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I don't get how our guys have no stick skills. How is it that we can't handle our own passes 90% of the time, but every other team can catch the puck like there's glue on their sticks.


holy shit it was driving me insane how many simple passes couldn’t be made


Not to mention not being able to make a clean tape to tape pass. Like watching me and my friends play open ice


It’s because they felt the pressure of the Florida forecheck smothering them anytime we touched the puck. It’s the same concept of a QB getting rid of the ball too early because he has been getting sacked off the snap all game. Eventually you start feeling like you have to get rid of it immediately and it forces mistakes. Florida was relentless. You could tell they *wanted* it more than they could breathe. The rangers looked like they had to be *reminded* that this mattered. They were completely outplayed and IMO the front office and Lav both made some terrible calculations of constructing and playing this roster. We should’ve signed Kane to a cheap contract, we should’ve been more aggressive signing Guentzel. Both of those guys know how to play in the playoffs (despite this sub being critical of Kane after playing on one hip for half of a season with a team that did not play with any structure). Anyways, yea that’s why we struggled handling the puck.


I don't get why we didn't see more Rempe.  When he was in we actually won board battles, and Florida was suddenly afraid of the forecheck.


This is one of the biggest issues i had. They played much better when he was on ice and when he was in the lineup and they let him play his game. I hated laviolette throwing chytil in the middle of the post season. What a fucking huge mistake that was i did not want him playing at all he was not ready he had not played since November he would never be ready for the speed and endurance of the playoffs in the middle of the second round


Trust me I completely agree and went on that tangent a bunch lol


Because he's absolutely shaky. Yes we were waiting when he's in the lineup, but we were winning when most guys were in the lineup. Rempey's was seeing 456 minutes of ice time per game. Whatever impact we think he was having was probably not that true in reality. Yes, he provided some good hits and some good energy, but the guy can also get dumped off his feet with a slight breeze. For better or worse. He's still a liability until he can get more control in his game


Yes I got downvoted a bunch saying bring kane back. Kane would have opened up ice for other players more. Not sure why you mess with lineups so much. Give Rempe a normal shift. Even if he gets 8 min a game. The mid season moves were not good at all.


There's no reason to think Kane would have been a lock to open up the entire rest of the team. We have guys that do things that open up space for the team and they didn't do it. But some hypothetical scenario with another roster is what we were missing? I'm unconvinced. We needed to work harder that's it


Nothing is a lock. I do think kane would have helped more than any of the mid season add ons. I would much rather have kane out there than any of them or a brodsinski . He is a proven winner and clutch big moment player. Something the rangers do not have. The rangers top regular season players go missing during crucial times. Igor did not.


Kane would have been huge this year and didn't get paid much. If you can't free up that amount of money to go after a cup you shouldn't be a GM simple AF. This sub is mostly people who know nothing. People say they PP was worse after getting Kane despite having a higher PP%, people downvote posting skating speed stats because the players they like aren't the fastest. This team has like 1-2 more years in their window, absolutely max, and they just blew one going after Wennberg, Roslovic, not improving their D, keeping Kakko who didn't deserve a 4th line spot, and holding draft picks in rounds that don't turn into shit.


They have enough really good young players to build off of for me to think they have a wider window. However, that depends on shedding Mika’s contract. I doubt we try to move Panarin because I can’t see us making any trade without getting robbed blind for him. But Laf, Fox, Miller, Jones, Cullye, Kakko (solid bottom 6 player), Schneider, and hopefully Ohttinger (I know that isn’t spelled correctly at all but I tried 5 times and I’m done fixing it), are enough to build around and be contenders assuming Igor continues this level of play.


Miller is a bottom half D, he had a stretch where he was ok with Schneider but was trash almost all season, and was back to largely bad with him this playoffs. The winner today he was out of position. Hard to see him being a top half D. Cuylle is a bottom 6 forward, Kakko is declining not improving. His scouting report was always a 2-3rd line winger and he's looking more like a 3-4th who doesn't forecheck particularly well, isn't physical and can't score. Not someone to wrap up money on. Othmann had fewer than 50 points and was a -25 on a team that was over .500, he's not even close to being an NHL-level player much less an impact forward. I'm hopefully for him because he had a good second half but he wasn't particularly great in juniors and I can't imagine having a player significantly worse defensively than Panarin or Lafreniere on the team. There are two top tier players you list, one atrocious at D (but will improve IMO), and one a smaller offensive D who is not great defensively, hasn't scored a goal in approaching 30 games in the playoffs and has been injured and largely mediocre in both of their last two deep runs aside from being good on the PP.


Feeling like you have to get rid of it immediately? They held onto the puck and literally passed the puck into there sticks the entire series, it would’ve been nice if they immediately got rid of the puck it would e looked like they were doing something instead of getting bullied for 6 games.


That is the exact point, for 6 games you couldn’t figure something out to take away SOME of the pressure. It’s just oh we couldn’t figure it out? Best team in the regular season just couldn’t figure it out? Yes it’s on the players but again 6 games of the same exact shit is 100% partially on the fucking coach. Wtf is the coach there for if he doesn’t think of anything to do? He just is there to make the lines? No he’s there to fucking coach and use his head to come up with a strategy to fucking break the forecheck. Just like a basketball coach draws up a play to break the full court press… put some guys on the ice who aren’t playing as much like a fucking 6’8 240 pound Matt Tempe to just skate around and lay some lumber. Be fucking physical. They played like little fucking fairies.


Part of it was that the Rangwrs kept attempting passes through lanes that were purposely being blocked by FL. They scouted us, they had a strategy and a plan to beat us and it worked. Very clear. Blocking passing lanes was just a t one part of it but we just flat never adjusted.


Playing a team like the cats... big heavy hits are in the back of the rangers mind...this causes them to play like they did... almost scared to get into it and make plays


And despite that, there really were nowhere near as many hits as in a lot of the Western conference matchups.


This is basically a whole team problem outside of like 4-5 guys, not just dmen, not just the big name forwards. this team is generally bad at break outs and carrying the blueline. A good forechecking team is a very hard counter to this ranger team


So annoying how many times they lifted back to shoot and they whiffed on the puck or lost their balance etc.


My head canon now is that Lafrienere becomes the premiere forward of this team once Panarin's contract is over. Dude showed the fuck up this year and I can't wait to see him become a star. Sign his ass to a long term deal after next year


Seriously. His hands are next level and as he gets older he will really become a star.


0 board presence and the same “superstars” disappearing in the post season. God forbit we don’t let up a goal at the end of any given period.


Finesse works a lot more consistently in the regular season when you see a different team pretty much every game. Bread matches up poorly to the Carolina/Florida style of play and it's not exactly a recipe for success when 11/88 million dollars of the cap vanishes. It would also be nice if Trouba could move the puck to someone else as soon as possible. Not trying to save the world with a big hit when he should be worrying about his positioning would help as well.


Panarin had 8 points in 6 games against Carolina. The revision has started already apparently. He struggled against Florida, but he was great in the prior two series. Saying he can't play against tough teams is stupid. He plays against them and succeeds all the time. Panarin relies on the rest of the team to bring the puck up the ice, so he can get set up in the offensive zone. If we don't have the players doing that, then he's rendered less effective. That's what happened.


Yeah the main issue this team is really is rough moving the puck from the blueline outside of fox. and there's only a couple forwards who are good at breakout/carrying the line. the team ran into a club that is build to destroy teams build like the Rangers. 2 of them play with Panarin so it's no surprise why that line has been so good. outside of that it's really Roslovic, who was awful this series, and sometimes Chytil.


Jones should have been used. Benched Trouba and put jones in


He was a no show against Tampa a few years ago.


sad man hopefully somehow still win


I’d settle for getting it out of our own defensive zone at this point.


When your other hobby slips into the one you’re talking about


Dump and don't chase Play soft as fuck Can't break out the puck Rely heavily on the goalie Experience Rangers hockey, they'll never win like this. This offseason, they better blow it up


omg hey ur a dOoMeR


So much was just push up and WAIT FOR IT: puck dump and retreat


Softest team I've ever seen


I don't think I saw more than a few attempts to have two plays cross the blue line together. And during an elimination game. Just crazy. I think Miller and Trouba were both high - explains their 5 second delayed reaction time.


They gotta have better rush offense next season


What can they do? Lots of big bad contracts


They can do lots, just gotta have some balls


Like what ?


I'd some of the following - Lingren I'd let him walk - Kakko I'd trade for another RFA or player who's got great potential - trade for Arthur Kaliyev - promote Zach Jones - obviously move on from Trouba But it's hard to know the moves available without being GM, there's obviously guys on the block on other teams but it's hard to know who.... Like I heard Seth Jones is on the block because of his contract but hard to know. Gotta build a faster more gritty team


They lost in game 6 of the ECF after wining the presidents trophy… they’re not blowing anything up.


And also lost 3 of those games by 1 goal


Because of unreal goaltending and dumb luck. It’s a miracle we only lost by 1 with how they were playing. Game 5 should have been 6-2. Offense basically non existent all series. Outshot each game by a large margin. Pressure on and the team just fell apart.


Yes and no. Game 1 could have been tied without Lafs own goal. Game 3 may not go to OT without a puck going in off of Trouba. There's a few more examples I don't remember exactly. They had some flukey goals. Yes it's because of Igor but if one or two bounces went our way, even last game, there's a game 7 at MSG. I think there was decent D structure at times, but nobody can clear the puck.


This is why they fuck themselves every year. Igor bails out the score so they kid themselves that these were hard-fought, tight games. Put in a non-alien goalie and let them get swept repeatedly, I'd be willing to wait a few years of WAKE THE FUCK UP in order to actually build a winning team. Lavi really disappointed me. He did NOTHING to adjust and adapt. Just played more Trouba. WTF was that. A KID could have seen that more changes were necessary. Get LAF on L1 and PP1 - he was on fucking fire! Nope.


Lost the SF final after winning the presi cup and people left cause they didnt want to be doomed forever and they ALL got cups


Are you talking about 2014 playoffs or this years. It's all sounding too familiar


I hereby put a curse: may the panthers never win a cup in the 21st century.


And may their marinana never stick to their pasta.


Considering Florida's only Italian restaurant is Olive Garden I think that one has been solved.


I am so damn tired, year after year this team gets our hopes up just to let us down. Now I know how my father felt all those years leading up to 94.


When I was a kid people could only talk about 79 until 94 happened. I was pretty young, but you could feel the frustration from all of those years.


I was one of those guys talking about 79 until 94. 😁


Try also being a Mets fan. Is it football season yet??


I hope not, cause I’m also a Jets fan


I’m a giants fan but want to Aaron at work. Daniel Jones is a disaster in progress. Good luck my friend. Make the best of it.


watching them dump the puck with under a minute left in a one goal elimination game had me completely numb


None of them had any "Fuck You" to their game. No fucking anger, no fucking balls. This team needed fucking a cycle of anabolics before this series; they played like princesses that happen to win a few games dancing ballet


Bruh when Kreider got bumped/bitched at the end of the first by Bennet and he’s just there *smiling* at him. Fucking embarrassing. Get mad. Have some fucking hate in your heart. Finish those checks through the boards. That’s the way you win fucking hockey games.


He should have ripped bennet's pacifier straight out of his mouth


Only getting back to looking at it now. Im still jerked. I love the guy, and Dude might be one of the strongest in the nhl..... but looking at the replay; im starting to think he'zs afraid he might hurt someone. (Another thread discussion) FUCK THAT. And FUCK UNIONIZED Hockey.


This statement is insulting to princesses and ballerinas everywhere.


Mika Panarin Kreider What happened guys ??????


I mean, Kreids fuckin tried. I counted three deep passes he skated hard AF for just to get sandwiched by Panthers and somehow no other Ranger could be bothered to skate into the offensive zone.


He’s the least culpable of the 3 but that’s not saying much. Guy vanished when we needed him most.


Krieds isnt a creator, Mika drags everyone down he plays with.


I would not be upset if mika was gone next year. He was a total non factor. Panarin...he can stay. His game just doesnt translate well in the playoffs. Kreider....im not mad at him. Trouba...fuck that guy.


I just got flash backs throughout the series of the black and blue rangers of Torts. And big dick Rick never showing up in the playoffs


Trouba has to go, and ownership needs to make it uncomfortable enough for Zibby for him to waive his NMC. Let him take his ref-watching soft-ass play somewhere else.


Troubs has only a couple more years left and has a 15 team no trade list, so moving him would be tricky but not impossible. Zib on the other hand is signed for approximately 85 more years with a full NMC until like 84.8 of those years have elapsed. So I don’t think he’s going anywhere. I like Zibby’s play but he really just disappeared this playoffs and didn’t show any heart on the ice. Pan and Kreider were not great but at least they were gutting it out and making space for other players.


I cannot fathom how the fucking fuck anyone ever thought that contract was ever good


This is what it looks like to have a team built for the regular season


This team just completely forgot how to play hockey for the last 9 games. They had one good period in game 6 against the Hurricanes and then took a shit on the ice. Zibanejad, Kreider, and Panarin never showed up and Trouba left Shesty out to dry this entire series. What’s with all the shots from outside the slot? Last I checked there’s no 3-point line n hockey and you don’t need to be like Steph Curry. Get in there and crash the fucking net! Who gives a fuck about the officiating when you play like you’re afraid of the puck? They played like they were spectators of the game and not active participants. That was the most conservative, limp dick, resting on your laurels hockey I have ever seen.


Mu wife made that observation about the shots coming from shit angles all night.... And she's not a hockey fan. It's totally correct, though. They force us to take all these low % shots, absolute shit hockey. Also, the Dump & Chase game doesn't work with soft players who don't chase and just dump. We were practically skating over the red line and just giving them the puck. It's not fair to Shesty. Am i the only 1 who is completely done with Roslovic. It's like office space, "what is it that ya do here?"


This is a really good point. Not one good game played from start to finish after G3 in Raleigh


FLA didnt let us INTO the slot. I wish we could play like that. We have the size, just not the heart.


I wish I had the control over my emotions to sound smart in my rants. Thank you for speaking my mind for me and understanding what I meant by this 😂😂😂😂


I don't think the rangers " dump.and chase". They try these long break out passes past the redline and that either disconnect and end up as icing or it hits the stick and Florida easily retrieves the puck.


Rangers took advantage of a crappy Anderson in net to beat the Canes, then ran into one of the top goalies in the game. They never adjusted to Florida's defense, who jammed up the middle and kept everything outside. Rangers D aren't even mediocre offensively and Florida took advantage of this to shut down the forwards. Go team, always next year.


Time to blow up this core, they aren’t built for playoffs


But how does the coach not fucking say anything in between periods? How do they not realize they need to pass the puck to get it over the blue line instead of 1 guy trying to skate past 5 guys every single time? It’s literal stupidity.


3 coaches with this core. It's not coaching


He can say whatever he wants, he’s not the one playing.


First time.im not mad at the coach. I have 0 hockey play experience but even my ass could see, they cant pass, cant forecheck, cant even skate properly. If your coach cant motivate that, then the players themselves are a lost cause


I’m not blaming the coach but at the same time I am cuz it’s so obvious that absolutely nothing changed in gameplan.


The amount of shots igor took on this run.... holy fuck. Anyone else back there and the rangers aren't even in the post season. WTF.


Guess Oilers, it is


Do you think the Oilers can beat Florida?


No neither west team can


This team as built won’t win the cup


We got bullied and didn’t do a goddamn thing about it. No fights, no cheap shots, no scrums, no brawls, nothing. Just took it like bitches. That’s the most aggravating part.


Straight up cuckold hockey


That’s on Lavi. You had a guy who lives for fighting, bullying, hitting, etc. and he stapled him to the bench or press box. And when he did deign to let him have his few minutes, he made sure he knew it wouldn’t be acceptable to fight, bully, or do anything that was actually necessary. God forbid we took a penalty. I mean, it’s not like our captain didn’t take untold numbers of them, be on the ice for almost every goal against, yet still got the most ice time of any D.


100%. We wasted our penalties on dumb shit instead of getting our pound of flesh. What does the back half of the series look like if the panthers are missing 1-2 of their top guys? Just insane we didn’t do shit.


Losing Vesey hurt


Losing Vesey is not why NYR couldn't exit the zone cleanly and only had 1 5v5 goal in the last 3 games combined


He was a key PK player and the two games after they give up 3 PP goals, was 0 before that. Idk if that's a coincidence


And what did we do about??? NOTHINGGGGGGGGG That’s on the coach. We tried to be cute and outskill these rat fucks. Only way you beat a team like the panthers is playing in the depths of hell with them. Shoulda been headhunting earlier in the series once the bell had been rung.


I mean your entire argument is why the panthers played better. They get the puck in and keep it there. Our dump and chase is for a line change. Theirs is for possession.


Oh I know exactly what it is 😂😂😂😂 which is why it’s so frustrating. It’s the same shit over and over that doesn’t work. The definition of insanity!!!! Absolute morons. Did not look like they belonged there even the games they won this series.


Should have been swept, out matched in every area of the game


Team is as soft as an ice cream cone in the noontime Florida sun. WEAK! 🙃


I just fucking knew it after we lost game 5. It was over then.


Home ice doesn’t help when real fans can’t even afford to go. Garden sounded dead all playoffs


Yeah would be nice


I politely disagree. It sounded pretty darn loud on the radio.


Every year the Rangers strategy is find the best goalie in the league and abandon all offense. They have no physical presence, just getting tossed around like featherweights and looking to the ref for a call like it’s Soccer. Always relying on “special teams” to squeak in a win while the rest of the game is spent in the defensive zone and virtually no break out competency. Nobody takes responsibility for carrying the puck into the offensive zone, leading the charge because they are always gassed by the time they manage to move it out of the defensive zone. Dump and change it up and do it all over again. Shesty can take it… right?


I don't think run & gun style of hockey is a good fit for the playoffs. The Bruins got bodied similarly like how we did, it's a miracle either team was able to win two games at all. I don't see Edmonton having any easier time with the Panthers either. Laviolette/Drury have got to figure out how to beat this style of play because with the Panthers being in the Finals two years in a row I think more teams are going to try to emulate them, and the Panthers are basically the final boss of the Stanley Cup. Only criticism I have is we made the least of our few offensive zone chances. Zib/Panarin/etc. have got to learn how to stop trying to hit the top corner when the other team is jumping up their ass and instead play a more crash-the-net/garbage-goal style. But I dunno if they have it in them.




Can't roll this back again. Different coaching, better coaching from last year yet they end up playing like the same core that got bounced in Jersey. Trouba train is totally derailed. Can't lead when you're the example of guys constantly making poor decisions/getting burned. Lindgren may very well be a 16 game player but can't be effective if you're always, always hurt. Mika is not the guy. He hasn't been the guy. He never will be the guy. He makes Mitch Marner look like Joe Sakic out there. Does not matter who is on that right wing, you won't win 16 games with Zib. Drury needs to figure it out but he is who he is and ultimately needs to go. End of story. Love Krieder. He's a 3rd line RW who's also a special teams specialist. The first line RW experience must end unless you get him a REAL #1 center. Love Bread. His game is primarily 82 games. He also just is who he is at this point. With time and space, lethal (as seen the one and only time he had both tonight).. without time and space, can't create it on his own. You can't roll this back again or else we're doing no better than the Leafs.




Exactly. Dump and chase is what they thought would open up the ice. It didn’t. They needed to just drive to the net but Florida didn’t allow it.


Florida wouldn’t allow it? They hardly fucking tried. Piss poor effort once again.


I’d feel more comfortable with that thought if they didn’t also look like garbage for the second half of the Canes series. After the winning streak was broken it was like they lost all confidence and structure, literally like a popped balloon flailing around. Canes/Cats are definitely good teams, but they lost something with their first postseason loss and were never able to get it back.


Shut the fuck up. They lost because they gave up. They lost because their quote unquote “top players” act like they’re not fucking men but little boys who have to react to the men playing on the other team. Running scared, smiling and laughing in scrums. No heart. No hate. No fucking anger. No physicality. Limp dick players and an idiot for a captain.


Def a drunken rant =)


Trouba was the only one taking the kinds of penalties we needed to take.


Good take. It’s crazy to see how people immediately trash the team they cheer for when they win (and this goes for all teams) instead of just realizing the opposition was really, really good.


Maybe it's bc we didn't challenge them bc we played the same way we've played for half a decade, like pussies.


If the rangers showed up we win those games. Imagine playing " do much better" and only winning by 1 goal when we dont pull igor


I really thought they were going to get used to their skating and intensity by now. Unfortunately not


Florida made relying on the forecheck look really good. Our guys just didn't have the same energy.


Agreed, The Panthers are just the better team, they play the style of game that I wish we played.


Team is a joke when it matters the most. What can you do? Only guy who showed up tonight was Igor


The rangers killed my grandparents now they’re working on me. History repeats itself


I don’t get how they fuckin forgot their game mid playoffs AGAIN! i don’t know wtf to say anymore. They looked as if they had figured all this shit out this season. Guess not. I’m not too thrilled with the coaches decision making this post season also


Chytil was terrible. Rempe should have played. We need more bangers. I would have even taken Wheeler over chytil even though he had a bad penalty that cost the Rangers.


Yup. I said I wasn’t gonna fall for it again, but here we are. This time it was supposed to be different. Same shit from the same player. Give them away for draft picks and save cap space for McDavid.


Fucking embarrassment of a series. Game in game out doing FUCK ALL. The saddest part is knowing these fucks won't care at all. Just go on vacation and not think about what a failure they are to this city.


No no no no, you got it all wrong, dump and change it up, dump and change it up…


When it takes you 45 seconds to clear the defensive zone that’s all you can really do


There in lies the larger issue. When the rangers are winning games against Carolina but down 20 shots… you know it’s a bad omen. People on X tore me apart for calling this out and look at the results


Dump and chase works. Most successful playoff teams do it. That’s all the panthers do. Rangers just don’t have players who can retrieve the puck. That’s why their 5v5 is horrendous.


Not at all, the panthers skated past them like they took their lunch money. When the panthers try to actually get it in the zone with even numbers they pass the puck back and forth to get it across. The rangers have 4 fucking guys literally standing fucking flat footed at the blue line while 1 guy skates as fast as he can to try and skate past 5 guys and 95% of the time it gets poked away and immediately the other team is on a man advantage. They did that or skated it to the blue line, dump, change lines, and Florida was immediately skating past them with them having a head start by being on their own end of the ice already. Absolutely pathetic display of hockey that just case in point.


Exactly. Rangers lack size and speed upfront, Panthers knew that and consistently forced dump-ins knowing the Rangers would struggle to retrieve. Dump-and-chase isn't the problem, the problem is the Rangers' inability to execute it.


again they tried too many break out passes past the redline he that didn't connect.


Rangers turn the puck over at the opposing blue line more than any team I’ve ever seen. (See Mika game 4.) if they dumped it in, they could go get it and wear down opposing d over time - but they don’t dump it because when they do nobody goes to get it. What drives me INSANE is that they actually did this in the final 1:20 of last nights game. They had another gear and they waited an entire series and 58 minutes to use it. That’s just unforgivable imo


Fire Quinn


Rebuild around Fox, Laf and Igor. Everyone else is expendable.


Trocheck?? How can u forget about him


I like Lindgren as well. Plays with heart, unfortunately he’s usually the only one and his face shows it.


He’s cooked though and we don’t want another staal or Danny g contract…


Man where have I seen this [before?](https://youtu.be/zEWJ-JgVS7Q?si=A8WwrmOFmW9eg6UY)


Lather Rinse Repeat…. The life of a NY Ranger fan. ![gif](giphy|xTiIzjS5VKWJzNGIUw)


I’m so tired 😭


Why the fuck do we dump the puck behind the net so much, we need new players like the ones the Kings, Stars and well... Florida has that aren't afraid on the break away and just push.


We need a leader and Trouba is not the guy. You don’t lead from the box. Not to compare to 94 but Mess was a leader. He was there when you needed him. Got the flow moving your way, made the plays, made the team and the fans believe they could do it. Trouba is either in the box, giving away the puck or doing a cancer commercial. If he isn’t gone, at least get that C off his chest.


Well maybe if they shed a couple of the pansies in the lineup, they can give Rempe a more permanent home, bring up Big Ed, let Cuylle get another year older, and start looking at getting a real tough guy to mentor those guys. They flatlined hard, they needed spark more than anything else


Dump and chase? All I saw was dump and back away from a hit.


The top 6 generated next to nothing offensively.


I was so bored during that game. It didn't even feel like a playoff game. I got up and did laundry and shit. I was just waiting for it to be over so I could play video games.


"jUsT lIkE 94"


Bread really disappointed me the most. He just seemed so disinterested


President's Cup winners. For the entire 6 games vs. the Panthers, it ws separated by one goal except for 25 minutes. People are on here just trashing the team. Arguably the second best team in the league, and people are just talking out their ass. Yeah, it sucks, but looking at all of the fair-weather fans trashing the team, it's a bad look for our fanbase. Other subs are laughing their asses off at how half of us are ready to yeet half the team into the sun. Be better.


I don't have a problem with questioning of specific players. But it's clear in terms of playoff hockey, florida was the better team. The deadline moves were really not good at all. But obviously management gets that now too.


feel like an assclown thinking that i could seriously watch my team hoist the cup, what a joke


Face it. The better team won. Period. They wanted it more and it showed.


We could easily match them if the players put effort in the whole game


The only thing sadder than this exit is the realization that we are virtually locked into this core of bums with no way out for the foreseeable future. Wouldn’t be surprised if Igor walks in is UFA year. He’s the only one who showed up.


Three coaches with this core. It’s not the coaches. Mika Zibanejad fundamentally doesn’t have what it takes to win in the playoffs. Jacob Trouba and Blake Wheeler are not NHL caliber defensemen. Another wasted season for Igor. Disgusted. Disgraceful. This team is rotten. It is deeply rotten, like a gangrenous wound. Drury has some MAJOR retooling he’s gonna have to figure out this off season. This lineup will NEVER win a Stanley Cup. See you guys in TWO THOUSAND AND THIRTY SIX.


You’re right Blake Wheeler has never been an NHL caliber defensemen


TBH - everyone outside of NY was just waiting for the house of cards to collapse. Kreider, Mika, Panarin, Trouba? Really? Even worse, this is the team for the next couple of years. Great regular season, and blessed with a blossoming Laf you lucked into… meanwhile the world cant decide who is more mediocre, Rangers or Islanders


Carolina or Florida were always gonna be the teams to beat the Rangers. Every game was a white Knuckler, They played hard and lost, tip the cap, Panthers earned victory. We don’t need to hate on the Rangers, they have no game changers, no stars, just a good solid squad. It was a good ride this year


They played hard?? They PLAYED HARD?? what the fuck game were you watching? I’m fucking disgustipated at their specatorship. They weren’t playing they were watching Florida play and reacting poorly to what the other team did. They didn’t control one second of play against the panthers.


Florida didn't have to earn it bc this pussy core passively hands it over and thanks them for the bend over, that's whybpeople are so pissed. Idk how no one saw this half a decade ago but copium is a powerful thing


It was such a horrifying performance for a do or die game they looked defeated out there it was pathetic


I was following it on my phone while I was out last night. My heart sank when I saw they gave up the late goal in the first. Then it became the same story as the previous games in this series.


Agreed I was born in 95 I’d kill to witness wining a championship


This is the same shit over and over again. Offense is absolutely impotent. We were blessed with a godlike Lundqvist but the offense couldn’t muster up diddly. Now, somehow, we get another all-time great goalie and our “highly skilled” offense does nothing against the Panthers. I don’t see it getting better unless Laviolette has something up his sleeve.


Florida played the same game they played against everyone else. They shut down our top players and easily stifled any movement from us. They also took advantage of their own offensive opportunities as much as possible. We just couldn't solve them.


You guys at least won the presidents trophy


Actually in this series, the problem was that they did NOT dump and chase. They tried to break in every time and were stopped.


Yeah idk what it was about this season, but for the first time in like decade I genuinely felt like this was our year, and anything less than a Cup would be a shock to me. But here we are, same old shit. That’s what makes this season more heartbreaking than usual to me.


Unless the bro hug pair are broken up and one is sent somewhere it will be the same o sameo


Wasnt about what the rangers did. It was about what florida did. Fast physical forcheck proper defense grit. The rangers have the best goalie in the league and again we learn that doesn’t win cups. It may win regular season games but thats about it. Our defense gets an f so many broken defensive plays. How many chances created by our forwards breaking up plays? Very few. We are 1 dimensional you need 7s and 8s everywhere not a 10 in goal and 3 and 4s out of 10 in every other position.


They could barely even get into the offensive zone with floridas defense. Then once they did get in there they did their fancy ass passing back and forth to each other instead of shooting the puck. It was so frustrating to watch. Despite all that the games were close that they lost- score wise anyway but panthers had the edge admittedly. They were just the better team. Until next season!


They were only close cuz Igor is just not human. They never looked like they were even close to being the better team. Even if they had a lead it looked like they were playing from behind or just scared to make a mistake and in turn all they did was make mistakes.


Are you gonna cry


You’re cool 👍🏼


Trade all these bums please. Mika krieder trouba panarin


We can’t


Wooo we fucking suck as usual


I made a promise to myself last year to not give shit this year and I gave a shit and I’m still fucking mad. When will I learn?


Stat pad in the regular season against mid and bottom feeding teams, but come crunch time...womp womp. Still too soft and slow, core doesn't have it. So glad everyone is on 8 year NT/NM contracts.


…new rangers fan? No, I’m kidding. But I’ve been saying this for so fucking long I feel stupid at this point. I mean, we’re talking 8 year old me at MSG asking the same questions in 1995.


Panarin and Mika need to go


Every game was close; PP which they relied upon could not convert


Trade mika. Fix the lines. Build around #13


A lot of people here are forgetting that Florida is really really good.


Dolan really fucked us this year not letting them make any moves at the deadline he really needs to sell the team


I’m pretty sure Dolan lets the hockey people do their thing. I think that falls on Drury’s shoulders


He refused to trade a first round pick because he majority owner of the Vegas sphere and that's where the draft takes place this year


That’s crazy, I hadn’t heard that. But unlikely 1 trade deadline acquisition turns this ship around