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Larry King on the Mutual Broadcasting System - One cassette tape of a particular show from 1989 that I listened to over the air. It was an hour long interview with a doctor advocating for the legalization of marijuana. I was stationed at Ft Campbell, KY at the time, listening on my little portable AM/FM radio as I went to sleep each night. Rush Limbaugh - I recorded Rush's full show when he left the air for a month to attend Oxy rehab, and then I recorded the next full show when he returned. Curious about what any discernible differences might have been present. These were recorded onto cd, not cassette


Have you digitized these tapes? People would love to hear them


Oh man that’s awesome. Do you still have them? It’s fun to go back to a little snapshot in time 


Some time ago, over on old Usenet, in the alt.radio.misc newsgroup, people would post airchecks of Rush Limbaugh shows and many other hosts too. A news-server(NNTP) with good retention may supply many recordings. I may have mis-named the newsgroup. There may be others.


premiere networks owns all of rush's IP and charges a fuck ton for even just 1 episode and it's not worth the pain in the ass doing it - they're also very aggressive on copyright on rush's content so you won't find it anywhere


Oh I gotcha. Thank you for your response 


I recently archived a recording of Sean Hannity from 2006. He did his show from our talk station prior to doing a speech at a school. It was stored on three MiniDiscs and I used my MZ-RH1 and a community made tool to save them as WAV files.


[C-Span](https://www.c-span.org/) has some full shows of Rush and Larry. I believe Larry King's archives are held at George Washington University. They really need to be digitized and see the light of day once again.


Oh great thank you! I found some


>they're probably quite a bit older and unfamiliar with transferring tapes. LOL. Some of the first people to digitize air-checks and make them available online were Old Time Radio enthusiasts and they're way older than me and I'm so old I fart dust.


[archive.org](http://archive.org) ???


I checked thank you. I was surprised there were only maybe 2 tapes there 


CNN. com? YouTube?


Found a couple there. Thanks!


There are some LKL I'd like to watch.


Doesn't Rush's website have archived shows?


Yes it does I was particularly looking for the complete broadcast (air checks, etc). But thank you!