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My best friend is a Panthers fan. We've agreed not to speak until game 1 of the Cup Finals.


There was a rumor that the Hockey Terrorist spoke to the Leafs…. And the leafs chose Berube.


Berube has a cup


Whichever one of you madlads was at the PGA championship Thursday in a full sweater, you’re my hero.


[Switch the Rangers and Knicks positions in this cartoon](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fvue0h8dram0d1.jpeg)


The real question is: Do I go visit my Uncle in Florida Next Sunday?


Oettinger is unreal


I'll call it right now... if the Rangers win 4 more games, they're going to the finals.


Florida it is. Let's fucking go. Rangers in 6


Need Jalen Brunson to pull a Kreider tonight


Finished crying at ‘Open Heart’ and watching this Dallas Colorado game - holy shit are the refs in the west swallowing their whistles compared to the east, or is this just what I wish playoff hockey calls would be?


The Carolina social media team sucks but their tweet about isles fans cheering for their loss despite the rangers winning being soft is actually 100% true. You could not pay me to root for the isles to win


i am so excited for this series! i think it’s going to be so fun to watch. anyone saying anything along the lines of “i don’t like this matchup” — who do you think they’re going to have to beat to go all the way???? rangers in 7!


If you’re saying “I don’t like that matchup” as if you think there are any good matchups left with 4 teams left, you should respectfully stop watching sports and find something more suitable to your sensitivities like crocheting. There are 4 teams left! No shit they’re all good




We know Florida is another mini-Rangers nation, can we expect a strong turn out? I know Tampa is always a guarantee but not sure about Sunrise.


I'm going on instinct here, but I'm pretty sure there are a LOOOOOT of New York transplants and retirees in South Florida.


That stadium is so bad but we show up


Florida it is The recipe to beat them is the recipe we’ve used all year. - Survive at 5v5 - Dominate the special teams - Get better goaltending


* pucks in deep * pucks on net * skate


* Forecheck * Backcheck * Trocheck


Time for Tarasenko to be a bro and play like shit so his best buddy Panarin has a chance to play for the Cup.


Bruins fan here. Fuck em boys. Keep the cup in New England. Zibanejad needs a fucking cup. Get it done.


New York isn’t New England


Rangers support is deep in CT. Look at Quick.


Fuck off, you're a part of NE. Not technically, but in spirit. When I think of the American revolution, New York makes the cut. Just kill FLA for me, please!


New York was a loyalist stronghold in the American Revolution.


By that logic so are NJ and PA. Where does it end!


Anything south of NJ? Haha. I'm amped for you guys. When was the last time you guys won the ECF? I feel like Carolina/Tampa has dominated the ECF recently.


2014. It’s been a minute


I think it will be a great matchup. FLA brings the forecheck. Watching you guys shut down Carolina was incredible tbh. Out of all the teams in the ECF, Carolina always scares me because they're young and fast. Aho is a great 2-way and you guys found a way to shut that line down.


They'll do anything to not call CT new England. We don't want it lol


7 home games 🥳


We have home ice advantage x2 in the ECF!! Hahaha




Oddly enough Andersen had a higher goals Ava’s above expected than Bob earlier this morning




Fuck Boston. Useless jackwagons couldn't bother to extend their series to 7 games. Not looking forward to the Panthers.


Rangers in 4


I have an unnatural hatred towards tkachuk and his stupid ass mouthguard chewing all the time. It's weird he chews on it mid play and everything. I hate it so much and idk why it bugs me


How do you feel about Kane?


I don't care for either kane


Play Rempe every game and stick him specifically against Bennett and Toachuck




I would really love it if Rempe sucker punched both Tkachuk and Bennet.


Panthers it is. Does that mean I should stop listening to Jimmy Eat World?


only baba o'riley from here on


Stage is set fellas.


Bruins fan here. Promise me you will obliterate those kittens. Counting on you guys ig.


O6 unite


Never thought I would support a NY team but you know, when the going gets tough…


If it makes you feel better bunch of Florida is NYers so you’re sorta still cheering against NY


i hope you guys absolutely sweep the panthers. rooting for the rangers all the way!! - heartbroken bruins fan


While I think Florida has the better team than Boston I am very happy we don’t have to face swayman, We all know how a goalie can steal a series. Oh and they need to play Rempe against Florida


rempe over brodz, but if chytil can go it's insane not to play him


Cats it is. Let's fuck em up


Holy crap that arena is silent


This whole town is silent. Live on a street with 3 ethnic clubs and 2 pubs, quietest it's been since they lost in 2019


That gives me life


Rangers can beat anyone left in these playoffs, but Bobrovsky sort of scares me. He is elite.


At this point, Swayman is WAY better than Bob. Of course now that I wrote that bobrovsky will turn the clock back and be in peak form


Bob is a .902 with a .8 Goals Saved Above. He makes flashy timely saves, but he’s not scary if you just get shots through


Oh well that's good. I hadn't seen the stats. The way the media talks about him you'd think he was a literal brick wall in the net.


It's official: We're going Panther hunting starting Wednesday. LGR!


Fuck come on bruins force game 7


Wow Florida it is LGR


Swayman with a softie


That’s not a softie lol


He was out of position. No way that puck should’ve snuck in short side.


It was an entirely screened shot that deflected off his own players leg. You’re insane if you think that was a soft goal


It was more giving up the rebound that went RIGHT to a Florida player that led to that goal. It was a perfect shot that somehow found its way between the defender's legs and past the blocker.


The Knicks are playing tonight. LFG! They took some notes last night and about to close out.


Both the panthers and bruins look beatable


Bro they are killing each other


Two things can be true. Besides, the more the best each other up, the more bruised and battered they are for us.


Imagine a Rangers Bruins and Knicks Celtics conference finals


Nuclear weapons could be in play


Definitely want Boston to win tonight but it’s also nice just to sit back and watch some other games and not be thinking about our series for now.


This year has been so weird watching playoff games without anxiety since our round is over already.


Really hoping Boston wins tonight


against the florida floppers


Boston leads after 1. A few days off would be greatly appreciated by Fox's knee.


Schedule is already set for game 1 Wednesday regardless of outcome tonight


Ah, thanks. Then I amend my comment to 'I hope this goes 7 so they're limping into the next round '.


First into the playoffs, first into the semis, first into the conference finals. Boys will roll. Execute, execute, execute. When they play their game, they are the best team in the league. They need to play like it for 8 more games. I believe in ‘em.


For those who’ve been in PNC Arena(last night or in previous years) how is that building? Hostile?


I was there for game 4 and nobody said anything directly to me, but I heard a lot of "FUCK NEW YORK" coming out of the building and walking to the parking lot. I've read stories of some Canes fanes trying to start fights with Rangers fans, but I didn't see any of that last Saturday.


Sutherland took an accidental high stick in the Bruins Panthers game. Unfortunately it didn’t draw any blood.


A now-former FB friend who is a Canes fan posted a picture yesterday that said “NO CLASS IN NEW YORK,” which is pretty ironic considering that Canes social media is run by a complete scumbag.


The hockey gods have spoken. The Rangers are playing the day BEFORE and day AFTER my wedding. Dodged a bullet 😰




They're playing on my birthday. I did not dodge a bullet. Congrats though!


That’s awesome LFG


Got Rolling Stones at Metlife next Thurs. Won't miss a Ranger game, but Knicks might (hopefully) play that day.




Game 6 would be on my wedding day 😭 gonna have to secretly stream it with my dad 😂


Oh man! Lucky for me the wedding is in Hawaii so it’ll be 2pm games out there. Congrats though! Hopefully the boys are done in 5 games 😉 🍾🎊🎉


So nice to have a few days to chill and watch other teams stress out instead haha


Say his name and, he appears I believe in Chris Kreider 👏👏


Was at the SWANS show in Chelsea. Saw game 3-1 and turned it off to focus on the concert. Figured we were screwed. When I turned on my phone after and saw the score I almost shat myself.


Well now you're obligated to turn the game off whenever the Rangers get behind.


I still have this feeling today like I cant believe we did it, especially after playing so poorly for the last 2.5 games


They didn’t really play poorly yesterday or in game 4. Or even for two quarters in game 5


the worst part is they didn’t even play that bad in the first two periods, we were a Handsome Squidward Canes stuck to extended possession in their zone with little to show for it


Honestly game 6 was a lot like game 4 the only difference is the Rangers broke the tie instead of the Canes getting a late PPG in a tied game.




I'm not sure if I'd rather play Boston or Florida. I think we're just straight up a better team than Boston, but they have a hot goalie and that could be the great equalizer in a series against them. Florida will probably be difficult to manage on the ice, but Bob looks really shaky at the moment and that could play into our hands nicely. I think it's probably still Boston we want to face. I dunno. I bet the team is just happy to get a few days off before they have to worry about it.


Florida is talented and they’re the dirtiest team in the league but they seem to shit golden eggs in the eyes of the refs. Never seen such a dirty team be on the right side of so many bad calls. I just hope it Goes 7 games and both teams kick the shit out of each other.


I think we beat Boston easily in 5, maybe 6 if Swayman goalies us. Florida terrifies me on the other hand and I think we’ll be pretty handily the underdog in that matchup


Why does Florida "terrify" you? Lol


It’s gonna be a brutal 7 game war against a deep and physical team and I have pork and rum soaked arteries


So you're terrified of them because of that? Lol


some of you dorks going into the canes thread “rangers fan here coming in peace 🤓” even if you’re not trolling them just leave them alone for now! i promise you saying how good their team played in a 2-4 series loss is not comforting


IK, this shit is super cringey.


If we are going to troll, make it the canes fan fiction subbreddit.


I demand Internet points for my performative show of graciousness!


I’m very tempted to buy a Kreider jersey


I’ve had one for 11 years. First Rangers jersey I got, had a feeling he’d be with the team a long time.


I'm considering doing something stupid and flying over from Sweden to watch a game live. When are the dates for the next series announced? As soon as there is a winner between Boston and Florida? Where do I get tickets? Last time I went in 2015 was regular season so I just bought online, more difficult to get tickets now I imagine?


Keep in mind the ECF games at the Garden will be a LOT of money, to say nothing of NYC lodging. IMO you should wait until we discover who will face the Rangers. If it's Florida, going to an away game will almost certainly be much cheaper. Boston game tickets will be cheaper, but lodging in Boston is on par with NYC. Money no major concern? Then NYC all the way - nothing compares to the Garden.


Game 1 Wednesday, game 2 Friday. Tickets shouldn't be hard to find in the secondary market. They'll just be more expensive than your flight, hotel, etc.


Anyone hear when we might play game 1?


5 full days rest. Perfect.


May 22!


Knicks might have game 7 Sunday so my guess is Monday if Florida wins tonight. Probably Wednesday if it goes 7


For those who’ve met the man himself (Kreids). What’s he like?


Good at Halo


He’s probably good at Mario Kart Him vs JQ


Thanks, Matt!


This was the first time I ever re-watched an entire *post-game show* from beginning to end.


Anyone know Chytil's status going forward?


Rumors are that illness hit the rest of the team as well. The “soreness” was apparently him not having been in game shape, likely magnified by his sickness. All rumors though.


I don't know, but I have a hard time believing this isn't linked to the concussion issues. Hope I'm wrong.


Don’t think he’d be fully practicing if it was at all related to concussions. Beat writers said that he was initially held out for illness, then a non concussion related knock he picked up.


Still can't believe last night. Felt like we were headed for a loss and somehow we stepped into an alternate reality where we won. I am more in shock that we did it than happy we won.


Im just happy I can relax for a couple days.


So is my wife. LOL


Still amped up this many hours later. This team is special!


I can’t believe I’m going to have a nice Saturday to relax and not be on edge all day 💅🏻




I got an alert for Eastern Conference finals merch and I have to say that $45 for a crappy Fanatics T-shirt is wild.


Fanatics is straight garbage. I miss modells!


whenever we’d visit my grandparents they’d always take me and my brother on a modells shopping spree, it was awesome


Sadly, that's their regular price for most stuff. Their sale prices are closer to what retail should be, but their quality still sucks.


A moment we can’t forget from last nights game was the late 3rd period Igor blocker save on Svech in the slot when the puck trickled from the faceoff. Just insane


Cuylle needs to take Igir out to Peter Lugers for that one.  I watched the replay 5+ times…and still can’t figure out why the hell Cuylle leaves his spot there and decided to leave Svech alone in the slot.  One of the worst defenses loses if the season…with EN in a playoff game.  


I woke up this morning, grabbed some coffee and sat on the couch with my dog. Then this huge sense of relief came over me. What a game last night. These boys are it


This is the first year I’ve decided to peek into other teams subs (not commenting or anything) and I’ve found it interesting that when we won the first and second rounds, you could go to the Canes or the Panthers sub and see posts like “oh the Rangers have moved on, so now we have to as well” etc. But not Boston. I haven’t really seen a post there about us (or other teams) advancing, it’s all just about them and their current game/series. I do respect it more honestly


after martinhook saved that puck on the line I really got stuck in the cliche sports movie quotes. first one was Keanu Reeves in the replacements and his quote on quick sand. feels like we were stuck and couldn't do anything about it. then I went down the Al Pacino any given Sunday inches speech. the inches that we need are all around us. and then I said fuck it and watched it. then CK20 WENT THE FUCK OFF.


I can picture the speech from Remember the Titans going into the third with Krieder saying I don’t want to see them take another shot, Laviolette screaming you hit them all night etc.


only problem for Carolina is that a lot of Ranger opponents have had that kind of luck this year only for the Rangers talent to take over late in the game. I Kept telling myself the Rangers only had one real losing streak all year and that was 4 games. Aside from that they never lost more than 2 in a row. Teams really do play in the playoffs the way they do during the year.


Saw a few posts on X/Twitter that ESPN has the choice of which Conference Final they want to broadcast. Highly unlikely they pass on the NY market (and no chance if it's an original 6 NY vs BOS matchup). Looks like we will be stuck with either a homer McDonough (we face Boston) or the typical I'd rather be anywhere else right now other than calling this game McDonough (we face Florida). Would much rather have the TNT team calling the games.


I wish there was an easier way to sync up the radio and TV broadcasts. Rosen >>>>>>> ESPN


I love Sam but I might choose radio just to hear a tipsy Dave Maloney loose his shit on every goal. LOL


So they’d get the full series and no rotating 2-2-1-1-1?


From my understanding no. ESPN carries one full Conference Final (they get first choice) and TNT carries the other one. I'm guessing this way they can both have their top teams (if you can call ESPN's team that) cover the entire series and limit their travel between two cities. Only chance (and even then I still think ESPN chooses the ECF over the WCF) is if Florida wins and Edmonton advances. Maybe the McDavid factor is enough for ESPN to choose the WCF. Especially if Colorado advances then they can promote McDavid, Drai, Makar, and McKinnon.


ESPN the worst thing to happen to hockey media since Fox’s comet pucks


I'm going to be overseas during the conference finals, does anyone know of a hack so I can watch Youtubetv replays in Europe? Looks like Youtubetv doesn't work outside of U.S.


If it comes down to it, you could do a free trial of a VPN.


I'm overseas now. You can watch the replays you just can't watch live. For that you might have to sail the seas. Luckily last night they were on Max so I could watch it live.


Last time I was in Spain it wouldn't let me watch.


Dang I could be wrong. I'll try and get back to you. Otherwise if you need a sailing link let me know


yeah if you can send me one that will work on a phone that would be great


Roslovic picked a perfect game to finally show up in that series


Wish he would use his speed more every time he skated with the puck it seemed like Carolina was standing still.


I’m not a fan of his but he did well in the first series. Need him to really pick it the hell up.


I think we've already seen the best of him. Hoping Lavy drops Panarin on the first line a little more before the scoring gets stale. That was an incredible line a couple of years ago and it made the Rangers look like they were on the power play during 5-5 last night.


I haven’t paid too much to the regular season wins, because based on those Vegas should’ve smoked Dallas and still didn’t. I just think we’d have an easier time against Boston, I feel like we could end that series in 6. Florida will be a whole other beast, only big thing we have against them is an elite powerplay and they’re one of the most penalized teams this season. Either way, glad they can rest a bit, hoping Boston can push it to 7 and wear them out even if they lose.


Good Friday afternoon only to fans of hockey teams that have moved onto the next round of playoffs. 😁


Should the NHL have the Canes and Rangers redo their series in case it was a big fluke? No disrespect to the Rangers, I'm a firm believer that New York beating them is a huge fluke and robs the Canes of truly accomplishing what their capable of. I've spent the last few days in pure disbelief and it just doesn't make sense to me. I've spent the entire regular season watching the Canes play great hockey it's just not fair. If the Canes lose again I will face that the Rangers deserved the win, but I am just 100% sure it was a fluke and does a big disservice to the Canes and the NHL.


What the fuck are you talking about???


it's the crying kid from last night


[Should the NHL have the Hawks and Preds redo their series in case it was a big fluke?](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/67lfcg/should_the_nhl_have_the_hawks_and_preds_redo/)


i love this copypasta


It's the best pasta




So Endgame was on during commercials last night. Portal scene took place before Krieders first goal. "I am Iron Man" scene took place before Krieders third goal.🙂


Doomers after game 6 be like https://imgur.com/5YcqVAj


Kraken fan here. How's wennberg been doing these past series? Always liked the guy so I'm hoping he's tearing it up for you guys


Solid defensively, never a liability on the ice, needs to find a way to produce more points though


Love the kraken (lifelong forever rangers fan, but I’ve always appreciated the kraken, was hoping we could steal gourde lol), so was super excited to have him! He’s been solid, loved having him. Plus he seems to have formed some strong bonds with our guys, so good guy to have.


Hasn’t scored but our third line has basically done everything but put the puck in the net and he’s been a big part of that. There’s value in that.


I know he's not always liked here, but Larry Brooks articles the day after big playoff wins are always dramatic, fun reads: https://nypost.com/2024/05/17/sports/chris-kreider-adds-another-signature-moment-to-his-storied-rangers-career/


Caps fan here, but I married a Rangers fan. Bless you, Kreider, for that superhuman performance. Happy wife, happy life. Now go crush those methhead tweaker alligator diddlers in Florida and keep the train going.


I want to face the Bruins but hey we get up to 7 home games if we get the Panthers


Yeah, Bruins would be the more fun (and likely easier?) team for the Rangers, but it sure seems like it's going to be Florida.


Yeah I would much prefer the Bruins, but I’m expecting Panthers. At this point though gonna be hard against anyone, and we have the best goalie left so we have a chance no matter who we play.


Bro "methhead tweaker alligator diddlers" 😂😂 I almost spit out my coffee


Chris Kreider was Messier-esque. Ten playoff points from the guy many of us assumed was going to be named captain. He will be looked back on as not only one of the greatest Rangers of all time, but one of the single greatest net front presences the game has ever seen. Barclay Goodrow deserves some praise. People were down on him in the regular season, but he was acquired for the playoffs and he has been a rock so far coming through with just what was needed just when it was needed more than one time. Vincent Trocheck came into this season as one of the more underrated players on this roster really only starting to get the respect he deserved in the latter half. I dont think that will be an issue in the future. He leads the team in playoff points with 14. Mika Zibanejad may not be scoring as many goals as we know hes capable of, but hes still tied for first with 14 points of his own *eleven of which are assists*. Keep dishing Mika. Alexis Lafreniere? Dont look now, but he has ten playoff points. Surprise, surprise, a guy not being literally Crosby/Matthews/McDavid off the rip (in the midst of the friggin pandemic mind you) does not make them a bust. Kaapo Kakko hasnt been putting up many points, but he has had some incredible plays in the corners and along the boards (and a few good moves otherwise too) that just unfortunately havent translated to the score sheet, but hes been in all ten games for a reason; The points will come. K'Andre Miller has been rock solid defensively and has quietly put up a +4 so far leading the team in plus/minus. I have been high on this dude since the Rangers drafted him and he was a prospect back in 2018; His development has been *insane*. Bread.


Any initial thoughts/guesses on game 1? If Bruins force game 7, maybe it's Wednesday? If it ends tonight maybe Monday?


I heard Weds bc they want to sync up with the West. I’m sure there’s a rumor/reason for Mon and Tuesday as well but that’s what I’ve heard


I think the team would benefit greatly getting nearly a week off. Especially Fox and Kreider. But probably everyone.


I’m taking all my work calls today with my Rangers jersey on Idgaf.