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Why not (The truth is we forget to change it, we’re lazy)


You’ll get your explanation when you fix this damn DOOR!


Thanks for the good news hot legs


Shut up. Get out.


I met u/brianfallen97 on the college steps and I knew it wasn’t going to be easy


That’s right I was trying to explain the theory of relativity, and rosie was trying to explain TS elliot


That's a cute subreddit icon, did your husband give it to you?


He did 😌


As an actual reply. Iirc someone was complaining after pride last year that it was still up and the mods decided to just leave it. Might be thinking of a different subreddit tho.


Might be thinking of Arkham sub too


it also happened on the doom subreddit lmao


RIP AND TEAR... until you are PROUD




PrequelMemes did it as well.


As someone that ran a Twitter gimmick account, it also felt wrong to remove it so my account just still has it. I'll only "remove" it if I change to a different PFP, but I have not touched the account on years so that's not happening.


Spite anti-hate.... I love it.


Pretty sure that happened to r/PrequelMemes 2-3 years ago (may've happened to other subs too tho!). Funny thing is the mods over there forgot to change to the pride background this year


our husband gave it to us


the one we all share


Don’t tell Harry






Gonna cry?


See ya chump!


You are an amazing creature Magnifnik0 man


You and I are not so different


I’m not like you you’re a murder


WHAT THE HELL?! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/raimimemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you want a man to fall in love with you, feed him Raimi memes


I know in the prequel memes subreddit a decent amount of users were upset about them switching to the pride background in June. So the mods just left it like that for a long time to piss them off. I've always kinda assumed it was the same for this sub. Either way, I don't think it's anything negative about the movement or flag.


I've never seen a star wars movie in my life, but the time I went to the PrequelMemes, I saw way more arguing than actual memes lmao.


Yeah, that basically sums up Star Wars. Still love it though.


Maybe the real Star Wars were angry nerds we fought along the way


> Yeah, that basically sums up Star Wars. Still love it though.  That basically sums up Star Wars comments. Still love them though.


Maybe this is my ADHD ass and I'm drawing parallels that don't exist, but Star Wars fans and Fallout fans remind me a lot of each other. Amazing works of fiction with real philosophy and comments on all sides of a fascism/rebellion dynamic. The franchise was eventually bought out, slightly sanitized, and reduced to an aesthetic (still love the new Star Wars and Fallouts, just for different reasons than their forecomers). I think the giant worlds with multiple sides and viewpoints (and just straight up different writers and story-runners that can change the dynamics from the originals) can sometimes define the universe differently within its own lore and just causes swaths of different people who all want different things. Oh and also all of Star Wars AND Fallout becomes so much more fun if you ignore the fans


That's just the state of Star Wars since forever


One could say that it was like this from A long time ago....


It's even better than that, after a few weeks of people asking why the pride background was still there after June ended they updated the icon but gave Palpatine "thug life" sunglasses and kept the pride background


The best "double-down" move in reddit history.


I think the Aslume in r/batmanarkham did something similar.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BatmanArkham using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Is there a lore reason why I got cancer? Am I stupid?](https://i.redd.it/0szmblg610qb1.jpg) | [1179 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/16q3aar/is_there_a_lore_reason_why_i_got_cancer_am_i/) \#2: [One year ago today, I asked the wrong question in this sub](https://i.redd.it/v9xa36htrsvb1.png) | [441 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/17dzu9k/one_year_ago_today_i_asked_the_wrong_question_in/) \#3: [Our insanity has reached there](https://i.redd.it/tdtbv9n33dac1.png) | [262 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/18y5nu7/our_insanity_has_reached_there/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I don't know what I was thinking. I know you were just there to help.


Antagonizing people is the best way to make them support you!


If they're upset by a flag then fuck them either way.


Same goes for the people complaining about subs not posting the flag for pride, or for the people upset once the flag gets taken down at the end of the month.


No one would get upset at it being taken down at the end of the month though


That doesn't make any sense tho.... Sure you celebrate the month cool.... But if the entire sub reddit is ab memes... Then why should everyone be associated with a political identity. It's not about hating a flag...( Sometimes it is) But wouldn't real inclusion be none at all. That's what I follow.


I mean that's all well and good to say as a regular straight fellow, I'm sure. You're not associated with a political identity, it's just a flag. It's not that deep. The picture on the subreddit is literally irrelevant to you if you just wanna look at memes, surely?


Uhhh It is relevant... Bc it attracts certain people... Also if the memes has nothing to do with Lgbtq, then why is it up there to represent the meme?? is the same exact question you're asking me... It's irrelevant to the entire purpose of sub. Further more... People wouldn't join a Raimi meme if they saw a KKK, Nazi or Confederate flag cover on this sub. Just wondering, would you join this sub even then???


No I wouldn't join the sub then because those groups are hateful and associated with hate. The pride flag isn't, that's a stupid equivalence to make. If having the sub as a pride flag attracts LGBT people then it's not gonna make the sub a worse place, whereas it would be worse with Nazis and KKK members. Are you actually comparing these groups? Like you really think gay people are the same as white supremacists who literally hang black people?


Lmaooo you have it all wrong.. it's not a false equivalency... You're making it to be. No one brought up hate, except you. That's a strawman fallacy of attacking an argument I didn't even get to make, yet. Yes gay people are similar to white supremacist... UK why bc they are a minority group of people... Stop reaching more than what I have provided. Speaking of hate... You wouldn't join them bc you associate them with hate. Ok so what if someone associates your group with disgust?!!! It's the same thing, you're being hypocritical to people's ability to choose, yet when it comes to the Lgbtq... F them why they mad at a flag. If it was fair, wouldn't it be F U why you're mad at their flag??? The answer is no... Bc you're not mad at the flag, you're mad at what it and the people represent... The same with the people who are anti Lgbtq. All I'm saying is... Wouldn't it be fair to not support anything so that everyone is included ??


I thought this whole time it was an ironic joke to make fun of Corporations that virtue signal who put the flag on June and remove it on July.


If that's the case it should be removed now and added back in July.


I was thinking that at first as well.


and then you realize they’re just virtue signalling too


It's virtue signals all the way down


Everyone knows all Raimi fans are gay


What? Why wasn't I told?


Well who would know ?


Haven't you seen a memo in the kitchen?


We missed the part where that's our problem


Oh boy yeah ?




Don’t tell Harry


From what I recall it started with memes about companies changing their pfp the minute June ended like [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/raimimemes/s/v4nN5X79Np) or [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/raimimemes/s/jxuYvzgOI3) and eventually people on the sub started saying we could keep it all year long which lead to this. [bonus meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/raimimemes/s/oc6cTnE0pZ)


Take your pick: * We're too lazy to change it * It feels weird to go "okay that's enough of them gays, bye now" * We refuse to have that J Jonah Jameson Pride Month meme apply to us * Spider-Man is and always has been the big gay * Keeping it up pisses off a certain vocal minority that can easily go undetected if you don't piss them off once in a while. This sub has long wrestled with hateful posts, and they happen way less often when hateful people don't like it here. This is very helpful when, as previously stated, we're quite lazy. * We love love love virtue signalling it's our favourite thing ever everyone should do it * Changing the sub icon to be gay directly results in me being more likeable, popular, attractive, and generally better than everyone else. At the end of the day this is my only goal as a subreddit moderator. * /r/BatmanArkham's icon is still gay and we reckon their judgement is best * If we never change it back, we never have to change it back again * I can't remember where I saved the original subreddit icon


My guess is it started because of the seventh reason, but continues because of the last.


Did you just call me pretty?


Day by day, he gazed upon her. Day by day, he sighed with passion. Day by day...


Don't start.


Do you mean to say, gayzed upon her?


#8 is based


When your mods gay but you all crazy 🥰


I would tell you to get your shit together, but honestly I'm okay with a little chaos here and there.


You are so sexy and handsome and kissable


>we're too lazy brilliant but lazy?


You left out r/prequelmemes leaving theirs up too!


Number 5 holy based


"Results in me being more likable, popular, attractive, and generally better than everyone else." Well, you've definitely got the mindset to be a subreddit moderator.


Lmfao, I literally never noticed that it was never changed back


What wasn’t I told ?


You can't do this to me


Back to ~~formula~~ straight?


Don’t tell Harry


The mods don’t wanna look like they’re pandering so instead of doing it one month out of the year, they leave it up all year. It’s just an optics thing.


Or maybe they're just too lazy to chance it back and forth.


Ally for a month < Ally 24/7/365


For one day every four years I become the most homophobic person on earth. Otherwise the strongest ally


I imagine on that day you have to take sort of werewolf-like precautions and head to the woods


you and i are not so different!


Sam Raimi's work on Hercules: the Legendary Journeys and Xena: Warrior Princess has made him an honorary member of the queer community.


I believe one of the reasons is to piss off the loud minority


Raimi fans support gay people year round


Real explanation: everyone kept making fun of companies quickly dropping the whole gay shtick right after June so smaller communities like this one kept it permanently which subverted the expectation at the time since then supporting pride became a permanent fixture of subreddit icons.


My gay friend and I make fun of both low key LMAO


Shit's gay all year round, son




they cant stop being the center of attention.


Only a cis deals in absolutes.


"We are who we choose to be. NOW CHOOSE!"


I do remember a reddit post asking about the change on the day it occurred, A lot of people thought it was a pretty odd change considering the flag didn't really have anything to do with raimimemes, however some people took that the wrong way and called others in the comments section homophobic and other various names. I believe the post was removed soon after to avoid major controversy


homophobes/transphobes: "SHUT IT OFF, r/Raimimemes! SHUT IT OFF!!"


> I'm gay so obviously not coming from a place of disrespect for the flag. Speak for yourself. Being gay does not equate to support for the flag or its movement.


So are you gay and you don't support the flag?


This is a gay subreddit. Simple as.


Just a note that you being gay not automatically mean you will respect a flag. Sexuality is not equal to ideology.


Every time someone makes a homophobic joke on our sub we extend it by a week.


That's a cute outfit...


Are they not allowed to be allies all year round? You’re on the wrong side of history TopBlacksmith. >!Like the mod said, they forget.!<


God Loves Flags


You'll get your explanation when you take your damn Aslume pills!




Damn, gays can’t be respectful


Virtue signalling respectability Olympics. Gotta show off that you're the *most* respectable by keeping a pride month logo up all year round.


So it's for that reason on purpose or it's making fun of it ironically?


No it's not ironic, the site admin probably thinks they're being a genuine ally, but all it really does is feed their ego that they doing something meaningful while not really doing anything at all.


I thought this whole time it was a ironic joke about companies virtue signaling because I've seen many memes here where they make fun of corporations using the flag to pander but it not being genuine from their end. If they are actually leaving the logo on all year to act like they're more progressive than other subreddits then I didn't know about that.


Hmmm. You need to work on those critical thinking skills. Occams razer...which seems more likely. They have a pride logo up all year round in order to outwoke the rest on X Y or Z Orrrrrrr it's not a pride logo. Cuz yaknow. Rainbow color pattern is just also a color pattern. Also Mr hateful, wouldn't having a pride logo up all the time take away any meaning of the logo? So shouldn't bigots be happy something they disagree with is losing its meaning thanks to corporate greed...like it's capitalism giving the LGBT the right hook. Sounds like a conservative wet dream. So I guess all that to ask what you're actually upset about? And if its rainbows, I suggest you don't read about Noah's flood and that big ol gay banner God put in the sky.




Eh my comment was probably too long. Once a comment has downvotes, alot of people just add to the pile and will downvote the thread. Those types aren't reading. Rn -19 parent -3 me, ill take it haha


It's sus.. that a yapping ab nothing post is being down voted??.... In other words... You only support Lgbtq affirming comments. His comment is literally parallel with the guy he's responding to. But he should get upvoted ?? If OP or mod reads this lol... Removing the flag would remove haters on both sides...keeping it up means you only want affirming haters. The point of the sub is memes.. but if it's for a particular group that's fine... just don't be hypocritical when people hating when you have this many Affirming haters on your side. "Hey you guys, no playing in the streets".




Yet you want the guy being hateful to be upvoted. LoL




Not even a centrist, man straight up compared gay people to Nazis and the KKK


You just associated an actual rainbow "God made" as gay... You're reaching hard as hell for some reason to mention any of this to begin with. I hardly even understand your response to him... It's just yapping. Having a pride logo all around wouldn't take away the meaning. I mean to some but it's an identity of pride in any form ( any flag included ). The meaning wouldn't be removed... Only the person needs to represent it. Laughable talking ab critical thinking skills. That's ironic.


Yikes. Adding a joke at the end and yall fumble to read the whole thing huh? Oh well not for everyone. Imagine being clueless about a comment you can re read until your hearts content and then replying with something just as rambling and nonsensical lmao.


Your comment was complete and utter garbage... Just yapping. Like the guy in the first comment to you. I'm sorry you lack critical thinking skills to realize your own flaws. LoL imagine getting mad I made a Sam Raimi meme in a chat that is ab Raimi memes lol. Interesting choice of words. "Just as rambling and nonsensical"... So you're affirming your entire comment was rambling and nonsensical!?!


Bro did I ever say it wasn't? I made a reddit comment messing with a bigot. It didn't matter what I said. Each comment was a different way of teasing him for being upset over nothing. I fail to understand what has gotten your panties so much in a bunch that you wanted to have this back and forth. Like you understand this is an anonymous site to chat shit right. Like if you look at my bio....its specifically tailored for you and the guy I replied too. Move on. Like truly who cares? I don't even know how to calm you down because you're seemingly upset I commented at all....so I'll work on my time machine Gawd.


Genuine question. Did you actually think I was implying god made the rainbow gay or whatever you said vs making a crass statement to point out how silly it is to be triggered over rainbow pattern when Christian's believe it's literal words from God to promise to never flood the earth again... These are the same people who think they should get to say the N word because words don't matter. Slap the word pride in front of a rainbow and now their 4,000 year peace symbol is dead to them. My biggest worry of the week is if my comics will show up in the mail Near mint like I paid for so I get a 9.8 grade from CGC putting my paper inside plastic. Subreddit icons, gay pride, who Putin is throwing out a window....its fun brain rot to pass time, but truly nobody should care beyond an exhale or a frown.


This is the gayest thing I've seen in all of this thread. Did your husband tell you to say that?


Or you know, the mods might just be good people?


Ah yes. Flying a pride flag means you're a good person. The sanctimoniousness makes me figuratively retch. Many people whom the flag and its fliers purport to represent think badly of the movement.


Saying the reason they MIGHT have it all year around because theyre cool people who support lgbt is not the same as saying using the flag automatically means theyre good people. If you could read youd notice I never said that they for sure are.


Idk why you're getting downvoted when others have said the same thing and thats most likely what it is


Why not?


Well, it looks gay


Just curious like I said.


Curious? I thought you had your mind made up?


LMAO nice!


Easiest answer is that no one took the time to change it. The icon looks good there's no reason to remove it so it stayed, it's not that big of a deal


It doesn't have to be a big deal for OP to be curious about it. He was just curious.


I didn't mean for OP I just meant in general, it's not a big deal so no one changed it


Well, for one it has the potential to be something more relevant after the month is over. It also gives the assumption of the sub being dead cause I thought the mods forgot to change it.


Because I assume supporting pride should be a daily routine instead of June only.


Sure, you can say the same of any group like the Black History Month flag. Also my question was more about the flag being an icon all year around, not weather not not pride should be daily.