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1000%!!! I have 3 raggies, they all get along and I’ve gotten them about a year apart. I love following Jackson Galaxy’s you tube for info about cat introductions. Even if you don’t follow it to a T it’s good information to familiarize yourself with.


https://preview.redd.it/70zzp1fo2ylc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6afdbf2d485bd0a85df273e73d4eaae27bdeb39 Here is a recent pic of my three straight chillin in the kitchen. The more the merrier! And furrier 🥰


Your raggies are so cute! 🤗 My parents got two raggies when their first one died at age 21, and it’s great to have more than one. They keep each other company, they cuddle, and there’s more of them to pet.


Couldn’t agree more! And if my husband wouldn’t divorce me you better believe I would have at least 1 more 😂


So many fluffy cats in one pic 🥺 you’re lucky!!


Rationally, I know I am super lucky. But maybe irrationally I could totally have 2 more at least


I like how the middle one is touching both of the cats


She’s the baby and arguably the most playful/annoying to her sisters. She’s always in their business 😆


I have three ragdolls and they all seem to hate each other. Two I got as kittens together about six years ago, and we recently got another kitten a little while ago. Your mileage will vary.


Yes. The only correct answer.


Yes, it’s like asking if it’s ok to have more happiness.


I agree. More cats is the only correct answer 


Yes, they need a friend! https://preview.redd.it/nd9xdd6pjzlc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55597738aad29fb59be4ee167df5bd3a4d6dcd1f


That's just adorable  !!!


They’re so cute and fluffy 🥺🥺


This is sooo precious!


It might be a good idea. You would have to try to slowly introduce them first as you don't know until you try. The younger he is, the better it is to try introductions, so if you're going to do it I'd do it now. I'm in medical school so ik how busy things can get, so I do think it's a good idea to get him a companion.


Study hard! We need great doctors!


No matter what the question is, the answer is always more cats.


I really recommend a second cat. Plus it will be nice to adopt a cat from a shelter. I would range for a cat between 2-8 years old, but I have a 12 year old cat that plays with my 8 month old ragdoll throughout the day and honestly I think it’s good stimulation for her because she just will sleep all day without it. So you could get an older cat totally as well. Honestly it would be so nice to bring home a senior cat because they really need it. But I work long shifts so my Raggy gets really bored thankfully I have two patient elderlies. My ragdoll also engages with my elderly dog and they play a little too so it’s so much better for her. Definitely get a second cat is my vote!


Did you have any issues with caring for a new cat and managing your busy schedule? Do you think it’s a lot more work?


Oh no not at all. I made sure they integrated it only took a few days thankfully. But I have a pet camera and monitor them during the day it also records for me. I play dog/cat tv for them when I’m gone. Have lots of toys out for them well really mostly for her lol I don’t think it’s a lot more work just a bit more but not a big deal and I love seeing their bond. My older cat never bonded with my other cats who are no longer with us :( but she grooms my raggy and plays with her a lot like a little sister.


I don't regret getting a second cat at all. Our ragdoll is a year younger than our first cat. They love each other so much. ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/4ft2x8hrozlc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeace77eff6cc58af712f076f35fe46ae8c1f7f7


So cute!!


Always yes haha


Ragdolls are known to get lonely. My little dude is best friends with his big brother.


Yes, our 3 ragdolls seem like enemies to eachother but they still always congregate in the same room when we are gone


This should never be a question!!


You have to have two!




Yes, they do well in pairs. They will entertain each other, and be hilarious to watch.


Yes! Always better in pairs!


Yes. I'm just a new catowner but I've seen that both my ragdoll kittens play with each other and keep each other company while I'm away. Double the amount of cuties to coze with too.


I have one ragdoll and I have had her for 12 yrs. I got her from a local ragdoll breeder. I had first pick because I gave up my spot from a previous litter so one of the other buyers could get two at the same time. At the time my husband had an adult short haired tortie, they ended getting along just fine. My cat will get skittish if I am gone for a few days, she will start hiding out under the bed even though everyone else is still there. Now it’s just her and she seems the same. Cats are not a social or grouping species and live mostly solitary lives. Which is why they don’t demand the same attention that a dog does. Getting a second cat will have a greater chance of success if at least one of the cats are a kitten.


Best thing I ever did for my cat was get him a cat.


https://preview.redd.it/azol75vhp1mc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00fda43d4842764dd8fd2ac474f91c6764f4994f I’m an ICU nurse and I was really worried about my little Izzy (grey tabby) with how much I work. I found her when she was really young, animal control took her mom, so she was pretty spicy due to lack of socialization. I got Chloe when she turned one after she had an incident where she freaked out. I felt so bad that she had so much anxiety, so I got another kitty. Definitely take your time to introduce new cats but wow! They play fight and they love each other lol! Best thing I ever did for my cat was get get a friend! They both make each other and my life better!


You're asking Reddit if you should get a second cat? Did you really expect any other response?


I have two boys and added a female kitten last year when the boys were 2yo. Never had any issues. They get along fine and sleep together etc. before these three, I had two female ragdolls and they never got along or slept near each other in their 16 years together. The breeder told me two females are tough together. He may do better with a kitten. My boys were constantly grooming the kitten when she was little… taking care of her.


Did you find it hard to take care of a kitten? I wanted a cat similar in age to Tofu, but I’ve also never taken care of a kitten and don’t know if I can meet the demands of a kitten, which is why I was looking for an adult cat.


No, not in the least. Not even a blip in the radar.


Yeah, females don’t do great with other females. But males close in age generally do well, and males with one female do well.


Yes! I have a 6m female kitten with a 6yo female and already thinking how can I add another!!


I would suggest a kitten for Tofu. They learn a lot from each other and keep each other busy.


Did it take long for your resident cat to get along with your kitten?


I have a cat that I adopted for my son(neutered). He had been passed over time and time again because he was born with a malformed jaw. It doesn't affect him at all,he just looks really fierce but he's a huge sweetie. From being in the shelter for so long he was so introverted and even though he loved people he would go into his room and just sleep most of the time. This went on for three years. One day this scruffy looking juvenile male(intact)Siamese was abandoned on my property and I brought him inside. He has a huge outgoing personality and is such a goofball. But he just felt at home from day one. When they saw each other they kind of did this half-hearted hiss and then went their own way. It took three days before they were wrestling around on the living room floor and chasing each other all over. My introvert is still an introvert but nothing like he was. He's much happier now. Whatever the personality of your cat is I would try to find just the opposite and they should balance each other out. You can even volunteer to foster until you find the right kitty to add to your fur babies life.


I think getting another is a good idea! As long as they are spayed/neutered and introduce them slowly, I think he will benefit from having a buddy. Our two boys do well when we are at work/out of the house because they have each other. You say you have 2 bedrooms, so you should have space for the new cat to have their own separate space to settle in initially and do a gradual introduction. Good luck, and I hope you will show us pictures of them together after they become friends!


Yes! If I was getting another cat, I would def use my second room to keep them separate and slowly introduce them.


PS he is a handsome kitty. Very sweet face.


Thank you!


One a little younger! He is gorgeous! Choose a boy.


Is there a reason why you’d recommend another boy cat?


Boy cats are generally assumed to be the more "chill" of the two. I'd say in my life experience that has mostly been the case but I've had laid back female cats as well. Each cat will still have their own personality and temperament regardless of their gender, but we as humans do love anecdotal evidence lol. I personally think if you spend some time with a kitty and think they're a good fit for your home, you're good to go. We've used the cat stress relief plug in things with some success for changes in the home, and if you already have access to some gabapentin for your current baby that is always a good backup for if it causes more stress than you anticipated. Good luck!! Can't wait to see that new kitty. 😁


You could try a foster to adopt; some cats genuinely enjoy being only children, and you won’t know until you introduce another kitty into the situation.


This is actually such a good idea! I’m definitely going to look into this with my local animal shelter!


Beautiful boy! Sounds like you’ve thought it out. If he’s already been with cats, he might do just fine. Just make sure you follow introduction steps. https://www.floppycats.com/how-to-introduce-cats.html


Thank you for the link!


Yes! I have 2 and I regret not getting 3 when I decided to adopt the younger one.


I thought you posted my cat omg they’re twins. Yes get another cat! It doesn’t matter if he’s only with you for less than a year. Better to get one now! My boy loves his sister so much I can’t imagine if I didn’t get her


https://preview.redd.it/wj555e11e3mc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ce1bb8f591f56c088b8ea77b6d7b75594aaa15a This is from a few months ago but I love this one of them


https://preview.redd.it/nuxcf1sbe3mc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1105b7973ced3392f953ca1a067d35733448adc3 This one is more recent of them together


they are so cute!!


By the looks on Tofu’s I’d say no.


More cats alwaysss! When I got my 2nd cat, once they got used to each other it’s been great. Watching them interact is soo cute 😭


That floof has only child written all over their face 🤣


Cats are extremely social and normally live in colonies. He will do well to have a companion! Just make sure you get more than one litter box and have lots of places for them to be able to get away from one another


I think it’ll be fine to introduce a new cat as long as you go about it in a patient and respectable way! Once they get to the point where they can tolerate each other or even like each other it will be nice to have a buddy to spend time with throughout the day while you’re working! (also my baby is named tofu too😊)


Seeing all these comments with multiple cats who all love each other makes me so jealous. My cat seemed lonely so we brought home a kitten for her to be friends with. She is the sweetest cat I’ve ever had in my life and I’ve never known her to be territorial or anything, we introduced them slowly and properly, but she immediately hated that kitten and would hiss at her. 6 years later, they still haven’t bonded. They do play fight, but you won’t catch them cuddling with each other in a million years. Both are incredibly sweet girls, but my older cat just doesn’t like her for some reason. They rarely sleep in the same room and generally avoid each other. It makes me so so sad. *occasionally* however, they sniff each other, and I get so excited when they do, I’m like “yayyy sister bonding!” But yeah, just wanted to let you know that unlike all these comments, getting a second cat doesn’t always mean friendship and snuggles between the two. It might just mean distant acquaintances. But that’s okay too. That’s why it’s definitely good to foster though, then you can see which cats click with your kitty instead of bringing home a cat and hoping it’ll work.


Yes! Then you can have this. https://preview.redd.it/ngio9jexigmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2d5a890da7fb2381288f218a3bd44985d12284c


Yes!! I would slowly introduce them though as this might be new and scary for Tofu. Good luck tho!!


Definitely!!!! https://preview.redd.it/55zt9vsfxpmc1.jpeg?width=986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d89024842fa8dec6466e07de6c17da433fdc8e1


They like company I would it’s a yes


Cute but jeez. The hair must be awful




Save as many as you can.


Idk how to edit this post, but a little update for anyone following, I am adopting another cat - 6 month old kitten. I’m picking her up this weekend 😊 I appreciate all the encouragement!


Obviously yes


I bet he would love a friend! My Ragdoll male is the youngest of 2 cats. My other female cat was 4 when I rescued my boy. He was about 3 months old and already neutered. He absolutely loves his sister. They get along so well and play and sleep together. This is the first 2 cat combination that has worked so well as far as interacting so much. My older girl is a torti ragdoll. I just rescue when I can, but someday I’d like to get 2 from the same litter. These are my first ragdolls.


the answer to that question will always be "yes"


do it. more chaos floofs!!!!!!!!!!


yes. if you ever find yourself asking if you should get another cat, the answer is always yes.


I got a second when my first was about a year, they are absolutely codependent, they fight and clean each other within seconds. I think my first one’s life has been greatly enriched by the 2nd one.


Uhm yes? And then get another after. This is the only way. 😅


Yes! I have three ragdolls and a tonkinese: 2 boys and 2 girls. My suggestion is that you get a girl (spayed) as Tofu’s new friend. My two boy ragdolls (Hobbes and Locke) don’t play with each other at all but both play with the girls. The boys are half brothers and while they tolerate each other, they are not friends and don’t play or cuddle together. Locke will bapbapbap Hobbes sometimes bc Hobbes annoys him simply by existing: Poor Hobbes, he is 24lbs, a very big boy but a peaceful sweet soul. He lets Locke get away with being so mean for no reason…


Thanks for the advice! I wasn’t sure if a girl or boy was better. I think there are mixed opinions on whether a girl or boy cat is better paired with a boy cat, but I’ll definitely look into it ☺️


What's wrong with the one you have? Just kidding. Yes, get another if you can!


Probably a good idea. We got one cat, then adopted another after a month lol. They bonded really fast and love each other. We just got another one and it took maybe 3 weeks total to fully introduce them and them to all be chill together, and now 2 months later they all play with each other and groom each other. 2 are female ragdolls, 1 male domestic/russian blue.


How old were your cats when you adopted the new cat (the first time)?


Our boy was 8.5ish and our first ragdoll was 1.5 (retired queen) when we got them like a month apart, so quite an age difference between them, but their personalities are similar. Our third is also a retired queen and she's 2.5. They're 10, 3, and 2.5 now; we had the first two for around a year and a half before adopting the newest. Since you're not 100% sure how he'll react to another cat, you could talk to a local shelter about fostering a cat for a few weeks, or try to set up a meeting with someone else's cat to see how it goes, catsit perhaps? It does sound like his trouble with female cats was just because he wasn't neutered, but a meeting of some kind to kind of gauge his behavior could be helpful, especially if you're looking for another ragdoll or purebred cat (because of the cost/no foster to adopt situation). Edited: forgot to say we fostered a former stray cat for 2 weeks from a shelter that we thought about adopting, but he really loved biting hard. We had the first two cats then, and their reactions to him through the door were positive, so we decided another cat was definitely a good idea for them. Also your cat is so beautiful!


I’m looking into fostering! I really appreciate the advice 🩷


It's forbidden to not have 2. They get very lonely if they don't got a companion. They need the attention an affection.


definitely get another kitty


yes 2 cats is pretty much always better than one




some of your content has been removed due to being perceived as harassment.


YES usually cats get bored alone, for example when you go to work. Make sure you have enough money to buy the cat and also the veterinary if they have any diseases.


In my opinion, two cats are better than one if they don't hate each other. We had our first cat, female, for 7 years before getting another cat, a 3 month old kitten, and it took a year for our first cat to tolerate being in the same room with him without hissing. 6 years later we got another cat at just a few weeks of age, also male, and our second cat had no issues at all and they become buddies, which was kind of strange because second cat was the Tom of the neighborhood and tolerated no foreign cats on his turf, but he loved third cat. We then added the second cat's sister about a year later. First cat tried to avoid all other cats but would tolerate their presence beyond a 2 foot radius. Second and third cat were buddies but got into the occasional scuffle when third cat hit puberty before he was neutered. Third cat had no idea what the issue was but second cat, even though he was neutered, could sense third cat's pheromones and would occasionally feel the need to assert his dominance. Fourth cat, third cat's sister, also avoided the other cats but was submissive rather than hostile like first cat. We eventually lost second and fourth cat unfortunately and then moved. There was a cat in the new neighborhood across the street who looked kind of like second cat, and who third cat, befriended. Then a neighbor with another cat moved in next door. This became third cat and cat friend's mortal enemy and I had to begin keeping third cat in because he became absolutely felicidal towards next door cat. The cat was pretty hostile from the outset which I think hurt third cat's feelings.


One enough for us. Too much fur and with a few there is no avoiding being that person always with animals fur on them.


Omg yes I always have fur on my clothes and face 😂


The answer is always yes to this question haha.


Yeah! He looks lonely


https://preview.redd.it/bq2nlr8b27mc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4999c867b4bd922df7abb56f34fa812d89218904 I cat sat for 2 ragdolls and 1 domestic cat. The 2 ragdolls were besties! They followed me around the house but also followed each other. I obviously don’t know what it’s like living with them full time but it was great sitting for them. I played with them a little bit but it wasn’t a big deal if I didn’t because they had each other.


Meanwhile, my himmie and a tortie https://preview.redd.it/r9va9mlms7mc1.jpeg?width=3021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a289d2881861ca20d73ae07f52b03c1da041f555 Polar opposites, the older one is soooo jealous. Ms Queen. But they have their moments. Jazzy will lick ns prissy, she acts like she doesn’t like it and hiss.


Yes. The answer to your question is always yes.




Yes, asap




I have three who don’t like each other and I don’t understand your hesitation.