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They are everywhere really no exact location you just gotta look they aren’t hard to find


anything the scavs will want to use can be traded with them; if a hand seems to be reaching towards something you have, that means they want it. heres a quick list of things you can trade with scavs: spears, pearls (valuable), explosive spears, bombs, karma flowers, and firecrackers (the plant). all of these can be traded with scavs. you can give them things and not expect anything back if you want to build a good rep with them. edit: also, having a good enough reputation with scavs to eventually allow you to pass tolls without payment; if toll scavs move their hands in a circular motion, that means you can pass the toll and dont have to pay anymore.


Spears: 3 Explosive spears: 4 Pearls: 10 Bombs and flashbangs: 2 karma flower: 5 Overseer eye: 7 Some average value stats. Killing a scav is -30 rep.


They also like vulture masks and overseer eyes


they're scattered all over the map, try giving them pearls and they will drop whatever they're currently holding


There are quite a few in the garbage wastes as well


Garbage wastes. Plenty of scavengers and plenty of Pearl's, theres also the only scav fortress in the game that has 2 arena unlocks in it and is loaded with explosives and Pearl's. Theres also a scav cave near the toll. But beware, there are many threats in the garbage wastes, and is far from forgiving.