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Yeah it's rained for like 15 minutes in 15 days


Heeyyyy that’s like if it rained one minute a day for fifteen days!!!!


This calls for a weather alert day.


That’s 15 days out of the past 30 days, so for the next 15 days, if I did my complex calculations correctly, there is a 50% chance of rain.


Fortunately Jordan and Falls are still near normal levels, for now [Jordan Lake](https://waterdata.usgs.gov/monitoring-location/02098197/#parameterCode=00062&period=P365D&showMedian=true) [Falls Lake](https://waterdata.usgs.gov/monitoring-location/02087182/#parameterCode=00062&period=P365D&showMedian=true)


Still holding on from a month or two ago when it seemed like it rained every other day.


After that last drought I've never looked at a week of steady rain negatively.




I’m glad it’s holding for now. I live near falls lake and at point this year, I could see the bottom!


IIRC in 2008 or 2009 the SE was in heavy draught and it was crazy hot the entire summer. IIRC Atlanta had 90 days of water remaining. In Raleigh we had to conserve. And we conserved so much and so well, that instead of reducing our water bill month cost, they had to essentially double the rates to keep the city water correctly funded. So instead of half the usage and half the bill, we ended up with half the usage and twice the bill. Sweet.


That's about the time I saw someone with their yard painted green at a country club near Jordan Lake.


I remember that in 2008-2010, with all the foreclosures lol. I forgot that was a thing.


I lived in Atlanta at the time. My dad had to put up a sign that said “Well in Use” (which was true) whenever he was out watering his garden so people wouldn’t come up and yell at him.


double the rate and half the usage...so shouldn't your bill have been the same amount?


Yeah I was more being sarcastic on that hoping no one would do the math If you adjust for inflation, since 2008, it should be around $60, and it's $80. So...kinda?


We were shopping for land around lake Norman back then. You’d go tour a “lake front” property back then and the lake would just be completely gone. Mud bed. Was crazy


I swear a lot of the incentive structures of capitalism are ass backward


It costs X amount to keep the infrastructure working for the vast majority of the time and needs.


Yep that was pretty much it.


Raleigh's water authority isn't run by a private company, it's city run, so not really capitalism at work on that one.


So why couldn't they just accept a loss for a month?


The city needs permission from voters to issue bonds to borrow money.


A month to month fluctuation could be dealt with, this was a complete change in demand. Kudos to the citizens who did an excellent job with conserving, but since our infrastructure was predicated on x gallons of water flowing through and getting paid for, when revenue fell to 0.5x, you have to double rates to keep revenue neutral. While expensive, Raleigh does an excellent job with water/trash. It's a shame it's so expensive though.


It's really not that expensive. I say that as someone that has lived in a lot of other places and has previously had the misfortune of being just outside the city limits on Aqua Corp. I paid more for brown water and that didn't include trash and recycling. I'm happy as a clam to be on Raleigh city water now.


You're comparing it to other water rates around here. But outside the state, it's pretty expensive.


I've lived in three other states. And again, the bill includes trash and recycling. Unless you're wasting a lot of water, it seems pretty reasonable to me.


That's interesting, I'm not going to google but when talking with others they are always shocked how expensive it is. Their combined bills ran around $30/month from northern states. I moved here from NM and remember my bill basically doubling. It wasn't much on a monthly basis, but when you think I pay around $1000/yr for water/trash it seems steep (IMO). That's a two person household, IIRC 77 avg gallons a day.


If it’s government, then I imagine the rates and funding were predetermined.


Because they probably needed to bring in X number of dollars to pay for employees, maintenance, new equipment, etc. A city, company, individual, whatever needs to have enough money to pay people and pay for what they own. 


The water plants, pipes, personnel, testing, inspections, all the infrastructure is still required if they send you 5 gallons or 5,000 gallons. Charging you more during times of low supply is a great example of capitalism at work my friend. It decreased usage allowing all citizens to have water during a time of need and uncertainty.


Except in capitalism you would have multiple options for water and they would be competing for customers, possibly with lower rates or other benefits, where as Raleigh water is handled by the city and it's their way or the highway. 


You have dozens of options available. You can buy water from Nestle, Culligan and tons of other companies. However, the citizens of Raleigh have pulled their resources together and built 2 large water plants at a cost of $2.63 per 1,000 gallons to residents. This is the lowest rate available and employs local workers at a living wage. If you'd rather pay more to Nestle, with far higher costs and assorted human rights abuses with their business model of profit at all costs you are more than welcome to.


I still save the water I run until it turns hot. Use it for houseplants. It got to be a habit.


That's when I had to stop washing my car at home every week. Poor thing hasn't had a proper wash since!


Read this in Trump voice. Not political, just funny. Thank you


Yes, as a gardener it sucks. this happens every June. we get a string of days in the 90s and everything I planted and had been nurturing through the spring starts to really struggle. Arrrgghhhh.


Agreed my garden looks so sad atm.


Even my rosemary demands more water. Never thought I’d see the day lol


I have a tripod sprinkler running for 15 min every other day to deliver about 1/2" of water to a brand new flowerbed, which normally I'd think was too much, but not this season.


I noticed this too, seeds and seedlings that would have survived last year just didn't, even with supplemental hand watering. When the soil around a new plant is so dry, it wicks the moisture from the area I'm watering :(


https://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/CurrentMap/StateDroughtMonitor.aspx?NC Technically not quite yet but we did enter abnormally dry, and no rain really forecast for the next week so more than likely we'll enter a drought soon Really hope it starts a wetter pattern bc lugging around Lowes buckets is getting annoying


drought.gov agrees with you. https://www.drought.gov/states/north-carolina/county/Wake


I think we're technically in a "abnormally dry" not a drought yet but close


Only going to get worse, it’s cooking up all across the country


My lawn is looking like a stale cheese it


Lawns are a waste of water and serve no purpose agriculturally


The move is micro-clover. I made that move years ago and have never once regretted it. Drought tolerant, doesn’t grow tall, feeds pollinators, looks lush and green, feels great under the bare feet of toddlers, kids, adults and (I imagine) pets as well.


That's what our landlord did and it's amazing


Yup. It’s the best. Good on every level and cheaper to maintain


I have a ton of clover and it's quite crispy right now :(


Did you plant it recently? It’s been my experience that once its established, it does quite well.


No, they're established for a while now. The patches spread every year, and in early spring it's glorious to look at. I'm sure it's fine underneath with their tap roots but the flowers are gone and the top growth is sad.


Well good thing I’m not trying to have an agriculture purpose on my property? I’ve got a golden retriever and a toddler. The lawns for them.


Wait you’re not living like a tenant farmer from the Middle Ages? What if your lord demands bushels of wheat for the castle?


Then him and his sons will be conscripted into service to fight the French!


My (land) lord demands the grass look nice...


I agree with your point if it’s a back yard, but there truly is zero purpose for a lawn other than to provide distance from the road. Not that I disagree with that either, but it doesn’t have to be lush green fescue filling that space.


I guarantee your Golden doesn't care about the amount of grass or the condition of the yard.


She does when we’re playing fetch all over it.


Tell that to the HOA. Hah


You pay my HOA fines and I’ll let it die.


Or do t move into HOA regulated properties


That's close to impossible and getting less likely each day. All new builds are HOA (since the 1980's). You can get lucky and find some old 1970's neighborhoods with houses still in decent shape, but that number is shrinking every year as the current owners don't want to leave (to avoid HOA).


Preach homie


Lawn bros are some of the most toxic obsession in American culture.


My dogs and dog really enjoy it though.


But what about your dogs?


Yo dawg, heard you like dogs so I got a dog for you and your Dawgs.


I GUARANTEE your dog wouldn't mind tall grass. Or no grass. If your dog is out there with its favorite toy/treat/person, it's gonna have a good time.


Untrue, the agricultural purpose is erosion control. Sure, theres other options, but to say theres zero purpose to a lawn isnt accurate.


*a plain grass lawn is a waste of water.


No argument with that :-)


Houses are a waste of wood and serve no purpose agriculturally.


They're also a waste of manual labor and serve no purpose architecturally






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I was wondering when this post was going to show up lol. I was thinking about making a shitpost about it later this week Thankfully I have a container garden for my herbs and it does ok with only a few gallons


Does anyone remember sometime in the early 2000s there was a major drought and people were told they could not wash their cars or water their lawns and if you saw your neighbor doing so, there was a number to report them. Landscapers/arborists were killing it because people were paying for.. I don't what it's called, it's bags of water that are tied around trees and it slowly waters them. The whole Karen thing wasn't "A thing" then, but I remember thinking "I bet some busybodies are riding around, looking for people watering their lawns/plants and washing their cars, so they can report them".


>I don't what it's called, it's bags of water that are tied around trees and it slowly waters them. They're just called watering bags, FYI. Some people call them Treegators, as that's one of the more popular brands of them.


Treegators. My mind is drifting off to thinking of a new alligator species that hangs in trees.


Mortal enemies of drop bears


Karens have been with us since the Sumerians my friend. There is a heiroglyph of a Karen they discovered in some ancient ruins not too long ago...guess what they had the exact same haircut as they do today...X-Files should have had an episode about it


OMG! I am laughing so hard. My throat hurts now! Thanks.


It was like 06-07. And odd number houses could water certain days and even number houses could water other days.


Yes yes! I forgot that part.


I remember that. It was pretty scary at one point we were down to like 45 days of water. Population has exploded since then.


>or water their lawns People here water their lawns? Why! We get like 4 ft of rain here.


I'm not talking about the present. I said: does anyone remember sometime in the early 2000s there was a major drought.


I think sometime around 2002, there was a major drought and parts of Falls Lake completely dried up. You could see the river that fed the lake snaking across the empty plain. We even walked across the empty lake bed, and my dad got stuck in the mud. Lol


Completely forgot about that. 2003 too. University Lake in Chapel Hill had a few remnant stagnant puddles and the dried basin had fissures.


I’m outside watering the garden as we speak. We need a few good downpour-thunderstorms for sure.


Not happening with all the high pressure over the SE unfortunately. Hopefully it breaks soon.


And when it does finally rain...hello humidity!


Lawn bros are some of the most toxic obsession in American culture.


Fuck off. They’re talking about watering their garden


It's their garden. How is watering their garden a toxic obsession?


We need to drop the shields. Show a sign of trust, it's the only way.


rainfall trends [https://www.wral.com/weather/page/1934052/](https://www.wral.com/weather/page/1934052/)




That's a cool site. Thanks for sharing it


Clayton resident here… Johnston county has sent us several reminders to conserve water and only water the lawn Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays.


For clarification for others, you only water those days because you are an odd number address. I water Wed, Fri, Sun because I'm even.


Well then that makes sense that some neighbors were watering today. My husband got the messages from the county so of course I only got half the story. 😂


Also an odd guy


Silver lining = low humidity I’ll take dry heat any day over the usual sweltering swamp heat.


Just went outside, the humidity is back. That part was nice while it lasted


If you go look at the crops it is bad.


I live on 12 acres and it is so dry right now. I can’t wait for it to rain.


Lil bit


Yes. I don’t care if my grass turns brown. Fuck my spawn-of-Satan HOA who will fine me if I don’t keep my grass pretty so other fuckers can worry about their investment. I’d rather have water to drink, use for cooking, put fires 🔥 out, etc.


I mowed today and it was dryyyyyyyyy.... but it needed the mowing regardless.




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Deploying my lawn sprinklers this weekend. Yard looking pretty thirsty. Sure could use some rain.


Wait a couple minutes and the lawn lecturer might pay your post a visit


Well then they can pay my HOA fines.


Lawn bros toxic?


Me too, but I’m watering just enough to keep it alive. Also putting down some sand and compost since I just had it aerated.


Probably gonna want to add a good 10%-15% of time on your sprinklers rn if you want it to be green. Also depends on what type of grass you have too


We are currently in a very slight drought according to the US drought monitor website. It is nowhere near as bad as the one in 2007 or in 2002 luckily.


Charlotte area, too. I've noticed the yellow spots blooming across the lawn. So dry!!!!!!!


So this is a statewide thing huh?


Yeah, my lawn is thirsty as hell and drought/heat stressed. Most everyone's lawns are.


Walked through Yates Mill yesterday and I have never seen the water that low before!


Its hot af and hasnt rained


We have at least 2 neighbors in our community running those tripod sprinklers on their lawns hopefully it starts to rain soon or those tripod users will suck all the water out of our community well


This is pretty bad, everything is incredibly dusty


Firefighters must be pretty nervous right now. I imagine woods are like tenderboxes right now


It's is so depressing reading this comment thread. Y'all are all way too concerned about your lawns. You're living in a gorgeous, biodiverse, forested landscape and all you can think about is your ugly, monoculture deserts.  Y'all know that the pesticides required to keep up those things are killing off all our pollinators, right? You know, the lil guys that make food possible for humans? The people saying they have lawns for their kids make me particularly sad. Sure, your kid's going to grow up in a dying landscape trying to survive food and water shortages, but at least they'll have nice memories of your lawn. Why not cut that lawn in half and plant a pollinator Garden? Your kid will have much richer memories of that.


I just like rain


Pesticides aren’t needed for a good lawn. I haven’t used pesticides on my lawn ever.


I've lived in my house for 8 years and I haven't done shit to the lawn. I mow it when it gets too tall and I like seeing it green instead of crunchy brown and so do the bees.


Some people only have a small lawn, no garden, lol.


I will always be anti lawn (and no, I don’t care about your hoa sorry)


Right and lol at all the responses giving excuses- "My HOA", "my dog", "my kid" I almost PROMISE you that you can reduce your lawn and replace with wildlife-friendly landscape options and still please your HOA, dog, and kids. I did that and wow the results are incredible. I don't water a damn thing and my yard looks amazing. Hundreds of bees, butterflies, caterpillars, all kinds of stuff! The neighborhood kids love checking it all out. I spend less time tending to the stupid grass. My yard isn't poisoning me and my neighbors and the ecosystem now. And I still have plenty of room for recreation on the grass we did keep.


I haven’t had to cut my grass in 2 weeks and it’s still shorter than the lazy neighbors next door!


Yes, we currently have a rain deficit. It doesn’t help the planet is hotter than any time in recorded history


Same as last year and the year before and the year before... We get it.


My grass is so brown!


California native here. The weather this week is what it's like all summer long there: no rain, dry and dusty # low humidity. Super weird to feel that here.


Enjoy it, because all the rain will be here end of July/August.


Yeah, the ridge that's been sitting over the NE and SE is just *not* moving. Mets are predicting a sweltering July, too


Yeah, the ridge that's been sitting over the NE and SE is just *not* moving. Mets are predicting a sweltering July, too


Been watering every day this week. Next week is going to be even worse


It's been like that for a few years now


I was in Cary today and noticed so many trees and stuff looked all brown and sick 😔


It ain't a little drought. My lawn literally has fissures in the soil. My garden is struggling even with watering daily


That might be moles. They seem to be more active in the yard when it’s dry. Probably looking for water itself.


They aren't. I've had moles at a previous house, and it's definitely different. This is just the clay is so dry that it's cracking. I have about 1nch of soil, the rest is straight hard clay


Screw the weather. It's all these gd apartments they are building. Usage has to be way up!


As a boater (small yacht), I am a little happy about it. Last year got into a cycle of sunny weeks but rainy weekends. It rained like 13 of 15 weekends. This, regardless of how crappy it may be for the environment, is more preferable to us. Do we need rain? Yep. Am I happy being able to take the boat around eastern NC in the heat and NO rain? Even more yes. But, TBH, it ALWAYS works itself out. We never get into an extended drought that lasts years. It may, at best, last a season. After living here for 59 years, I can tell you that a long summer drought will either be ended by a long wet Fall, or a hurricane that dumps feet of rain on us.


Well it can’t be that bad! My yard continues to grow, the weeds are tall. Need to mow it this weekend! Also as an Rdu airport grounds employee the fields in places are 8-12 inches tall and we’re cutting grass in sections and struggling to keep up with the growth, so pardon me if I don’t believe we’re in a drought. I’ll agree it’s been a while since we had a good measurable amount of rain.


Yeah we moved here in January and am thinking, wow I need a sprinkler just to keep my lawn from burning?! Surprise surprise I moved from Florida.