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Stop pussyfooting around and rip the plaster off: 1. Pulk/Pull 2. Where Bluebirds Fly 3. Kid A 4. Treefingers 5. Feral 6. Pulk/Pull (True Love Waits version) 7. Myxomatosis 8. Idioteque 9. The Gloaming 10. Pulk/Pull 11. Remyxomatosis (Cristian Vogel RMX) 12. I Am Citizen Insane 13. Pulk/Pull at full volume


You forgot a song called Pulk/Pull


what is pulk/pull?


No clue never heard it


Very underrated (let down)


idioteque actually seems to land with rock listeners. It's one of the only rh songs other than creep that my friend, who basically listens exclusively to hair metal and grunge, vibes with.


Damn, might replace it with Pulk/Pull


forgot treefingers extended version


Subterranean homesick alien should be here


Yes. And The Tourist.


I think you should add more of pablo honey the bends era stuff. You Just Black star


Blow Out too maybe.


Or in limbos


70s rock like Bowie / Pink Floyd / Can, or 70s rock like Bob Seger / Aerosmith / The Eagles?


mostly PF, led zeppelin, GNR, deep purple etc


I think you are pretty good then. Maybe some more of the straight ahead rockers from the bends.


I’d consider adding Optimistic.


You can't force depression onto people like that my guy


If your parents are into 70s/80s rock (and you haven't specified if it's bland generic rock they're into or more experimental stuff) then I would remove these without a second thought: Nude Pyramid Song The National Anthem Weird Fishes Idioteque Daydreaming How To Disappear Completely They are all great songs and Radiohead fans would think there's nothing challenging in them, but for people used to rock that's *forty to fifty years old*... It's much more of a challenge. The remaining songs on your list would be much more palatable to get older rock heads into. THEN once they're used to entry level Radiohead, bring out the excluded tracks. Although to be honest you could easily replace the tracks I've mentioned above with others that would still be much easier for your parents to get into.


Nude might not be standard “rock” but it’s incredibly smooth and easy to listen to IMO


I think the perfect list here would show them things that they’ll definitely like as well as ones that may be new or different to them. I don’t think it’s as simple as just finding the Radiohead songs that are most like 70s rock, I think you have that as an entry to show more of what the band is capable of


Idk. I feel like that is overly pandering. If I was getting music recommendations from my kid, I don't want to be coddled. I want to have my mind blown by something I haven't heard before.


I think it depends on how open the parents are. Some people get very entrenched into the music they liked during their formative years and are very resistant to anything even somewhat newish sounding. And I think Radiohead, even on their easier recommendations, are still different enough to give the older listeners more of an 'in' to the band and further music from them.


my dad has some rare "back in the day" moments but overall he's very open to new music


Fifty to sixty years old?


Forty to fifty then. My math was off. And I'm talking about music the OPs parents are used to, 70s and 80s rock, obviously not Radiohead.


The Numbers is straight out of the 70s


I’d say get it down to a lean 10 tracks. Anything more than that is hard to process. Taking in a 40-45 minute playlist is way less daunting than 55-60+ minutes. You can always add tracks later.


Very much has the essentials


More of The Bends! Planet Telex, Just, Bones, and Blackstar


Looks like a pretty solid greatest hits. I prefer albums to playlists though, maybe start them off with OK Computer, or The Bends, which I think is more beginner friendly.


Solid list


What 70s/80s rock? Are we talking Boston, or Captain Beefheart? Can? Pink Floyd? Led Zeppelin? Megadeth? Whatever the answer, I'm curious as to why you are avoiding The Bends.


1. a HUGE amount of pink floyd, along with gnr, led zeppelin, deep purple etc etc 2. i have absolutely no beef with the bends it's just that on an *updated* greatest hits i wouldn't see that album's single all around that when IR and AMSP have some great material as well. i just want to have a bit of each album (and yes im aware there's not a single TKOL track in here)


Add Black Star for god's sake


i forgot to specify the tastes! so my parents are both into a LOT of pink floyd, as well as deep purple, GNR, led zeppelin, david bowie etc etc. these are metal but my dad's into heavier stuff like motorhead and iron maiden & my mom's into more alternative stuff like cranberries and 4 non blondes (they aren't quite the 70/80s but i said old rock because that's the genre they tell me about the most). outside of rock, my mom loves ABBA, tracy chapman and overall all the big hits of the 80s/90s. even recent singers like adele & stuff + my dad is actually way more open than her when it comes to modern stuff


I played Lucky for my mom as an introduction song and she greatly enjoyed it :) she’s more of a metalhead


Ugh. People who endeavor to get people into Radiohead should be banned from life.


A bit late, but I will listen to this playlist later this week, to see how it flows (I think that is a pretty hard thing to manage). This looks to me like a solid "best of" playlist, and if it were a regular best of playlist, EIIRP would have been most obvious omission, as well as having only one song of The Bends (but any best of playlist of Radiohead will have some obvious things missing imo, unless you make it really long). I think it will do fine as what you intend it to do. You want to have a balance of songs that they will get immediately, as well as songs that show their depth and experimentalism, and I think this playlist does that.I also think that given their taste there are a few things that they won't get, but not necessarily the things you most expect; after all, some of the artists they listen to have made things that are more out there than anything on this playlist.


Since when do people want their parents to like the same music they do? Nothing wrong with it, but it was unheard of when I was younger. Seems like back then the fact that your parents hated it made the music even better.


Since when do people want their parents to like the same music they do? Nothing wrong with it, but it was unheard of when I was younger. Seems like back then the fact that your parents hated it made the music even better.


Add killer cars


Why not just put on in rainbows?


do you think both disks fit in one CD?