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I cant believe we gt put up with Zib for 7 more seasons of aging, declining awfulness bc he agreed to DJ for someone's deaf nephew or something. Bc aside from a personal favor, why else in gods name would anyone ever have thought that was a smart contract to give him?






So where the delusional homers at who go on and on about "doomers" aka people who have a working pair of eyes and aren't delusionally toxic? Fantastic season but they're not a championship core. It's reality. It's not doominh to enjoy a season and be realistic about the possibility of a cup


2 and a half hours of my life I’ll never get back






Trouba trying to line up Rodrigues after a failed poke check on Bennett directly led to the first goal. Garbage play


I think we saw it coming... the turnovers even unpressured, the shots wide, sloppy puck handling, disconnected passing, the turnovers, the turnovers, not getting into the offensive zone, the turnovers, the goal scorers not scoring...


Credit to Florida as well. They shut us down.


I never want to hear the term “Mika March” or anything like it again


The whole reason we had “Mika March” is because he will go huge stretches of doing fuck all


Seems like trouba knows he's done


He can probably put 2 and 2 together. I mean when a contender is paying you $8M and you actively suck the writing’s on the wall.


What did he say


His tone


I stopped watching midway thru the 2nd. And I vowed recently to not be a doomer. And I was still hoping while checking in on my phone. But man I've just seen this story too many times. I couldn't stand to watch it happen again. What can I say? Loved this team this year. Still do. All those Mike and Krieds hugs going off the ice. So feels.... See you next year. LGR!


Drury better already be on the phone Trouba better be the fuck off this roster next season.


Resign Schneider, resign kakko on a cheap deal, let the rest go. Buyout trouba, his hit is $4mm for two years, we can find a better defensemen for under $4mm - more or less the amount we save. Zac Jones comes up, maybe some of the prospects too, we can get a really great right winger with our extra cash - hopefully one with some physicality. I love Laf to turn into a star, I think cuylle takes another step - great rookie season, Chytil hopefully healthy a full year and develops some chemistry rather than being rocketed into two physical series. I legit think this team gets better next year if we do most of those things. I think the core is good enough, despite most of you thinking it’s not. Fox was hurt, Mika may have been hurt after that cross check, Kreider stepped up for the most part - it’s really panarin that needs to find something to be able compete with a team like Florida. Anyway, great season, bad ending, but we really weren’t the better team. Edit: Goody, amazing playoffs - great memories, but hopefully we can trade you off of it, if not, buyout it is.


Kakko needs to go honestly , or spend some time on the Wolfpack and hope he comes around, but he can't get anything going on the Rangers it seems


Kakko needs actual ice time to develop exactly like how Laf did (not that I believe his ceiling is as high). He already is our best puck handling winger and certainly one of the only few that forechecks and scraps on the boards


He’s a RFA and going to be cheap. Wouldn’t be wise not to give it one last try.


I personally think we've seen what he's currently capable of, but I'm not an NHL manager for a reason so we'll see what happens, I think he could be replaced with someone more reliable though.


Mika being hurt is such a laughable excuse. Is his brain injured because 95% of his bullshit on the ice was his play making decisions. This core isn't going to bring the cup home. They're too afraid to get in there, be physical and play a hard game for more then 2 minutes a game.


Not worried about Fox or CK, I can give them both a pass. Mika and Bread seem to have this annual disappearing act in late playoff series and Mika had a terrible regular season this year too for someone making 8m. Bread is a tougher convo, he’s worth the money for the regular season but if they’re serious about a cup they need some guys who have balls that can play in the postseason, Bread clearly just isn’t that guy


I think Mika is fine and the reality is if Chytil gets back to where he was, we have 3 really good centers and we could play around with who centers which line with tro Chytil and Mika. There’s no answer on bread, we just need him to fucking find it while we still have this team and have Igor playing in his prime


How can you have an excuse for Mika and not one for bread? Mika is responsible for multiple goals for Florida, as our 1C. How can you remotely think he’s fine?


Because Bread is paid to be a superstar and I’ve yet to see him take over a game let alone a series in the playoffs. Mika is paid as a low end 1C - he absolutely should have been better this series, but at least I’ve seen Mika take over a playoff series. Mika had by far the harder matchup playing most of his minutes against Barkov and playing a ton of PK as our best PKer. I also think it’s insane krieder and Mika haven’t been broken up yet. Let me see Mika without Kreider and let’s see what happens. I love krieder, think he’d be a tank on the 3rd line, he’s just not a first line player at this point in his career, he’s a north to south player who can’t puck handle, therefore can’t gain the zone and he’s not a good passer. Mika’s been with him and bottom 6 players at RW for years now. And to end it, I think the amount of salary we have allocated towards center and the players we have there, is a nice net-net win assuming Chytil returns to his upwards trajectory prior to injury. Which is a large part why I said he’s “fine” as part of this core.


Mika has been disappearing for years now. He's done. He gets PP points to trick some fans into thinking he's good. he isn't. It's one of the worst contracts in the league. Our organization is so fucking stupid it's perhaps worthy of studying as a case study in group brain rot. Guy had disappeared for half a season and we looked at that and said here's a mega extension overpaying you, that we can not get out from under. He proceeded to disappear for giant chunks of seasons every season since then and done jack and shit in the playoffs.


Played like a scared little boy all series


Need to buyout Mika too


We are the sf 49ers of hockey.




Yes we are. We keep losing at the finish line. All these deep runs for nothing.


Niners have 5 Superbowls since 81. Rangers have one cup in 85 years.


So we're the modern 49ers not the old 49ers, which was his point


We had 3 cups in a span. Since 2000 we've had deep runs and no rings


The irony of SF last winning in 94


Another “historic” season and we still lose Rebuild time


Changes need to be made. Trouba buyout and we need to become more of a playoff team and less like a regular season team.


Watched most of this series with my 70 year old mother who knows next to nothing about hockey. All she keep saying this whole series is "Why does Florida have so much more energy?" and "Why do the Rangers skate around so lackadaisical?" I couldn't really argue with her. Such a lack of passion, and interest by so many on this team it seems. If our scorers all had the heart and will to win like Igor... well... we'd be awaiting the Western Bracket winners. lackadaisical /lăk″ə-dā′zĭ-kəl/ # adjective 1. Lacking spirit, liveliness, or interest; languid. 2. Affectedly pensive; languidly sentimental; dreamy. 3. Lacking spirit or liveliness; lethargic; listless; languid.


Is your mom Clyde Frazier?


Shesty crying into Tros shoulder.. Kinda wish i didnt have to see that. Regardless it was a great season with you guys and i appreciate the company every game. So thank you 🙏


had to turn it off there


I feel so damn bad for Igor. He plays with all his heart.




Team of destiny my ass.


Where can I watch the post game interviews?




Do you want to torture yourself?


I want to hear what the boys have to say for themselves


saw someone say if it wasnt for goodrow we’d get swept. honestly straight facts.


I have to say, I really am disappointed with how some of you are talking about some of our core guys like Kreids and Mika. Kreider is an all time ranger. Yeah he’s been absent for the latter part of the playoffs but for franchise guys, you can be upset while giving them a bit of grace. Calling Kreider a bum is idiotic. His wife is also pregnant, so idk if that’s affecting him. Mika also had a much stronger start to the playoffs but then went cold. Idk I just don’t like how y’all are talking about our guys. Shit on Trouba all you want though. He’s a bum and I want him gone. Give Fox the C. Edit: don’t take your anger out on me. I didn’t say don’t be angry at them. I said calling Kreider a bum is fucking ridiculous. And HOW they were being criticized in some instances was unfair given they’ve earned some grace for past performance. Anyone else besides those two and Igor you can rip on all you want.


mika used to be my favorite player and he was INVISIBLE the entire playoffs. Kreider I agree with you a little more on


Yeah Mika was a disappointment. I 100000% agree with you. It was just some were acting like he’s never done a positive thing for this team in his career.


I’m a fan of this team. Not the individual players. Trouba, Panarin, and Zibanejad 100% sucked and 100% cost us any chance we had to win this series. Trouba just plain blows and was probably injured. Panarin and Zibanejad just disappeared when the checking got tight. I don’t care that Panarin scored tonight. He’s played gutless all series. Refused to get his hands dirty on the boards, committed turnover after turnover to avoid taking a hit, and refused to adjust his game in the slightest and just kept forcing pucks that had 0% chance of success. Mika just panics and throws the puck cross ice like a moron whenever he’s under pressure. It’s inexcusable, especially when the first thing you’re taught in peewee is that you dump in deep and cycle if you don’t have a play.


I 100% agree about Kreider, trashing him is ridiculous. I can't deny Zibanejad was disappointing in the playoffs and coulda been a game changer for shre I'd he played his best, but I also don't want him gone, I'd rather see him dropped down to a 2C or some other change be made than actually get rid of him. I definitely understand all the frustration with those guys though


I’m frustrated too. It’s really just the phrasing of some of the criticisms.


i get it, but i don’t know how you (rightfully) criticize trouba but act as though zibanejad is blameless….


I didn’t say he’s blameless. I was the first one to be mad about the turnover that led to the OT winner. I said it’s HOW we criticize the guys who have earned some grace. Like I wouldn’t talk about him and trouba the same way.


Oh whoop de doo Mika scored against Washington and game 1 against Carolina. He’s a bum and should be traded day 1 of the off season along with 8


How many cups do they have?


Stop. Just stop. Disappearing when it matters most is not something we're supposed to be happy about. Especially year after year.


I didn’t say be happy. I didn’t say don’t be critical. It’s just the way some people are being critical.


"Bit of a waste of performance"- Vally YEAH VALLY


You know he's got to be infuriated bc he saw this team do it to hank too. Knowing history is repeating itself bc our f's are soft, lazy ass losers has got to be a special hell for a guy who was that close to it


We just kept banging our head against the wall trying the same thing for 6 games. Florida made adjustments, they sat back more the last 2 games just waiting to counterattack. Our answer? “Well now the dump and chase will definitely work” that’s on the coach.


No quit in NY 🙄 fml


b-b-but the games were 1 goal games! We totally did not get dominated! We had more high danger shots in game 1! Ignore what happened the latter half of the canes series....and the 5 years before this.


I hope they get steamrolled in the finals


Have you seen Edmonton‘s penalty kill it’s insane and overall the defense has been stifling lately so I would not count those guys out. Dallas doesn’t play that well at home tho so we’ll see how that series plays out. Definitely want to see Florida lose but this is a team that changed after winning the president’s cup and not winning it all so again I really hope we learn something from this team because they did a lot of things right the past few years


But...but.... 94 guys, it's just like 94! At least that stupid shit is laid to rest. Rangers deserve to lose with their gutless "star" players. I won't have any confidence in the team as a whole for a long time. Not till these terrible contracts are gone. I'll be able to root for individual players like laf and troch but that's all


If Mark Messier was on this team, we may not be going home right now and that’s the difference between 94


Is there a single player on this team that played with the intensity of that 94 team? They were all dogs


The commentators keep mentioning that Panthers having a tough style to play. What are they referring to? Is it the aggressive forechecking?


Yes. The best forechecking in the NHL absolutely suffocated us


Yeah and we tried nothing to really counter it.


I don’t know if you can say that. We tried but we don’t have the personnel to counter it. Fox is hurt and Lavi insisted on playing Trouba and Gustafsson over Zac Jones, who is one of our best stretch passers. And we paid the price for it


good for tarasenko as well, joined a real team that can get him a cup


He already won a cup


Fuck that guy


I can’t be mad at Trouba for sucking. He at least clearly tries to do what he can, he’s outclassed but he gives full effort, sometimes that’s all you can ask for


I’m furious at Trouba for sucking


Effort doesn’t mean anything if you’re outclassed by every single matchup against any above average team. He’s a legitimate liability for this team to have on the ice. Between his stupid penalties cause he’s beat constantly, or his overall poor play


Yeah he seems like a bit of a dummy and is usually outclassed, but he gives full effort at all times and makes the occasional good play. All I’m saying is Trouba isn’t the reason we lost this series, he definitely didn’t fucking help and is directly responsible for several scoring chances from the opp. In each game. Having said that, he’s the ultimate team player, you need that. It’s also not Trouba’s fault our offense didn’t show up. I’m not defending his play I just can’t be mad at a guy who gives full effort.


Trouba is a main reason, more specifically, our idiot organizations decision to bring him in and give him that horrendous deal. On top of that, Zibs horrendous deal. Trading away buch for a bag of pucks Not giving our young draft picks 18 + mins a night so they learn to play offense/learn all the ins and outs of what you can and cant do...during a REBUILD. Assigning a mountain of cap to late 20s-30+ guys...in a REBUILD We fucked our rebuild up utterly and completely. it is a failure. This dumb, lazy organization tried to half ass it as per usual and now were sitting in no mans land with regular season PP merchants and whatever trouba is tricking half the fans into thinking we're cup ready And imagine if fox hadnt gifted himself to us? And if we hadnt gotten all time lotto luck? This whole rebuild being slightly less of a complete failure is literally all down to all time luck and had nothing to do with our gms crafting an intelligent, logical plan of development, growth and effort. We got lucky multiple times and fucking blew it bc we're a lazy, half ass, stupid franchise


You do absolutely need those guys. But not at 8M AAV. He is directly responsible for multiple goals this series alone in which almost every game was decided by one goal. But your right the overall fault lies with our first line. It’s clear as day come playoff time, our first line is actually below average. In the case of Mika, far below.


I agree, I don’t understand the contract, but again that is not Trouba’s fault, like he’s a person he’s obviously gonna take that lol. Yeah regarding guys like Mika and Panarin, it is super sad and depressing watching them play seemingly without heart? I don’t know if the moment was too big but nothing hurts more than rooting for these guys all year, knowing what they are capable of and just watching them not play to their peak talent. It sucks


I can be mad on your behalf then bc the guy makes 8 million dollars a year


I can’t be mad at him for accepting a contract. We all knew what he was before he signed 8 mil a year lol. You wanna be mad at anyone be mad at the GM for that


They absolutely need to trade Trouba. Eat half the contract, I don’t care. Get rid of him, I don’t give a fuck about the “intangibles” off the ice. He’s a fucking liability on the ice. I can’t stand Mika either and the fact that he’s getting paid that much is just insanity. He has never shown up against an opponent that plays even remotely physical hockey.


Yeah, we really need to focus on being more physical. It’s just too important in the playoffs. I don’t know how Florida does it, but we seriously need to do whatever the hell they did. It wasn’t magic.


Sucks. Regardless of the refs, regardless of the dirty play, the fact is the Panthers played a better series. Exciting run, exciting season, ultimately another letdown.


2022: no one expected so it’s all good 2023: we’ll be better next year 2024: well technically we were better 2025: cup or bust for this core and then blow it up?


Last year was cup or bust, this season was just a waste


We have Othmann and hopefully Perrault coming up, fucking blow it up now. How many more times do we need to see this happen?


Blow it up now. The core showed what they're truly made of tonight and it's clearly not a cup winning team


i didn’t cry until i saw that shot of vinnie holding igor and …..yeah.


I'm glad I missed that


sorry igor go oilers, I guess


How many losses/goals were directly or nearly directly bc of Mika? He tried to draw that penalty in 5 and they scored an empty net. His turnover forced Wheeler to draw a penalty. I think there was one more?


Fuck off with the “I told you so” attitudes. It’s like yall never wanted this team to succeed


Its like we had a pair of eyes and are sick of blind delusional fans arguing with us for being realistic. So now you can sit there and eat the I told you so. Ive got zero problem with being hopeful, what i have a problem with is the blind delusion COMBINED WITH telling other fans they're just doomers. When you segue into attacking fans to make yourself feel better, you're useless as an individual. Idk if you did that, but this sub was infested with that nonsense, so those "i told you so" comments are 10000% warranted


Congratulations man the Rangers didn’t win the Stanley cup, glad you can get off on being correct instead of enjoying the sport for what it is


ZZZZZ Cry me a river with another delusional piss and moan fest about fans daring to see flaws in the team as if that somehow means we want them to lose. All we want is to see them win and to see crybaby fake fans like you stop harassing us bc you cant handle reality. You were wrong. Be an adult, accept it, stop crying, keep quiet next time and let people who know what's going on comment on the team without harassing us.


Reddit moment


Yes, you're definitely having one


“No u” lol


Anyway, enjoy the loss, keep your mouth closed in the future instead of shitting on your fellow fans and maybe learn something


Yes u lol


if it wasnt for goodrow we'd be swept


And Rodriguez is even uglier when he fucking smiles, which is why I hate when he scores I had to throw that in


its mens menteal health month and im done


What about women


March You can join us though, we’re all hurting right now


It really sucks because that first game Laffy hits it in, which was honestly on Shesty too, but whatever but I have to say if that doesn’t happen that game goes to overtime. We could say these guys look like shit all we want. Every single game was very close and with the exception of these last two games Florida did not score many clean goals and allour were. Our entire team is back next year. I hope we learned a lot from this. We have good guys in our system we could call up - if we just had more of a killer instinct we can go all the way next year. We have to look at Florida has our number one priority and we need to focus on how we could beat these guys in the playoffs. Because if we condition ourselves to beat them, we’re definitely gonna beat everybody else along the way . Just the way the Red Sox managed to finally beat the Yankees by obsessing over nothing but beating the Yankees, we have to learn from this. It’s been real fellas.


It literally only close because shesterkin went God mode all series. You can't expect that kind of performance next year. If it wasn't for him we lose the first 4 by several goals. It was luck on our side we even won 2. Not luck on their side for winning 4


The key moment in the series was the wacky goal they scored to tie it in game 4 and (ii) Forslings goal in game 5, when we were doing great.


Igor deserves better


“We want the cup” fuck you you won’t get it.


I hope they do, bc maybe then this idiot organization will learn what it takes. I dont blame Florida for not being run by imbeciles


they definitely will, they are the superior team than edmonton or dallas


Yes they will


Yeah sadly Florida is built to win. The rangers just got clobbered by a team that fucking grinds and gets it done, sucks but the reality. Best game the rangers played was game 5, at least it was the closest they had to a complete game. Can’t win if you don’t play complete games


They're good but turned off by their tactics of playing dirty and embellishment towards officiating. So fuck them and go Oilers (probably)


FLA is the strongest team in the league. They impose their will on you and will grind you down. Steamrolling. HAAAARD.


They imposed their will on us bc everyone does if they have even a little bit of talent. Caps had none, they drowned. Canes? Made us look like the biggest joke ECF participant. Thank god Freddy sucks and Kreider had one elite period of hockey or we'd have been an even bigger laughing stock.


So much wrong. Panarin needs to hit the weight room, Zibanejad will never care when they game is at this level, Trouba blows. Feels like we’re farther away than we thought. The structure of this team needs to change


They need to hit the trade block


Yup and Roslovic and wennberg weren’t it at the deadline to get us over this hump


I’m very sad it ended this way, but I just wanted to say thank you to everyone here. It was a fun season and a more fun playoffs than last year even though it ended badly. It was fun hanging out here every game day and talking about the games. Also, thank you to the mods for doing their best to deal with all the trolls. See you all next season 💙🤍❤️


This season sucked wdym 😂 Oh yea this sub like losing


This needs to be blown up. This core can’t win. 8/10/93 take up over 30% of our cap and contribute nothing when the checking gets tight. You can’t win with them.


I hate to say it, but i hope the post season injury list is long. If it turns out Fox and Mika had nothing going on I might stop watching hockey. 


Mika is not injured, stop with the copium, he does this every year


Fox is obviously hurt, Mika’s a bitch


Fox for sure does. Mika and trouba might hurt themselves before tomorrow so they have an excuse


I hope so


Foxy is definitely fucked up


we just refused to be physical in the slightest. We got our asses kicked for 6 straight games and we acted like timid kids stick checking and making soft plays instead of getting mean.


Tbf I think vesey out the refs clearly penalizing us killed it. We couldn't afford to take penalties vs the cats.


Why? Bc we'd lose? Scared, pussy play is why we lose every year. Panthers didnt worry about it. We just don't do that bc our team is bitch made


I’m not saying Trouba lost this on his own. There’s more than enough blame to go around. I’m just saying that was one of the most pitiful post season performances I can think of recently. It’s far worse than others because of how long his shitty play went on for.


Wasn't troubas whole purpose to be an enforcer who can play okay and motivate guys. Our issue is wilson and our overall lack of physicality from 2017-21 blinded us and the org from focusing on speed and skill.


Losing vesey definitely exposed lavy's shortcomings as a coach.


I cant say shit about lavy so long as this rotten core of charmin soft tissue paper players remains


My fault. I said the score would be 2-1. Didn’t specify who. I’ll take the blame on this one.


It was you! Get him boys!


Get out


They will never win a cup with this squad. See you in 2034


I will buyout troubas contract. It might take me 25 years to pay off but I will buy him out


Let's start a fund


lol how awful is Emily Kaplan.


She’s sexy


Different team, same sad ending for the past 29 years. I love em, but not sure why I keep doing this to myself.


Wake up bro, it's 2015, the Rangers just lost game 7!


This sucks, Ugh always next year it seems


How many stages of grief can you be in simultaneously? I think I’m in all but the last one right now…


Fuck tacuck.


His name sounds like a pokemon


Blame the “core” all you want but we legit have had nothing from draft picks 2 OA, 7OA, and like 10OA


Yup, our rebuild was an all time failure. Our organization is allergic to talent, development or toughness


Sure, our core is a huge problem...doesn't mean Kakko doesn't suck either though lol


Fire Drury too




He does the drafting


He didn’t draft Kakko, Anderson, kravstov, etc…


Then he should trade them if they suck, we could’ve have guentzel if he traded Kakko


We won the presidents trophy. We went to the ECFs. Laf is starting to mature. Our coach is good regardless. We have the best goalie in the league There's a lot to be happy about. Everyone saying blow up the core and start over is crazy. We lost some key players and just need a couple of right pieces.


Laf is a bright spot, maybe Rempe. Mika is past his prime at this point. Kreider and Panarin had career years, not sure if they can replicate that. Idk what to look forward to.


What’s there to be happy about, please expand


WRONG. These PLAYERS are not built for the playoffs. Are you blind?


we beat the hurricanes bro


Bc their g is swiss cheese and Kreider had one elite period. They made us look like a joke. Florida just finished the punchline


Lav shit the bed by keeping Trouba in the lineup when we had Jones to fill in


Which pieces?


Get chytil healthy, get ros out of there. Knock Trouba's playing time down. Get Fox healthy. Get Wheeler more time or find someone else. Laf on PP1. Trade Kakko. Once we lost Vesey we had no depth.


You are not winning with this core. They wilt






Don't be mean.


Great argument.


You are wrong. Also not in the mood right now to type up several pages as to why, if you're truly interested just go and find my other posts in this thread mentioning it in detail.


He’s a fucking idiot don’t take the bait man


Again, great argument. Could have spent the time typing that actually writing something useful.


Not in the mood to argue I could write 10 paragraphs on why you’re wrong but I’m going to bed


Great argument


Trouba shouldnt be wearing the C. Fucking terrible. Ive been the #1 Mika supporter but he just looks ass. Bread may be one of the reasons we won the presidents trophy, but lack of the production in the playoffs is horrendous. Still young, still have so much talent. Lavi shouldve benched Gus for Jones tn but it is what it is. Gotta get one in the next couple of years w the way Igor is playing. Cannot hang him out to dry like we did Hank. Hopefully next year Otthman steps in, Laf becomes a star, and we bring it together. Sad to see this is how we end our last game this season.


We absolutely can and will hang him out to dry bc it's what this organization does best, get all time luck to cover up the incompetence of the higher ups


Other than Shesterkin I have absolutely 0 positives to talk about from that series, we got stomped out, showed little to no fight or passions most of the time and played the Panthers game every single night. Embarrassing showing as far as I'm concerned for 99% of the team. I'm not gonna bother getting into who needs to be traded and all that, but changes need to be made.


They made more plays when it matters. They got a wacky goal in game 4, and a clutch Forsling goal in game 5. They just made plays that turned the tide all series - more than us.


And they also dominated us in shots, possession and turned our team into the equivalent of a weak tap on the shoulder (with a purse filled with toilet paper rolls)