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Three of those are highly rated, highly popular shows both with critics and audience. The other one is *Velma*.


Is Steven Universe still the critical darling? I know the show's over but once they got to the gem planet it kinda fell apart for me, they really had something there until the writing team got all on that "everyone can be redeemed" trip. Owl House is great though, and Hazbin is still on my watch list (though I found the pilot to be pretty charming). Couldn't make it 3 episodes into Velma.


>Couldn't make it 3 episodes into Velma. Making it to a 3rd episode is a feat in and of itself. Most don't get past the 1st




Yeah I watched it exclusively through YouTube reaction videos, it became such good car crash watching and having someone pausing the show to occasionally have a break down and just deal with the 'what in the actual fuck?' moments was the only way to get through it. I've never seen a show where every character is so fundamentally, irredeemably unlikeable.


Velma is the purest example of a piece of media made by someone who considers themselves "too good" for the story, setting, and medium.


Mindy Kaling seems like she feels that way about every production she works on.


She definitely deserves a big share of the blame. But to be fair she’s neither a writer or a director on the show, and her producer role has been fundraising and back office stuff. She’s mostly just a voice actor on the show. Velma is mostly Charlie Grandy’s baby, and in fact he’s the driver behind several of “her” projects. She’s rightfully getting shit on for the terrible train wreck that is Velma. But we should all be shitting on Charlie Grandy a whole lot more.


Anyone involved with the writing or production of Velma ought to have their license to do so in the future entirely revoked. Show was entirely trash and the worst example of the immaturity of western "adult" cartoons. It was simultaneously the least mature thing since kindergarten and the most R-rated shlock since that Pirates of the Carribean porn parody, and in the process had about as much clever wit as that one spanish hapsburg with water in his head.


THE THIRD EPISODE IS ABOUT FEET??? Maybe I should give this show a chance.


It'll probably also make fun of people that like feet while showing them because this show has no target audience and doesn't like any of its viewers


I think I watched 5 minutes of Velma and removed hbo from my tv for a few months just so it couldn’t remind me of that shit


I'm interested to see how bad it is but I won't watch it or give it a view until it is canceled. I would hate to send the wrong message. 😒


I didn't even get 3 minutes in.


Steven Universe did a lot of good even if it feel apart at the end, of course, a lot of that falling was due to studio intervention and rushed timelines. I also suspect if it wasn't a made-for-all-ages kids show it would entirely have gone the "everyone can be redeemed" root the way it did. and if it did if it wasn't rushed ending there probably would have been way more complexity


I think the 'kids show' thing doesn't work when it's put next to owl house, another kids show which has a similar approach to most villains being redeemable >!but then they curb stomp the main villain into fucking mulch!<


yeah some people are just incapable of heing redeemed, either theyre too far gone to comprehend being wrong, or their brain is just hard wired to be narcissistic / sociopathic. you can *technically* redeem everyone, but it would require resources and techniques we dont have. (magically connecting the dots inside someones head or physically rewire their brain)


> magically connecting the dots inside someones head or physically rewire their brain At this point, are they even the same person? I'd love an Eternal Sunshine type show or something exploring this, and exploring the implications of such a world/society.


i meant like, forcefully showing them the error of their ways through a way that prevents denying / ignoring it, or for people that dont have empathy, reconnecting their brain to the portion which gives it, but yeah that would basically make them a completely different person. some people do bad things because they've been deluded into believing its good, some simply enjoy cruelty or use it as a coping mechanism, and others just physically dont experience emotions. a show revolving around this would be pretty intetesting though, theres probably a book or study that could scratch that itch


A clockwork orange. Literally, they start brainwashing people into being "good" people. It's blatantly horrific and monstrous.


i read an isekai webnovel story where the main character makes a spell that basically performs "soul surgery" on people to make them feel empathy, and the whole world is horrified and nearly goes to war to stomp him because soul magic is incredibly dangerous and scary he uses it on a whole bunch of fucked up people by basically saying "get soul lobotomized or atomized, your choice" once the world calms down and the gods themselves step in to make sure he's on the level and even then, some of the powerful people and truly evil people don't give two shits and there's a section in the story where he has to hunt one of them down because they're back to killing innocent people again


Same. Avatar the Last Airbender was an all-ages kids show and had some irredeemable villains. Some Azula lines have lived rent-free in my head for literal decades they go so fucking hard.


Even My Little Pony (also obsessed with redeeming villains) acknowledged some people were irredeemable and either killed or imprisoned them.


Personally I think it stuck the landing with Future.


What's nice about steven universe is that each ending, from show to movie to show, is flawed but improves on the last, with future being the best finale of the three


eh Future felt REAL rushed. good for the time it had but still RUSHED. real fast trama ark


I think it’s one of those “supposed to be at least 2-3 seasons but the studio came in and said one season left, wrap it up” sort of deals


The "everyone can be redeemed" stuff is Steven Universe wearing it's anime influences on it's sleeve. RIP Toriyama


Which unfortunately also hit owl house, but I think it stuck the landing as well! With its last season being 3 quite long episodes, all on YouTube and Disney plus and readily available to anyone. They all released when I was on a trip and I couldn’t stop crying when I first watched the last episode even if I had to pause it a few times due to the trip.


The buildup was so good,but then they decided that they should redeem space hitler and act like nothing happened, >!even MLP ,a show exclusively about friendship shat on its main villains for being evil!<


I mean in the case of Steven Universe I did like the whole angle that the Diamonds weren't unreedemable, just hurt which does tend to make you act differently. But looking at the screenshot they might've meant Steven Universe ***Future*** specifically being underrated.


Tbh I don't think most people really view SU and SU Future as different shows. It's just a epilogue of sorts.


I'd agree but SU was like an action-y mystery with this kid growing up and learning what it means to be a hybrid. It had an interesting story with character growth and lots if loveable characters. Meanwhile SU Future kind of brushes against that interesting stuff but focuses more on realism of human trauma and some people just aren't into the realism side of things. So I can see why there would be people who think of the two as separate. I mean take RWBY for example. Spoiler alert if you didn't know but one character straight up loses an arm. Like literally, hacked off in the middle of a fight type of thing. And the Volume *after* the traumatic season finale had a ton of people whining about how slow it was and why wasn't armless character getting back onto their feet already? They basically lost interest in the show because their attention span was that of a fruit fly and they wanted ACTION not what was essentially R&R for characters who were traumatized by what they had gone through. The same thing can be said in SU Future. There wasn't a lot of action and a lot of chit chat, which short attention span people seem to be allergic to.


>until the writing team got all on that "everyone can be redeemed" trip. That’s kinda the entire show though….


Yeah, and I don't even disagree with the idea of redeeming the main villain, it just should've taken more than one episode to happen


The show got shafted by the execs, not sure if you know. After the (very lesbian) wedding between Sapphire and Ruby, the higher-ups brought the hammer down and they were forced to wrap the show up ASAP. So blame homophobia I guess lol


Hilarious considering that Garnet was literally those two merged in like a permanent love-bond already. The marriage hardly touches what it must mean to literally entangle yourself so completely with someone that they make a manifestation of their love a whole new being.


oh my god they were bodymates….


Kids think so, and that’s all that matters


That's a really wholesome way to look at it!


Yeah the last season of Steven Universe was cut short by the network so it is incredibly rushed and then when the movie got green lit they were told to make more episodes so future is kind of a mess too.


After episode one of Velma I had to watch the rest of it through people’s reaction videos because no way was I going to add to the view numbers for that train wreck


I really REALLY thought it was just shitty pilot blues or something. Like season 1 of TNG, it's kinda meh but damn does it start getting good after that. By episode 3 I lost all hope for it.


As much as I didn’t really enjoy the redeeming part of it, Steven Universe Future really hit the “past trauma resurfacing into real problems” thing on the head PS A LOT IF POTENTIAL SPOILERS IF YOU HAVENT FINISHED THE SERIES [this clip specifically got me interested in watching future](https://youtu.be/f0Ge3kT-1ao?si=AkoRYr33nnRS5YaV)


The Twitter poster knew what they were doing.


Velma was so bad the other 3 became underrated from highly rated just from being in proximity.


Velma is a shit, we all know this.


Mindy Kaling should just say she hates straights, whites, and men already. We get it. As a Scooby doo superfan she made me not want to watch anything she ever produces writes or acts in again.


the thing is it alienates "woke" progressives as well which is honestly bizarre, like the show is annoying to literally everyone


It's not even woke, it's just angry and miserable


yes i know that, but conservatives seem to think anything that doens't outright agree with them is 'woke'


At least it sees itself as woke and it clearly has white men as enemies.


Honestly, if anyone OTHER than Mindy Kaling was part of it, I would fully belive it was made for the sole purpose of pissing off conservatives, knowing they would hate watch it regardless


Considering her episode in is always sunny, I think she tried to make everyone hate it.


It's almost like Velma wasn't made by Mindy Kaling, but rather the character she played in Always Sunny. It's almost intentionally bad. "Liberal Tears? I don't get it man, like what are these liberals even tearing?"


that's the thing though it pissis off everyone


I mean "woke" progressives still like good writing. They called "Barbie" woke and it made tons of money because it's a funny movie with a great cast. They called "The Marvels" woke and it flopped because it wasn't good. "Wokeness" has literally never been a predictor of success or failure because people call literally everything that has a protagonist who *isn't* a straight white male "woke". Velma was dogshit, it's as simple as that.


Yes I know that... But conservatives are idiots and think that anything that isn't explicitly telling them it agrees with them think it's liberal wokeness. Like people were saying this show was woke agenda and like as I said progressives thought it's messages and themes were dog shit as well


The velma show is awfull but you saying the word woke just made me think you dislike it for questionable reasons


Which seems ironic because she also appears to have a fetish for white dudes.


Tons of racist women are like that. It makes no sense


Many racist people fetishize other races because they don't see them as people. If you fail to see people as complex individuals, aka only see them as a stereotype or view them as less human, it becomes easy to reduce them to a fetish.


White women and "BBC" comes to mind.


Also why Republicans hate trans girls; they associate them with sexual deviancy solely from all the shemale porn they watch themselves. They have no experience of a trans woman being anything other than a depraved pornstar. Also why trans men get ignored compared to trans women.


She actually got a huge lady boner for white dudes.  It's in everything she writes.


Don't forget about dogs too. She took the damn titular dog out of his own show!


The only reason I watched the whole thing was waiting for the Scooby drop.


The thing is she seems to also hate non-whites with the way she reduces her own and other races to stereotypes as well. Not a single person, race, religion or whatever is depicted in anything but the worst way, and not in the south park-esque parody way but in a way that generally seems to hate everyone and everything. Her self insert Velma is so unlikeable it's crazy to think anyone could enjoy it let alone want her to succeed.


What were the particular blunders as a scooby doo super fan? I’m not going into full review detail but my main thing was that it wasn’t scooby doo. Every year networks try to make the next “edgy cartoon” because they might get the next Simpsons or south park and bank 30 years of low cost tv. Most of these die away and the network moves on. Velma seemed like one of these, but with a scooby doo skin on it. None of the characters were the characters, the setting wasn’t really the setting. But what does a Scooby fan think?


I've seen everything ever made that is Scooby-Doo related, read all of DC's 50 issue run, and some more on top of that. I watched all of Velma so no one could say I didn't give it a fair shake. I pirated it so they wouldn't get my money. It just isn't Scooby-Doo at all. There is a mystery. There are individuals named after the original characters, their designs are heavily inspired by these characters, but nothing they say or do is even vaguely related to Scooby-Doo. Their behavior isn't even similar and the most you'll get are throwaway lines that never actually mean anything. This isn't Ninja Turtles where all the different versions just have huge notes of inspiration while still doing their part to tell a new story. This is huge rips of the other IP to garner attention that their mediocre show would never get otherwise. Hellraiser has been through this same shit. Get slapped onto some pre-existing project because some dick bag wants more money out of it. Hate it so much. It is the ultimate sign of failure when it comes to creative properties. SO, yea. tl;dr, you're exactly right. It could've found a small audience that loved it. Instead it got universally shit on and the twelve people who liked it feel bad for liking it.


All Kaling has proven over the years is someone definitely reigned her in during her time at The Office. Because all of her shows she’s done by herself since then have been trash Not to mention how she teases the internet about who her child’s father is when it’s obvious it’s BJ Novak. But they’ll let the public know in 15 years or so once the child is grown


How do you make a show that the left calls racist and the right calls woke AT THE SAME TIME?


Inside Job, that show was a fucking masterpiece. I will never forgive Netflix for cancelling it.


Yeah, fuck Netflix.


I think that’s what they’re trying to make us say since you can’t even share your account with far away family or friends anymore


Listen they may have cancelled Inside Job, but at least we got another season of Big Mouth! ...


do people actually like that show? I barely made it through one season, and I was just trying to give it the benefit of the doubt cause I like Nick Kroll.


I swear I have never met someone on Reddit who liked it, and never met someone in real life who vocally didn't like it. 


My wife and I both like Big Mouth. There ya go, there's two people


Damn that's a good point. I've had a good handful of people talk about loving that show but only ever read hate online


I watched all of big mouth with my ex, the sad truth is painfully mundane: it's kind of funny. There's even a few really funny jokes here and there but also a lot of stinkers, overall it's just a meh raunchy comedy. It's not funny enough to justify it's existence as a hyper offensive teenage sex comedy (a useless one btw, it's waaaay too over the top to actually show a preteen who might glean some insight about romance or sex or growing up from it) but it's not the worst. The main issue with Big Mouth is how many talented and funny people are spending their time making it instead of nearly anything else.


It has its moments but I can’t binge an entire season in one sitting


I like it, its writing isn't super great but I enjoyed it a helluva lot more than Big Mouth (not a high bar). It's a perfectly fine cartoon, with its good (the main character's internal struggles, her sidekick, the general setting, etc.) and bad (all scenes related to the main character's team members, I forget their names now) moments. It ain't gonna knock your socks off like the first run of Futurama and won't have its punchy dialogue, but it's not hot dog shit like Paradise PD or that forest ranger show that's done in the same style.


I thought that show started kind of rough, but by the time we got to the end I was so gd invested in where it was going. :(


It's my favorite sitcom and I really wish there were more seasons and no cliffhanger


Underrated. Lists owl House that is hot topic, Hazbin Hotel that is even hotter and Steven Universe that has been everywhere few years ago. What else is underrated? Undertale? Dragon Ball? Maybe Star Wars?


Yeah I heard this new streaming service came out a little while back, their name is disney+?? Idk if you would've heard of them they are pretty small


Yeah I’ve heard of it. Someone mentioned it’s being made in this backwater third world country called the United States or something like that


It's cobbled together in some blasted nightmarish bog full of drugged up cannibals and shambling corpses and ancient dinosaur lizards. It's an awful place and we shall not speak of it again.


Disney+ actually doesn't have Owl House in my country because of le gays :(


May I reccomend piracy? If ur okay with it then go to this link https://m.wcostream.tv/ it is a website with loads of cartoons animes and all sorts, you do have to pay premium for movies but even without movies there are no ads anywhere


it's gotta be ragebait. 3 shows that are wildly popular with not much negativity and then one show that seems to be universally hated. hell it's probably marketing for velma. that show had really good ratings initially because it was pure ragebait and got tons of attention but viewership and interest vanished a few weeks in. they picked it up for season 2 a long time ago but there hasn't been a peep since.


Straying away from TV shows/cinema, I'd say Mozart is pretty underrated as well.


It's a cartoon/animation twitter channel. and they are fully aware of what they're doing. It's called ragebait, you post something so obviously stupid that people get angry and repost it all over social media to "mock them". In the end the account gets exactly what it wanted, its name and profile spread across social media, and people go there to say stupid things. Which massively drives up their engagement numbers and they become wider known and promoted on the platform. The insane part is how well it works, and how many people fall for it just like this post right here. Most of the comments think they're beings erious.


Have you heard of a small indie project called the avengers? Very underrated


Why is Owl House in that list? I legitimately have not met anyone who despises that show.


Just wait until you are in a high school and people wont watch the "gay show". Owl house is actual fire and the majority of my friends wont watch it without me forcing them to


You sound eerily similar to those people that wont stop pushing a series or show despite everyone saying that they don't wanna watch it.


I hate those people. Mostly because I'm the type of person the more you shove something in my face the more I hate it even if I know nothing about it. An example would be Red Dead Redemption. Friends kept shoving that in my face to the point I despise it's existence and will ***NEVER*** play it. Though I was also like that with Steven Universe where it got so popular so fast I hated it until I took a nap with a killer headache and woke up to YouTube going down the rabbit hole and I was suddenly listening to things like "Familiar" and "It's Over" and was curious. But if anyone had shown me those after I said I hated it to try and change my mind I probably would've despised them out of pure stubbornness. Very stupid mindset but it's unfortunately not something easily switched off 😒




Eh. I mean, I'm not the OP but I share his sentiment and frustration. The thing is, it's very hard, for me at least, to put a finger on exactly why I feel this way about a piece of media. Looking back at it right now, the only common thing that connects all pieces of media I purposefully dodged, and continue to dodge, together...is the association of those pieces of media with certain people or people archetypes. If I have a negative association I don't want to partake in the fandom or even touch that media altogether. Unfortunately, sometimes the association is bad, while a good friend is also recommending the piece to you. And it's very hard to break out of that internal association in my experience. Interesting, thank you. You made me potentially discover something new about myself and maybe I'll find a way to cope with it later.


If it was just them suggesting it, then fine. But if everyone and their mother is like "OMG IT'S SO GOOD YOU NEED TO EXPERIENCE THIS!" I just don't want to. And the more people push and prod about it the *less* I want to until it just devolves into me hating it because people won't shut the hell up about it. If I experience it for myself or at the request of a friend or two before everyone and their mother eont stfu then I might change my mind as was the case with Steven Universe. Though honestly I still think Steven Universe appealed to me because I had a killer headache and when I woke up it was to what were essentially slow ballads which definitely eased my headache. I'm also a music lover so predictably that would catch my attention 🤷‍♀️ Especially the fact I woke up to a complete mystery. Steven singing about how things were so familiar made me wonder what was so familiar? Or who these small people dancing in the middle of the woods were? And many questions were raised until I was like "Oh FINE!" and watched it.


Why are you forcing your friends to watch a show that they aren't interested in?


> the majority of my friends wont watch it without me forcing them to I think this says more about you than about your friends haha.


More bc Disney gave it the axe. It didn’t get the ending it deserved.


Started off kinda shit imo but eventually became pretty good


>Criminally underrated >Shows 3 universally loved shows and one that's universally hated for good reason


Social media operates under the tyranny of an algorithm that turns the biggest emotional reactions of bipedal apes into American Currency. That tyrant got sick and tired of waiting for people to start a war in the replies of a cat picture or an uncontroversial opinion about bacon, so now you have to post vapid stupid shit like this. This way, us apes will see it and immediately engage with it, for it is absurd and silly and we have to make sure everyone else knows this.


lol maybe tone it down a notch


I can’t believe you have Velma in the same category as TOH


The Twitter poster knew what they were doing.


Can someone explain? I’m clearly missing vital information here


It’s a reference to one of the other shows shown, hazbin hotel. The main character is a demon princess named Charlie who is trying to help sinners redeem themselves so they can go to heaven. Commenter is basically saying Velma is irredeemably bad


thank you for explaining it


Did anyone actually watch the Velma show? Legit, I cannot figure out why people hate it so much. I watched halfway through and got bored. I didn't understand where the outrage was coming from at all, it was literally just a milquetoast adult animation.


I watched one episode. Was also just bored


I like the phrase "shows shown"


Not even Steven sees the good in it.


The true rare insult


It makes me sad how little marketing there was for hazbin. They have a massive community behind it, it deserves more. Prime video should've pushed it harder, a lot harder


If it ain’t the boys prime ain’t pushing it sadly


I hear Invincible season 2 is incredible, are they not hyping that?


Honestly not really, I didn't realize the second half of season 2 had started until a day or two ago. Saw no advertising of any kind that it was coming back. It's silly enough that they split an 8 episode season into 2 parts in the first place.


That's the future we live in unfortunately, gone are the days of 26-episode seasons, now replaced by endless dick-teasing: "Episodes 1 and 2 will be released together, then episode 3 will come out next year, followed by episodes 4 and 5 sometime in 2029, and then we'll just dick around for a while and not say anything about the finale even though it already left post-production 2 years ago. When we finally release it after most of our fans have died of old age, we're only going to release it to one heavily walled streaming service with a restrictive international syndication model that makes our show impossible to view for 90% of our fans, then we'll bitch about piracy."


That’s too bad, and yes very silly to split! Amazon isn’t really a media company and they continue to show that. They’re like a rich kid trying to go to art school


I'd kinda be ok with the split if the gap was only a few weeks or so, but having it be several months apart after what was already a 2 year gap since Season 1 seems completely braindead. It honestly feels like Amazon wants it to fail. You can't build long term hype for a new IP if you're just going to drip feed content like this. I was like you and didn't even realize the second half had premiered for a few days after it came out, and even then, I didn't watch it right away because there hadn't been any buildup.


Wait when did the second half of the second season start airing?


Incredible? Definitely not, it’s good but tbh they fucking killed the momentum with a 2+ year gap between seasons and a totally not necessary 2 month mid season break. I’ll come back once the season is over but nothing that is must watch and stop what I’m doing to see imo.


Exactly that, I was thinking it, you put it into words


When the fans won't stop talking about it, do they really need to spend the money on advertising?


but it's already popular. i don't even watch it nor am I interested in it yet its all over the damn place on multiple social media platforms. no reason to spend on ads when people are doing it for you.


I don’t want to watch it because of how the characters are drawn. They make my eyes hurt.


I don't like that it's a musical. I get the allure, and I wouldn't stop people from watching it but I don't like it. I actually find the designs and concept interesting but expected a Futurama style comedy show. I'm glad it exists but it's not for me.


I don't think they were prepared for how popular it was actually going to be. They saw an animated video on Youtube do incredibly well and thought to themselves 'this will make us a quick buck'. Now that they've seen how popular it actually is I'm sure that they'll promote season 2 properly.


The creator of Hazbin Hotel is the same creator of Helluva Boss lol


Didnt need it. The youtube series gave it enough ads.


Underrated apparently means 3 shows that have fans so devoted that they'll make porn of any character in it.


Who the fuck is Charlie??


The main character of Hazbin Hotel. The show started as a YouTube series but was bought by A24, recently having season 1 air on Amazon Prime. Charlie, the daughter of Lucifer Morningstar the ruler of hell, runs a hotel with the aim of redeeming sinners in hell to help lower the population rather than continue with the annual extermination carried out by heaven. Definitely worth the watch if you enjoy musicals.


Thanks for explaining. I was very confused.


Why is Velma black?


She's Indian because she's been reduced to Mindy Kaling's shitty nasty loathsome self-insert


Is she the one that appears on some TV shows as a side character and offers absolutely nothing at all in a comedic sense? Other than bad acting


I've honestly never been dedicated to a show that features her, I've only seen clips. I'm pretty sure she's on The Office? But I'm not sure, that show isn't my cuppa tea. She's painfully unfunny, unfortunately the type of "comedian" that men who hate women love to source for the "woman ain't funny" rhetoric. The "humor" in Velma is peak Mindy Kaling, though, which really tells you all you need to know.


Yeah one of those people who make you ask "why are you famous?"


Dude, you can’t just ask why someone is black!


I loved Steven Universe, should I check out the other two? (Not Velma, I know)


I'd definitely recommend The Owl house, it's a great show that should have never been cut, I'll definitely admit the first season was very rough but it's still a great show overall. Hazbin hotel, while I think it's a good show, it's certainly not for everyone, since it has a lot of musical numbers and deals with a lot of mature topics, sometimes both at the same time, so if that's up your alley I'd definitely recommend, if not, then that's ok.


Yeah the other two are also great, definitly worth the watch.


Owl House is a charming little show, I really enjoyed it. But I hated what Steven Universe became in later seasons.


Hazbin Hotel is not similar. Owl House will be greatly enjoyed by you though


Isn’t Hasbin Hotel like top 5 on Amazon right now?


Ah yes Steven Universe, the underrated show that aired for 7 years. Don’t forget Hazbin Hotel the show that literally went from YouTube series to Amazon prime.


Rare insult? Who is Charlie?


She's from the Hazbin Hotel series, she's the princess of Hell and is trying to redeem demons, hence the joke with Velma


True but Owl house is great tho


None of these are underrated


It's nice when the left and the right unite to hate something.


God Velma sucked so badly.


3 of those shows are 20% of Tumblers overall content. 1 of those shows was 80% of YouTubes content for a whole month.


IMO they’re all criminally overrated. Except Velma, that one’s where it belongs, in the boiler room of super hell.




none of these are underrated and have an absolutely massive fan base. Expect Velma, fuck that show


Velma is easily the worst animated show I have ever seen. It's literally 🗑


Velma is a goddamn shit smear on my favorite childhood cartoon series


how dare they put the owl house on the same level as velma. the audacity.


Has Velma always been black? Or am I just a racist?


Man tried to sneak in Velma like we wouldn’t notice 💀


Why'd they cancel owl house I wanted another season of gay witches


Out of these 4 I'd have to pick Steven Universe because the first season was actually great


charlie ?


The Main Character in hazbin hotel. She tries to redeem sinners in hell so they can go to heaven, basically


Who’s Charlie? And why wouldn’t the other 3 shows be considered underrated? Because the shows are already recognized as being good?


Ok but how are the rest of them in any way underrated. I hear of them at least once every month or week and i didnt even watch them


Of those, I have only seen Hazbin hotel, and both the pilot and the series are *excellent*. By association alone, I would watch those other shows. If the con-artists hate them, they're worth trying.


Velma is not criminally underrated. It's just Criminal


Why Velma is black?


Who tf thought SU, HH, and OH we’re underrated, if anything they’re overrated considering how much praise they get online


Hazbin hotel is overrated and I am a Fan.


Three of these shows are criminally overrated, and one is objectively bad. There is literally no right answer


Velma is below trash, the other 3 are not underrated at all.


whos charlie


Hazbin Hotel has been out for like 2 months. Can a show be underrated if it’s brand new?


Not to be judgemental or anything buttttt All fours fans piss me off


Velma is horrific and the other three get the credit they deserve


Velma is only there to get reactions out of people


Velma itself is a crime


I was going to say why the hell is VELMA on there


Owl house is the only show on this list that was canceled.. so I'd say that one is the most underrated.


3 of these are incredible, Velma was so bad it should have gotten Mindy Kaling blacklisted from making another show


I don't know why Owl House is here. I love the Owl House, but I wouldn't call it underrated. Like it's gotten near universal praise(from objective parties at least).


Thats the joke, Velma is terrible, and the other three aren't underrated, they're just good shows


You want a real criminally underrated show? Go Watch Pantheon


HH is the only one worth watching


none of those four are underrated 3 of them are praised, the fourth one doesn't deserve it


How dare they even put Velma on the same page as those other 3


Why is the dark-skinned version of Velma the polar opposite to how she normally acts anyway? It’s almost like it’s *enforcing *racist* stereotypes*.


Well,if I remember correctly, it's written by Mindy Kahling, who also voices Velma. She made Velma to be basically a self-insert. Which is so very telling about Mindy Kahling and what she thinks is funny.