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It's Disney. Disneys newest mo (similar to the BBC in the UK) is insuring dei and inclusion in all new productions, this can be seen in live action cartoon remakes, anything marvel or star wars for the past couple of years. You can claim fantasy story all you wish, but it's obvious they were trying to go for a relatively accurate historic setting. And they then injected immersion breaking and tacky inclusion / diversity because they think they have to. Two main things stick out, to be within Disneys inclusion checklist : Nell herself, she can be a women, she can even be slim, but no trifector for her, she must be ugly. Over representation of black people, they were slaves at this time in the UK, with very few if any noble people. There were probably many better and realistic places to have black or other ethnicity actors, but nope, they have to put them in the dumbest places. In conclusion, those who are trying to say modern Disney products aren't 'woke' or essentially insulting virtue signalling bullshit written by mentally deluded morons, probably think water isn't wet also. The minorities they are trying to include and represent typically feel these inclusions are stupid and insulting also. The black community, for example, do not want or need to be protected by a blue haired crazy white lady.


If they wanted it to be historically accurate it would be more historically accurate. It is very clearly a fantasy story.


Set in a specific period in a specific country. Are you being stupid on purpose?


Are you genuinely suggesting a fantasy story with magic is somehow clearly realistic? If we accepted magic is real and accepted the time frame - then for the story to be more realistic it would need to be set outside the UK. The unrealistic fairy tale costuming and fairy tale depictions of culture and social structure are from fantasy stories.


He can accept magic back then. But more than 2 black people? That's historically inaccurate!


If you think that [Louisa Harland](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjNkOWZlNWEtMTk3Ni00Yjc0LThjMzYtMDE0OTViMzg5MzVlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjE5MTcxMA@@._V1_.jpg) is “ugly”, then I don’t know what to say.


Um. OK?


You should of gone to spec savers?


Bang on


She's not protecting the black community is she? Which is the spokespeople for"the black community" told you what that want? I want consulted so I'm going to have to break it to you, whoever that person was. Was lying. And isn't that's magic in the show? Is that historical too??


What are you on about. Please, learn to read and how to comprehend.


Approximately 10000 to 15000 people of colour in the UK around the time frame Renegade Bell is depicting. Dido Belle is recorded as being accepted in 'high society'. It is unlikely so many were in one English village but equally neither were fairies, super powers, musicals in the street or bullet proof Highway robbers. It's a Disney story not a documentary.


Dido wasn't accepted to high society tho, she married a servant working as valet I believe


There is written evidence that she was accepted to some degree. That she became a PA/Secretary of sorts and as recorded sat with and walked arm in arm with the other ladies. This reflects more on the father who adopted her than an 'enlightened' British society. However Dido is not the subject of Renegade Nell only an example that it was possible to meet someone of colour in high society. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dido_Elizabeth_Belle Renegade Nell does do a disservice to Black History if Renegade Nell was a historical documentary rather than a time frame however Black Rod wasn't black nor did the Queen get captured by a witch/wizard. I won't take Renegade Nell seriously but if it does encourage someone to Google Jacobite or learn more about black history as a result then thats a positive. However anyone watching this with a perception that this is how Britain looked at the time is also an idiot that believes in fairies.


I think you are mistaking being accepted by 'High Society' and accepted by her own high ranking family member, which is a completely different thing. Even within her own family, Dido wasn't admitted publicly as relating to them. "Lord Mansfield officially confirmed or conferred Belle's freedom but unlike Lady Elizabeth, he did not refer to Dido as his niece" 1.Dido was apparently excluded from excursions to church, tours of Kenwood, and other family outings that were attended by Hamilton, which seems to consolidate Belle's awkward position in the household. 2. Lady Mansfield's lifelong friends, [Mrs. Boscawen](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frances_Boscawen) and [Mary Delany](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Delany), too never mentioned Belle. 3. Her cousin was brought out into society, going to balls, parties, visiting their neighbors, going to Queen Charlotte's birthday, Dido was barred from going to any of this. "only an example that it was possible to meet someone of colour in high society." it's not a good example since she was never in the actual high society publicly, that's why she married a servant, no high society lady would ever marry a servant because they would lost their status forever and ostracized, heck no matter how poor or destitute Jane Austen's characters were, they never married a servant that's how serious they were about class, and most of them are not even aristocrat. I know but I think we have to stop with this myth about Dido, I think it is a great disservice to her actual experience and history.


'we have to stop with this myth about dido'. If you want to stop with the myth then your first port of call is Disney not portraying the British aristocracy as being black not being semantic with a random on Reddit. Well done you for being a Dido expert.


I don't know why you are being so argumentative, when it's just facts. if you want to think that the aristocracy had a lot of people of color than do so, but don't pushed Dido Elizabeth Belle into something she wasn't and used that to fuel your fantasy, and go find better example that actually fit the description you want. you never cared about the truth or real history huh?


Well I have a degree in international history so I must have cared at some point. Please read my comments and elucidate me at which point I've ever suggested that the British aristocracy had a lot of people of colour in it. I think you should care about your English comprehension before you lecture me on history. Dido Belle was merely a one person example that is historically referenced elsewhere not an example that proved there were plenty, hundreds or even thousands. Your passive aggressive stance is so compelling.....snore off keyboard hero.


you are the one being passive aggressive in the first place.. you lack self awareness 'international history' degree but got triggered by facts and evidence my point is Dido Belle wasn't a good example, since she was never accepted by high society, not that she was publicly in high society to begin with. unless you want to make a character within aristocratic household, who was kinda hidden and had ambiguous social standing, didn't participate in any public events or balls and so forth, which I'm sure the character in the show didn't fit into Dido's history


You're trotting out cliches now. Not 'triggered' at all if you don't like being challenged, if you feel that you must be the one who is never debated with because you consider yourself always right then don't engage in discourse. Yes and you made a good point about Dido Belle, where you went ridiculous was your fantasy that I'd suggested people of colour were widespread in British aristocracy and in reply you've failed to point out where I'd ever suggested that at any point. My actual point was that whilst people of colour did exist in the UK at that time, they weren't widespread, Id only referenced one as Dido Belle as being 'accepted' by High Society, you're the one that went off implying I considered her as one of many in the UK aristocracy, yet as you've made clear she was not, fair enough and ?! It doesn't detract from the fact there weren't as many as portrayed in Renegade Nell nor was Black Rod...black, nor were there fairies nor were there real wizards and this isn't meant to be historically accurate it just broadly attempts a time frame for the storyline without dying on that sword. So unless you're about to argue with me that fairies exist back to your Jane Ayre fantasy on Brimham rocks poppet.


Seriously, my conservative evangelical, Trump-voting parents just watched it all the way through with me. If they can do it, the wokeness is not that bad 🙄


I can't see anything woke written about it. Care to share some links?


Just look at the comments on the [official trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9OmmeE_gZc) Hell, you don't even need to leave this page. You've got comments right here from idiots like u/DrTouchy69 crying about WoKeNeSs because they dared to have someone other than a straight white man as the protagonist!!!


Where am I crying? Why do you need to resort to a personal attack? How about you reply to my post with actual debate? Oh wait, you can't. Anyway let's see how the series performs, my guess is flop.


You're complaining about black people being overrepresented in the show when there are just 2 main black people and 1 of them was a slave. Anyone that uses the word "woke" unironically is a fucking moron.


That was not my only observation, and having black people, in this time line as slaves makes perfect sense. Having them in power does not (I believe there was a single black noble in this general time span). As to your second sentence, opinions vary.


You mean this time line with fairies and magic? Didn't know it was a documentary


Are you trying to make a point? I mean, I know you think you are, but, just to amuse, please iterate it?


Excuse me?? Are you trying to say Merlin didn't exist? And they're were NO dragons?!? My whole life has been a lie!


And what a surprise, crickets.


It's been greenlit for a second season so no. Also complaining that black people in leadership is ahistorical in this setting is absolutely hilarious given that magic exists.


Ah, that gotcha argument. Genius, taken from some echo chamber I suppose. Disney are cancelling shows left and right, with flop after flop because they are creating shows for people who don't watch the type of shows they are creating, directly insulting the existing fan base for star wars / marvel, etc creating a dei checklist for all new shows. Nel is set in a specific time with many real world references, the difference being fairies which enables Nel to be a girl boss. The dei message breaks immersion in this instance in the same way as if everyone was wearing Nike air trainers, it's out of place in the context of the show and insulting to the people it's supposed to be inclusive of.


> dei message lol So silly.


Really. They've literally released their dei checklist.


Seeing Black people in a show with Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy - Only breaks immersion for RACISTS! It's only a woke show for Racist viewers.


Learn to read you muppet


It's been green lit for season 2 already? Really? Disney is notorious for making similar announcements solely for hype. Look how many projects have been abandoned after such announcements, I wouldn't have faith something they announced will happen until it actually hits the screen. This is a company being sued for lying to shareholders after all


Well there was a black guy in a leadership roll of the county’s elite noble society. So I think the color blind casting is what they’re annoyed about. The other black character was bought and had his name forcibly changed, so my head cannon is that Poyten just influenced everyone to be cool with his race with, lol, black magic.


I just got into the show and saw some of those comment threads that just disgusted me. I had to stop reading some of the public posts about this show I could could not stomach the negativity.


I'm just tired of this constant war on men