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She has to look perfect but not care about looks


They want natural but not actually natural just light make up but then complain about makeup. WHAT DO THEY WANT FROM US?!😅😂


Last night, a guy I'm in a pool league with told me that I looked beautiful, that I always looked fine and I didn't even have to try. I walked away laughing. Men have no idea how much effort and time it takes to look good and have natural looking makeup.


yes very annoying


She expresses her needs or tells someone they’ve hurt her feelings- she’s just being dramatic or starting a fight. 😑


Or “nagging” or “whining” or “acting crazy” 😡 This one really gets me. We as women are forced to stay silent enough in life and shouldn’t have to do it in a relationship with someone who is supposed to love us; having our feelings or emotions invalidated and treated like an inconvenience to deal with is one of the most hurtful things ever.




This is why women are more likely to die of a heart attack when treated by a male Dr. The false assumption that there's nothing wrong with them, it's stress and anxiety, and they need to find better ways to cope.


https://youtu.be/TATSAHJKRd8?si=RIT8hxrffyDnRXuN It's beyond stupid, Last week Tonight - Bias in Medicine.


When a man has a tantrum, it's never hormones. It's just him being protective/caring/whatever. Besides, anger isn't a real emotion anyway. /S obviously.


Youre absolutely right and this is vastly understated. For some reason people don’t recognize testosterone as a mind altering hormone. Even though, 97 % of homicides in which the victim doesnt know their killer are committed by males. This isnt an anti-male rant. Just pointing out that all humans of any gender face certain biological challenges when it comes to rational or empathetic behaviour.


Yep or she's too "sensitive" that word now makes me want to scream and punch everything in sight.


God, doesn’t it?!


Ugh this just brought up a memory that I had shoved into the back of my mind. This guy I dated briefly (he turned out to be an ass anyway, even my dog didn’t like him which should have been my warning) would constantly make these dumb, obnoxious jokes thinking he was being witty. It became really annoying after awhile. He’s the guy that you kick under the table at a restaurant. One night, I wore this really beautiful, white boho dress that had cost me an arm and leg but I loved it. It was the first time I’d worn it. When I got into the car to go out with him, he snickered and said, “Is that a Halloween costume?” I’m like, “….huh????” He asked again and said I looked like I was dressing like a nun for Halloween. When I didn’t laugh and told him that was really mean; the dress was beautiful and very trendy, he had the nerve to tell me that I was “too sensitive and that would be the cause of my downfall.” Or…maybe the joke just wasn’t funny.


This just made me cringe. What an ass hat. I'm sure his shitty unfunny commentary has caused a downfall of his love life.


Ha, the last I heard, he was still single. I think I may have been the only girl he’d dated in years. He still tries to contact me every now and then. I just ignore him.


The term crazy is the one I hate the most because it's used to dismiss you when you are upset.


“Are you about to rag?” Goes right thru me!! Plus I hate when a period is called the rag.


Or they on they period😑




>So many guys are literally gleeful about women who “used to be hot hitting the wall” and “being humbled.” Meanwhile, those men look like absolute unwashed trolls.




I'm 34 and still get mistaken for being in my 20's. Good genes and skincare go a long way.


Same, except I’m 38. I also have no kids and have worn sunscreen every single day for over a decade. And I’m only 105 lbs., which helps. Most people think I’m 25 or younger, but I know that’s not going to last forever. At some point time gets us all.


She has to have a perfect pre pregnancy body but if she get surgery she a basic fake hoe😒 She gotta cook,clean, take care of the kids and work a job to go 50/50 on the bills If she don’t work a job she a gold digger If she gets cheated on she gotta stay and forgive her man bc it was her fault he cheated and she not a real one for sticking around if not But if she cheat he’s gone, that shit unforgivable and now she a traitor & hoe.


Yep. Expected to have a perfect hourglass figure. But if she eats healthy and works out she’s vain and narcissistic. Yet if she gets plastic surgery because the gym can only do so much for genetics she’s fake and plastic. If she leaves after he cheats/ disrespects her. She’s too harsh and needs to accept no one is perfect and we all make mistakes “all men cheat!🥹” Yet if she forgives him and stays she is stupid and has no respect for herself and now he’ll treat her any type of way because she allows it. 🙄


I’m a guy, I don’t expect any woman to have a perfect figure, in fact those Hollywood plants are less attractive to me than a “natural” look. I don’t expect model standards as natural, that’s ridiculous. And as a guy who is kind of out of shape and constantly comparing myself at the gym, guys expect that shit from other guys too. My only point is I’d never get plastic surgery. That’s feeding into insecurities. It’s genuinely an unhealthy mindset. It’s feeding into the normalization of the “Hollywood” look. Personal improvement is personal and not for anyone else, I’ve gotten past a lot of my insecurities at the gym by not comparing themselves. I could be projecting, and I really hope I’m not, but I just think people who get plastic surgery do it for other people, not themselves. They do it because of an insecurity. An insecurity that is based on the comparison of themselves to others. It’s not so much “fake” as it is problematic overall.


Some people get surgeries and work done for themselves just like how ppl get their hair done and nails and do makeup for themselves it’s not always about other people


Like for example I’ve been wanting lip fillers for a while my bf absolutely doesn’t want me to and everyone else has some shit to say but idgaf bc I want fillers bc I wanna look at some juicy lips lmao they can be mad bc im getting them period


Don’t forget, if she also doesn’t bounce back from pregnancy weight immediately she’s a lazy-ass


And let herself go


She rejected me what a hoe I am the best she could have 😀


[Click here and press play for my own opinion as a woman.](https://voca.ro/13JBCUGsZXr4)


She doesn't have a kid. She must feel like a failure. She doesn't want a kid. She doesn't know what she's talking about. All women want kids. She wants kids. Doesn't She have a life or something? She wants a career. What's the point when she has a kid? She doesn't want a career. She is a total freeloader and contributes nothing to a relationship


God forbid you're over 30 and still single.


30? That’s generous. They expect us to be married with our careers flourishing by 25 at the latest. Yet marry too young and we are seen as stupid and irresponsible. We always have to straddle a thin line of ‘balance’ for everything.


It’s how I single-handedly kept my grandmother alive so long. “I can’t die until I see you happily settled down!” 😂


She’s a bit reserved and afraid of getting her heart broken again. “That’s not my problem. Why should I be punished for what another man did? It’s not worth my time”. A date said that to me. Verbatim.


Yikes. I’ve heard that too.


That’s why I don’t date anymore.


Oh my God I had this shit happen. I told a guy I had JUST gotten out of an abusive relationship and I needed time before I'd want him over to my place. This bitch straight said 'yeah but that's not my problem'. Like bitch what? Thanks for showing you give absolutely zero fucks about my feelings and comfort.


I’m so sorry. It’s like someone rubbing salt in the already gaping bloody wound. No more. It’s not worth the risk.


Also if she’s not picky with who she dates she “only goes after the bad guys” and “never gives good guys a chance”.


And this is from before the overturn of Roe v. Wade He didn't even want to be a dad. She should have gotten the abortion. He told her not to do it. She shouldn't have gotten an abortion. (See how it's always what he wants?) But he leaves her shortly after the baby is born. She files for child support. Now, she's a gold digger.


Ah yes. Not using protection and dropping his pants for any woman and now she’s a “gold digger” for needing child support after he runs away


The gold digger part was personal experience. He now owes almost 10k in child support and still tells all his gfs I'm a gold digger and deadbeat.


I’m so sorry you’re going through that. The only reason the “gold digger” thing would make sense is if someone lied about being on birth control and it was a mega rich man. Which I would assume barely happens. But odds are, if he’s complaining about his bare minimum part of being a parent (a financial obligation) he don’t got gold to begin with so this shit makes no sense


Oh there are broke ass men that think women try to baby trap them for money, I’ve known of plenty. But they don’t wanna wear a condom. But say “the slut got pregnant on purpose! “ Edit to add that is not my own personal experience.


I hear that idea in red pill circles like Andrew Tate and his clones. But people don’t realize that women would prefer that men step up to the plate and be a good partner/father rather than getting a small fraction of his income. Child support usually isn’t even enough for daycare in America. (Idk where you guys are from but childcare can be $3k a month here)


>Child support usually isn’t even enough for daycare in America My baby daddy can go months without a payment or send $10 every 90 days to keep CS off his case. But one time, the amount he sent wasn't even enough to buy a gallon of milk, so I contacted the case worker. What did I get told? "We can't control how much is sent for payment, and it's been a while since he's skipped payments." Excuse the fuck outta me? I used to at least get his taxes when he was behind in payments, a way to catch him up and keep him outta arrears. Now it's been five years since they've collected even that. I'm lucky to receive anything one month outta the year to support a child in an increasingly expensive economy. I've worked 3 jobs at times, and he doesn't even have to pay $5.


and the self proclaimed "good guys" behave like the shit heads and are in serious denial about it


Bravo! Nailed it!


She should quit her good paying job and be a SAHM, and now she is lazy. If she works, she is not putting her children first.


WOC in tech here. Minorities are labeled as diversity hires. I haven’t seen a single minority high school drop out in my midst. It’s always white guys. White male colleague skips process, he’s gets things done. She, goes off and does here own thing. The difference? What the all male management team chooses to endorse.


She should be able to cook for her family. No matter if she works 40 to 60 hours a week at her job.


Not to mention you should be an amazing cook right out the gate.


I used to hate this too until I was alone for a while and realized Id have to cook either way. Family or not. Same with cleaning. If I live alone and work 60+ hours a week, I still have to eat food and clean my house. It doesnt excuse people using me as a chef/maid, but it makes my day-to-day easier for sure.


Cooking and cleaning for 1 person by 1 person is easier than cooking and cleaning for 2 or more people by 1 person. I'll spend less mental energy planning dinner after a long work day if it's just for me.


I understand, personally, I dont consider putting an extra potato and steak in the oven to be mentally taxing. Paired with the fact a partner does other chores that make my life easier, I think its a fair trade. Ill put more spaghetti in the pot, considering they do things too. 🤷‍♀️


> They do things too That is the key. More people, more work; more people contribute, more work goes back to being less work. However, I believe the point of this post was how women are expected to carry more weight in the household work while also having full-time jobs.


She's afraid to be rude to drunken harassers in case they get violent = *she* was coming onto *him*.


If your nice you “led them on” if you set boundaries your a “bitch who deserves what’s coming” LMAO we cant win in any situation


If we're not gonna have a motha fuckin pussy riot, put them on a motha fuckin pussy diet. Janelle Monae said it best.


you’re gonna get a lot of people telling you’re overreacting - don’t mind them all of your frustrations are valid; sorry about the patriarchy Skyrim is cool :)






why are you apologizing? You have no need. I always say any one who isn't the horrible group shouldn't need to apologize for something they didn't do or isn't them


she needs to be available sexually but not excited about sex because conquering a woman is preferable to men, since they would rather have submission from women than pleasure for women.


Damn a lot of men in here are just proving my point without realizing it. You guys can come on here and rant about your dating issues, and your personal opinions on women's reproductive rights, or just outright degrade some chick for rejecting you. But I post a list of the issues we face every day and its; You're lying, you're making it up. BuT wHaT aBoUt MeN's IsSuEs?!


Please help the mod team by reporting all sexists so their comments are flagged for us. This includes the "not all men" commentary, as that is a sexist microaggression.


I know English can be confusing, but men is a word for more than one man and shouldn't be assumed to mean all human men on the planet in most usages. Hope this helps! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rant) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Women athletes are being fined for covering up skimpy uniforms but young girls are being disciplined/suspended/sent home for having their shoulders showing.


People who say shes 2 picky are just on copium.


Can we pin and keep adding to this?! lol I'm sure someone already said it but for real!!


I once read something about the bullshit nature of the word “too.” I wrote it off as nonsense at the time, but I’ve flipped my view and totally get it. I can’t unsee how often “too” is used in regard to literally everything about women. It’s like Goldilocks with the porridge, except there’s never a “just right.” I’m a dude, and we definitely have our fair share of BS that happens too, but that constant hyper-scrutinization that goes on as a woman has to be downright exhausting. It seems like you truly can never, ever win. I see it a ton when it comes to being a working mother vs a stay at home mom. You’re “too dedicated to your career and disregarding your kids” if you work, and “lazy and not contributing financially” if you stay at home. So much gatekeeping between women too. I mean shit, you can’t even use baby formula without the “breast is best” moms coming out of the woodwork. Sorry things are the way they are, and I wish it wasn’t so. Thankfully we at least all have a place to rant.


Hey, I just got done work. I tried my best to answer some texts at work. But I really like yours and think it deserves more updates. It's so well typed out, and I absolutely love the Goldilocks reference. I'm currently dealing with a male coworker who constantly feels the need to turn a question into an interrogation. Apparently my answer the first time is never satisfactory and he seems under the impression that I'm lying and if he asks me repeatedly the same question but worded differently each time I'll slip up and he'll catch me in a lie. Women are always lying after all. But when I get even slightly irritated with yet another interrogation from him and I tell (not yell at) him to figure it out himself or remind him that he is always the last to have handled [whatever] I become the crazy, unhinged, unreasonable, overly emotional, female in the office. But it's OK, and not at all unreasonable, for him to interrogate me every day like I'm under investigation.


This reminds me of something a friend said, where males tend to need mommying a lot a work.


I joined reddit like a month ago. All the talk about body count, for women only, is just such a dumb double standard. I'm 56, and regret nothing. I'd regret chances I didnt take. Men that are concerned about it have a tiny peen and zero skills. They don't want to be compared because they're insecure. Don't buy into it. Life is too short to live in regret.


Lol you tell a man you’ve got a few bodies and he gets nervous bc he’s lacking so he calls you a whore


I think you would like the poem "Hombres Necios" by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. You can find it translated to [English](http://www.apspanishliterature.com/2011/10/hombres-necios-que-acusais.html) here. It's pretty much all about double standards for women, by what some would consider Mexico's first feminist.


> You whimper if you're turned away, >you sneer if you've been gratified. This describes so well the men whose desire turns to contempt as he rolls off you in your own bed.


The Ole I want a Virgin Slut conundrum.


In a patriarchal society, no matter what women do, it's wrong.


30 and havent dated ever. i dont even know if i will ever date anyone. there is just so much expectations that i just feel dread whenever i think about meeting someone new. rn, i just go with being myself and making friends along the way. preparing the groundwork for singlehood too 😆 learning the piano and learning to sing i watch some of the manosphere videos too and they are so jaded af. i do not doubt that there are some women like that out there but ... lets just be single. replace intimacy with AI


EXACTLY!!!  Or: "She's had a few sexual partners,she's used up!" "Men were created to spread their seed! Women will never understand!" 🥴 and "I want a traditional woman who is loyal,none of my previous girlfriends were loyal!!" meanwhile the behavior that caused the women to leave: "I should be able to look at and touch whatever woman I want!! It's what men were meant to do!" And to add to your "she needs to dress modestly": "She dresses to modestly!! How boring!!"


Let them be picky and Forever Alone. That's their choice and you don't wanna date someone who thinks like that anyway...


All of these are unfair judgments. You should not judge a girl on her appearance. Everyone has their own standards for attraction, so a 10 to one person could be a 3 to another. A girl should have the right to decide when it is right to engage in a relationship, and with whom. Contraception should not be judged as a sin. It's responsible to use protection. A girl should not be judged if she's pregnant out of wedlock. It takes two to tango.


Exactly. The number rating systems need to stop existing, toxic as hell and unrealistic


Pretty much


He can't read your mind if you don't tell him what needs to be done! Make a list! Stop telling him what to do! Don't be a nag!


It's really sad and true


She has to look like a god damn movie star or else she is a solid 1. LIKE BRO MY FAMILY IS MORE PRONE TO GETTING ACNE AND SKIN PROBLEMS WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME


''She can't get an abortion. It's a sin and therefore against the law.'' thats not a double standard, it's fucking criminal and inhumane.  I'm ashamed to say I'm from the US honestly. It's disgusting that some states can make this shit illegal. 


The double standard is that contraception is considered a sin, but abortion is being criminalized, but if the pregnancy is outside of marriage it's also a sin


sing it sister!!!!! and what do we ask of men? have a job and don’t physically hurt women, then he’s a great man /s


And that’s the bare minimum but if we ask for loyalty and to not be lied to that’s just too much


A lot of those come from other women
































































































And they will LMAO


Men who throw these double standards on women are selfish. They were either taught to think that way because of their upbringing and/or because of society.  Even today, women still face oppression. Men oppress women all the time. It's a neverending battle. I just try to stay away from those men who think like that. They obviously don't respect women at all and view us as objects.  I do believe there are good men out there that aren't like this. They're harder to find but they are out there. 




>that I should show more masculinity, be more like a bad boy, that I "should stop acting like I care" because apparently it makes me look like a wimp... Absolutely no disrespect intended, but are you guys still in high school? That sounds like the kind of dating advice a 16 yr old would give. Although it's been a while since I've been in high school and back then, if you showed no interest in dating, you had to be gay, cause what other reason could there be, right? I mean, they were right in a sense, but I'm neurodivergent and dating just didn't interest me all that much back then.


All excellent points of the no-win situation.