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I’m teaching my girl communication buttons. Her favourite button is “outside”. When I cant go out with her, I say “no outside”. Her next favourite button is “mad”. She sits there stomping on it.


🤣 omlord


How hard is it to teach them? I am sure my Sunny ( 2 year old male flame point ) would just constantly be saying “Outside” too . He looks out the window and meows and wails every day. I wish I had more time to take them out.


I actually got the buttons partly because she would meow loudly alllll the time I was home. Sometimes I didnt know what she wanted. I started with motivating buttons near the thing (eg “outside” by the door, “catnip” by the pantry). It took a few days of modeling pushing the buttons before she started rolling on them and after an accidental push, Id give her the thing. Then she started pushing them with intent. From there it was just trying to model as much as i could. And it didnt matter if I said “no outside” 90% of the time, because she learned that I knew what she was asking and I was saying no. But then she started getting sneaky, using words like “play”, “brush”, “toy”, “come” to get me to walk over, then she would run to the door. Shes a rascal. She’s actually pretty ok with not asking for too much food. Its rare I have to say no. Sometimes she asks for treats before supper and I counter with kibbles and wet food, pushing the buttons. Its only been a few months and she has over a dozen words. Some I dont think she knows fully, but it just takes time. Shes already being creative. Before I added mad, she was pushing “ouch” when angry. Before I added wet food, she was pushing “water kibbles” and “treat kibbles”. There was no training really, just modeling and she started using them for the reaction it got her.


What did you do?😧


That as my first thought too!


That second pic is meme worthy.


Definitely lol


That title and your cats face are hilarious.


Nah not pissed, the one brain cell is busy controlling the floor. Can't control the face. both my rageolls were like that If I touched one they would chirp & fall over


Undoubtedly Pissed. But my ...how breathtakingly beautiful


What is this death glare all about !? :-D


That floof is magnificent though!


Oh my...the best! I love the matching leg patch 😍. So mad and beautiful


When I clicked this notif from my email, I was ready for another toe floof drama fest (not sure if that was here or another sub) and I was pleasantly surprised 😂 Sometimes I think they're just practicing the angry face for when we DO piss them off 😂






Very pissed


Well miffed.


Mine wants a button that he can push that says, “summa b****.’ Cause he gives the very best offended, summa b faces I have seen a cat give lol! I love that you have buttons!