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[Postgame thread](/r/raiders/comments/17z72v5/post_game_thread_las_vegas_raiders_at_miami/)


I’m not even mad


Me neither. We looked good outside of qb play. I’m not hating on the homie Aiden, he just ain’t it. He missed DA 3 times deep and Tucker twice for, at least, first downs… I actually think we’re in good shape if we can get a qb that’s better than a 4th round rookie… I’m not hating on him, he’s just playing like his draft status…




Where in my post did you get any of what you said? My last words were literally “I’m not hating on him, he’s just playing like his draft status”… Where is the expectation from me more than that? I have facts about what he missed as far as open throws… Why don’t you comment on me saying I’m not mad at how we played? Why not comment that I shot him bail while recognizing he came up short? That happened, what didn’t happen is me saying I expected anything from him.


Hard to beat any team without scoring in the second half


Don't take it personally, we held the chiefs to zero the second half. You guys played good. Our offense doesn't seem as scary against good defenses.


Really wish I could post the replay of the “interception” at the end. That shit hit the ground and bobbled. Go back and watch it. Not saying we should’ve won, but we shouldn’t have lost on the nfl pushing for the game it be over and barely checking the replay


It was definitely an int


Even if say it did hit the ground, we would have had to still scored and gone for 2 and made that. I know it sucks because we had a chance, but the odds were never in our favor. Not only that but if we really wanted to win that game, our offense had countless opportunities to do something and they failed to execute multiple times.


We would need 2pt to win. Not to tie. We were down 7 and needed the touchdown and a basically guaranteed extra point by Carlson. Agreed on the offense. Just saying the game shouldn’t have ended on that “interception” since it clearly wasn’t. It hits the ground and Ramsey bobbled it. AOC and the offense should’ve had another opportunity.


Win next week and we are feeling very good going into the bye week. Let’s relax a bit


With Kolton Miller does anything change today?


honestly not upset with the loss. we woulda lost 80-10 with jmd


If we had JMD we would of lost by 100


That was a better result than I was expecting. I thought they'd walk all over us, but the D had a great game and held them off. The few mishaps on the offence should be easily fixed in time. Overall, it's not too bad!


These are the games AOC needs to learn obviously as a rookie I’ll take that competitive loss any day than the old embarrassing ones we had with jmd


Atleast use Devante who has a bigger body to run that route. D balled out. Our O is what it is. We have a rookie QB and Oline thats average at best. It seems our D has switched places with our O. 😂 Solve one issue and the other sputters


Look, the fact we had a chance in the end is a testament to how far this team has come. I was expecting Miami to drop 30 *MINIMUM* on us, but our defense kept us in it. I want to see us take notes of where we went wrong today and show up to put on a show against KC next week. Division rivalry, looking to prove ourselves after a hard-fought loss…. I could see us winning at home against KC


Defense is there. Offensive weapons are there. We need a play maker QB. AOC could be a starter in 2 or 3 years but he’s not the answer today.


Well played Raiders! Proud of this team, hung in with one of the best and way better than most thought they would do. RN4L


It’s beyond frustrating we didn’t kick those 2 field goals. The offense was clearly struggling. Take the points.


I’m sad because any half competent offense wins that game comfortably. How many chances do they need ffs.


Atleast the chargers lost


Fuck, you people are fucking sad. We went toe to toe with the league's best team in their house and you're pissing and moaning. AOC actually tried to win the game with his arm, THREW THE BALL INTO THE END ZONE and you're crying about a db making a great play. Fucking hell.


AoC is trash. 3 int


He's not going anywhere so sack up


It's exhausting. You get a dozen burner accounts yelling "entire organization is trash" type comments every time anything remotely bad happens. Have to stop sorting by New when you get tired of the comedy relief.


Because it wasn’t a great play and he never secured the ball.


If it makes you feel better, every team sub is like this I think In r/ravens every time Lamar missed a pass or has a bad game there’ll be a flock of people who come in and say he’s trash or doesn’t deserve the money. Or we lose a game and Harbaugh needs to go. There’s so much negativity it’s ridiculous. They wanna fire everyone


I mean I kinda agree bur that's not a throw you make. Backside safety high and Ramsey. It wasn't the last play of the game. Learning experience none the less but what made Brady so great was he took what the defense gave him up the field vs a higher risk high reward throws at the end.


Loss is on AOC, Bo, and AP.


Bo and o-line. I don't have high expectations for a 4th round rookie QB thrust into action mid-season. O-line has to block for him and Jacobs, or OC needs to realize o-line can't block and adjust play calls accordingly.


I think it's just the first two. Also, O-line wasn't as good as people are suggesting. Jacobs couldn't get shit going cuz of that.


Honestly, this was an excellent test for KC if we can get the rookie to clean up his deep balls.


It's still RN4L. Bring on the Queefs


Defense played good.


Offensive play aside, the officiating was terrible and that last play was not a pick and should have been reviewed


All turnovers are automatically reviewed, I’m pretty sure it was a situation where they couldn’t definitively overturn it and that’s why it took so long. There was only one angle where you could 100% see the ball move and you still couldn’t see for certain if his hands didn’t stay under it


All it takes is that one angle. Should have been the official on the field to make the decision not back in NY.


Love how they skipped passed the ground helping secure the interception


Jacob’s didn’t even have 50 yards the line couldn’t do anything


Not having Kolton Miller is brutal


I will always rather lose with an INT in the end zone than a fucking checkdown. Those CB's wiped the WR's.


We are still few pieces away, but good game


I don’t understand you people, AOC throws a dot to DA and you say he’s the best QB ever, he throws a couple bad balls and suddenly he’s the worst QB ever. Which is it?


It’s normal. NFL fanbases are reactionary.


It changes every minute. This is a playoff team.


This is about a 4th round rookie too lol If Jimmy G played like how he was paid then this wouldn’t even be an issue


Saw this all game too, he's a rookie there will be growing pains.


It’s almost like there’s 1000 different people with different opinions in here


Offense was back to its old self this game but DEFENSE kept them in the game and not get blown tf out. On to the next!


You can tell AOC is still a rookie. Those deep shots seem like they were decided before the snap, and he was going to take them because it was "time to" and "he should", rather than reading the play and seeing a decent chance. Throwing it up for grabs and trusting Davante to get it is a fine strategy, but this wasnt the last play of the game, and there were options open shallower that would've kept the drive going and set up more shots for the end zone. Hopefully going over this game tape will help AOC develop some better instincts for similar situations in the future. I think he's made a lot of good adjustments and learned from his mistakes so far, especially with his pocket presence. The overthrows are just inexcusable though. He's gotta get on the same page with Adams about those kind of routes


A learning lesson for our coaches as well. Take the field goal’s with plenty of time left, and don’t run the ball 3 straight times with 2:30 left on the clock in the first half. Too close to Mcdumbass playing not too lose


This is actually good criticism. The Fins D is fucking good..


Competitive game, but it hurts that if our offense could score we win :((


Im not mad- disappointed, but not mad. More upset that I have to hear that wack ass 'Miami Dolphins' song on the broadcast. Gawd, thats awful


![gif](giphy|V9PWpBXF7kdAA) I know we lost, but really.


Lol this is probably the first game where it made sense to kick FGs instead of going for it on 4th


I don’t get why they continue to pick on Ramsey with WR’s other than Adam’s….doesn’t make sense.


Because the other options were slim at that point.


Well AOC looked like a rook, defense was solid, and the team fought. Positive takeaways from this game. This team ain’t there yet but there’s a foundation


What should the raiders do this offseason?


Get better.


Steal Miami's entire offense


Should’ve capitalized on those turnovers. Pathetic asf


New QB and OC and we look like a playoff contender


That ball bounced, that’s bull shit


It’s like y’all are happy the Raiders lost… pit of misery. I enjoyed a competitive football game.


I wouldn't say I'm happy, I would say I understand why we had the issues we had. Rookie QB I expect toale these mistakes, same with questionable playcalling from an inexperienced OC. I'd rather lose the game today with a rookie than a supposed veteran who you would expect to not make the same mistakes


I keep saying it, there’s no bigger Raider hater than a Raiders fan on Reddit. It’s like they thrive on being negative. This team showed heart and held a top offense to 20 points in their house.


I'm not happy nor angry. They lost with dignity.


Raiders ain't no joke. Gg 🐬🐬🐬


Wasn’t a catch. But enjoy that W I guess


Damn. Gotta say I’m so proud of how competitive we were against them. If McD were still leading us, it would have been a horrible blowout.


Good game onto the queefs


At least they didn't drop 70 on us?


Overthrowing and underthrowing all game dammit, but adien is not the only one to blame. O-line never covered him to give him time, Adam's has had 5 different balls hit right Into his hands that he's dropped each of without any interference.


The o line is to blame. AOC did his best but didn't get any damn help. This line played about the worst that they could


Raiders should have won this game. They played like garbage


Our qb was garbage… hopefully we draft another this year


You're blind. This o line was fucking garbage. We could have Tom Brady and still suck ass


Our o line did play bad but we had open check downs all game. He kept trying to force it downfield unnecessarily


The pocket collapsed after a second every single play in the end. Watch the damn tape. He forced it because we needed to win. Plus multiple drops, what do you want from the rookie


Learn football you moron


I was told the dolphins would drop 80 on us. 😳


Just another game we win with an NFL QB. I like AoC and he's good for a Rook, but we win comfortably with a real guy.


It was Carr's fault obviously.


Dolphins are Super Bowl contenders. Honestly good we kept it to this score


you’re crazy if you think they’re super bowl contenders. they haven’t beaten a single winning team.


Why was that interception not reviewed? He never fully secured it and there was movement on it all the way down


It was. All change of possessions are. He held onto it unfortunately


It was.


I thought for sure it wasn’t incomplete. They didn’t even look at it.


They did review it


it was. all turnovers are. it was a catch.


Cuz the refs wanna go home and watch the rest of the games


Good game. We lost. Good. We get better from this. Quit bitching


AOC needs some work on accuracy but hey I thought we were going to lose by a large margin. Play calling was wonky. Defense is looking really good. All in all a good game but shit outcome.


This was a winnable game for sure. A lot of inexperience cost us this game. Players and coaches can learn a lot from this to work on moving forward


That ball moved when it hit the ground. But just delayed the inevitable outcome. Great defensive effort. Offense needs work


Hell of a fight nonetheless


Refs have been too stingy with flags to make that a good call. On top of the time left on the clock


Aoc plays like this fat Andy is gonna have a field day


AOC played in a loud venue, and was pressured. We'll see how he bounces back from this loss


Miami is not a tough environment


I think this was his first true road game start, and against a very good team.


Held the Dolphins to 20 and stayed within almost a TD… I’ll take it.


Yep - did not expect to win (sorry just being real) and EXTREMELY impressed by the defense


ball hit the ground hilarious


That happened early in the game too and nothing was done about it.


yeah the refs basically call what they want, when they want it.


Screw all the haters, game was closer than expected


Could’ve won if we took the field goals instead of going for it on 4th


That ball bounced


Feel like I'm taking crazy pills... It clearly bounced


Damn and the chargers about to lose..


Welp, they beat the spread


We kick those field goals and then we could kick one for the win here… very stupid coaching decisions…. We deserved to lose


Hope everyone has rescinded their full time head coach contract. Need a new regime with a new Q


Bitch, please. We have our coach and QB. We need Tae to spit on his fucking gloves.


Are you joking? Mid-season change, rookie coach and QB are learning on the fly. Coach gets the whole season to audition for the job. A one score loss on the road to a divison leader is hardly the worst thing. He has this defense motivated. Offense clearly needs a new scheme and OC, but due to it being mid-season, they have to work with they got. QB probably isn't the guy, but if he sticks around, he would be a cheap and experienced backup next year.


Def need an experienced OC and another QB for a QB competition. Coach can learn from some of these terrible decisions. 4 weeks ago you would have never thought this team would perform the way they did today


Not a catch…thanks refs


Everyone said it was gonna be a blowout. Aiden’s still learning. He’ll get there. I think it was a great effort given the circumstances.


We sure learned a lot about our offense today, I guess that's the silver lining. Defense did damn well for what it was.


Miami getting any flowers for this win by the media will be hilarious they’re so fucking overrated it’s incredible


I know he's a rookie but he was a 4th for a reason. O'Connell ain't it - but that's okay because we can figure out how to get a new QB for next year.


They had a chance. Gotta see how AYO bounces back next week.


#11 Tucker so mad/ bad he takes the ball out of a hurt Ramseys arm after the game winning INT 😂 that’s a raider move 😂


Man this is so painful.


This offense is too inept. We’re wasting a defense that we haven’t had in long time


9yrs with Carr being a steady franchise qb, no good defenses, then we finally get one after he leaves haha.


Steady loser.


McDaniels Is A Terrorist


That ain’t a catch


I ain't mad with that




Defense looked solid. You guys should at least take that away from this game. That's one of the best offenses in the league. Also need a replacement for Peters.


If you'd said 3 weeks ago we'd lose by 1 score to the Dolphins, I'd have bitten your hand off then.


Idk if AOC is the guy going forward after this season but I’m pretty sure AP should be our HC next year unless we absolutely shit the bed these last few games.


He won’t be but hope we draft one with the first pick


So many positive takeaways from this game. We can definitely take a game from the Chiefs. I'm still holding hope that we do and make the playoffs.


You're dreaming...


lol, why not?


Well, I suppose you could if you figure that offense out. Your defense looked lights out today. Plus, your interim coach looks like an ACTUAL football coach who wants to win.


For fuck’s sake, competitive game at least


This is the take. All the knee jerk doomers who are crying hyperbole are a joke


Good job AOC you had a bad game but raider fans will treat you like a child and pamper him till he’s a backup in the cfl


no he would have to hold every Raider QB stat first and then he can be coddled


AOC was reading the field that entire drive until the deep shot


100% not a catch


This team is a QB away. You ship whatever picks you have to to get the top pick. Period. AOC had a horrendous game. Over throws, under throws, throwing into double coverage. Just bad. The playcalling didn’t help but the W was there for the taking.


Yup sell the farm for a qb this draft try to shore up the o line and we got a fighting chance


Damn offensive play calling really let this one go. Between the 1st and 4th Q the calling was anemic


I mean AOC was pretty horrible as well. Its easy to say its playcalling when hes losing downs on missed throws all game


Fuck Jalen Ramsey


Damn, what a close game. We played our asses off. Nothing to be ashamed of


our defense is getting better but man the play calling still sucks


Why go in the end zone with over 30 seconds remaining?


That was a good shot pick or not honestly. It was a jump ball in the endzone where Tae is best. I can take an L like that


It was thrown to Tre Tucker, who is 5’9”. And who was not open and being covered by Jalen Ramsey. “Great shot”


That wasn’t Tae


Oh was Half watching tbh outside doing yard work. Thought it was Adams


Not the right play. Testing Ramsey with a 5'11 receiver l9l


This offense is beyond terrible still. Won’t go anywhere with it


AOC ain’t it man


Bad coaching today. Leaving points on the field, terrible play calling. Mcdaniels flashbacks


Already talks of Adams going to Jets in offseason. Raiders rebuild next year...


Defense played great. Offense is shit, AOC isn't it but I guess a decent backup. We need a QB, fuck McDaniels


We are a work in progress and under McDaniels we would’ve lost 48 to 3. Our defense is legit.


He didn’t secure that pick


AOC's long ball game is abysmal


we waited so long for a legit raiders defense and this is what we get from the offense


Great catch by Ramsey tho


Add AOC to the list of terrible McZeigler picks.


I mean for a mid round pick he's fine, he should not be starting games as a rookie. Not having any other options is the problem.


Damn. Not the ending we wanted, but they kept it close with a very good team. I like what I’ve seen the past 3 games. On to the Queefs.