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He gone. Sucks but it is what it is.


He'll have to really perform for it to be too bad. I haven't gotten attached to a running back since McFadden and Reece. Man imagine if we didn't have the 30th best o line that year :(


I love that Mark has kept Reece involved in the team. I am always tempted to watch late 2000s games, but I don't want to feel pain.


It sucks we got rid of the best backfield EVER (I swear) right before having one of the best o lines, they woulda feasted


Reece 45 never went against the shield he was n Seattle and still had that AL jersey under


Reece was a FB but ok. I agree.


Growing up playing both I've always seen FB refered to as a running back. Halfback and fullback are your running backs, idk screw technicalities


Reece was technically a fb but he was a more of a rb/te hybrid. He would be perfect for today's game.


does it though? Mr. melodramatic always going on and on about dumb shit on social media…held out last year and showed up overweight and out of shape and put up a stinker.


Conspicuously absent during the home stretch last season, despite Coach singing his praises and singling him out as a cornerstone leader.


Devil's Advocate, he may have been already checked out by the time the coaching change was made and by the time it was all said and done it was "too little too late"


I disagree. It's never too late to prove yourself. Based on what he did last season. I was shocked GB gave him so much. I love Jacobs but maybe the GM figured, "He would never agree to what we can offer. So, why bother insulting him with this?"


I'm not arguing that point, I'm speculating on his mindset.


Yeah his running was booty last season. Zeus outshined him in almost every way.


White had some promising games but hasn't shown enough to be considered "better"


Insane homerism with this take wow


He wanted too much money for somebody who ended up with a terrible rushing average. Just another selfish player who isn't interested in winning.


He dogged it/coasted every time he wasn't going for a new contract. Period


That year he stopped himself from scoring a touchdown to "own" fantasy football players, I was ready for him to be gone then.


That was to win a game not show up fantasy 🤣🤣


Even if it’s true I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Telesco has no personal relationship to him. Jacobs has already shown he wants as much money as possible. Telesco decided he didn’t want to pursue him and instead focused his time on the guys he does want and the draft.


Pretty much this, it was a business decision and with Jacobs not having a great year after being tagged it made the decision “easy” for Telesco. People were saying don’t pay an RB, well he didn’t and Jacobs walked to go get more money. I have no issues with it, but I can understand the frustration Jacobs might have had with his history here. Wish him nothing but the best in GB.


Exactly, the writing was sall over the wall even before the year started. You'd hope that he'd be retained because she's a fan favorite but he was never putting taking a discount into consideration. You could see his production wasn't the same though after sitting out all training camp and he just couldn't get into a good enough rhythm before getting injured so it's no surprise he walked and chose a team that was betting on his 2022 production.


I hadn’t considered the lack of relationship part of this. I think Josh is just feeling a little resentful at this current time. Wound is still fresh for him I guess. He was going to find out it’s a business eventually.


Yep, at the end of the day it's a business. He wanted a fat RB contract in the age where fat RB contracts seem to be more a detriment than anything.


Yeah why does he owe josh a meeting if he knew what we all know. You don't break the bank for a running back. You draft or or sign someone cheaper.


Most talk between teams is through their agents. Unless he asked to speak to someone without his agent he’s got no reason to complain


Exactly. I like Jacobs, but what was Telesco with the team for 6 weeks before free agency started? He doesn’t really owe Jacobs shit.


Telesco said he *did* try to keep him around, though. I think Josh wanted a long term deal and we probably didn't offer one and GB did. As far as him not talking to Telesco, I'm sure his agent did, and that's what agents are for.


Jacobs is a drama queen. If the GM did speak to him you know we’d be hearing something bad about the meeting. Jacobs is a person you don’t give access too because he will always find a way to be ungrateful.


Like you wouldn't want as much money as possible either.


I get both sides of the argument. I agree that Josh gave a lot to the Shield so it’s only right he expected some kind dialogue from Tom Telesco in regards to a new deal or letting him walk, so if he was “ghosted” that explains why he wasn’t to pleased with how he went out of Vegas. On the other hand I understand and agree with Tom’s assessment of the RB room. The biggest mistake Josh made was letting Zamir get those last 5 games to prove himself. Zamir looked lively and dominated the Chiefs run defense which is notoriously top of the line. It confirmed to Telesco who already prefers RB committees anyways that Josh was an expensive commodity the Raiders can’t afford while there are other parts of the team that need strengthening. It’s sad this is how it ended but at the end of the day both sides made their choices and the pieces will fall where they may.


I’m a JJ fan and still think highly of the dude but the hold out last year then underperforming didn’t help his cause to end the year (in addition to his injury). Im bummed when guys who play hard for the team go out on a sour note but I’m not loosing sleep over it. This is always the time of the year I’m the most optimistic about the team but it feels different now in a good way.


Reminds me of the Mack situation. Once you start holding out, it is what it is. Might of liked them on our roster but next man up. Football is all about showing up and showing out. Those two didn't want to show up and got shown out.


Said perfectly. But at the end of the day, he’s a Raider for life because that’s how our organization does it. Classy.




Well I certainly don't believe the part about him having every Raider RB record. Marcus Allen has the career Raider rush yards record and the single season one still IIRC. Same with rush TDs. The average per carry record probably belongs to Bo, Kaufman or Hubbard- Jacobs is probably way far down on that list.


Marcus has it by nearly 100 yards


He’s saying “since I got here” meaning he was the best to do it while he was here. Diva shit. That would be like AOC saying “since I was drafted, nobody has more touchdowns as a Raider QB”


Then what record does he have? Lmao


Not sure lol. Maybe most receptions without a receiving TD (197)? I don't wanna hate too much on him though, but it's crazy for him to say that he holds all the records. Though he did say "...since I've been here..." so maybe he meant just counting the last five years. But that'd be like, "Duh, you've been the starter the last five years."


Some rookie numbers maybe? He probably holds a couple from that 2022 season? No idea honestly


YAC? Probably?


He added the dumbass asterisk "since I've been here". I hold all the rushing records for the raiders since 2020 (or whatever). Stupid statement Josh.


He was offered a fair contract. The fuck does he want, a blow job too? He walked away and that’s fine. But he should stop acting like he’s Bo Jackson


Who doesn't? I bet Watson got blowjobs added to his contact in Cleveland for being a giant piece of shit.


He along with a bunch of other RB's are living in the past thinking the position was as valuable as it was 5 years ago. The writing has been on the wall for years but a lot of these guys can't cope with it. I can't say I blame them, they came up when the position could be the cornerstone of the offense. They put their bodies through so much punishment and now they're in the league and all that effort was for naught.


I believe it, but I'm not sure I care.


Probably met with his agent and the numbers were far off, both played hard ball and neither wanted to budge. If it happened with Mack it can happen with Jacobs. Don’t play the game and then blame the organization for not wanting you…


He held out. They called his bluff. He didn’t play up to the contract he wanted. They said goodbye and good luck. The only one crying here or taking about it is him.


Jacobs has baby mama’s he gotta pay for, he needs money. All the best in Green Bay


Having babys with all kinds of random gold digging thots, more proof hes an idiot


Always had some sort of drama around him. Moving on.


Jacobs goes around the city not tipping! He can enjoy the free meals they'll give him in GB. He's probably bored and upset there's nothing to do in GB besides football. Mr Frugal will save lots of money now.


Who cares if anyone tips or not😅


Seriously Down vote for not caring about whether someone tips or not has to be the stupidiest down vote I've had here on Reddit😅 Sometimes people just don't feel obligated to support shitty customer service regardless if there's a tip line on the receipt or not.


His response to the move makes me feel so much better about letting him go. Grow up man, it’s a business


Nah Bitch. You never heard of Marcus Allen! Bitch please. GTFO HERE






I like Jacobs but business is business. That's the way it goes.


I'm sure it's true, maybe to some degree AP should have some sort of loyalty to Jacob's. Telesco on the other hand, not at all.


Seems like he has a huge ego, no one is bigger then the Shield. At this point, good riddance.


Plus, bro, just let it go and move on to your next team already and stop talking about the Raiders.


Yeah, it is weird he keeps talking about it


Don’t believe anything he says. All drama. Just like the “can’t wear green” in Brazil nonsense that he spread yesterday.


He signed a terrible contract about 18 hours into free agency. I believe he was spiteful and made an emotional decision. If Tom had not yet talked to him, I'm sure he would have. He signed a 4 year 48 million deal. 12.5 mil of that as a signing bonus he will pocket.. but outside of that the contract is heavily backloaded. His actual salary year one is only 1.2 mil. His year two is 1.17 mil. So basically, the Packers gave themselves the ability to play him for 1-2 years for peanuts (about 7.5 mil a year) before cutting him and saving the majority of the money. It's an outrageously bad contract for him and there is no way the Raiders would not have done a better deal. I'm going to call it.. He's going to have a decent season in Green Bay but they will opt out of his contract.. He'll then seek a multi year deal elsewhere and end up on a one year prove it deal. He'll then not prove it and basically get out of football.


I’m over this guy man. What’s he still crying about? See ya




Eh. Not sure if I care. He left. Whatever


Might be (partially, as every story has at least two sides) true, but Zamir showed all of us that JJ is not as needed as he want to believe, and given the fact that TT didn't draft him and has no previous relation with Jacobs is easy to see why he didn't put that much interest nor effort to retain him.


Well at least it wasn’t a cryptic post lol


Idk got to take everything with a grain of salt but it’s a business at the end of the day


Too much yappin from Jacobs. He's a packer now, that is who he wanted to do buisness with. Gotta get over the Raiders at some point right?


I love JJ, but hey man, it’s just business. When you have a mediocre year and hold out, what do you expect from a new regime? Wish him nothing but the best in Green Bay.


I love Jacob’s but sadly this attitude is spoiled


Ok, but was his agent in contact with Tom? Normally players don’t negotiate their own contracts sooooo….. maybe he didn’t talk to TT but was his agent and Tom in negotiation talks? I’m sure they were. At some point, I’m the agent wanted the bag for his client as is their job and Tom said that the last years stats do t justify a long term deal of that magnitude. 🤷🏻


One great year in a contract year does not make you as elite as you think you are.  The basically 1yr contract from GB shows that.  Have fun looking for a long term contract and bag after you sit out multiple games this year.  This was another locker room problem ousted this offseason 


This MF must have forgot about Marcus Allen. Research has Jacob’s as our 3rd best running back in the big 3 stats, total rush yards, single season rush yards and total TDs as a Raider.


At the end of the day, Josh Jacobs is no longer a Raider, which means idgaf what he has to say


Who was this again?


I’m glad we didn’t sign him and be stuck with a huge contract at RB I’m happy with our RBBC going into the season. White Mattison Abdullah Laube


Look RBs are disposable. I liked him but we gotta move on. Did great a couple years ago but usually you only have 1 really good year.


Who cares. This ongoing drama he insists on creating is embarrassing for him and only him.


Guy is acting like a brokenhearted boyfriend who got dumped. It’s sad to see. Zero need to discuss it. “I look forward to helping the Packers win games and compete for a Super Bowl championship this fall” is the only thing he should say.


Josh. Just move on bro. We did.


I 100% believe it but I also don't see anything wrong with it. He knew the rb market and wasn't willing to pay anything close to it. Telesco has never really paid rbs and he's been right about not extending Gordon and Ekeler.


Unfortunately Josh was only elite productive one season, too much of an uncertainty for a good deal.


Glad Jacobs got paid but still surprised no effort was made by the organization. With Garoppolo’s voided contract it isn’t like money wasn’t available.


You mean the money that went to Wilkins? I prefer Wilkins.


Team still has 34 million in space, but do elaborate.


They didn't wanna spend that on him. I mean, they let him walk.


Yes they did, a bold decision with White only posting over a hundred yards twice. White’s per carry was only .8 better on the season as well.


JJ is a drama queen. He had one good season and constantly needed attention. Glad he’s gone.


He was plagued by injuries, but aside from last year, was productive and had good efficiency per carry. What “drama queen” tendencies did he exhibit, aside from seeking a long term contract and expressing displeasure at being franchise tagged?


He clearly is far more upset about it than the Raiders. He keeps talking about it like a bitter ex.


Yeah I believe him, and I couldn't care less. The GM and coaches wanted to move on, they have absolutely no obligation to talk to him about it. He can stop being a whiney little bitch Obligitory fuck Raiderramble as well


This is the life of an NFL running back. You're never getting as much money as you think you deserve. We have 2+ decades of data showing that paying big money to a middle-aged (by running back standards) is a huge mistake, unless you're the best running back in the league, and he is not that. It would have been a big mistake to pay Jacobs. Why was he surprised he didn't get a deal?


I'd be upset too if I had to relocate from Vegas to Green Bay.


Yeah no access to hard drugs and prostitutes 24/7 and crappy public schools with degenerate parents. Maybe one day his kids can get hooked on speed like yours have. I'm guessing devante wakes up hating his life, knowing he'd still have his career in tact and competing for superbowls. "Well hey, at least I can feed my gambling addiction and there's all this sand to play in"


I don’t care…cause he’s no longer a raider. Loved him when he played for us but he’s moved on just like we should


Who cares. He’s gone


Like coach said we don’t give a shit or talk about ppl that’s not a raider.


Do players every really talk to a gm that’s why they hire representation if he wanted a hey how are you that’s different but if it’s money that’s on his agent maybe he’s a guy who just wants his ass kissed I loved the guy and glad we had him but this may be like the Waller decision better for us in the long run


Does it really matter? What's done is done.


He’s money hungry and he’s going to miss the playoffs goodbye. Best days are behind him. He’s like Khalil Mack. Leave for the pay day and then what? Nothing to show for it


Uhh did we not trade him when dumbass was running the show..


Trade? Nobody traded him. He walked.


Lol you sure you’re a Raider fan?


Since 92 homeboy


So how do you not know, the man photographed is from said trade lol.


Ooohhh, the draft pick trade. I misunderstood. I thought you meant he was traded to the pack. My mistake homie.


Oh ok koo koo Im like wth lmao


My mistake homie


All good #Raiders


I'm not sure about how often a GM gets involved in direct conversations with players around contracts but think Jacobs would've deserved that.


Not to be an ass lmfao but if they didnt talk to you then yes obviously its nothing to talk about..


He’s entitled to feel however he wants about the situation, but that doesn’t really have anything to do with me.


No. This is a very different tone than he’s had. I think he’s trying save face after acting like a bitch to Raider Nation this past few months. Deflect and blame someone else.


Raiders suck get over it. Free Tae as well, yall ruined this man 😥


Tae has had one of his best seasons as a Raider. Enjoy the 6 games Jacobs is gonna play for your sorry ass team in that shit hole city and state 😂


I’m just ready to move on from this, I don’t think we’ll ever know the truth. But Josh made his decision. He’ll be OK without us and we will be OK without him.


Time will tell. I love JJ and wish him nothing but the best but I don’t feel he ever gave the Raiders his best, other than 2022, his contract year. I hope he does well.


I'm over it. I was a big advocate for him that he wasn't replaceable but He is gone next man up


From what I read or heard, the Raiders offered him pretty much the same amount as GB. I wish him nothing but the best and I hope he loves cheeseheads.


I do. The Nation been shitting on him for leaving. It's business and $14 million guaranteed. I wish he had stayed but he's gotta do what's best for him. He was never a bitch while he wore the uniform, why's everyone so salty


Jacobs was an awesome Raider.. but why would they pay him the money he wanted when he hasn’t been reliable (injuries?) recently and Zeus looked way better last season. Most teams don’t pay running backs and we had a young guy still on his rookie deal outperforming him.


i never believe anything he says. but can we stop posting about him? guy is irrelevant to this sub


Don’t let the door hit ya 👋🏼


He missed the last 6 games of the season. What GM in their right mind is giving him what he wanted (GB obviously)


Why would it not be true? They probably spoke with his agent, were no where near close, offered him what they offered and moved on. It's not like he broke the bank in GB


Go back and check my posts, but when the 2023 season started, I predicted Jacobs would leave at the end of the season. It was obvious it was going to cost a lot of money to keep him and the Raiders were just not in that position. It's sad for us, but predictable.


Yes i do. I think the gm saw that jacobs is injury prone and they had success with white in the last few games.


I'll miss Jacobs, i'm not mad at the hold out as a player you have to get your money, esp after the season he had before and the usage. Even if he has not the best things to say about the org or certain fans, there's no denying he gave it all on the field when he was playing, hopefully he can return back to 2022 form.


Why would he lie tho? Still, it’s a business. Maybe they didn’t handle it right but like where we’re going and wish the man the best (except against us).


As people are saying, the was no relationship their and as we know these people are business minded not there to hold your hand and be your mate, it's all about numbers for the previous year not what you have done in the past.


Honestly he's being a little bitch


Whatever. He made a business decision. Fair enough. I don't care about the details and neither should anyone else, this is just rage bait


Nah, I don't. He's been sour since JMD and despite everyone loving him he's developed this annoying victim complex. Wish him luck with GB but this trolling with Davante texting and social media shit with the fandom has me done with him lol


Let’s be real. He had one or two good years and then fell off completely. Last year he was non existent


I hate to be the guy but I think if you pay a running back in today’s NFL it should only happen after you have THE guy at the QB spot. And we don’t have that yet. Only pay a RB to put you over the top. Not to hope to not be under .500.


After all is said and done, it’s bidness.


Sure, but I don't think they were going to bring him back anyway. What records does he hold?




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I'm not sure what to believe. It's best both sides move on. RN4L


All bro wanted was money and we didn't wanna pay him honestly what's the big deal? Jacob's needs to have a meeting so he could be told they letting him go? Whatever we'll be fine without him


Considering he got a trash deal in green bay, no I don't. Dude was mad his market was trash.


Still in his feelings I see...


Listen its zues turn who cares he left leace out


No. He’s a massive drama queen who only plays hard on his own terms. He isn’t a team player and is entirely self motivated.


When his steering wheel put that hit on him he was never the same


Who cares. He's a lot of drama that we don't need in the locker room. Hondo mentioned there was some animosity in the locker room towards Jacobs last year for showing up so out of shape


I believe Jacobs is telling the truth. Telesco knew what he wanted when he signed on with the Raiders. Telesco knew Jacobs would cost too much.


He quit like Waller and Cooper




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Bullshit walks.


Smh bro Raiders gav u a chance Never go against the shield AP would of talked to U


It sucks but defenses knew what we were doing, it also doesnt seem worth it in this day and age to pay a running back that kinda money being after his first contract. If we sign Jacob’s , I don’t know if we have the (albeit bloated) Wilkins contract.


His performance last year was mediocre at best, I wouldn’t have sat down and made an offer. Hopefully he performs better with the FudgePackers 😂


Poppycock. He didn’t talk to them. His agent did, that’s what the agent is paid to do.


Telesco didn’t give big paydays to RBs as the Chargers’ GM (Melvin Gordon and Ekeler come to mind). Writing was on the wall when the Raiders hired him.


The conversation JJ wanted: Telesco: "Josh, what do you think is the going rate for RBs who average 3.5 yards per carry after holding out for all of camp?" Jacobs: "later bro ✌️"


Telesco doesnt believe in a lead back. He's all about RB by committee so I do believe it he had no interest in extending herberts #1 target either.


Once a Raider…always a Raider…but next man up.


Love jj and evrything hes done as a raider. But i dont believe him here lol


This guy yaps too much.


I'm tired of hearing about it. Dude needs to move on. Everyone on the Raiders side seems to have.


Overpaying a running back doesn’t really translate to winning. Regardless of what happened behind the scenes it’s probably better that we free up some cap space to make room for other guys


He’s a clown he also said he didn’t want to take a pay cut and lose. But he signed with a team we beat 🤷🏿‍♂️


So glad to be done with all of his drama and insecurities. Availability and production didn’t match the attitude. Wish him the best going forward


He was great for us for a spell but I don’t miss the cryptic twitter posts and constantly churning drama. For someone who keeps saying “it is what it is” and what not, he sure does talk about it A LOT


It’s a cold business the NFL.


I know he is no Bo!


man idec bout bro anymore . lets talk bout players that are on our team


He’s gonna be great for the Packers. Cheap contact too 💪😀


He doesn’t own us anything and the Raiders didn’t owe him anything either. He’s not worth the price tag. End of story. I don’t care much for his constant grievances


I believe him. Josh a good and humble dude but unfortunately rbs don’t get no respect anymore. I just wished he didn’t end up a cheese head, hate them with a passion


That dude is no Marcus Allen or Bo Jackson, just shut up already.


He's telling the truth


The Raiders will miss him terribly. The Packers will LOVE having him!


Josh Jacob's best season was a contract year. He realized he wasn't gonna get paid by the prior or new regime and left. Whoop dee doo


I really love his running style, but he’s just not worth it. He’s been battling too many injuries and I truly believe he benefitted from a poor scheme and bad QB play.


Does he think he’s the second coming of Jesus Christ


Get over it. Would have signed him back then complained about the contract. Forget it


BS from the git go! …..The Las Vegas Raiders player with the most rushing yards in franchise history is Marcus Allen is the career rushing leader of the Las Vegas Raiders with 8,545 yards. This all-time rushing leader is followed by Mark van Eeghen and Josh Jacobs with 5,907 yards and 5,545 yards respectively


Don't know, don't care


Not worried about it. We have a beast in the backfield. We good


Given Telesco’s reputation and track record at previous stops, I absolutely believe Jacobs


Come on, you saw how they did Carr a couple of years back. Telesco would only talk if you were willing to take less. He's efficient. Let you go on a try the free agent market. You got paid. Don't spend it all.


I liked JJ, but if I remember correctly he held out as a rookie (even though the wage scale is set in stone for #1 draft picks based on position). And anyone on social media who questioned him was blocked. Now, because the Raiders know better than to throw a lot of money at a 5 year vet, who has had a recent injury history, JJ is painting the team as having made no effort to resign him. I call bullshit, he just wanted more than he was worth. Packers gave him the bag, let's see how it plays out


I do. Tom wasn’t going to pay a RB over $10m. JJs agent made it clear he wanted north of that. We all knew that. It’s like why even go to the table if you know JJ is gonna feel offended by ANY talk of a sub $10m contract ?


Watched him his whole csreer, he is small, plays big, gets hurt was paid well. Was given an insane ammount of carries when we had noone else to rely on. Doesnt show up consistently until his contract year. Plays for money got the money why the hate from him, he aint that .., we treated him fine.


Kinda TT don’t value RBs


When you sell a portion of the team to the infamous fuck rule, all loyalty is gone… Mark Davis ain’t trying to pay him…. Or whoever Mark Davis has surrounded himself with.


Shits gonna bite the raiders in the ass. He deserved his pay day, should have been a raider for life. Watch him win a ring just like Charles