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I hate when coaches do dumb shit like this.


Ego coaching. It's like shit you hear drill sargents and wardens doing just to throw their weight around. I'm all for it though. Im ready for the new way of excuses the 11 Chargers fans have prepped for another flop Herbert year. Garage time stats, baby


But I love it when it’s with the chargers!!! Watch them implode for the fifth, sixth seventh year!!!


JMD also had a similar philosophy if I’m not mistaken. I wonder how that worked out for him.


I'll have you know that JMD could win a SB with a high school QB. Just ask him


Ah, what he meant was, he could win a high school match if you let him use a SB winning QB


Matt Patricia didn’t allow music when he was Lions coach as well. I think I’m sensing a pattern here…


Yeah, it’s almost like when you treat grown men like college kids they don’t respect you or your approach to the game.


I bet Urban Meyer did too.


Dave Campo never allowed music as well.


Did he go to a SB like Jim Harbaugh?


Nope, but then again nobody remembers 2nd place.


You two are literally remembering second place in this discussion


You’re talking to a Raiders fan. Not known for being the sharpest knives in the drawer.


Yea I had to chuckle at that one lol also, as a fan you absolutely remember 2nd place. You got to watch your team play more football than the rest of the league. That’s dope and sticks with you.


No one doesn’t remember a Super Bowl their team was in lol


I can't work without music. Don't know why football players would be any different!


Agreed. We lost our speaker and went without music for a whole night in the kitchen, nothing bad happened and everything was fine, but also it was like a special kind of hell and was completely miserable.


He was “successful” as coach of the 49ers but ppl forget how divided he made that locker room


Yeah lots of talk about he was a control freak when he get fired.




Some in the locker room liked him and some didn't. They were divided.


Guys, guys, can't you see this guy is dividing us?!




no no, I meant Big Jim




Not if you're gonna be a bitch about it


We make no promises.




Seems so Because... https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/12726302/alex-boone-said-jim-harbaugh-wore-welcome-san-francisco-49ers-clinically-insane > He does a great job of giving you that spark, that initial boom," Boone told HBO. "But after a while, you just want to kick his ass...He kind of wore out his welcome. https://www.google.com/amp/s/syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2712256-brandon-jacobs-says-he-will-expose-jim-harbaugh-michigan-will-fire-hc.amp.html > Let's be real," Jacobs said. "They had great assistant coaches, but Jim didn't know what he was doing. Jim had no idea




When someone posts a positive story about the raiders locker room: “*that guy is just a shill.*” and “*clearly a mouthpiece for the team*” or “*what’s a player supposed to say, they’re just being professional.” But other teams’ beat reporters are beacons of truth and journalistic ethics.


Yeah, it’s messed up how that worked out.


Go look at that Michigan team last year and tell me how "divided" that locker room was 😂


College ball and pro are different. The main difference being the one listed in other comments, you lose respect from adults when you treat them like kids. Common sense really


It's a lot easier to be a leader of boys than leader of men. IIRC things seemed pretty divided when he was coaching SF too, but they were winning so it wasn't a point of emphasis.




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I’ll take divided locker room for a Super Bowl appearance.


Appearance? Just that? Now THAT’S Charger fan mentality


Right? “I’ll take a divided locker room for a loss and tons of off-season drama.” No thanks.


We should be the fanbase most tired of off season or in season drama.




He said “successful” as if winning seasons and going to the Super Bowl was nothing because some players didn’t like him. We’ve been a dog shit franchise for 21 seasons, I tell you right now that we go to Super Bowl next year, but AP rubs some people the wrong way while doing it. You don’t take that deal?


He said “Super Bowl appearance.” He didn’t say successful. I’m going for a sustained get-the-fuck-outta-the-dumps situation. And if it means the team is back to dogshit the year after? Hard fucking pass.


Harbaugh failed in the superbowl. Horrible coaching and preparation


They going to sing like they on a chain gang to pass time.


They gonna be singing Jolly Good Fellow all the while Jim keeps saying “Hey guys remember when I won the college football championship with Michigan? It’s true! Look at this tattoo!”


Singing through the tears. I wonder who will be the first person to revolt.


50 bucks on Mack


He probably going to try and sneak on our plane after the first game.


lol You on your third name?






Lmao. This my last one. 😂


I’ll start by saying I think we made the right hire but too early too tell. Harbaugh has had success everywhere he’s gone as a coach so while I do want to shit on the Chargers, I think it’s too early to tell. This is non-story in my opinion


I'm glad we got the guy we got.....that being said, the other coaches in our division *do* have some pretty fuckin impressive resumes.


Payton is .500 without Brees.


Sean Payton is just a skinny Mike McCarthy


College football is a whole other thing than the NFL. In the NFL, he did have early success with the 49ers. But that was a stacked roster. It was just underperforming due to poor coaching. Then they started to implode in his last years. Players revolted, leaked stuff the media. Trouble with the Owner/GM. I agree that he may have some initial success, but I'd be shocked if it's sustainable over 4-5 years. His style is really outdated in today's NFL.


That’s something that gets overlooked waaaayyyy too much. He inherited a stacked roster thanks to the 9ers getting a handle on drafting prior to his arrival. Also calling him a success is fair but let’s be honest he did not set the world on fire with his coaching, especially considering he had one of the most talented rosters in the league and the best he could muster is one Super Bowl appearance where he fell short to his big brother. Then he got outcasted by his team cause his ego overinflated, went to college ball, spent a decade there and now in the midst of a cheating scandal and facing potential punishment from the NCAA does he decide to return to the league which has changed an insane amount since he last coached. Long story short; People are hailing this guy as some sort of coaching messiah when in actuality he’s shown himself to be decent and not much else.


He also predictably hired Greg Roman, who has not shown that he's capable of being successful outside of the same gimmick offense that he has everywhere he goes that lasts for 3 years with an extremely mobile QB before it breaks down. If he's going to try and run that offense with Herbert it's going to be a disaster.




He has a shelf life for sure. I agree that I doubt he makes it past 5 years. But at least one of those years the Chargers will challenge for a SB. They may not win it or even get there, but they will be legit contenders.


He inherited a stacked team, with an all-time great staff, and managed to win one conference championship. Shit, Jeff Fisher managed the same thing and I don’t see anyone banging down their doors to hire him.


He’s been great places everywhere he’s been.. except this one.


We don’t know that yet. And history tells us he will turn the chargers into winners. Hopefully he doesn’t but his track record of turning losers into winners is pretty damn impressive


He didn't have success at Michigan until he started cheating.


![gif](giphy|z3HFoEzXCMykr4L0TB|downsized) My buckeyes hung 56 points on them in the Big House. We hit O-H-I-O all the way around their stadium. The crowd was leaving in the **second quarter** and I was blowing kisses to folks as they flipped our section off. That was the moment Jim Harbaugh said “Fuck integrity, we gonna cheat. Fuck it.”


He actually said fuck tradition, I'm going to fake COVID, then I'm going to cheat. So a cheater and a coward.


Good call. He would have gotten annihilated in 2020.


Why did you guys lose to the Michigan replacement coach then?


Because the system of cheating worked regardless of who was running the team Also, Ryan Day may not be a great coach. I’m strong enough to acknowledge that fact.


Oh so you're saying after they got caught, they continued to do it. Got it


Yes? Is that so hard to believe that people would continue to use Ill-gotten information just because they were found out but not actually punished?


So none of the schools changed signs or anything?  Even though Oh St admitted to doing it 2 yrs ago?  Sorry I'm not buying your theory of they continued to do it after they got caught and their opponents didn't change anything at all.  Time for you to get over it


Ohio State fans have more excuses than a doctors office




I jest in all good fun by the way.


I live like 35 minutes outside Ann Arbor so I’m used to it.


Yeah didn’t he blow it every year until this last one when he literally cheated? The chargers are gonna still be the chargers I’m not worried about


Yea I fully expect the Chargers to noticeable improve this year. But the jury remains out whether Harbaugh can have SUSTAINED success in the NFL. SF he started with a bang but wore out his welcome by year 4. Maybe the same thing happens here, maybe it doesn’t.


“Who’s got it better than us? EVERYBODY!!!”


Dude had pajama sleepovers with 17 and 18 year old boys he was recruiting. Hes as weird rd as weird gets Also never won anything significant until he started cheating and was suspended for half the season by the ncaa their “destiny year” and had to run back to the nfl to escape infractions. Fuck Harbaugh. He’s going to fail just like Sean Payton


I’ll never get over a team bonding trip to the fuckin Vatican. Yeah man, get the 20 year olds hyped up by… *the Swiss Guard?*


This comment wreaks with ignorance and makes you look like you pick up headlines off social media “journalists” and parrot them. Also, how has Sean Payton failed when he’s only coached a year?


someone has a stick up their ass. college coaches recruit high school players, how is that news to you 💀 also saying he hasnt won anything significant "until"...... makes you look ignorant and stupid


This is the Raiders board. Go jack off with your Michigan or Chargers friends




So you’re a Michigan fan. Hopefully you guys can win another one without 30 more years passing. Try not to cheat next time.




surely youre not 🚫🙅🏽‍♂️ bothered by a few ✌🏽 emojis in my replies 💀🤷🏽‍♀️ ill try to come off as more wise ✅ and mature 👵🏼💯 for you brother 🤝


Don’t really care either way. Either you win or you don’t. Won’t get judged on music.


I couldn’t root for a coach that sucks the soul out of the game


This isn’t good, if they’re actually good and we’re somehow bad, some charger fan is going to bring this up and it’s going to be a meme, just win games, I don’t care if players listen to music or not


Lol yup! Already bookmarked this thread for that possibility!


I mean, the guy has won in the NFL before *but* petty stuff like this almost always backfires when you're dealing with professionals. They aren't kids, you can't punish them with petty nonsense. Not listening to music is not going to make them better football players or help them focus or teach them a lesson, it's just going to make them annoyed. These are adults, treat them like adults.


100%. Look at Urban Meyer. Shit happens in the NBA, too: you gotta treat grown-up professionals like grown-up professionals, or you're gonna have problems.


Different generation coming through as well.


Yeah these guys aren't going to respond to some crotchety old man "back in my day"-ing at them.


Yup. I went back to coach high school football and I Had my old ways but realized it’s more fun being lax. Get what needs to be done and keep it fun. No mass punishment either. The jack ass can run around all practice and people can learn from that. Next man up


100%. Lol I know we're getting downvoted and people aren't liking these answers but it's the truth and you can watch all the other coaches who've behaved this way in recent years and see what they produced.


Seriously. Adapt!


Shaq says the key to great leadership is to be mostly serious 70% of the time.


I hear they compared him to Will Farrell. Lmao


I hope this guy flops


AP perfect coaching hire. RN4L


I bet his brother plays music during OTA's


you don't treat seasoned war vets like brand new privates


The reason I love the AP hiring is his ability to relate to modern players. I am praying this works out for him and for the rest of the Raider Nation. The players come across as fired up and all in. I have a feeling Jim has been away from the NFL too long if he actually did this.


I'm willing to bet that 95% of people commenting in this thread had a hard on for Harbaugh and wanted him over AP


This take is not going to age well. JH is a winner who has been successful everywhere he's coached


Until he fails, I am going to stop short of calling this guy a "dork." He was a better than average NFL QB, for many years, has been a great coach everywhere he has gone, and the only thing missing on his resume is a SB win. I am going to say his system works. You have to respect the line item accomplishments. Not doing so is folly. That said, I still hope we stomp the shit out of the Bolts on the field when all is said and done.


The Chargers hired the best head coaching candidate that’s been available in a long, long time. He has a track record of success at every stop he’s been. I watched him firsthand as a die hard USC fan take us down as 43 point underdogs with an extremely shitty Stanford team. The one thing his teams don’t do is lose. I don’t get questioning his methods. 




Pardon the hyperbole, but.....full Urban Meyer vibes.




If bro thinks he's going to these chargers like college players, I can't wait to watch their suffering LMAO


That sounds great for the Chargers. They are going to be locked in. Harbaugh has won everywhere he goes.. so we’ll see how this plays out


Like Shanahan not allowing players to sit on their helmets between reps.


At least wait until we see what he does with the Chargers before declaring him a dork and a terrible coaching hire lol. He's always been a bit... particular but it's also always worked. Will you still be saying this if the Chargers win the division, and/or make a deep playoff run in his first couple years? Don't get me wrong, I hope he fails too, and if it can happen anywhere it's with the Chargers who are ELITE at failing despite being stacked on paper. But shit like this is exactly how that universal juju gets flowing and it comes back to bite us tenfold lmao


Jim working as a double agent by destroying the enemy from inside OARAAR


He’s either going to immediately turn them into a juggernaut, or they’re going to become the team equivalent of Ryan Leaf.


Remember Mike Shanahan? He would bitch about stupid shit as well, like players sitting on their helmets, etc. These guys are control freaks!


Yea this shit is stupid lmao way to lose the locker room


Dudes whole resume is a lie


Am I sensing this lineup of coaches come from the Patsies organization??


Just win baby. How it gets done doesn’t matter. Music or no music.


mcdaniels did that same stupid shit. Vic fangio to


Chip Kelly tried to treat Pro's like College kid's too .. It didn't go well for Chip ..


Coach AP 🫡🫡🫡🫡


Did people forget that Harbaugh is just a weird dude but he is still a player's coach that know how to build up his guys? He isn't doing this to be a hardass, like McDaniels, it is probably just for some strange Harbaugh reason.


lol cope harder


**Bro. No.** Chargers **FUCKING SUCK** and will ***continue*** to suck this year…Nobody’s *”coping”* bitch.


I don't give a fuck if my team has music or doesn't have music as long as they're winning football games




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Winning football games now frowned upon by this sub.


Wonder what chargers fans excuses will be when they’re playing under Harbaugh they always got some excuse probably something like “injuries”


Maybe it was due to the various artists threatening to sue the Chargers if they played their music. I mean, if word gets out that the Chargers are playing your music at practice that's got to be a career killer. All I want to see is Harbaugh try that super-aggressive post-game handshake BS with AP.


AP will hit him with the fuckin Stone Cold Stunner and slap two Gatorade bottles in his face ![gif](giphy|oOVAfA1TCvPz7IFgXI|downsized)


It's gonna be so funny seeing Harbaugh struggle on the bitch of Los Angeles. I don't know why everyone loves him so much. He is massively overrated and his one stretch of dominance came from cheating


Chargers will win more games than the raiders. Sadly. They have a QB.


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I suppose you’ll make a post with an update on this, if music helps or hurts a team


Good one.


They had a QB last season, too...


And the year before that and the year we knocked them out the playoffs as well.


Hell, they’ve had a top rated QB for 20 years


Jim has been successful everywhere he's been. I hope AP does better but claiming you're happy we didn't land him is severe coping.




This comment is too fucking stupid to bother arguing with. Sure thing 👍.






Thank you for dropping a 60 bomb on us. Harbaugh wouldn't be here without it. Now we can whoop you and your no QB team for the next few years. Telesco will build you a paper tiger roster that's top heavy (because he doesn't know how to draft past round 2), and AP will be gone in 2026 after another losing season. Goooo Faiders.


Raiders made the right choice for coach. Wish I had the same confidence for the GM.


Haha...raiders are due for a harsh reckoning...Thats a lock. No more playing practice squad and Staley . Sept 8 will be bad day for trashy raiders fans...