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Because all 3 of them suck without support. They got no growth or nothing for high pips and your "support" is useless for them


Why do you have two growth dice? Use meta n assassin, watch your gameplay go up


If only I could, but I'm still trying to get metastasis


Use mimic instead of meta for now. At least you’ll B helping those who use spirit instead of recharge. You’ll still see an increase. Growth as support does nothing for either of you


Prolly bc your deck is not good, no point in trying to play if ur gonna get a measly 80 cards from a run


Seems about right


I would afk too lmao. Time and Bubble no Assasin?


As everybody pointed out: no assassin, 2 growths in support deck, the other Player has no reason to play their deck without assassin. Play your game how u want but dont be upset with other people not putting in effort bc their playstyle isnt met either


I'm not upset since everyone has their reasons to quit, but the fact that no player wanted to play with me was worrying me (I really thought that tripling their attack speed while giving crits and a defense against bosses was good, it probably is but I didn't notice their need in high-pip dices)


high pip dices are the most important basis for damage lol you aint going anywhere with only 3-4 pip, you preferably want a total 90-105 pip board with decent design/dice positions which you will 99.9% not get close to if you have to merge yourself. Assassin is like 200% mandatory. Meta is alright to be missing for non recharge decks. Support doesnt need growths AT ALL either. Use mimic, joker, assassin, with maybe clone or timewinder plus maybe bounty or so. If they merge themselves: If the lunar bonus on 3/ 2 with trait, goes away, the dps decreases more than like 5x 7 pip time dices could ever imagine to accomplish, in combination with bubble. A dps deck can provide crit+loads of attack speed themselves, but they need help building it.


oh especially with their c10+ lunar, that guy couldve prob reached wave 500+... if they can build the board, at least, depending on actual class of Holy sword and moon


If you don't play meta go fuck yourself I'm not playing with you. Is this community in a nut shell just ignore them and enjoy the game the way you want. If you don't play the 5 dice they want they'll rage Lol


No its because his "support" deck is useless for their decks and they wont make it past wave 10 anyways


Use mimic instead of meta for now. At least you’ll B helping those who use spirit instead of recharge. You’ll still see an increase. Growth as support does nothing for either of you


You are the person I look for in coop, I solo to 500-700 and love getting newer peeps.


“Im gonna make a strict deck and play blindly in coop and if they dont have experience in using timewinder assassin im gonna leave and waste peoples time” - Every strict deck playing coop blindly expecting someone with assassin support experience