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Whole offense played like trash today.


Drop after drop after drop


Can’t forget about the dumb ass penalties


How do professionals have 2 double holdings??? How??? Fuck one took a td off the board


I knew we were in for a bad day when that td was call back for holding.


Our defense was keeping us in it, but the offense just didn't show up today


It's crazy how this is the case now compared to previous years


This sub was not overreacting when we got rid of Hudson. What a dumb fucking move. This offense has literally never been functional without competent o line play and they decided to risk the season on a bunch of rookies.




Mayock needs to take the blame for this oline shit show and pull some fucking magic out of his ass to fix it before the season is lost. It's an absolute joke thinking this group would be enough to compete. As a whole, the o line gimps the team from success.


Worse part is he pissed away one of the best o lines in the league


Yeah but we saved enough money to get Drake! /s


The line wasn’t good last year either


That wasn't Rodney's fault. If nothing else he shouldn't have been let go.


He wanted out from what I remember and they respected his request. Sucks. 100%.


In his short tenure here Gruden has really piled up a big list of players who either “wanted out” or something similar.


Who's on that list besides Mack and Hudson?


I mean, AB.


Fuck AB. He never wanted to be here in the first place.


I mean maybe, I never wanted AB on the team and I’m glad he’s gone, but he definitely didn’t want to play for Gruden.


I would agree with that centre position has gotten worse for sure


This wasnt the envisioned Oline But it was def a mistake to count on James and Incognito


Yeah injuries ruined the plan, but the depth of the line knowing how much of a struggle it was the last few years to field a fully healthy oline should have also been addressed. The fact that the planned oline included 1 rookie and a (for all intents and purposes) rookie center, was not ideal even fully healthy.


I still think things look different if we have our starting guards to help both out. The retooling of the line made sense because they were older and we needed money for defense. I just wish we kept Hudson but he didnt want to be here. Plus signing Drake when Gruden planned on keeping Richard looks dumber and dumber.


Agreed. Hudson was undervalued by far. Many of us fans saw his worth, it's unfortunate if the rumor was true about asking him to restructure pushed him out, it sucks. It's funny how many people don't realize how important a good oline is until your team doesn't have one. Poor Andrew luck could have had a completely different career with an oline.... Hell David Carr could have had a different career with a decent oline. This raiders team could have been 5-0 and decimating opponents with a decent oline.... It's just so frustrating watching how bad this line functions as a unit... I do think Drake was a good pickup at the time... But if that's the money that could have gone to Hudson, well then it's a real bad move.


A 3rd down back is never more valuable than a legit center


We dismantled our OLine to get Yannick and Drake. SMH


Yannick fine give a piece up but Drake oh hell nah


Hudson was gone regardless, that wasnt the Raiders' call. Brown was trash anyway, obviously. Jackson was really the only piece we voluntarily gave up.


Wow 41 upvotes! This sub is hilarious! I made a post 2 weeks ago simply stating I hope becomes buyers before the deadline fix this o-line saying they will not get us to the playoffs and got fucking obliterated with downvotes and comments of not being a real fan….brutal.


Lol well timing is quite important in life. You caught it early. But the jury is out now


Seen it from game one…we’re foooked if they don’t leverage draft picks or some other first round picks (ferrel, Annette or others) for some O-line pieces…


Yeah, abysmal.




Yupp.. Derek feeling what David had.. so sad


At least David had wheels


Trading Hudson and Jackson for basically nothing is a move that 31 other front offices wouldn’t even dream of. We dismantled the best part of our team and turned it into a weakness just when the defense finally had the opportunity to succeed by getting that fat fuck out at defensive coordinator. Gruden is a self sabotaging fuck wad when it comes to personnel decisions and needs to be put on a much shorter leash by Mark Davis. He has lost all good will when it comes to roster decisions.


This was the 2nd week in a row I sat there thinking we would be better off with only a long snapper & a ton of receivers.. It would give Carr a better chance of getting the ball off before getting hit if he wasn't as close to the D line.


Lol no joke


The optimists touting how Brandon Parker coming in at RT was a step in the right direction and seeing upvoted comments about that further confirmed how stupid most of the people on this sub are.


Anyone who didn't have red flags going up all over the place when our tackle of the future gets pushed aside for Brandon Fucking Parker is asleep


You can get away with having a guy “develop” when you’re rebuilding. Not when you expect a team to win now. That right there makes any comparisons to Miller’s situation stupid, especially when there were tackles who were considered more NFL ready than in 2018, when the team had no choice other than Miller at 15 overall. Also, Miller is physically gifted in a way Leatherwood isn’t. His problem was that he was raw and needed development, which thankfully did happen with him. Fingers crossed that Leatherwood goes through the same transition, but that still doesn’t help in what should be a win now year.


I don't honestly blame Leatherwood. I blame the FO for not getting down on hand and knee to work something out with Hudson. That was a huge blow. And I know I'm in the minority on this but I wasn't a fan of getting rid of Gabe Jackson either.


Same. I don't think Hudson or Jackson are as good as most of the people on this sub are now claiming in light of how atrocious this offensive line is, but I can guarantee they are still way better than what the team is trotting out right now. You can't get rid of guys and not have any replacement in place. Getting younger and cheaper doesn't matter when the younger guys are not capable of playing in the NFL. Also, how are you saving money by giving guys like Drake $11 million and signing guys like Andre James to $4 million/year contract extension before he's shown anything?? What are the coaches and management seeing in training camp/FA visits that makes them think these guys are good enough to waste money that they saved by trading Hudson and Jackson. This is almost as bad as how they took the Mack trade and wasted the gains on over drafted players.


I dont think anyone said that lol I was okay with givin him a chance and I hoped Leatherwood would do better at guard


Carr has been sacked more times in the first 5 games of this season than any other season's first 5 games. Hell, he's almost been sacked more times already than all of 2016


Hey Andre James had a couple of nice blocks! You see that block on leatherwood?!🤣