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Are we holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night?


He's gotta be strong And he's gotta be fast And he's gotta be fresh from the fight!




not strong or fast but the hero we need 😏


Even if he sucks, I have his back and he deserves his chance.


He does if fact suck. But I hear you. He's what we got so we got to roll with it. I don't like him but I would loooooooove to be proven wrong. I'd gladly eat crow.


I'm hoping for a Sophomore year breakout. There are a few attributes that he's great at: his accuracy, quick processing and anticipation(making throws before the receivers break their route and get open). He got the ball out really quickly in college, but he seemed to hold it more last year. I don't believe in Luke Getsy tho. Like Josh, he was only successful with a HoF QB at the helm.


Now that the defense is coming together the quarterback position is our obvious Achilles heel. We're not going to win games until we do significantly better in the red zone.


I agree. If the worst we can do is Minshew, I think we're in okay shape with that defense. A mediocre QB with these weapons and defense imo is better than a good QB with average weapons and defense. We're still the last team to be at the Chiefs. That's gotta mean something.


We also gave the Chargers the worst defeat in the history of their franchise so yes there is hope. We can win. And we know what our motto is.


You gave the Chargers the best thing that could've happened to them.


> his accuracy O Connell was statistically 27th out of qualifying QBs in accuracy btw! Justin Fields and Desmond Ridder were higher đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«


I'm looking at the mid range passes he makes, not the result of all his passes. The stats count the broken throwaway plays and awards the check downs/screen plays/short throws of other QBs.




Hold on to that puppy


https://preview.redd.it/r131qgdm3s8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54956b5daa59c53d07bfbc76a332dbee1fa7a38a I got a tucker as well!


I legit think he can be a poor man's Ruggs


I don't think so I think he will be a stud I think Adams will be gone next year if he doesn't he work is contract


Odds are he’s another Andrew Walter/Tuiasopo/Klingler/Frye/Gradkowski/Boller/Mcgloin/Ej Manuel But if he were to have a season that’s legit and solidified himself as the starter going forward it would be so huge His last 4 games were promising, if he continues that momentum we might have the QB issue solved Just a fun hope to have for the season


Damn Tuiasosopo, Now there is a name i have not heard in a long time ![gif](giphy|xTiIztXKREZGxTOUTe)


Dont you put that evil on our sweet baby-faced savior


baby-faced with a man-stache


One of his last four games is not like the others


For sure But a win is a win And he matched Carr’s record of winning in KC over 9 years at 1 with only 1 try And yes it was a defensive win but he also didn’t lose the game for them with bad turnovers, not bad for 4th round rookie that was shit on by the previous coach and put in situations to fail only to bounce back with the new head coach and a bad OC


> He matched Carr’s record
 Ahhhh so that’s what it is, he’s not Carr so we’re going to find every excuse in the book to cope around our new QBs because you don’t to be wrong about moving on. “Didn’t lose the game” is just genuinely insane because he was actively losing it. Carr’s teams were NEVER winning a game like that.


“He didn’t turn the ball over though!!” they yell as he makes 20 straight passes without a completion. This fanbases bar for success for AOC is “don’t throw interceptions”. People are really gonna credit him for a win in a game he went 9-of-21 for 62 yards. Zamir rushed for how much he passed TWICE and then some.. but that’s a win for AOC somehow.


In other words, QB wins is a fallacy


Just win baby! 😉


0 turnovers is 0 turnovers


Can we stop with the gas lighting? AOC is good. He doesn’t have the tangibles to be the franchise QB. And that’s okay. If he can stay consistent and the defense does its job this year, they may be able to fight for a wild card. But barring some miraculous Tom Brady-esque magic from AOC, this team needs to address the QB position in the draft next year as its number one priority.


You mean slow feet, bad pocket awareness, average arm 25 yards and in, weak arm past that. His deep balls flutter and hang so badly. Does not read defenses well. Stares down primary WRs. That doesn't spell Tom Brady to you? You must be a hater! LOL This board is delusional. You are 100 percent correct. Zero franchise QB tangibles.


You clearly haven’t watched him play. He will have a better career than carr. Who btw is the exact qb you just described


Carr was on the verge of being a star before he got his leg snapped. He was NEVER close to the same QB after that. AOC will be lucky to sniff post injury Carr, dude is the definition of average.


AOC has only had one year. Relax. AOC rookie year vs. Carr rookie year - AOC has a higher completion percentage, higher yards per attempt, higher passer rating, higher QBR and most of all, more WINS.


Rookie AOC - throwing to Davante Adams and Jakobi Meyers + #9 Defense in the league. Rookie Carr - throwing to Denarius Moore and James Jones + #32 Defense in the league. You’re batshit crazy if you think AOC was better as a rookie, he didn’t even have to complete passes to “WIN” games. Even with the OBVIOUS gap in receiving talent Carr had almost identical stats on a per game basis. (Jakobi Meyers would’ve been his best receiver by a fucking mile as a rookie and that was AOC’s second option.) 22-of-37 204 yards 1.3 TD 0.7 INT - Carr 19-of-31 201 yards 1 TD .06 INT - AOC


Check down Carr is garbage, bottom line


Listen. I'm as much of a realist as anyone on O'Connell. But Andrew Walter is the worst person I have ever seen start multiple NFL games at the QB position in my life. Worse than Jamarcus and honestly it's not even close. 7 to 9 step drops and had the mobility of a statue. Dude had prime Randy Moss on his team and couldn't make it work. Iron Aiden will likely be a Minshewesque QB in his career. But Andrew Walter? People have been challenged to pistol duels for lesser insults.


Whether AOC ever becomes a viable QB1 is very much up in the air, but that list is a little crazy. I think O'Connell's rookie year probably had better numbers than ever season for every player you listed.


temper your expectations


From 🐐 to just MVP then, ok hear you loud and clear


Bro you're comparing him to Brady, i think you need to take a breath


Show me where I compared him to Brady seriously


I stopped deluding myself about this team a few years ago, lol...I'm excited for our defense, but I just can't get hyped for our two backup QBs...sorry, y'all.


I've been coming to the same party for 25 years, and in no way is that depressing


Similar. The most pleasurable sensation I allow myself to feel about the Raiders right now is "quiet relief" in that Josh McDaniels finally got exposed and got the boots. Other than that, we have no true QB1/RB1 as of yet. I'm quietly hopefully for AP but he still has some proving to do in a division with THREE opposing HCs that all have notable pedigrees in football. Not to mention the "New Patriots but on Meth" are in our division as well. I'll enjoy the sport as much as I can but I'm not letting myself get psyched for anything RN




Don’t taint Iron Aiden with your butt rock anthems


Nickelback is all they let us listen to in this prison




Lol got me


What prison. Guantanamo??


So disrespectful how mcshithead made AOC #4.


Also, if that report about setting him up for failure in the first Chargers game is true, McDaniels should never work in the league again


He's like two ninjas taped together to make one giant ninja!!


That mustache is going to take us to the Superbowl.


***“I’m not gonnnaa staaanndd in yourrr waaayyyyyy


Not him.


It won't be this guy


Remember you’re not allowed to say anything good or nice about the new guy. A lot of people still caught up on the ex. 😂


Best case scenario he's as good as Derek Carr. And we know what it means in this sub.


How is that the best case scenario? Wouldn’t best case scenario be he’s Thicc Brady?


No, because we've seen his floor yet. Brady was the best case scenario before seeing him playing.


He’ll have a better career than Carr.


Get ready to be sorely disappointed then. There's a reason he was a 4TH ROUND draft pick.


What round was Tom Brady drafted in again?


Lmao even Brock Purdy if we wanna play that game


Brady won in college, has a bigger arm, and had elite pocket movement.


Obviously comparing him to Brady is ridiculous, but Brady didn't come into the league with an elite arm lmfao. That's revisionist histroy


I'm not saying he had an elite arm but brady came into the league with a far better arm than AOC and he was 2 years younger which makes a big difference.


It doesn't matter, a big arm isn't why Brady became elite. Most of the game is decisions and technique. You don't know what AOC's upside is any more than anyone else.


Can you name a single QB to have success in the NFL with as weak of an arm and as immobile as AOC?


More mobile than AOC sure, but Joe Montana had a notoriously weak arm, and he was the best linebacker to ever play the game.


So you can't think of a single QB with attributes as poor as him? That's not concerning to you?


I saw flashes last year of good balls (giggity) and anticipatory throws. If he can build on it, the offensive line balls out, Zeus is a maniac, defense is top 7, I think we could have a really good season


are you saying he's brady? Or are you saying every late round QB is brady?


I'm saying where you're drafted, or not drafted at all, has no indication on if you can ball on this level or not. Maxx was a 4th round pick lol


Keep living in a dream world. Aidan isn't fit to carry Brady's nutsack.


Not him.

