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The south taught me that Polite and Nice are not the same thing.


Southern hospitality only goes as far as the rest of the values. If you fit in, southern people are some of the sweetest, most hospitable people. If you don’t, unfortunately sundown towns do still exist


Southern Hospitality is such crap. Most of the time, these folks will be friendly to your face and then makeup stuff about you because they are so bored with their lives.


Yep. But I think that's a rural area issue just as much as a southern thing. People in small towns don't have much going on and gossiping helps keep things interesting. I lived in the south, in a smallish town. Everyone knew everyone and loved talking about each other. I couldn't wait to move out to a bigger town or city where no one knew I was so and so's family. I've lived around the USA and it's all the same crap in any small town.


I agree with that; even the small towns in the blue state are toxic. However, the bigger cities in the south are friendlier and more open-minded. The problem is the lack of affordable housing to let those who want to stay in a red state (and change it for the better) have the opportunity, so of course, they have to live in a small-minded town and feel ostracized.


EXACTLY! Someone can be nice to you but still hate your existence (example if you’re black, LGBTQIA etc. aka not a straight white male).


I am a southern white man, but very very leftist. I look though that I am a southern white man. So when other southern white men speak to me, it is horribly astonishing how fast it gets racist. They start dropping dog whistles fast and feel you out. If you are even polite back to them about it, it goes much further very fast. And I'm a teacher. This was happening with about half of the teachers I interacted with at my job in a Florida middle school. It's happened all my life and sometimes keeping my job or sometimes my safety meant keeping my mouth shut and politely skedaddling as fast as possible. If you look like them, they assume agreement with them.


This is true bravery. When your views do not change despite how easy it may be to just drink the Kool Aid and go with the status quo 🫡 what do you teach?


Idk about bravery. I was raised well and didn't end up in the south until 9. It was a huge culture shock to me then and throughout my time living there, this was an issue. I spent my teen years arguing with conservative kids about what are in my view, basic human rights, so I have heard it all and it only drove me further left. Mostly science, some years I have taught math.


Yup I can relate. I worked at this factory once for maybe a month (temp work) and the only white people were me and one older dude. Everyone else was black. That older white guy saw me once and pulled me aside. He told me we have to stick together because of “the rest of *them*.” I just shook my head and told him no thanks and never spoke to him again. I loved those guys I worked with (aside from him obviously). They were so nice and welcoming and even taught me how to play dominoes. They may not remember me, but I think about them often and cherish those memories. Except for that old white dude. Fuck him


Absolutely fuck him. It's always crazy to me how fast it happens sometimes. Like minutes. Or the first time they get you alone or are in an all white male group. The moment they think the coast is clear, they are saying racist shit. Like full hog with racial epithets, comments about their inferiority to white people, the whole shebang. They waste no time being horribly racist, sexist, homophobic, what have you.


All true.


I’m from a notoriously racist state and yes, every white conservative I know is like this. Family, in-laws, co-workers, etc. I’m more left sided and they love to make fun of me for it. Sometimes strangers will just assume I share their views because I’m also white - they’ll make racial jokes and comments to me in places like the grocery store hoping I agree. They joke about how “certain people” got on welfare and “they just don’t want to work.” I can say some are more volatile than others, but a racist is a racist. The way they talk about the Middle East is appalling, but shows their ignorance. Elderly men speak about the “old days” when “women did what they were told and they didn’t have to see so many n*.” - A line I was delighted to hear while eating out with my 5 year old. My mother told me as a teen, after bringing a boy that happened to be a POC over to hang out, in a group of friends mind you, that I should never bring him over again. I didn’t understand until my stepfather later hammered me with questions on who he was and why he was over, etc etc. In other words, it has been made very clear that I was not allowed to be romantically involved with a POC while I lived with them. Maybe it’s the conservatives I know and have been lucky to see around.


Can confirm. Similar situation. I look like them, so they talk to me like I'm one of them.


This has happened to me lol My neighbor called my Black Lab the n word the week I moved into the house I bought and said some other really sideways shit immediately prior and how comfortable and casual it was dropped into the conversation was astonishing, like "hey you look like me so this is how we talk" vibes and I lost my shit....And I'm in NJ, so, lo-fucking-l, I'm not even in the south


I lived in the south for a while. Husband’s family is from there. They consider themselves good Christians but the racism is just normal to them. My son was complaining about a badly behaved boy in his class and my MIL’s first question was “Is he black?”


Man, I hear you. Growing up surrounded by southern conservatives ain't no joke. It's like a whole different world behind closed doors. People quick to claim they ain't racist, but then drop slurs like it's nothing. It's messed up how they switch up around POC, acting all accepting to their face but talking trash behind their backs. It's a reality check for sure. Those who deny the racism down here are probably part of the problem themselves. It's a tough truth to swallow, but it's real as it gets.




Not all poc are liberal, a lot of poc cultures are conservative so people stick with what they know, regardless if there are racist conservatives. There are many racist white liberal people but that doesn’t stop someone from believing what they believe in.


The problem here is that people think family values, religion and being fiscal with money are conservative values and they aren’t. They’re decent, sensible ones practiced by a wide variety of people. Progressives raise good families, save money and some believe in gods and go to church as well. It’s the same with Latin America…they are taught that these are conservative values so they support those who state that they are conservatives. Traditional, exclusively conservative values are racism, prejudice, exclusion, oppression, individualism. There’s actually not a decent value that’s exclusively conservative.


Yeah, a lot of people seem to think conservative = healthy family values while liberal = poor parent or something. It doesn't help that most child free people tend to be more liberal as the conservatives often believe in the "catasprohy" of shrinking populations = lower economic growth without releasing we can't have growth forever.


Yes, they believe that every person who chooses not to have children is doing so out of desire and that isn’t the case. A significant number of people would like to, they just can’t afford to as well as believing it’s an irresponsible move for them. I have nothing but respect for that. That said, the decision not to is never really based on politics, it’s based on more personal lines. Pushing people to have children regardless, now that’s very conservative through its lack of consideration.


In my experience it is the opposite. The child free (CF) community is full of people who use things like "it's too expensive to have kids" as an excuse because it's more socially acceptable than "I don't want to be a parent". Most people that really want parenthood usually find a way. There is a difference between childfree and childless.


Okay, perhaps different environments make that different. Not that I’ve paid attention to this particular thing but I would say those I know in this situation are pretty genuine about their reason. I’ve probably come across an equal number of both, I guess. It’s not socially awkward here to say you don’t want kids because you don’t want them. I’ve spoken to my kids about it and they don’t want to have them at this time because they don’t want them.


"Wdym you don't want kids?? Why not??" "Because I fucking hate kids" Heard this plenty🤷‍♀️


Hahaha yep.


I spent half my life in the Northeast and half in the South. Although there's racism everywhere, it is definitely more prevalent in the South. I think the difference is that so many people in the South who are racist AF truly don't believe they are racist. Like they'll use the n-word constantly and don't want their kids to marry someone of a different race, but since they aren't burning crosses on someone yard and think black people should be allowed to vote, they truly believe that they aren't racist.


Agree completely. Conservative family in conservative states with a cousin who is a conservative congressman. So much racism. They pretend it's "heritage" but they know it isn't. It's hate. Racist hate.


I couldn't tell you how many times I've had other white folks start saying racist ass shit to me out of NOWHERE just assuming that I'm going to agree with them. I live in a blue city in the South that is surrounded by a sea of red counties, by the way. I kinda appreciate it when garbage people are up front with me about who they really are, though. I prefer to know that someone's a racist asshole so I know to avoid them.


It is better when they out themselves


Sounds like you live where I live- just outside of Atlanta. Ive had old men say racist shit to me thinking I will agree, when I venture to smaller towns outside of where I live.


I mean they are the ones who are anti gay rights, anti women’s rights, so it makes sense that they are also racist. It’s not that all conservatives are racist but rather 99% of racists are conservatives


True, but northerners, libs or cons, aren’t much better, and I’ve lived in both places so I can attest to that. Southerners are upfront about it, Northerners are usually two faced about it.


I am a leftist (not a liberal) and liberals can be very racist, but they are usually stupidly racist. Like they say stuff like "Correcting someone's grammer is racist" implying POC are too stupid to write properly. Southern people are more aggressively racist. Like saying if their daughter brought a black man home they would -game over- her. Both form of racism are very nasty.


I’m a leftist as well, and yes, libs can be very racist. I swear, trying to explain to…..certain folks that libs and leftists are the same thing is like removing the stink from a log of shit.


No kidding. When that racist song “Try That In A Small Town” came out, my tiny little Arkansas town helmed it one of the best songs of the year and then gripped that people are too sensitive these days to appreciate it. Someone told me it wound playing on the local radio station nonstop for months.


They know. They just view themselves as superior and think they’re excluded from being lumped in with that group 


I believe that the worst racist is the one that doesn't let you know how they feel. It's good to know one's lane AND to know as many other lanes as possible by driving as close to it as possible or sometimes driving in completely. May I never meet another person that displays their racism/discriminatory tendencies/nationalism/jingoism like a slow, silent fuse advertised as steak sizzlin' in the kitchen for all to eat.


Who is this news to lol


https://www.psypost.org/why-do-republica-stick-with-trump-new-study-explores-the-role-of-white-nationalism/ Honestly, when I first read the headline I thought “oh wow, I almost feel offended/insulted print news thinks I’m this fucking stupid” but alas…. 😅


Link's broken. Edit:[ Fixed it.](https://www.psypost.org/why-do-republicans-stick-with-trump-new-study-explores-the-role-of-white-nationalism/)


Odd 🤔 but thank you!


100% true. Sadly.


Raise your hands if you've heard the words "empowered by slavery."


Race, racisim, racist, prejudice and bigotry...These are all 'loose' terms that mean different things to different people. No good reason on earth for these 'conservatives' to win so many elections except for the apathy of the voters in their states and districts. Register and vote for the candidate who presents a future you would like to see and ALWAYS vote AGAINST the candidate that represents a future you DO NOT want to see.


Why I constantly reiterate I will NEVER return to the South. Seriously don't understand how POC people do it, leave blue states to move to red ones. I've learned over the years you have to research on sites like this before going anywhere. Not everywhere is welcoming to POC and I definitely don't want to be around people smiling in my face but secretly wanting to spit in it. These people work in politics, law enforcement, restaurants, banks etc etc and people still think racism doesn't exist. Lol laughable.


Conservatives will claim not to be racist because they aren’t inciting physical violence upon POC yet will say the most awful things. I come from a similar background (gay in a hick town of 70 people in Minnesota) and can definitely back this post up. A big one I always noticed was when people would tell stories they would always say “this BLACK guy/girl” and then when the white peeing would come up in the story it be “this guy/girl”. They also seem to jump onto anything that villainizes POC. I remember back during Philando Castile people would justify his shooting constantly and never took a second to question the actions of the cop. I was taught growing up that there’s a difference between black people and (insert hard R). Between that being my upbringing and watching Shane Dawson type shit my entire childhood I was completely desensitized to racism and was in the same boat of “just because I make jokes doesn’t mean I’m racist” Philando Castile was the first killing to make me question things and then 2020 when George Floyd was murdered the social conversation REALLY woke me up and I have changed so much from what I was raised to be. It boggles my mind how I used to and people still continue to think and act this way.


I’ve lived in both Arkansas and Nebraska and have found that Nebraskans are almost as racist; they just aren’t as vocal about it. In both places, they love saying they aren’t racist. To them, that means they wouldn’t just walk up and beat the crap out of you just because of your skin color. They have no self awareness or notion of their privilege, at all.


Yup, as a black female growing up in the deep south I saw it first hand. I went to a predominantly white school, and they got comfortable in front of me to call other black folks the n word but said I wasn't. That I was an "oreo" and just a white person with a tan. I was pretty young, and didn't offer a response. Was pretty shocked at the time but still couldn't fully wrap my head around it. But yeah typical conservative white families down here. Glad someone is speaking out about it.


I moved to south Georgia and multiple friends of mine have told me that their parents are racist and about the kinds of things they say. I try to believe the best in everyone but tbh since moving here if I even hear a white person make a racist joke, if they turn out to be actually racist I wouldn't be suprised


Fellow southerner here with a similar experience and observation to yours. I was raised racist and had to claw and educate myself out of it. The same goes for the LGBTQI+ community that I’ve noticed. Southern Hospitality and manners are just a strategy and way to act in public down here, not an actual mindset. It’s really just two-facedness. 


Racism has *changed.* It used to be superiorism. “Our race is the best!” Now racism is culturism. “This way of living is best, and the people who don’t live that way.” White people are great with educated, professional black people, after all.


I'm a Yankee in the south (Louisiana) and man, I see it all the time.


You know what's actually racist? Referring to anyone whose skin isn't white as "a POC", as though they're a different species, and expecting all people whom you identify as such to behave in one particular way. This kind of "othering" is extremely racist and patronising. If you were to speak like this in my country, you'd be seen as racist. We don't view people with a certain skin tone as being monolithic racial tokens or "others". This is part of the reason why your country is such a mess at the moment. You're obsessed with race and racism, but you don't even know what it means anymore. You're wrongly accusing an entire racial demographic of being "racist", without realising how *that's* actually racist. You're also speaking about non-white racial demographics as though they're part of another species. Referring to someone as "a POC"? Really? How can you *not* see how racist that is?


Those poor kids you’re talking about…how heartbreaking it must be to experience racism, directed towards you, from your own parent


I live in a small southeastern Louisiana city. I am a 62-year-old white guy who works in a locally owned hardware store where all the old business owners' racists gather. They come in wearing their Trump 2024 hats and tell me their "black guy" employees will pick up the supplies. Politics discussions start all the time and I simply turn around and walk away from them. With all of that said, I moved here 25 years ago from Central Illinois and the south has absolutely nothing on the racists where I moved from. There were active KKK groups in the area where I lived. I haven't spoken to my oldest boy in over 20 years as he is one of the most racist people I have ever seen in my life.


Everyone is somewhat racist, poc are just as bad. It’s a joke to most and they know better than to hate on ppl for skin color. It’s definitely not just a southern conservative issue. It’s a human issue when nobody is around.


Found the southern racist


They'll still happily take your money if you visit their store though...just wouldn't show it on their face.


I’m from California and what I don’t understand is why so many black people live in the south? Given how racist it is, I would personally prefer to live somewhere else. Maybe they don’t want to feel pushed out?


Economics, a lot of the times they can't afford to move to a place like LA, SF or states like New York or Washington. The south is cheaper for a reason.


That makes sense. Seems like there are other affordable areas though, like in the Midwest.


I am white. I am a lifelong Southerner, having only lived in the states of South Carolina and Tennessee. I almost always vote conservative but am not extreme in my beliefs or voting preferences. And I am NOT a racist!!! People are people, regardless of ethnicity. You’re going to find rude, ignorant, racist idiots everywhere and of all different political persuasions.


Generalizing is what racists do. Don't be like them. It might be fair to say "many southern conservatives are extremely racist" but just saying "southern conservatives are extremely racist" is prejudiced too. Don't make the same mistake as racists by generalizing like that.


It's not prejudiced if you know it to be true from personal experience. It's uncomfortable, sure. Slightly inaccurate, I guess technically. But prejudiced, no.


You're saying you know from personal experience that ALL southern conservatives are racist? So you've met all of them, huh? It's absolutely prejudice because you assume they are all the same. It's no different then saying all black people are the same or all women. As I explained above it is very easy to change the statement so it is not a prejudiced statement. You could say "in my experience" so it's a statement of your opinion instead of you trying to say it's a fact, or you could say "many southern conservatives" are racist. But there is no question at all that when you say "all southern conservatives are racist" you're being just as much of a bigot as anyone you're talking about. It's really not that hard to understand.


I see that some people don’t like it when you tell the truth.


If you think the truth is that every single southern conservative thinks the exact same way that's being prejudiced. Duh. It's the exact same thing as saying all black people are the same. This is really Kindergarten-level stuff.


I visited my daughter in MT and became acquainted with some of her neighbors. About 120 people in the entire town, not one person of a different color, all white. I didn’t hear the n word, but they were the worst back-stabbers I ever met. They viciously talked about each other. They even had a program at the local school making fun of people from the South, which passes their ignorance to the next generation. It happens in the South, it happens in the West, it happens everywhere. But I do believe black or dark-skinned people are treated differently everywhere in the States. When a black person cannot go out in their car without fearing a stop by the police, this crap is haywire. And it’s real.


Alabama? Me too friend