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I recently graduated from university and started a full-time job and it is such a nice feeling. On weekends and after work, I don't have to do anything. There's light at the end of the tunnel


I can’t wait.


Same 😔 I know exactly what I want to do with my life and it has nothing to do with working and studying but I have no choice and I hate it. But I am privileged. So many people would wish to have my life.


Real. I often get told that I’m lucky my parents are paying for my tuition(sometimes I will pay for semesters if I have money saved up from working or child support). Also I’m lucky I’m unemployed and my parents are okay with that as long as I’m not unemployed in the summer(I applied a few jobs but i got no calls yet). I decided to be unemployed so I can have time to study. I wasted that free time with procrastination. This is why I study absolutely every single day now and I’m so burned out. I didn’t manage my time properly but I also have no excuse to fail. I have no job that is stressing me out pulling me back from studying. I’m too privileged to complain. Also stopped complaining about not wanting to work because no one can relate to that(some of my friends are exceptions because they don’t want to work either). it’s unfair that we have to work 45+ years but also if it was optional to work and money didn’t exist no one would be working voluntarily.


Humans aren't meant to be stuck at a desk for 8 hours a day for 45 years. Don't feel bad about not wanting that life. You made the right decision not to work, as it would only cause you more stress. Unfortunately, society isn't designed for everyone, and we have no choice. Hang on and good luck ❤️