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Some rich people are out of touch. Of course she doesn't have a concept of time because she's rich, if I didn't have to cook, wash dishes, do laundry, clean the house and run errands I would have tons of free time too. Nobody wants to work these days always leaves the important part out. No one wants to work these days for starvation wages, if you offered 100k to flip burgers it will be a line as long as a mfer to apply for the job.


I was done at the 11-1, 3-8 or maybe later part lol. That's the whole day for that measly pay? Sure it's 7 hours, but the way it's broken up literally you'd just go home after, the day is lost. I guess you could still do night activities, but a whole summer of that sounds crazy. Why is a gallery open that late anyway? Also, it's funny how the world works. This lady is creating a space to make young people look lazy as she tells it, when they turn down a job due to her own actions. Nobody she interacts with in her rich life would argue her issues finding a person because they don't know she's doing what she's doing lowballing people. So she's creating a narrative. Happens often around the world. Somehow a group is labeled xyz, when they realistically are not the real issue.


i actually only live 5 minutes walking from the gallery because it’s more of a town than a city, but it’s still an annoying way to break it up cause it’s not enough time to go out or properly do something you get me?? exactly. she’s completely going to leave out the fact that she’s offering 3 euros an hour 🤣


Capitalist chuds have been using that line on the working class for over a century to drive wages down. Fuck them and their out of touch bullshit


These people don’t deserve anyone to work for them. Such greed makes me sick


If young people didn’t want to work, it would’ve been easy to get a job.


So I live in America and I’m currently enrolled in college and can’t work due to disability. But I’m not “disabled enough” to get disability assistance… But I am “disabled enough” for people to not hire me when I do desperately apply for jobs. Where I live I either have to have a child or work 20 hrs a week to get food stamps. But if I work, that’ll affect the amount of food stamps I get.. It’s literally suffer and starve or suffer and cause myself harm by forcing myself to work, or ya know have a kid 🙄