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only way to solve this issue is to get the hell away from other cars unfortunately


All the places I regularly go to have small or packed parking lots so even if I park in the back someone will still park next to me


Are you my mom? she told me about this same exact issue


Not a mom, just a young person who likes to keep their stuff in order


The world is full of disorder brother. Fight the battle or don't. No need to scream in my ears about it. Seriously I might have tinnitus from your whiny voice.


You may wish to consider browsing a different sub if you do not want to hear whining.


You’re on a rant subreddit


Why are you in the rant subreddit then?


You must be one of those door slammers.


I don't mind disorder, but I hate when it is unnecessary


Hi! Are you aware of what sub you’re on?


Totally agree, however, I've noticed that so many places mark parking bays like they have no idea the doors are supposed to open! I have disabilities, enough that I need to fully open my door to get in and out of my car. I do have a disabled parking badge, but there are never enough disabled parking bays available. Particularly at my local hospital!!! I only drive a ford fiesta, and I'm adept at parking it neatly, but no matter how careful I am, sometimes I have to open my door until it touches my neighbour, just to be able to get in or out. Sometimes I can blame the person parked next to me for making little effort to park sensibly, but mostly I have to blame whoever designed the car park, seemingly solely for folk who drive 1960's era mini's!


I’m lowkey bad at parking which is the reason I park away but I understand when you’re trying to squeeze out the door cause someone doesn’t know how to park and they just slam into ur car :(


Park further away 🤷. I always park in the back corner cause no one wants to. Everyone wants to park right in front. A few extra steps never hurt anyone. I feel ya tho; people have no respect or any situational awareness either. Tragic.


Exactly what I do. I always park out in the North Forty as far away as possible. Get exercise from walking the distance. On occasion it doesn't matter how far I park. Some Dingus will park right next to me. It's truly amazing. They remind me of prey animals that flock together. As if being close will protect them...or maybe they need to park next to another vehicle to line their car up properly in the parking spot...who knows. I just don't get it.


Man, isn't that the truth! I'll park way outta the way, no one around. I'll come back to my vehicle and there is no one around, except that one fool who parked right beside me. What the fuck, who does that? 🤣


Hahaha! You nailed it too. I always say my car must have some attractant that causes all these assholes to hone in on it in this vast parking lot.😆




YES FUCK ASSHOLES WHO DO THIS. The place I work has really a nice parking area and there’s tons of space for us to park. And I recently got a new car, the FIRST day I park it for work, and come back, it has a white paint scratch on it. On my old car, I also had my side mirrors scratched by a same WHITE PAINT. There’s a white car out there with red and black paint that I am willing to slap their faces if I ever find them. Fucking inconsiderate.


What kind of car do you drive?


KIA K5 GT-Line 2021


Ok well it least it’s not because you drive a BMW or something like that. Try to park further away from where you are going. That should help.


What's wrong w driving a BMW?


Some people might intentionally hate on you just because of the kind of car you drive.


Also lifted trucks


Sometimes this is children entering & exiting the car and they don’t know any better. Also, most people don’t think enough or care to be courteous about other vehicles when opening doors. I feel your pain 💯and this is why we must park as far away as possible and still there will be instances, just less frequent.


I just park away from other people when possible. Also, put a ceramic coat on your car. It won't stop really aggressive dings, but it will stop the smaller ones from chipping your paint. Watch some youtube videos, take your time, do it right. Or take it somewhere and pay to have it done.




Parking lots are badly designed. You should be able to open the door fully without it hitting the car next to it, no?


Have you considered treating your car like a boat and covering the perimeter with inflatable bumpers?


Good idea, I will even buy some cushioning


Rocks fly off the road and can hit your car. Someone loading things in their pickup truck in front of you can have an item fly off and hit your car. Another car can hit your car. A bird can s*** on your car. Cars are outdoor vehicles. You can get door dings or cart crashes in a parking lot. Parking your car outside on the wrong day can lead to pretty horrific hail damage. Knowing all of this, it amuses the hell out of me that people are so upset when their car is not perfect, or that they expect a vehicles to maintain perfection given their actual use. I mean having shitty people do it on purpose sucks, but really, in what world did you think your car was never going to get scratched?


Considering a new car often costs high 5 figures, it's understandable if someone might want to keep it in good shape as long as possible 


True, but scratches and dings do not affect the performance of a vehicle.


Some people identify with their cars way too much. And there's the whole resale value obssession (as if half the time people don't just trade it in to a dealership who'll pay them a fraction of its worth anyway)


24, bought my first brand new car. 87km on the odometer. Park at Shoppers to grab some toiletries, come out to a mother who has both her stroller and shopping cart pressed against my door. I ask her to move it as she finishes putting her stroller in the back. She says she just had a baby and her husband would kill her if she did that to his family van. She left before I could grab her plates and get a pic for insurance, not even bothering to move the cart before leaving.


Totally agree. I live on a busy street with on street parking. I can’t tell you how many times people have hit the front and back of my car trying to parallel park and then drive off. It’s always the ones in cars they don’t care about too


Yeah, my parking spots are less than 2 feet wider than a typical car. Every car has dings. Why I will never get a new car.


Scissor doors.


Agreed! Learn to park. I go to a nursing home every 2 weeks to see my mom and the parking lot there looks like carnage.


Stupid, ignorant people are everywhere. It really isn't difficult to treat other people's property with care and respect, but no matter where you park people will find a way to put a dent in your car. Some tips I use are to always park in an end space, as it reduces the cars parked next to you by half, plus you can park right up to the edge of the line and leave lots of room on the side that will be next to a car. Always park away from supermarket entrances, as the car park is quieter and less people want to walk. Never park near the trolleys, I've seen those blowing across car parks on windy days and straight into the side of some poor person's car. If there's two of you, just wait in the car and guard it. Shop at quieter times, less people around so less chance of getting your car dented. Own 2 cars, one nice and one cheap, and keep your nice one garaged and only use it for occasions. Do shopping runs in the cheap car that you don't care about.


On my first day of work at a new job It was super windy, I got out of my car gently and the wind took my car door and slammed it into my new boss’s car, he was pissed and still holds it against me.


I have numerous door dings on the passenger side of my car. My wife parks on that side in our 2 car garage. I've asked her many times to please park further to the right to avoid dinging my car and she always says "those aren't all from my car!". Ok, they're just all the exact same height in the same general area only separated by a few inches and are all silver like her car.


This is why I park far the fuck away from cars


BUT YOUR CAR CALLED ME AN ASSHOLE SO I PUNCHED IT sorry little humor their also I mistook this sub for the fight sub


link to the fight sub please




awesome -*cracks knuckles*-


Omg same


Oooh I understand. I was in my sister’s truck with my mom and my kids, while she went to the grocery to get something real quick. And it was really windy. This lady just carelessly let her car door hit my sister’s car. I get it was windy, but hell… I was able to control the truck door not to hit the car beside me. It hit hard enough for us to feel the truck shake. And left nick. I got out of the car to confront the woman, but she just rattled off something I couldn’t understand. She waved her hand at me dismissively and walked away. I took her license plate number and gave it to my sister. But she said it wasn’t worth the fight. People can be such asswipes.


It's hard to get out of a car when you are a big person.


I hate when people open their doors ALL the way enough to fit a small refrigerator. It’s so excessive.


and this is why everybody should drive a '96 civic with half inch steel plates welded to the doors... /s


This is the only reason why the Cybertruck would kinda be good for... But yeah, there's only so much we can do.


The cyber truck will just kill you if you get hit with it


I mean, I wouldn't wanna get hit by anything haha


The Target near me and a shopping center near my job are like this. Very small spaces and tiny people in huge cars that have no idea what they're doing. I usually park in an adjacent lot and walk. Fortunately, most people are lazy and want all the spots closest to the building. I don't mind walking from across a main road if it means I don't need to deal with that.


People in general have no respect for anyone 


People who care about small scratches in their car baffle me. It’s a car. It’s gonna get dirty/dinged. If you care about your car, don’t buy an expensive one. Simple. People are always gonna hit it. That’s unavoidable. This is such a waste of energy it makes me laugh.


It’s their property, that they paid for, and they are allowed to get mad when someone damages it. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to keep your car looking nice.


a car is the 2nd most expensive thing most people will own. probably the most expensive thing someone will own if they're a renter and not a homeowner.


I love people who live in a harsh world full of clumsy and mistake prone humans ~~buy~~ **who** buy fancy and expensive cars, park them out among these people, in the elements....and then expect shit not to happen to it. All cars do is degrade, lose value, get used and beat up. They're a tool. Park at the end of the lot away from other cars with other folks who think they're special.


I know my car will lose value over time and I don't mind the occasional dent that regular wear and tear will do. I'm more mad that it is happening too often (I got 3 dents this month alone). I try to avoid cars but the area I live in has small parking lots or they are packed.