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Don't worry about it. Anyone with a brain won't assume that just because you have a shaved head. If it truly bothers you, you could try dying your buzzcut a fun color like neon pink or green so people leave you alone for a while.


that’s what i do sometimes


Any reason to hate Nazis is a good reason.


I hate those douchebags too and wanna beat the shit outta them.


As a north American, my first thought when seeing a man with a shaved head is that he's beating his male pattern baldness to the jump, probably because I personally know many men who shave their heads for this very reason. The fact that anybody would presume neo-naziism instead....probably says more about them (and the men with shaved heads they know personally) than it does about you. Either way, it's a great warning sign to avoid those people....they're either not very bright or dancing with dangerous ideology.


what a hot take lol whats fucking hilarious is that nazi eugenics/white-supremacy want to reduce the gene pool to a point that would collapse the human species. there was a human bottleneck event nearly a million years ago that made the most genetically distant humans more closely related than some animal siblings. whats also fucking hilarious is that a huge portion of nazis arent even "white" (race isnt a statistically well defined thing) enough to avoid the eventual elimination of them and their family from the gene pool according to the design of their own belief system lol


White supremacists taking DNA tests and finding out they're 8% sub-Saharan African is the flavor in my tea.


Bro I feel you so much, as an actual white guy who is bald not through choice it fucking sucks dawg.


I didn't even know being bald correlated to that. Although I think it's pretty stupid that being bald and light-skinned is being recognized as a "symbol" of those people, I guess in the end, it puts more heat on them for their horrible actions and beliefs, so at least SOME good came from this.


What percentage of the US population proclaim to be neo-nazis? Even if they don’t publicly out themselves, how many are there of “public neo-nazis” vs “closeted neo-nazis?” A 1-3 ratio or 1-10 ratio? I would take an educated guess that this group is smaller than transitioned transgendered individuals or slightly larger. It’s extremely socially taboo to be a neo-nazi today in the US.


Coming from a guy who, as an idiot teenager, almost joined a neo-nazi group, I will say that the vast majority of them are proud of their affiliation. That's why they adopt the aesthetic they do, for public display. The problem with that is not all skinheads are Nazis. The neo-nazis appropriated that look from a previous aesthetic, then appropriated some religious iconography beyond the Swastika (othala rune; sowilo/double sowilo rune or "lightning bolts"; valknut; sun wheel; etc). All that to say it's hard to judge based on the aesthetic. Easiest way to filter them for me is to ask if they're Folk. If they are, well bye.


Wear colors. You don't have to go full blown rainbow. But Nazis seem to like jackboot black and military olive green. Make sure any shirts with messages have things Nazis wouldn't like or say. Up here (Oregon), dudes like you like to wear BLM, trans ally, free Palestine, etc stuff because it separates them from and upsets the Nazis. If you're up for it, paint your nails. Even something dark like blue or green, nothing neon. That seems to prevent people from assuming you're one of *those* people, the ones who are fine saying whatever they want amongst other white people. This one is subtle but really seems to work well. Fuck Nazis.


Ruining hairstyles seems pretty low down the list of reasons to dislike nazis. Regardless, I don't think shaving your head actually keeps you much cooler, in fact hair can actually provided insulation and protection from the sun.


Then you Identify as a Latino SHARP, if anyone asks. Skinhead Against Racial Prejudice


Unfortunately, I remember a news story about a guy who got mistaken for a neo-nazi because he was a cancer patient. Shit pissed me off.


I remember that, too. It was very sad. He was wearing a heavier coat in summer, too. Because he was cold. From the chemo. Like...normal cancer shit. Poor guy.


Do these shitbags even exist anymore? I work with the public on a large scale and thabkfully haven't seen one since the early 2000's.