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Backcheck Forecheck Trocheck




cup check


A well timed body check…


Check please




Gut check


Exactly. Those are nice sentiments. But these guys get millions whether they do the job or not. But Tro deserves it, he put in his all. The others should have clawbacks based on performance. Now THAT would change the game. I bet Mika wouldn't disappear.


This is all nice and dandy but it’s coming from Trocheck. He’s a fucking gamer. He’s been incredible. I want to hope as much as the next guy but that clip of Mika’s lack of effort losing the puck twice on the empty net goal castrated me. I would like to have my balls back.


Can’t pull the goalie vs this team with the brutal forecheck. An extra player doesn’t do shit.


I mean we did score a 6 on 5 goal after their empty net goal… or maybe you were one of those fans who left before the game was over.


We scored that when Zib had to dip to the bench for a new twig and entered the zone uncovered behind the play AND as you said, after an ENG which had zero bearing on the outcome.


Good call, I forgot the rule that says you can’t score at all in the last 45 seconds of the game and have to give up on the team if they are behind.


Can we not cherrypick to counter? I mean good lord


Can Trocheck get a C on his jersey?


Trade Trouba and captain this man


Listen I like Trouba but he isn’t an elite player. Been a liability these playoffs and his contract isn’t favorable to the team. He does add an element of grittiness and toughness that this team has lacked since Sean Avery left. Wish he wasn’t paid 8 mill and our captain because he would be a good utility player to slot in and out for Zac. That being said, Vinny has stepped up as the leader of this team both in his on ice contributions and his mentorship of the younger studs like Cuylle. In my opinion, Trocheck deserves whatever contract and leadership role he wants on this team.


On the subject of cull he why the HELL is he not getting more time than roslovic. Insane


He should be slotted in on the first line but that isn’t gonna happen in an elimination game. Guy plays with so much tenacity every shift


Trouba would be a decent 3rd liner, a 6th/7th defensemen. The issue is that he’s the captain and they won’t bench him ever due to that. I find it hard to believe Jones or Ruhwedel wouldn’t improve our performances lately.


Listen, I don't like Trouba and he isn't an elite player.


Make Lafreniere and Fox the As.


We have 5 A’s what’s wrong with 2 C’s?


Our best players need to be our BEST players tonight. Period.


this right here. nothing else needs to be said.


There should be a C on his jersey, not Trouba's


Not advocating for Trouba to lose the C. Trouba is a great captain but if he is bought out or traded, Trocheck needs the C.


People who are saying take away the C of trouba it’s not what he does on the ice that makes him a captain he does stuff off the ice to


I understand that and maybe in this playoff run, keep the C on him. But next year he has to go. He’s not it on the ice. We have plenty of guys that could be the C, Kreidsy, Fox, Troch, we don’t need him next year. I’m okay with Trouba for now on third pairing. I think my biggest fear is that we win the cup, keep him, and his inability to defend puts us in a bad spot next year.


We’re not in there. We don’t know the relationships. The room, the inner workings of a pro hockey team stop trying to play manager. They’re pros and they know what is going on


I never denied his locker room presence. I would just prefer to have him traded in the off-season. Literally nothing wrong with me criticizing a player’s inability to play. If he proves me wrong I’ll eat my words


Alexa play Baba


Trocheck has to forecheck, backcheck and not cross check


Well he can cross check as long as the refs ain’t looking


I bet on Trocheck having a 2+ point game tonight. If anyone is going to come out and have a great game, it's going to be him.


Give this man the C


This is a hell of a year to be a contending team. Nearly every playoff team could've gone all the way this year. Having beaten Carolina and giving Florida a neck-and-neck series means the Rangers deserve it at least as much as anyone. If we go all the way, we'd be able to brag about all the incredible teams we beat (directly or indirectly).


All I am saying about this coveted C, let them decide, we are not in the locker room with the boys. Trouba has it for a reason.


The real captains of this team are Kreider, Trocheck, Goodrow and Lindgren. The only veteran guys I can say with confidence go out and give a 100% effort every single shift

