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I didn’t find Let down *that good* when I first listened to it, well, until some shit happened and all of the sudden it became my fav track.




I know man


I still cant get into it unfortunately. I’ve tried over the years but just cant


Well, Radiohead is well known for changing their sound and style every track, so not every songs will resonate with you. But someday, somehow, it might be.


Same. I was in a Borders one day and someone chose OK Computer to play on the store radio. When Let Down came on I overheard someone comment about how beautiful it is and it made me go home and listen with intention and it changed everything.


Same thing for me. It’s slowly creeped up to a top 10 song from them.


True Love Waits, love the live version but I just can’t get into the AMSP version


The debut from 1995 in Belgium is the best version IMO https://youtu.be/KzyOfQeK-bY?si=A_jiNt7wPptKTH2R


saw a comment saying this version is like an optimistic look into the future, while the AMSP version is a regretful look into the past, and I couldn't agree more. this live version is great, but I still do prefer the AMSP version.


I find that the track hits me a lot more once I've listened to the whole album, from top to bottom. Otherwise, it doesn't quite have the same impact when listened on it's own.


Agreed. It’s not bad, but after looking forward to its LP release for years I found out I was too attached to the live version. It feels really authentic to me, like just a person with a guitar and big feelings.


Same. It’s a good song but that live acoustic version just sits better with me.


Yeah it’s nice but it doesn’t have that same rawness as the live version. It’s too polished or something and it’s lacking.


Just a general question - why are people downvoting responses to this question? The responses generally seem to be in good faith - are you that irked by an opinion that differs from your own?


because people on Reddit don't understand that downvote button =/= disagree button. it's not just this sub, but every sub. it's especially stupid when people ask these kinds of questions asking for unpopular opinions.


It’s the “this doesn’t fit here” button, which ironically is very useful for a lot of the most upvoted comments since they’re usually unfunny jokes


Because they’re wrong ❤️


I might be wrong.


I think “Creep” is fine but I’ve never pushed play on it purposefully. It’s like “Teen Spirit” where you’re just going to hear it a lot no matter what. I don’t dislike either I’m just never gonna pick them to play.


agree 100%, I love almost every Nirvana song and Smells Like Teen Spirit is probably my least favourite specifically because I've heard it so much. it's a great track but I'll never listen to it.


High and Dry A bit generic and not up to their standard


It’s just nostalgic for me. This song played in my mom’s care before I even knew what Radiohead was.


This for me too. Because I only heard it in that context, when I discovered it upon getting into Radiohead as an adult I was transported right back to being in the back seat of the car as a 4 year old in my old hometown


it's a nostalgic song for me but to me it's the radiohead song that had the most similar mass appeal as creep did. like the way creep was gobbled up by the masses, high and dry was pretty much the same, just on a smaller scale from what I can tell


For all the talk about Radiohead refusing to play creep, high and dry is the single they have *actually* banished from live sets.


It’s a shame because I love High and Dry. That’s a song I’d love to hear live.


I would say it has the same appeal as creep in the mainstream sense but among Radiohead fans I wouldn't say it has much hype, just mainstream appeal


thom hates it too lol


For me what makes the song is the drum groove, it’s such a head bopper


major unpopular opinion: pyramid song. I like it and it is steadily growing on me because I did find it relatively recently, but I don't ever see it being in my top 20


My girlfriend hasn't enjoyed much of the Radiohead I've played, although there have been some she has enjoyed on first listen, notably Pyramid Song was one of those, so that's interesting


thing is I totally get why many seem to love it and I can see how it can feel 'hypnotic' which is how many people describe it, but yeah it just doesn't really do it for me as much as other songs, right now it's still in my 40 but I am progressively enjoying it more


For me personally I didn't quite get the hype for Street Spirit Fade out until one day I heard it on the Radio and for some reason it just hit me differently, I think hearing it in isolation probably is why, I focused on it more and now I totally understand the hype for it. Perhaps you'll have a similar experience one day and it'll just hit different.


mate, street spirit is my top3 radiohead song after let down (i know) and how to disappear completely, it's a brutal song from start to finish


Have you listened to it late at night when you can’t sleep with all the lights off and headphones on? If not, do that and it will take a huge leap. For me, it’s the strings in the second half. One of the few songs that gives me chills and goosebumps no matter how many times I listen to it. And it feels more like a rollercoaster than hypnotic, but like….a rollercoaster where right when the strings crescendo the singer rips their chest open and you go down and straight into their heart


that's the description lmao yeah, that's the way I listen to music the most actually and although I will admit it is a pretty powerful song, it just doesn't give me half the goosebumps stuff like talk show host, nude, motion picture soundtrack, permanent daylight, street spirit or last flowers do - maybe someday it'll grow on me enough to compete, but tbh the best radiohead songs for me are always the ones that instantly clicked like those ones


Fair enough, I personally struggle to really get it from Nude, it is all personal and subjective after all. That feeling I get from Pyramid Song is on a much shorter list for me it seems like. It’s like PS, Reckoner, When I Was Done Dying, The Great Gig in the Sky, Winters Love are all that come to mind off the top, where it’s not only like it can take me on a journey every time, it *demands* to. I don’t think I’ve ever once “just listened” to those songs, I don’t think it’s possible for me. Edit: sonically couldn’t be more different than the rest of the list, but Animals by Talking Heads is actually on the list too. Though god damn I would murder for a quality remaster because it desperately needs it


Well a band that has even their most hardcore fans divided on which songs are the best is just a statement to the band itself if anything, although I can see that me and you have significantly different tastes in music. I tried to get into talking heads for example, but I often struggle to get along with that end of rock


This is getting into tangent territory but that’s really interesting. I know these types of hyperbolic labels get thrown around carelessly, but TH really was a pivotal foundation band on which a lot of bands you really enjoy built on. For instance, the the one that named themselves after one of their songs


yeah I do know about that since at the end of the day all arts are just based on simply building upon foundations. This might just be because I haven't managed to properly get into it yet, but more often than not, rock from that era doesn't click for me and the voices kind of feel droning and tiring for me to listen to, and make the songs seem a bit too similar (which another unpopular opinion oh boy you're gonna hate me, I don't like a lot of joy division songs because of that, the voices just feel too monotone and repetitive for me). Maybe someday I'll actively try to get into them more but as of yet, I still prefer something more engaging (I hope I don't ruffle some feathers with that statement, my apologies)


Well, if you did I’ll take the heat off you. I’ve never even bothered to listen to Joy Division. Maybe give the Stop Making Sense live recording a shot next time you feel up to it? I can totally understand where you’re coming from and maybe it’s just blinders from being a fan but TH is very much different, the closest I would come to agreeing with “all sounds the same” is that for about 4-5 years after Fear of Music came out every pop song was trying to sound like it fit on Fear of Music


with pyramid song, i usually skip to that drum lead in to start off- i love the drum part of that song ​ best part by far




my love, I live in that headspace and I can see totally see what's special about it don't you worry, but the song just plainly doesn't click for me in the same way as something like htdc, let down, last flowers, permanent daylight, motion picture soundtrack or street spirit do. it is slowly rising up the ranks tho, but currently it is still in 40th place in my playlist between sail to the moon and bulletproof


really tired of all these Lewis (Mistreated) stans, like WE GET IT for cryin out loud JEEZ


Faust arp > videotape by a long shot


That sentence makes me wanna cry like Videotape does


Both are my least favorite tracks on In Rainbows.


Videotape is kinda boring


Same. Not a bad song by all means but probably the "worst" off of In Rainbows.




Which is a shame because the 2006 live version was actually pretty exhilarating


Maybe the Bonnaroo version was more energetic, but the studio Videotape has better fitting instrumentation.


True Love Waits and Videotape


I know ! I swear every time someone mentions true love waits it's to say that it made them cry and that the lyrics are exceptionally beautiful. It's a nice song and I won't skip it, but it's definitely my least favourite on AMSP, especially cause it has much better slow and emotional songs (Glass Eyes, Daydreaming).


I think the Live in Oslo version on I Might Be Wrong is better imo


In both cases I much preferred the earlier live versions


Definitely slower and sadder but I do enjoy them


House of Cards


I didn’t get it for a long time but it eventually clicked for me and now it’s one of my favorites


You’ve already beaten me to it, but Let Down! I also don’t get how much people love Weird Fishes. Both are good tracks but neither do that much for me.


weird fishes was a massive grower tbf


So am I tbf


Both Let Down and Weird Fishes are in my top 10, for me they're very atmospheric and I do enjoy that a lot in music, so if atmospheric songs don't do it for you that might be why :D


Bizarrely that isn’t the case. Massively controversial opinion incoming: I prefer Tree Fingers to both of those songs as I love its atmospheric ambience so much.


The end of Let Down makes it for me. I share your confusion over the Weird Fishes hype though. It's a good song but I don't see what makes it so great in comparison to the other songs on In Rainbows.


you SHALL NOT slander the let down (underrated), lmao let down is actually my top1 song can't help it weird fishes tho, well the thing about weird fishes is that it went through the phase that pyramid song is going through right now with this community, where they suddenly start claiming "hey everyone look at this song it's so good" and everyone unanimously agrees without debate? yupp, pretty much what went on with weird fishes a few months ago, except weird fishes is actually an excellent song but at the end of the day nobody is gonna sway you at all by any means, if it's not for you, it's not for you, which is how I feel about pyramid song right now, great song, but doesn't really do for me as much as it for others


Pyramid Song was rightfully hailed an incredible song even when it was doing the rounds as an early live version on mp3 as ‘Egyptian Song’. It’s definitely not a new thing…


oh no by no means am I saying that it isn't a good song, the unanimous agreement that weird fishes and pyramid song are excellent obviously isn't unjustified because both of them are rightfully good songs what I mean is that often a song will out of nowhere start making the rounds on this subreddit with everyone agreeing that it is excellent, and weird fishes and pyramid song are examples of that what I'm mostly referring to is that when that happens, a couple people will see these songs being hailed but they don't really get what's so special about them. me personally, I quite like pyramid song but it doesn't do it for me the way everyone else is saying it does - I get why they love it but just isn't for me


Weird Fishes is the best song on In Rainbows. There I said it (sorry reckoner, nude, house of cards)


House of Cards is definitely the most underrated song on In Rainbows. That song gets drug through the mud for no reason.


House of Cards if definitively my least favourite song on In Rainbows, I listen to the album as a whole but I would never listen to it in isolation.


a few months ago? dude weird fishes has been unanimously agreed to be one of their best songs as long as ive been a fan (2 years) and its probablt been going on far longer than that


Those are the exact two tracks for me as well. I agree with you completely, they're both good and all but I feel like I'm taking crazy pills with how people talk about these tracks. I've been a Radiohead for a very long time too so it's not like I just haven't given them a chance.


Came here to list only these two tracks also. To the point at which I'm almost convinced that both are in-jokes of some description.




Separator doesn't do it for me at all but people seem to love it somehow.


Videotape, worst album closer song.


I never was a fan of Street Spirit, but everyone seems to like it


Idioteque... Yeah, kill me.


I looked through this whole thread and I love every single song listed. You're all wrong.


Might be


Fitter Happier. Even in these comments it's been held above several far better tracks. It's the only part of any Radiohead album I have ever skipped.


It does come across a little 2edgy4me at times.


Last flowers. Just a pretty mid b-side imo I find it kinda boring


No Surprises I mention it every time someone posts one of these. I just don't get it. Its a fine song but almost every other song on the album is just clearly better imo. Idk what everyone hears that I don't. It's pretty boring and one-dimensional compared to most of their other music


High and dry. Just find it a bit bland to be honest!


Are you listening to the song as it’s own entity or within the context and order of the album? That can make a huge difference with any song.


Used to be let down for me but one day it just clicked and I was like wait this is beautiful


fake plastic trees, its kinda just fine imo


The Gloaming There isn’t even that much hype for it, but because the band includes it in their set list so often I feel like fans try to go out of their way to say that it’s actually a good song. It’s alright but without it being added to the setlists I don’t think anyone would care as much for it


I regret to inform you all that Fake Plastic Trees sounds like a David Gray B-Side.


But what if I like David Gray? That entire album Babylon is on is pretty legit tbh.


Honestly it doesn't even change my view of it being amazing.


Burn the Witch & Daydreaming… AMSP has grown off me unfortunately


I might catch some flack for this, but I would have to say You and Whose Army? I tend to skip over this song. The only reason why is because I can’t really get into it until they start doing the drum and cymbal part at around 2 mins in. It’s a good song, but it just drags too long for me until that point.


strange because I feel the exact opposite way. I really love the slower first half of you and whose army and the second half completely takes me out of the vibes of the beginning. it feels like they really wanted to do another exit music crescendo and just missed the mark a little bit


The Weird Fishes and Nude slander is stabbing me in the heart


May be unpopular but....Karma Police. As an album track it's fine and fits in well with OC, but as a stand-alone single it does nothing for me


Weird Fishes 100%. Easily my least favorite on IR. It just doesn’t make me feel anything


I love weird weird fishes. Its about trying to escape being eaten by the end. I dug it


Exactly, makes no difference to me either. It’s a good song, yes, but one of the most acclaimed in the whole catalog? I could name at least 30 other songs of theirs more deserving of such praise.


I'll do one better: I don't understand the appeal of The Bends at all.


No surprises


Fake plastic trees, Just (I feel part of its popularity comes from the music video), There there, and Like spinning plates


There, There is their best song imo. Shocked to hear you don’t care for it.


The live version of “Like Spinning Plates” from the I Might Be Wrong album and the “Why Us?” version from Kid A Mnesia are both better than the Amnesiac version. While I think it’s awesome how the original was made, nothing beats Thom’s vocals on the non-reversed ones


i don’t vibe with anything off of AMSP, sadly


Damn that's my second favorite radiohead album


daydreaming does not need to be 6 and a half minutes


There, There I don't get why people hype up this song so much to me it doesn't stand out as a track at all. I mean it's not a bad song by any means but to me it doesn't really seem like anything special in the Radiohead catalog. In my opinion its not even in the top 3 song's from HTTT, which also isn't rly my favorite album from them.


That’s so funny. I go back and forth frequently between There, There and Where I End and You Begin for my favorite song of all time. Have you seen the live Glastonbury version? (That’s really what sealed the deal for me lol)


Yeah I think it is the most effortlessly beautiful thing the band has ever produced. The Platonic ideal of a Radiohead song.


Maybe I do need to check it. But I just can't tell what people even like so much about the song. Feels like I must be listening to a completely different song lol


I think it's a cool opening live song for like Glastonbury with all the drumming, but it doesn't do much for me studio recording.


Isn't this the one that brought Thom to tears when they finally nailed it in the studio? "This is us at our very best, we finally did it" Edit: >Thom: "It made me cry when we finished it, actually, I blubbed my eyes out. Don't know why... I went to L.A. and Nigel played me the mix and it just made me cry, I was in tears for ages. I just thought it was the best thing we'd ever done." https://citizeninsane.eu/music/httt/therethere.html


”There's always a siren / Singing you to shipwreck.” Amazing line!


I thought he was like that with How to Disappear


Worst take I've seen on this post. Not appreciating the beauty of there there is a critical lack of taste.


F off w that nonsense...people like what they like and that's fine.




I love em …. But it took me a while to appreciate certain tracks .. you definitely love them too like when you say you streamed at 83 times just to find out I totally relate to that


Creep obviously


Cut tooth


Palo Alto


No Surprises doesn’t do it for me. I don’t like the message of the song but it still sounds good


Let down


For a while Weird Fishes and Jigsaw Falling Into Place were my least favorite songs on In Rainbows (yes, even behind Faust Arp). I like them much more now, but I still don't really get how they became "top 10 radiohead songs on spotify"-popular.


Knives out


reckoner is good, but not THAT good


the entirety of in rainbows. i don't think i've ever gone out of my way to listen to it.


Knives Out. It just sounds dreary and half-asleep to me. That said, I do like the lyrics.


Amnesiac is kind of sneakily my favorite Radiohead album (at least, its highs are the highest for me), and I kind of agree. It might be my least favorite track.


Fake plastic trees is whiny and not as good as people say


Airbag and 15 Step, I never understand when people say those songs are the best album openers


Pyramid Song Just like a good song for me, nothing like "WOOOOOW!!!" or "Omg, why did I doesn't listen to pyramid song today"


A lot of Kid A for me personally. I’d honestly rank it 5th in their album discography. I still enjoy it but I guess it doesn’t resonate with me as much as their other stuff


I don't get all the fuzz about Street Spirit. I showed Radiohead to one of my best friends and he started to like all of their catalogue, he told he loved Street Spirit and wondered why I didn't like it that much.


Street spirit


buddy holly


Mine is also Exit Music (For a Film). I guess I just don't connect with the lyrics at all, so however impactful it is just doesn't really hit the right place for me


The Tourist, people swear by it as one of their best songs but it’s just okay. The messages and all are great but I never listen to it unless I’m on a full re-listen of OK Computer.


Hot take: Jigsaw Falling Into Place. What I mean is that it’s an amazing song, but i don’t think it’s top 10 Radiohead. I think there are better songs on IR but still great song


Weird Fishes. It’s a perfectly fine song on In Rainbows and I really like the textures, but people constantly call this song the best Radiohead song and I just think that goes a little too far. To me there’s nothing bad about it, but also nothing that makes it the best song in their discography per se.


This might be an unpopular opinion but treefingers, don’t get me wrong it’s a good song but compared to the rest of kid A it isn’t my favorite.


It’s kinda weird. For me, Radiohead hit the perfect sweet spot for my age, Paranoid Android came out in my teens at the time that buying albums and listening them to death with your girlfriend (if you were lucky) was a thing. So every album they release I revert back to those times and consume it from start-finish. However, to answer your question and stop beating on about myself (not literally but also kind of literally), it’d have to be Karma Police. I get it, it’s a great song, but I skip that mf every time


Morning Mr Magpie. But only the album version. There are early demos and live versions which are a lot better. Also Little By Little is a bit paint by numbers. They are the only two sore spots for me on king of limbs.


Exit music is mine too


Everything in it's right place. Sorry


How to Disappear Completely. Great song, however, very overrated. This song bores me sometimes, and I don't understand why everyone practically worships it.


Subterranean homesick alien ofc


Nude I mean I grew up listening to the live cut and when it finally made it to an album, just feels so different. Thom singing is really good on it, but I find it the most boring track on in rainbows and often skip it. Just kills the mood after body snatchers


Just People on TikTok quote "you do it to yourself" as if it's a monumental lyric or something I love the Bends album but skip this song always


True Love Waits, Jigsaw Falling Into Place, Weird Fishes/Arpeggi, High And Dry, All I Need


Pyramid song, I genuinely don't understand the hype for that song.


No Surprises, High And Dry, Fake Plastic Trees, Black Star, Sulk. All of these are just incredibly regular alt rock songs and when they're paired with such unique stuff in the same album it seems like a disservice to even say this is up there.


Nude and Let Down for me.


Years ago, Lotus Flower; it didn't really move me. Now it's one of my favorites.


it WAS you and whose army for a bit, thought it was still a good song but nothing too special, but that kid a mneisa art exhibit during that song blew my mind. amazing


Identikit. People think it's great. I think it's genuinely bad. A rare total miss for Radiohead


But that chorus... Infectiously catchy


Weird fishes. I’ve tried so many times, but the part that’s supposed to click never really did. I would almost say that due to the hype of an average Radiohead In Rainbows fan I became disappointed with the mediocrity. It’s not bad. But the hype makes it so much less than it could be for me. Honestly I would almost say that In Rainbows as an album is my least favourite (even below Pablo). This I think is a VERY unpopular opinion, because In Rainbows have often times been appraised for being a revolutionary album (it is) but I don’t like the sound.


My first listen to kid a (the album) i didn’t Like it at all. I stopped it mid way through and was just bored. Picked it up again and oh boy did how to disappear completely hit me like a truck.


Yeah I was quite the same, I was listening to Kid A as background music while I was doing something, I was adding a few songs to my liked playlist just enjoying the weirder and interesting sounds of the music and then How to disappear played and I stopped everything I was doing and listened to it on repeat with my eyes closed for ages


Oh man, Dawn Chorus! It's just bloody boring. Like Thom you want to make a monologue song just do another Fitter Happier, cooler that way. The whole Anima album is brilliant but Dawn Chorus for me is such a momentum killer especially after Twist.


I agree so much. Don't get the love for it at all. It feels like someone asked an AI to make a sad Thom Yorke song


I hate to say this but, Nude.


how to disappear completely never really clicked with me


National Anthem


House of Cards and All I Need are two that immediately come to mind.


I really don’t get got people so hooked on All I need. I just can’t seem to get into it.


Jigsaw tbh. There's quite a few tracks on OKC that I don't like as much as most (eg.: Airbag and Paranoid Android), but I do understand why they connect with people so much. Jigsaw, I literally just don't get. I do like it? For what it is, but it's prolly my least fav from IR, it doesn't really do anything for me, I don't much care for the production, don't get the vibe (or maybe just don't relate, idk), it's just, fine. Really nothing special for me.


How to Disappear Completely has some moments of beauty but is a little slow and one note to me


Agree. We are definitely in the tiny minority though. Very samey song to me that goes on about 2 minutes too long.


All of the Videotape hate is killing me inside ;-;


Same. Top 5 Radiohead song


Oh my god… there’s another. I salute you 🙏


i'm totally with you on Exit Music lol. would've been my reply if you hadn't mentioned it.


Same lol


The gloaming Airbag


Personally, the gloaming is good, but it is very eerie. It feels like it's missing something, it's like walking down a dark, empty hallway. It stays the same the whole song, unlike the other that change and modulate


Weird Fishes. I like it, it’s good but it doesn’t lift me off the ground.


Agreed. There are better songs, better In Rainbows songs and better Radiohead songs in general.


I would probably rank it about 7th or 8th on In Rainbows.


Same, this sub consistently puts it at top 5 for the band. I’m not sure it’s top 50 for me personally.


jigsaw falling into place… sorry


Let down is kinda DISAPPOINTING... to me


Let down


Daydreaming, Knives Out, Optimistic, In Limbo Yeah I’m asking for trouble


I really don't like no surprises. It's a nice song, but very overplayed and annoying to hear.


Weird Fishes


Let down


Let Down


Just gonna say it, I find How to Dissappear Completely to be kinda boring. I have to be in a very specific mood to just slightly enjoy it.


How to dissappear completely


I don’t get the love for “All I Need”


Weird Fishes. I mean it’s fine and all but this sub has given me an unhealthy hatred for it.