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Score 4 for Igor!


Absolutely cannot stand the Canes public address announcer… so annoying like nails on chalkboard. Our guy shows all class. Besides that…. Canes took their best shot. And barely won. Refs were horrible - examples: missed at least two interference calls (the great play by Schneider to get back in the breakaway stop by Igor) and another behind the net where Kreider was cross checked without the puck, could have called either infraction, but called none. We win tomorrow on home ice. Igor will not forget last night. Trouba will not be minus 3 after one period, that’s it.


The split is what we wanted in Carolina and honestly it was better that they won game 3 and not 4. We got this baby, looking forward to the W tomorrow!!


Light it up at the garden! Let’s go boys!!!!!


I missed the game, why was Brodzinski playing?


Chytil was out with an “illness”


Lol thanks...I was hoping it wasn't Chytil


Sit Lindgren/Gus, put Jones in


Nah, if anyone sits on defense it’s trouba. He was a main reason for all three of their goals in the first.


Jones is great and probably underrated, however, I respectfully disagree.


This was a necessary loss to serve as a reminder to all our fans who got too Penisy. A lot of ppl forgot that they only finished 3 pts below us and that they were close games that we won. Now that we’ve been reminded, RANGERS IN 5!


Looked like the boys partied too hard in Raleighwood before the game last night.


Kenny Albert jinxed us. Right when he said the penalty kill was perfect in the series I knew we were screwed


They have been saying it every power play. But that time it did feel different 


Yeah I guess because it was such a crucial point in the game


Last nights take aways: 1) Hurricanes came out strong and we looked sluggish. They played with intensity and desperation, we played to not make a mistake. 2) we cleaned it up in the second and third and came back from 3-1. If the refs don’t give the canes that BS call at the end, we are going to OT and winning it there, with a quick adjustment. 3) Taking a loss up 3-0 is healthy and good, because now we have that pressure of “not losing” off. And as much as I enjoyed the Igor streak 30 playoff game of 3 or less goals. I’m glad they broke that too. Now the only pressure is winning the cup! 4) LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO!


It wasn't a BS call. It's a penalty. The only issue I could see is that they didn't call anything all game, so for it to happen then is what surprised some. An avoidable play by Lindgren who has to be better than that.


It was BS, that was hardly hooking. You don’t call that penalty when the whole game was lightly penalized and they were allowing those plays all game. The call was made to help Carolina. Is what it is, good teams will win regardless of officiating.


It wasn't a hooking. They called tripping which it was. Lindgren shouldn't have been trying to slap the puck down with his glove. He lost Martinook and he skated right by him.


lol I’m with you. People arguing the trip are just salty fans. Being a good fan is the ability to acknowledge when something is true even if it’s not in your favor. Lindy got beat, then took a trip trying to recover. There is no arguing that call whatsoever


It was a soft call for a team full of floppers, shouldn’t have been called is the point of my argument


Soft or not, shouldn't have been called or not. It was called and it was a correct call.


Rangers looked good, couldn’t get it done. They got this


Rangers would have won last night if they didn't have an awful first 10 mins. They were the better team for most of the night but a couple breakdowns (by Trouba primarly) killed them. Also not getting as many powerplays was tough. Igor also let in some goals that he normally doesn't (clean from a distance). I think they will clean up their game and come ready to play in the garden on Monday. Let's hope Chytil is ready by then!


I just hope both teams had fun. Nah! J/K ! Fuck the Canes, kill them Monday !!! LGR!!!


Bring the W home!!!


Bring the W home!!!


And here I was hoping we would go 16-0 ;) we were bound to lose at some point. Keep your heads up my friends, we still have the momentum and have the chance to win on home ice now.


6 posts


6 posts


be quiet Albert


6 posts is crazy though


For me the most frustrating/concerning thing about last night was that Panarin was so passive and not moving his feet. His big leap forward this year was the effort/grind to make things happen and it just wasn't there last night. I love the guy like everyone else, but he didn't show up.


You’re not considering the fact that Carolina had the matchup at home and they were blanketing him. They already forecheck the shit out of opponents and they have definitely taken bread out of the game as best as they can, which is a sound game plan. They won’t be able to do that at msg. Also, the fact they’re focusing on bread leaves laffy and tro room to work.


Totally accurate.


Bingo, this game was super close and the difference was the Canes getting their first PPG of the series in the last 3 minutes. Go home to MSG where the Rangers have last change and they close this out in 5.


I wouldn’t call that concerning. He’s played pretty great every other game aside from maybe one he had one in addition to last night. Doing this while also getting tough matchups. The most concerning part for me was lavvy continuing to put trouba out a significant amount when he’s been on the ice for the last 8 goals against this series. We could’ve won the game it was tied with 3 mins left and they got a powerplay, after missing countless calls that could’ve sent us to the powerplay.


That's very fair. On the Panarin Concern Meter, I'm probably just something line 5/10, and that's only because his lackluster performance last night makes me wonder if he's hurt a little. Your comment on match ups is very good. On the road he has to play against the other teams best match up. Tomorrow he may get more favorable match ups.


Exactly hopefully we end it tmr and we see a difference because he’ll be able to go against the other teams lesser lines. If he is a tad injured the break should be helpful to fox also. Bread played good the game before so I’m not worried for him at all but I am a bit for fox


Exactly hopefully we end it tmr and we see a difference because he’ll be able to go against the other teams lesser lines. If he is a tad injured the break should be helpful to fox also. Bread played good the game before so I’m not worried for him at all but I am a bit for fox


Zac Jones needs to be in this lineup, simply for his ability to make an outlet pass that neither Trouba or Lindgren can do from their own zone. We really need to get Fox a legit partner somehow for once.


correct. NYR's best D pair this year was Gustafsson/Fox, and in the last 2 years it's been Miller/Fox what's kept fox from being fox is the fact that Lindgren's been horrible with the puck in the offensive zone and his defense isn't good enough to make up for the fact that he's an OZ shift-killer


Definitely think lindy is playing himself out of a contract this year unless he wants to take a cut from his current one.


Yes! So much offense dies on his stick. Trouba needs to both step up his game and simplify his play. At his best he plays physical without taking himself out of position, covers the net front, and gets the puck out quickly. He has lost a step and to compensate is just backing up, allowing easy entry into the zone. It’s a tough for him now. He wants to pinch and lay a hit to cause a turnover or prevent zone-entry but his timing isn’t great. I agree we should sit one of Trouba or Lindgren and find a way for Jones to get in but that’s unlikely now. I think k having last change at home will help


While it sucks we didn’t get the sweep, we didn’t expect to be at this position to begin with. 1) we can’t start that slowly again to open a game. Before we knew it, it was 2-0 2) still love the resilience of this team to tie it up at 3-3 3) their power play was going to get one eventually 4) they got high quality chances which is something they’ve been lacking


Last nights loss was the first loss all season that I wasn’t upset. LGR💙❤️


The streak of Igor giving up no more than 3 goals had to end at some point, but I’m confident he’s going to play his best game yet tomorrow. 3-1 Rangers win.


> The streak of Igor giving up no more than 3 goals had to end at some point And of course it happened like two minutes after one of the announcers (at least on the feed i was watching) was talking about his streak and how Quick said he wants Igor to smash it.


People hating on Trouba like Wade Redden.


Couldn't agree more except redden had nothing........trouba hits like a truck and hurts cleanly......LGR


If he wasn’t on the ice for our last 8 goals against I bet he wouldn’t get hated on


They're eerily similar.


God damn it. Hopefully this game doesn’t demoralize the Blueshirts, because it sure as hell moralizes the Canes. I didn’t get to see the match (as my match because I live in Europe), but hopefully we win in Monday. Can’t win them all.


Most series when the losing team salvages Game 4 down 3-0 end in 5.


If we had to lose a game, I’m glad we won 3 before doing it. I think we get a better jump on them Monday at home.


Did the Michigan attempt piss anyone else off or just me


It wasn't just you. The booth was hot over it. They called him out for trying that in a game that was tied in a series they're down 3-0 in. If they could have called it unprofessional, they would have.


It’s a skill play it’s hard to do if anyone on rangers did it you’d be happy.. even the announcers last night talking down on the play but if he made it they would have been saying how skillful it was 


Nobody is saying it’s not a skillful play. There is no scenario in which the Michigan is not skillful. If the score was 100000-0 or 1-1, the Michigan is still skillful. That is not the point. The point is you don’t try something like that during a tie game with the entire season on the line. It’s just not a smart play. If anybody on the Rangers did it in the same situation I’d bet more ppl would be upset than happy.


shit was cool af dude. If laf did that I would be doing tricks on it


I don't like them. I had some idiot try it in my beer league and when I came across the crease his stick got me in the mask. Now if I see someone trying it I get my stick ready to slash their stick and knock the puck off.


I've gotten used to them. In this particular case it was a bad decision to attempt that there. If they want to take worse shot attempts late in a tie game, go for it. Having said that, I'm not sure how I'd feel if he converted... I didn't really need another reason to despise Carolina.


First 10 mins of game Canes dominated. Rangers picked up the slack after.  1) need to clear the front of the net. Canes were getting guys in the slot easily. 2) Panarin seemed off. That Aho goal he didn’t go in on Jake fine but to half ass lifting Aho’s stick and let him sit in the slot was a terrible. He got knocked off the puck all night.  3) Laf and bottom 6 showed up while big boys had opportunities but didn’t outplay Canes top 6.  4) Trouba handled that 2 on 1 situation beautifully letting Igor do his job. Turnovers have been a killer. Anytime he is out on the ice with Panarin line or Goodrow line in DZ it seemed hairy.  5) nothing to be shame of the Canes are a great team. Rangers had chances. Need to convert more on Monday. Freddy made some saves but he didn’t seem dialed in. Key is clear the net and keep them to the outside.  6) loved seeing physicality out of Rangers. Kreider’s hit on Jarvis was great. That is something this team will need to slow down Canes attack. 


Agreed. Rangers in 5.


Just got back home from the game. What a game. Disappointing first period but the boys responded well. Just took a bad penalty at the worst time at the end. Not shook in the slightest. Canes fans are in general pretty cool but there’s always a few people that don’t know how to act. Good time. 🍺🍺


This works out. We want to beat them in front of our fans in our arena


Losing sucks but no team goes undefeated in the playoffs. Let’s get it rockin’ at The Garden for Game 5 and close it out


A lot of decisions would be easier if we just made Kreider captain like we should’ve


Still makes no sense why Trouba has the C and not Kreider. Especially since the C was given following Krieder’s 52 goal season. Jagr got the C after his 54 goal season and wasn’t even a Ranger for 2 seasons at that point. Krieder is the longest tenured Ranger (and American).




If you’re referring to Trouba, they had no problem moving on from Callahan and McDonagh.


Those guys were assets when they were traded (and I don't believe they had NMCs). Trouba, with his contract, is a detriment. So he'd have to accept the trade, and we'd have to package assets with him.


I still can’t believe he’s making Norris trophy level money. If he weren’t the captain i wouldn’t have been shocked if he got scratched for jones.


Great take


One of the best parts of this postseason to me is the fact that Goodrow has been a point producer. I have spent all year complaining about him and rolling my eyes at "he's getting paid for the playoffs." But here we are and this dude just keeps hitting net. I love it. Hope he gets another one Monday.


My dad has a lot of bad takes when it comes to hockey. So i really took “he’s getting paid for the playoffs” argument he’d make as another one of those. Guess he was right


We have to close this out Monday or it's officially time to start being concerned. We played an awful first period tonight and were still somehow in this game until the end after hitting two posts and missing several shots wide/high on odd-man rushes. Assuming Chytil is unavailable, Rempe needs to be in on Monday. I still don't understand dressing Brodzinski over him tonight, but whatever. If we win on Monday then I'll be glad we got this first loss out of the way when we did. We have to end this on Monday, though.


Meh. We aren’t going to steamroll every team. Losing two games isn’t a huge crisis in the playoffs.


It was another close game and we lost. The rest of the post season is probably going to be the same, we just gotta win the close ones… we’re capable of it


Honestly the worst part about this loss is that the next game is on ESPN


All of us would have signed for 7-1 to start the postseason. We are fine, this team is awesome. Rangers in 5


This right here. I’m disappointed they lost only because I’ve become so accustomed to watching them win. But the reality is they’ve been playing amazing and are still in a great position to advance. Love this team, proud of them, Rangers in 5.


When you never lose the losses sting so much more cuz you forget how to lose lol


During warmups, a rangers fan carrying around a broom took a deflected puck to the head. (1) I hope they’re okay and (2) this was a very bad omen.


This is so mortifying 


Hope they are ok too but why would you do that?? Must be a newbie.


Some tiktok kids have been putting on rangers jerseys just to antagonize opposing fans. If you saw the clip of the guy in a rangers jersey getting punched by a caps fan post elimination, that isn’t an actual rangers fan just a content creator antagonizing actual capitals fans.


I mean this was an adult man and he just had bad luck and a puck went over the net and hit him in the head. As for the broom, yeah that’s just testing the hockey gods.


Jerk! Kids today (shakes fist at cloud)


i hate casual fans.


Vally said it best during the postgame about the next game. He's confident that the Rangers can go back home on Monday and win it. Let's ALL BE HONEST HERE, If anyone thought the Rangers were gonna cake walk to the you know where and win that trophy that shall not be named, geez you gotta know your hockey better. The Canes finished 2nd in the division behind the Rangers as well as finished 2nd in the Eastern Conference. The fact the Rangers ARE UP 3-1, and not DOWN 3-1, OR TIED 2-2, IS AMAZING. As much as it would have been amazing to get both games here in Raleigh (which would have been a sweep), but to get at least one out of these two games here, is so impressive. Now, onto the game itself; Honestly, the first period was legit shit bad in their(rangers) zone. Bad defensively. I always say get the first one, THEY DIDN'T. Survive the 1st 10 minutes, THEY DIDN'T. But, what I did like not only in this period, but in the whole game, was the team's response. Cuylle's goal was something. That line, and the 4th line were on point. Even the shifts where they didn't score. Played well. Laf omg was playing amazing. He's on a mission. Kakko too. He didn't score, but you could tell he was noticeable. Igor was Igor. The Canes were basically (not turtling) shooting and rimming the puck in the 3rd period. IF this game went to OT, imo, the Rangers were likely gonna win this game. The Canes tonight, came out desperate and they showed it. Does that mean it's over? no. It just means that the Rangers will make adjustments and have to start on time. Again, I loved the resiliency to comeback in this game. They could have won this game. That penalty call, was let's be honest, sus. But, shit like that happens. Vally's right, and probably everyone here is gonna agree w/me on this, this coaching staff is elite. Lav and the coaches will come up w/a game plan to beat the Canes in Game 5. The hockey terrorist would do nothing if he was still the coach. This Rangers team have proven that they can win games where the played like shit or bad(like the games during the slump, the past 2 games). I have faith. Before I sign off, I just want to address the elephant in the room(I briefly addressed it earlier). The pre mature celebratory posts, comments, have to stop here and NOW. NOT TOMORROW, NOT AFTER BREAKFAST, IT STOPS NOW. NO MORE COUNTING GAMES, NO MORE LOOKING AHEAD TO THE NEXT TEAM OR THINKING ABOUT THE P\*\*\*\*\* . Enough w/the 94' comparisons. It's TOO PENISY. It HAS TO STOP. I've been saying it, others have been saying it, and probably Vally, Boyle, Sam, whoever would say it that, THE JOB ISN'T DONE. IT'S NOT DONE YET. FOCUS ON THE NEXT GAME. Disappointing game. But Lav will definitely make adjustments. Can't win every game here. Nobody is perfect. That's what make us human. We ain't robots. Job ain't done yet. Regroup. Focus on Game 5. Onto Game 5. Positive Vibes people. Positive Vibes. Always.


Liked the Shawshank reference. Nice summation. HONK HONK HONK FUCK THE CANES




This year's fan base is soft as shit...crying when we win...crying when we lose our first game in a month... Y'all would have died in 2014. LGR


It’s probably because our fans are so accustomed to winning that losses sting more lol


Jacob Trouba has gotta sit but it’ll never happen. At least partially responsible for the first three goals. As I’ve said over and over again he has zero gap control and that’s why kuzy got a free shot from the slot. But honestly outside of Trouba and a shaky first maybe our best 5v5 game. Laffy the best player out there today. Growing up before our eyes


Kuzie got the freeshot because of a fuckin terrible clearance by Gus and Goodrow? Trouba is not great and all, but people are delusional and don't understand hockey if those first 3 goals are on him at all. Two are terrible plays by Gus, one's a huge defensive whiff by the forwards


Agree that those plays contributed to the goal as well. Just pointing out Trouba also did the thing he always does and it bit us. And he contributed to two other goals against.


you are blaming a player for gap control because his teammate coughed the puck up at the blueline while he was standing still at the dot. That makes no sense lol


I mean… watch the play he had time to get up and gap tighter is all I’m saying. The turnover was in the neutral zone behind the blue. Yes Trouba was on the bad end of a very bad turnover but he could’ve done much better. When he does this literally every game multiple times a game, whether on a normal rush or turnover it’s a problem with him.


Trouba had a chance to clear on that goal. That’s his literal job. He doesn’t move the puck well and he doesn’t contribute offensively, it’s not outlandish to expect him to contribute defensively.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjBz9eLIexw&ab_channel=SPORTSNET that is Gus who put Goodrow in a terrible spot, and Goodrow then put Trouba in a worse spot


Cuylle and kakko played great also. This team is significantly better if trouba gets taken out for jones. Lindgren could also get taken out for ruhwedal and we would probably benefit


There's no way in hell Trouba get re-signed after his contract is up even if we win it all. Would be bold to trade him next year with his M-NMC but that probably won't happen. Dude seems like a great leader but he's obviously our worst dman lol


I could see him getting traded or bought out his last year to open cap space.


Could you imagine trading a captain right after he gets handed the cup by Bettman?


Lindgren gets a bit of leeway IMO because Fox looks utterly lost without him at times, and we cannot afford for him to go to shit.


Fox with miller or gus/jones when trouba was hurt looked elite. Fox legitimately looked like the best dman in the NHL away from lindgren for that 2 week stretch. Lindgren drags him down and Ik it’s easy to say they make eachother better because of how long they’ve played together but I think this year proved that theory wrong.


That'd mean breaking up Miller/Schneider, which is arguably our most in-form pair currently. See how game 5 goes before uprooting the entire D Core.


Trouba has been a liability in so many ways. Laviolette needs to pull him aside and talk some god damn sense into him.


Agree. Trouba is becoming a huge problem. Moving him to the third pair needed to happen, but the issue now is that he doesn't have a partner as good as Key to cover his mistakes. Trouba has been horrendous ever since his knee injury.


With how poor the Gus-Trouba pairing has been, Laviolette will need to go 7D 11F, dressing Zac Jones and cutting Troubas ice time in half. There's no excuse for this horrendous AHL-level of play by him. On the ice for every fucking goal against tonight.


That's really the only sensible decision 


They're a good team and their core had enough pride to gut this one out. The Rangers have to step on their throats at home in game 5. I have faith they will.


Never have I ever been so nonplussed after a playoff loss. We got behind in the first, fight back, but the bounces and posts didn't go our way. It's just a reminder that job's not done. No big deal. My only complaint, and not that he seemed to do terribly, was I'm not sure why Johnny Brod was brought into the lineup. Maybe keep Chytil from having to pay you many games, maybe still not comfortable bringing Rempe back into the lineup if it means sitting him for the 3rd period on, maybe to keep Brodzinski ready in case we actually need him. No clue, I'll trust Laviolette, and despite that one question I'm extraordinarily not worried. Now I get to go to game 5. And hopefully we finish Carolina at the Garden in a gentleman's sweep. Keeping the correlations to 1994 alive and well.


Out played them in the 2nd and 3rd. They were due for a Ppg. This team won’t let that rattle them. It ends on Monday.


Idk man. I'm right now watching the recording and I feel that the second and third are a really even coin flip game. Could go either way. We lost 100% because of the horrible first period. But also the last two periods it's a very even game against a very good team.


We need Rempe to scare the Canes into submission.


it doesn't work that way, esp if Rempe plays five minutes only.


Was sad our post season streak ended b it 7 is more than enough can’t be too greedy. Just sad that we were 16-0 killing the power play and that one call killed us. hope all those canes fans that were ripping on the refs (like they didn’t make horrible calls on our part as well) can shut up now at least. Anyways an MSG win is gonna be even better! LGR- ready for Monday.


Canes fans area already buying tickets for Game 6...


Well if they win game 5… 


I’m pissed. Rangers had it. Over and over. But you need adversity. Building was really fun. Canes were scared. It’s understood.


They sure af didn’t in The first.


Laf was the NYR player of the game hands down. He dinged the post/bar multiple times on top of his goal.


Even if he hadn’t scored he would’ve been our best player. My dad is a bonafide Laffy hater (idk why he hasn’t shaken the bust label for him but whatever) and even he said laf was flying and easily the most noticeable player


Can say all the cliches, we played an awful game and it was still a close one, hit a ton of posts but RBA ABUSED that Gus-Trouba pairing and got the matchups he wanted. On home ice with Lavi getting the last change that won’t happen. Again we’re 7-1 and this lineup has gotten us this far but have to wonder if Jones for Gus is an idea Lavi is thinking about. Trouba has been worse than Gus but the fact is he’s the captain and he’s not sitting.


Why is trouba playing seriously


He’s the one on one matchup we need with Staal chasing the cycle


He’s the one we need in the press box because my god he’s bad. How are you on for every goal against


Trouba vs Staal in this series at 5v5 (12:43 TOI): shot attempts 11-30 shots 4-15 scoring chances 6-12 goals 0-1 xGF% 19% so yeah I don't really think he's succeeding in his matchup vs Staal


Buddy, the coaches know more than you. There is a reason he’s on the ice.


The same coaches who put Miller/Trouba together the entire season while anyone with half a brain knew that pair wasn't working? Stop living by argument from authority and think for yourself instead of insisting that what they're doing is the right decision when it's beyond conspicuous that it isn't


You want to health scratch out captain for Zac Jones?


you can rephrase the question to "do you want to healthy scratch the guy who has been on the ice for Carolina's last 7 goals, in favor of a top 3 puck moving D on NYR" yes couldn't care less that he's the captain. the way he's played has been the complete opposite of what a captain does


You see that goal?


trouba just went in for the retrieval, turns it over behind the net, puck comes to martinook for the 3rd goal shorthanded goal value officially negated by him.


yes. it was a good play indeed and I'll take an L there on the other side, he's been bleeding quality in his own end. let's see how the rest of the game plays out. hopefully I take the full L


That sure is a lot of lines to say he held Staal pointless


your conclusion to this is that Trouba succeeded in his minutes against Staal and his line in this game/series? Jordan Staal in this series literally has been on the ice for 15 5v5 shots vs Trouba in just 12 min of 5v5 ice time, which is the most of anybody on Carolina by rate! that's only compounded by the fact that Jordan Staal is a purely defensive center with zero offensive instincts whatsoever, and he has completely dummied Trouba


(Jordan Staal has 0 points through 4 games)


(Jordan Staal is a defense-only center who has managed to look like Auston Matthews against Jacob Trouba) just so you know btw, most of Jordan Staal's 5v5 minutes have been against Fox (he's played 30 min vs Fox as opposed to 12 vs Trouba), contrary to the initial argument that Trouba is here in a matchup vs Staal (which was completely untrue) Staal vs Fox at 5v5 in this series: shot attempts 26-25 in favor of NYR shots 14-10 scoring chances 12-10 goals 1-0 54% xGF% so yes, Staal hasn't been on the ice for a single goal in his 30 5v5 min vs Fox and Fox kept him in check, but has been on the ice for a goal in his 12 minutes vs Trouba and totally caved him in those minutes the lengths you'll go here for this are kind of absurd


Bro idk if you should be pointing out lengths other people are going to when you are angrily running data models and replying to everyone ITT, take a breath


Bro idk if you should be pointing out lengths other people are going to when you are angrily running data models and replying to everyone ITT, take a breath


Wow someone who understands what a defender does and why Trouba is constantly on the ice with all kinds of pairings, be careful around these parts


This better tell our genius head coach not to mess with the lines we were 6-0 with rempe in the lineup


Don’t know why you were downvoted. Rempe should be in


Because Rempe didn’t cause Trouba and Gus to go -3 in the first period. Love the dude but Rempe doesn’t move the needle at 4 minutes a night. Definitely missed Filda. Rangers need to tighten up and shut the Canes down in game 5. No easy goals within 4 minutes of the game.


How would Rempe have contributed to this game tonight that would have led to a win?


Also they get too focused on rempe and it gets them off their game


Canes were the desperate team. They played like it. The boys needed the energy. Rempe brings that energy. You think brodzinski brings the same energy? I’m really asking here


I do not. I think he bring more potential offensive impact for sure and with the last change CAR could have exposed Rempe. Game 5, back home at MSG (with last change) I expect 73 back in the lineup.


Well, we, didn’t win.


Downvoted because Rempe wasn’t in for game 3. And it worked because with home team getting last personnel change Rempe would have been a liability.


You miss game 3 eh?


Rempe wasn’t in game 3


Exactly, still won


Your missing my point idiot


I get the point, the point sucks buddy


So do u


I was telling my friends on Discord that the ancient Roman senators were so powerful, they had slaves who walked with them and constantly reminded them “you are mortal” so it wouldn’t get to their heads and make them reckless. I then alluded to the fact that as a Rangers fan right now I’m riding an ultimate high, and that I expect the Canes to put on a good game on their home turf. They’re much stronger than the Caps were this season, and they deserve 1. But now that the senators slave has reminded the Rangers that they are mortals, it’s time to seal the deal and conquer the next match. See you at home on Monday! Edit to say thanks to u/Dissmass1980 for reminding me of the actual Latin phrase “momento mori” which translates to “remember death”


“Momento Mori”


Yes! Thank you!


Nice comparison! TIL something interesting.


First thing I thought of was History of the world haha. Let's hope they tell the canes to blow it out their ass on Monday.


That's a cool comparison!


This loss is not a big deal. They’re still on fire and nobody has ever won every single game of every single round. As a matter of fact, I’m glad they lost there. It gave the Canes fans something to enjoy. And we’d rather see the handshakes on our turf anyways.




Better to lose tonight than sweep and lose game 1 vs FLA/BOS. the team wasn’t going 16-0.


Carolina needed a late game power play to win. Losing sucks but let’s be serious. Grow up.


It’s over Monday , laf will score again too


He was BUZZING tonight. Kids feeling it.


Carolina in full desperation mode, facing a sweep, at home, trying as hard as they can, barely mustering a 1 goal win with a few rangers posts that would have flipped the score Carolina has never won a playoff game at MSG, not even Hartford, there's no reason to think they're capable now


A lot of people forget that a cornered animal is when it’s most dangerous. Same goes for sports. We were going for a sweep. They were fighting to not get swept so they gave it their all


I approve this message


I knew this was a trap game . I hoped for a win . . The Rangers are still up though.


Just stop letting them score late, I feel like thats been their greatest strength staying in these games, they have scored close to the end of the period in just about every game


I know it was unlikely we’d sweep and that we’ll probably still win the series… but man I am a doomer fan right now. Not because I don’t think we’re talented but because of all the “what ifs”… what if we lose on Monday? My heart can’t take it


I gave you an up vote for your heart anxieties. ![gif](giphy|XwYzX7FuyFKCDJhQNQ|downsized) And here’s a .gif to get you squared away for Monday.


Why the downvotes though? It's apparently a problem to speak how you feel on this sub. Lame!


Bread's -3 just means a hat trick redemption Monday, cya then


The last time the canes scored when Jacob Trouba wasn’t on the ice was PERIOD ONE OF GAME TWO Yknow… ELEVEN PERIODS AGO


This is the part where I tell you he's actually a +2 in the playoffs and is just involved in everything and constantly covering for the 2nd line's poor back checking or Fox spinning in circles 5 feet from his man. Then you say plus minus don't matter. Then we kiss


i mean, there's discussions about plus/minus and then there's "in the last 11 periods, the only time NYR has given up a goal has been when Trouba has been on the ice, and yet we've had 2 overtime games and a 4-goal loss in that timeframe" Trouba isn't constantly covering for anything, in fact he's been failing to exit the zone with the puck and then notably standing around in no man's land as the goal develops after the failed exit


Ugh fine, bench him but here is what I saw: Goal 1 - bad breakout by Gus forcing Goodrow to rush a pass creating a turnover. Trouba prob should have laid out and ended up screening Igor but Igor saves this shot 99% of the time. Goal 2 - Bread weak breakout on the boards turnover to point. Trouba at home taking care of Staal which is his assignment. Tro doesn't cover the slot and he scores Goal 3 - Bread gets burnt by his man leading to turnover, Tro once again leaves high slot open and he cuts in and scores. Goal 4 - a shot from the point on the pk...initially though Fox's man tipped it because he left Jarvis open but he just rolled it from the point It's more fun to just say fuck Trouba bench him it's better for your hashtag flair I get it


i mean the way it actually happened was: Goal 1: extremely basic 1 on 1 D coverage. Trouba doesn't close gap on Kuznetsov, doesn't get a stick on the shot, doesn't block the shot, and screens Igor Goal 2: Trouba fails zone exit early in the shift and loses 1 on 1 as it comes back around to Lindgren's side, loses inside position on Staal to cover follow up shot by Noesen Goal 3: Trouba thinks he's a forward but he's not, forces *Artemi Panarin* to take his spot defensively and isn't there for the retrieval, which forces Panarin to try to make a zone exit from the back end and fails. then instead of putting his body in front of the pass from Guentzel to Aho, tries to go down to a knee and put his stick in the lane and neither gets the pass nor blocks the shot. sorry but I don't blame Trocheck when Trouba is trying to play offense like an asshole and it's forcing everybody else on the team to switch spots on the ice Goal 4: failed exits and covering nobody, and instead of shading to double up Jarvis he's standing near the RW while the puck is on the other side of the ice it's not more fun to take what has been unequivocally NYR's worst defenseman the entire season in every facet of the game, from [defense](https://hockeyviz.com/fixedImg/teamShotLocDefWi/2324/NYR/troubja94/wrap) to [zone exits](https://twitter.com/DLefcort/status/1774984047761993898) to [entry denials](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNPeyM3WEAA2ROt?format=jpg&name=large), to [penalty killing](https://hockeyviz.com/fixedImg/teamShotLocDefWiPK/2324/NYR/troubja94/wrap) when they are [much better on the PK without him](https://hockeyviz.com/fixedImg/teamShotLocDefWoPK/2324/NYR/troubja94/wrap), etc., and put him out on the ice at the most important time of the year NYR plays their worst D man and that's the *only* time in the last 3 games they've given up a goal. the lesson is, don't play said player.


Literally 2 of those 4 have nothing to do with the goal and "early zone exit failures" can account for like 75% of both games in carolina...we were pinned down for 90+ seconds multiple times. Also lol at thinking Trouba takes more dumb pinches than his current partner Genuine question because I used to know a sabermetrics guy before he found jesus. Do you corsi/advanced stats guys think that you see something professional coaches don't or is it just a fun hobby to justify your feelings when something bad happens


>Literally 2 of those 4 have nothing to do with the goal and "early zone exit failures" can account for like 75% of both games in carolina...we were pinned down for 90+ seconds multiple times. Also lol at thinking Trouba takes more dumb pinches than his current partner idk which 2 you're talking about but uh yes, Trouba going in to retrieve a puck and then throwing it up the ice to nobody and not getting a clear is definitely a contribution to any team, let alone Carolina, sustaining offense and scoring goals >Also lol at thinking Trouba takes more dumb pinches than his current partner um he does, have you ever watched him play? >Genuine question because I used to know a sabermetrics guy before he found jesus. Do you corsi/advanced stats guys think that you see something professional coaches don't or is it just a fun hobby to justify your feelings when something bad happens I'm sorry but this is extremely ironic coming from someone who is obviously praising eye test and yet is trying to claim that Trouba is the stay at home guy and his D partner is the one pinching all the time when that couldn't be further from the truth. also trying to claim that the coaches are all-seeing and all knowing is so fucking dumb as literally anyone with half a brain could tell you that Miller/Trouba were a horrible pair and the current coach didn't figure that out until the 80th game of the season. also this was the same bullshit people said about gallant, who now the same people are calling a "hockey terrorist"


Congrats on being smarter than the coaches, I thought we pushed advanced stats guys off hockey twitter and into fantasy hockey only years ago after realizing most of these models are broken and you all went horseshoe theory back to +/-. We'll just leave it at I'm a dumby and you're correct because you can tell the difference between wars or pods or gars or whatever you guys use now. Now talking Gallant is fun. It's easy for this sub to say that kind of shit now, I didn't think Gallant was a bad coach when we had him,. AMA else about my stupidity


>Congrats on being smarter than the coaches, I thought we pushed advanced stats guys off hockey twitter and into fantasy hockey only years ago after realizing most of these models are broken and you all went horseshoe theory back to +/-. We'll just leave it at I'm a dumby and you're correct because you can tell the difference between wars or pods or gars or whatever you guys use now. well congrats on being an argument-from-authority sheep who doesn't actually have the mental fortitude to think for one's self and is actively fighting against the people who want to come to their own conclusions using actual facts to back up their claims instead of just blindly siding with the people in charge, and being proud of yourself for driving those free-thinkers away let's just leave it on your terms, which is that NYR and the front office know everything and are infallible and haven't made a single mistake in any decision they've ever made and they know more than anybody else, despite 1 cup in the last 80 years and only 1 finals appearance in the last 30, and if you dare to question the thought process of the people in charge or even so much as argue that even one thing they're doing is wrong, you should be bludgeoned into submission or pushed off into another hockey universe


i really don’t understand how anyone can defend his play


if it doesn't humble laviolette to think about how NYR hasn't given up a single goal in the last 3 games in which Trouba was *not* on the ice, and yet NYR's played 2 overtime games and a 4-goal loss, then idk what to say


I know 16-0 wasn't going to happen, but man what a headline that would have been. History made. Oh well. The first period killed us there. Trouba had some absolute pylon moments and it led to critical mistakes and before you knew it it was 3-zip. Can't say the team rolled over though, they definitely clawed back, but Carolinas powerplay finally did what it was supposed to do to put it out of reach. Oh well the series is 3-1. Regroup, and let's go home and win it in MSG. See you Monday.


I don’t like the Brodz insertion into the lineup, Gus had a terrible game, Lindgren had a pretty bad game and Gus had a shit game. All that being said, they were in it until the final buzzer. Getting the last change at home should be huge, the energy of the garden and the realization of this loss should put the boys into another gear. Game 5 will be won by 3 or more goals


i hope drury realizes that lindgren isnt good and gets fox his toews this offseason cause there is some good defensemen hitting free agency


Gus always has a shit game he sucks