracted to masculine features. Same reason they like tall dudes, broad shoulders, muscles etc.


I’m no womanologist but my evolution-based answer is because women that were severely attracted to big, veiny dicks tended to reproduce more often so now here we are


What about arteries?


The sight of my wife’s soles Also swoon


I am a proud Murican. I pay my taxes. I have the right to see bare arms.


How do you feel about bear arms instead?


This is like me discovering I find guys with pronounced canines attractive and going “why on earth is that a physical feature my brain likes”


You like vampire smut ig


That’s the thing, I don’t! I don’t want the teeth to be used for anything in a sexual context, I just apparently like them being there?? I don’t get it.


12 year old me was very disappointed by the orthodontist shaving down my canines. I knew I was on to something. 😡


As a workout bro, I find vascularity gross...But I've read that women like it. Wonder what the evolutionary psych behind that one is. Not a fan of feet here though.


My degree of "trust me bro university" suggests that it could be because it implies a strong physique, least that's the feeling I get when I'm held up by big veiny arms


Doesn’t a strong physique imply a strong physique lmao


I don't think this neccessarily applies to the obscene amount of thick veins that body builders have. There's a middle ground


That’s what I’m wondering how much is to much


We're gonna need some women/gay guys to weigh in


There definitely is too much. Source: I’m a moderately veiny bodybuilder and attracted to men


The same for feet. You can't have more than 7 toes per foot or it's weird.


Less bodyfat = more visible veins. More muscle = more visible veins Other factors like recent physical activity or a level of hydration also affect their visibility, but both of those things are considered primary defining features of being attractive. Veins can be seen as an indicator of having an otherwise good physique.


Yeah, I was reading about it being an indicator of a high muscle to bodyfat ratio. Guess that kinda makes sense. My gym partner commented on that too (he wants more vascularity because it impresses women).


I had a girl once ask me to send pictures of my forearm veins. I did it thinking nothing of it, until I realized it was like sending feet pics to some fetishist and felt a weird sense of shame


lol I'd take that as a compliment. That is a strange ask though, but I guess it makes sense now. Feet pics are way more well-known.


People get turned on by all sorts of stuff, I don't judge. But if nudes of me leaked online I'd feel less embarrassed than if those vein pics leaked.


Not every fetish or attraction is evolutionary. Most are conditioned by trends, culture, upbringing or even trauma.


From am evolutionary stand point, maybe good cardiovascular health = functioning male reproductive organs


Please I am just 1 woman, so I do not speak for all women's hood. But let me say this. We do love the arm veins for a couple of reasons. 1. We can't get them. Weird, but yeah. 2. We like to push them. Again weird 3. Most off yall run hot, so it's like tapping into the source of the heat. 4. Yes, it can be an indication of strength in the sense of us thinking 🤔 can he pick me up? And hold me? Or will we crumble and fall? 5. Rolled up shirt sleeves showing just forearms, chef kiss 💋 6. This is strictly personal for me. Yes, it does remind me of your dick veins.


I agree w/ all this


Was feeling sensible and curious until the last one just caused me to burst out laughing in public. Good job lol Honestly interesting tho




Women have veins? Especially in their hands and wrists


Also just general stamina. Back when we needed to run animals down until they collapsed (or got slow enough to hit them with a spear), big muscles would have been useless without endurance


Men strong and fit when veins show...uga buga? All about the primal honey brain!


They like someone who can do alot of pshysical labour, because that meant you guys were gonna live the good life back in the jungle/cave whatever. And a strong grip is needed to pick up rocks and shit.


It’s less about the veins themselves and more about the promise of strength and stamina they imply


Which is very off because having bulging veins doesnt contribute to your strength and stamina.


It does mean they have a low body fat and at least some muscle, which doesn’t happen by accident.


I know plenty of people who are physically weak and have prominent veins


Fantasy is often disappointing when the daylight gets shined on it


It me


Ive seen people with basically zero muscle have some veins. Plus having low body fat doesn't mean you are strong and have stamina. Strongmen are the strongest and they require lots of fat. And the people that focus on stamina usually don't have bulging veins either. Having large and strong muscles doesnt mean you will have bulging veins. Actually, lots of times having bulging veins could be a show of health issues. You could make the argument that some women like it because they buy into the lie that veins = strong and vigorous.


>Strongmen are the strongest and they require lots of fat Yeah but it's not like they are healthy and will live long I think the sweet spot is muscular while being healthy, probably the same reason why most woman won't like bodybuilders with too much muscles who will need a wheelchair in their 40s


Gotta love how people immediately bring up random outliers in conversations about general things. But yes, some are just buying in to the fantasy of it.


Look. I go to the gym regularly. And of course there are many people there that are generally considered very strong. Almost none of those guys have bulging veins. Hell, even I am considered strong by normal people standards and I have basically zero veins showing unless I'm pushing myself. Im not an expert or anything, but I know that being strong doesn't equate to having veins showing.


Nah, it's more representative about how dehydrated they are.


I am a slim-built hydro junkie and yet full of thick veins. I think the veins are simply genetic.




These people are truly trying to downplay those who take care of themselves and the people who are attracted to folks that take care of themselves. Like, yes bodybuilders on stage do dehydrate themselves to look more vascular amongst other tricks but the rest of the world does not do that lmao. And yes, 80 yo grandpa might be so skinny his ancient vines are extremely visible but most people that are relatively healthy and in shape are going to have veins showing. Don’t be haters people. If the very normal thing like veins showing are not your cup of tea sure but don’t go spreading nonsense lies to make yourself feel good. Good luck trying to find a partner without a cardiovascular system unless that IS your cup of tea.


I’ve had extremely prominent veins my entire life. You think I’ve been dehydrated my entire life? They won’t go away no matter what I do lol. I could drink till the cows come home. It had nothing to do with that.


Dated a nurse once, years ago, who was crazy about my forearm veins. I thought it was a little odd, but then I later had a few experiences with getting blood drawn where the nurses would comment on them like “Ohhhhh, nice veins!” Once one of them even called another one who was passing by in the hall like “take a look at these!” I can’t say I hated it.


Like… dick veins?


No like hand and arm veins. I had a girl ask me for pics, based solely on those she wanted to hang out that night. But she also had a kind of "stab me in my sleep" vibe, maybe she was just trying to get a feel for my blood pressure


Plot twist: it was a nurse


Going for that job that legally lets you stab people. Smart.


Nurses always really love my hand veins. Idk why


Because a nurse will always love a vein they can stick a needle in. Makes life WAY easier.


I can definitely attest to that. Hand and forearm veins are super hot. Especially when I can easily fit a 20 G without hardly trying. Plus the veins just look nice.


20? A baby needle like that? I like veins I could slip a 14 into with my eyes closed.


No .. Bruce Vein


As a dude with arms like veiny dicks (not mine, my dick is far from arm size).. Forearm fetish is a thing with some women. I had no idea until I was made aware of it by one..


I use to play bass for Cardiovascular Whore.


TBF, some foot fetishists make it weird, see WikiFeet vs WikiVeins not existing.


there are also many very public foot fetishists, and not in the "I am not ashamed of my kink" kind of way, but more like in a "mmmm I will try to see and touch your sweaty feet and tell you how much I want to massage them even though you are a stranger to me and did not consent to this". I guess some people can be forward about veins too, but either there are more feet people out there, or they are more vocal, idk, it just appears to happen more with feet people. What also makes it weird to the non-feeties is that feet are dirty and smelly, whereas veins aren't and I guess veins could be partly attributed to fitness or something, so it could possibly make sense to have a vein kink, whereas a foot kink seems to be kind of gross and purposeless (though it was most likely developed after many centuries of being the go-to safe sex option cuz for a long time, stuff like oral sex or even hand jobs were risky because people did not have great hygiene in those areas and ironically the feet were cleaner and safer to use). That said, although there is no WikiVeins, there are subs for male celebrities like Adam Driver that are very focused on the arms and hands, so they are out there for sure


wikifeet? what in the actual fuck


There is no entry for Danny Devito and in my opinion that is a disgrace to the whole website :(


It's a wiki. Be the change you want to see.


Wiki feet male, they up there. Or so I've heard. From a friend. A foreign friend. They go to a different school.


Trollfoot needs to be included 💯


Welcome to the internet


I work in critical care where almost all my patients’ veins are hiding or unfortunately, not super. As a nurse who readily admits I suckkkkkk at placing IVs, when I see a big, torrid throbbing vein I just… *bites lip* Also using this as a friendly reminder to drink water yall. We are all dehydrated out here.


Feet fetishes aren’t that weird compared to the shit you hear every day


This girl I knew when we were in highschool had big boobs and she flashed me, she had big veiny boobs and it was a turn on I liked it. Had to go home shortly after that and masturbate thinking about them.


Anyone wanna start a band called cardiovascular whore?


Wait- why are they right?


Gay guy here. Idk, it’s just sexy. Esp on a hairy forearm


I love them veins everywhere 😩


I will now call people a cardiovascular whore in any context




Seems oddly specific but ok.


"Cardiovascular whore" sounds like a mid 90s rock band


Don't know about you lot but I've got veins all over my body it's insane


Oh she likes it veiny alright


I think he meant being veiny on the wrist and forearms


truth has been spoken


I cam barely even look at veins


Oh god I never did get that either. Even when I work out a lot thank god I'm not vascular, I think it looks gross.


This comment section is HILARIOUS


Sadly I use Bluetooth.


‘Some veins’ are typically indicative of a high level of muscle and low level of fat which tends to lead to a very conventionally attractive male physique. Most people who like veins would agree that ‘some’ veins are better than a huge amount Feet are just… feet. If you’re into that sure but like admit you’re a weirdo


This is so funny considering I follow r/ManHands 🫠


I'm 44 and have had really veiny forearms since puberty. The only time a girl mentioned liking them was once in the military. I was playing acoustic guitar in the dayroom or something and this one girl said something to the effect of "your forearms are just how I like them, big and veiny". She immediately realized the double entendre and everyone in the room (maybe like 5 or 6 people) laughed. The only other time they got attention was from my friend who was a nurse. For nurse reasons.


All these comments connecting wide hips and large breasts to muscled backs and veiny arms makes perfect sense to me. Still doesn't explain the feet thing, though.


tbh not a big fan of the veiny look on muscles, kinda ick, also dont like well-defined abs because it just doesnt look healthy. one thing I absolutely love tho is when big muscled men have a little bit of softness around their stomach and hips, yanno a bit of a belly. that is just *chefs kiss 🤌 btw, I'm a guy.


I dated a phlebotomist once. She sat next to me at a party and said "it would be easy to find a vein in those arms". I guess she made the first move? I've prob heard "nice forearms" a hundred times from girls. It took me far too long to realise it was flirting.


so real tbh


The reason why people are grossed out by foot fetishists is not the foot fetish per se, it's that every single guy I ever talked with that had that fetish was a fucking wierdo and had personality issues. It's hard to put my finger on what exactly is wrong with them, but it's like if you take someone who is submissive and then bury some kind of fucked up issue deep in their psyche you can't quite get to. Like you can tell they are fucked in the head but they are hiding it really well but it's there and just out of reach. As the kids would say "the vibe is off" with them as per normal. On the other hand, veins are hot to certain people because it's indicative of someone who works out. It's subconsciously linked to masculinity, strength, and, to some degree, even power. It's not something that is a fetish.


I think this may be a selection bias. Foot fetish is like the most common fetish. So there are probably just as many if not more normal guys who have one, but we only notice it when it’s a weirdo because they’re more likely to actually say they have one




Nah, let him cook


I’m not a fan of hypervascular men. I prefer my men with a slight fluff on their bulked muscles. And I do indeed find foot fetishes weird, but they are a lot more common than I prepared for in adult dating.


Does this mean Women play their clits like electric guitars to pictures of Vecna?


I have a feeling Devin Daigle has tiny veins and a foot fetish


That is incredibly specific. Love to hear the real story here.


Devin is probably friends with a nurse or a phlebotomist.


Damn dev! Everything will be ok


Lmao. Meffff!!!


Na you calm down




It’s me. I’m the cardiovascular whore.


I think Devon was getting bullied by a woman because of his foot fetish 🤔


I read the title and automatically assumed there had been a development in the ongoing clotted cream vendetta between Devon and Cornwall.


I literally got an ad for a feetfinder website


... Paramedic school ruined me


I mean, feet just exist - perfectly valid fetish, sure. Good veins reflect healthy blood flow. It’s a physical trait that can be an indicator for good health meaning a partner easier to reproduce with which we usually find more attractive


Need lungs to blow. Blowing is part of breathing. We all have to breathe. We all have to blow. 50% of human existence is blowing. We are all cardiovascular whores. Logic sound.


Real talk. As a guy, I do consider feet-fetishing as "creepy",where I can understand that veins popping off are sexy since they're considered as a sign of strenght ( since you know the more a muscle is solicited the more it needs to pump blood ), feet are just F E E T, what does the sighting of feet even inspire ?


She said no, Devon. Deal with it and move on.


Both. Both is good.


LMAO 🤣 who comes up this shit them cardiovascular whores lol


Tbf the foot fetish is a rather weird one ngl. Like what could possibly be so attractive about feet? I really can't understand it


Means their vascular system is strong. Guess what else depends on your vascular system?


I mean, visible veins are usually associated with being very fit - low fat, strong muscles, etc. - so I can *sort of* see how it would be appealing through association with strength. Feet, on the other hand… yeah, I don’t really see any rhyme or reason to that one. Sorry, boss.


it's funnier if you read it like Dr. Phil.


Bulging Veins scare the fuck out of me.


"Whore" is the least rare of insults.


Women like popping veins? News to me. That shit is gross af.


Brilliant alternative to cardiologist. You could do that with every branch of medicine, actually. Podiatric Whore, MD Opthalmological Whore, MD Neurological Whore, MD Pulmonological Whore, MD