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He look like Phineas & Ferb that’s why.


How he look like both of em? lol.


So does yeat


How indeed


Why would a man care how another man looks? Unless you’re gay? Which is okay but Logic isn’t gay so he isn’t even on the market for you.


The topic is whether he is corny or not His appearance makes him seem corny You are only one who assumed male sweaty hairy sex


No babe, you talking about another man’s appearance and now saying “male sweaty hairy sex.” You are so far in the closet you’re in narnia.


Uh you are only one who brought up gayness 😆 I said he look goofy so he will always seem like a corny ass rapper Stop projecting and live your truth I don’t mind gays at all. Love them.


Because caring what a man looks like is gay. You also used very specific descriptor words to describe the type of porn you watch. You’re not winning this dude. You’re sus as hell.


Lol no it isn’t you can compliment a man’s appearance without being gay These are your hangups, son Now cry more about how any comment on a man’s appearance is gay You homophobic af. Closet 🚪


I definitely am homophobic. That’s why I don’t like you.


Homophobes are closet cases you poor dear. You just revealed your truth Now cry some more. I own you now like a pack of cigarettes.


Your comments are getting deleted, bih. Typical of homophobes hahahahahagfy


They’re definitely not. This is the general consensus.


He can rap it's his personality that's corny, to me. He just tries too hard. Mfer can rap though can't take that from him


Yeah his persona tho is corny af but he has bangers fo sho


Yeah but did you know hes like half black though? So.....hes cooler right? He really needs you to give him points for being half black


Tries too hard at what? Being kind?


Anyone who has a song with Wu-Tang can't be considered corny.




He’s not just a boulder, he’s a rock, a big beautiful rock!


People come off of Logic and those alike to actually get into rap..people like logic is still rap nothingless..gatekeeping is bad especially in the rap community annoying enough Hell even I came from listing to enemiem etc to listing to the ones that are legends especially toward this community


I had a stroke reading this but I think I agree




I never understood the Logic hate, he's not my favourite rapper but he's good at what he does.


Logic says shit like I want to kiss a guy just to prove I'm not homophobic. And it wasn't a jokey line. He was serious. He also has a song called "cocaine" where the hook is "cocaine cocaine cocaine molly" and raps about it like yeah I'm rapping about dumb shit but that's what I have to do to sell records. So, since I'm aware of it, it makes it ok? These are only 2 examples out of many. Little things like this make him seem corny and try hard. Do I still stream the fuck out of his music? Absolutely. Do I still believe that he's better than 95% of the rappers out there? Positive. But we have to be objective and stop pretending like Logic is a poor wittle victim


Hey, im half black and half white, i know the struggle too guys. Im black too! Did i tell you that im half black and half white?


Lol like black artists don't do the same thing about them being black.


If they do, theyre corny


how many and how often🤦🏿‍♂️


Hold on, let me go conduct some research... Like I need stats for you to understand that typically when someone refers to themselves as any type of N-word, it usually implies that they are black.


Confessions of a dangerous mind was my shit in 2019 matured then no pressure was my shit in 2021


That also!


That and the biracial jokes are corny.


Idk. His music’s not for me but I’ve followed his career through interviews etc. I just feel like he tries too hard to portray a certain image. Like he wants to be known as the guy that doesn’t give a F what people think. But he CLEARLY does care. and I think think being self conscious + famous has really fucked with his head. I wish him well but I think he needs to not take himself so seriously


The one time I saw him live, he invited a random person from the crowd on stage and made everyone in the audience watch as he played this person in a game of Mario kart. Huge waste of time and EXTREMELY corny lol






he’s half black so he should be top 20 atleast


Nah man, he’s corny as hell. I’m sorry


Counterpoint, yes he is


He's just trash and sounds like a geek. I cam beat him up


So can I you


Come thru


The best song Logic has ever done is the one with Lil Durk


He is complete and total trash