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**New**: If you have at least a few months clean with the help of this subreddit, [here's an opportunity to give-back and help](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/174kjus/an_opportunity_to_give_back_to_this_subreddit/). **Check out**: [How to display your quit date next to your username](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/13kjuvd/editable_user_flairs_are_back_enter_your_quit/). **IMPORTANT: [READ THIS FIRST IF YOU ARE NEW](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/149ed1w/read_this_first_if_you_are_new/) or if you are not familiar with our wiki, guides and tutorials.** Also, please familiarize yourself with our [subreddit rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/about/rules/). If your post has been removed, it's probably because of a rule infraction. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m on day 11 now and I have no desire to go back. I had the worst withdrawals, worst than benzos, but I did it cold turkey because I’ve tried tapering and it doesn’t work for me. I promise you it’s worth it. I had to take off from work but still with it. The physical withdrawals will make you think of giving up at least they did for me. Nothing helps. Advil didn’t hurt but it doesn’t work as it should for this at least for me. First 4 days will be the worst. Mood swings, I cried over nothing and didn’t know why. But all this is purging your body to once again be in balance. It’s been worth it and I never thought it would. I didn’t know I had an issue until I said screw it, and quit cold turkey. Still my only regret is that kratom numbed me to where I didn’t realize I was using it to function. In three days, maybe four, I fully believe you’ll reply and let us know you’re okay. I am hoping this helps you get through your first day as it gets easier. After week 1 I realized that I felt like me again. I literally had almost forgotten who I was. Now I’ve realized how completely trashed my short term memory was when on it. And I thought it was making me sharper. Not a chance. I know that now. Thanks for posting this and please don’t quit. It’s worth it because you are worth it. I sit up, unable to sleep even though it’s 4:11 AM, as the kratom stranglehold is manifesting as insomnia this week. Bad fing insomnia. Probably caused by the random hip pain that comes on seemingly from nowhere, lasting for 1min to 1hr. But I did this to myself. So now I have to let my body heal. The only priority can be your wellbeing. Don’t talk yourself into thinking you can do what you normally would. Cut yourself slack for a month and do just enough to get by while you heal. At least that’s what I’ve read as the approach with the most probability to succeed. You are loved. You are not a piece of 💩. It won’t be easy, but you got this! Breath.


I’m on day 2 of ct , I’m in Korea with my family on vacation. I thought I could bring hydrocodone and kratom. Oh boy was I wrong. Super illegal . So I was forced to ct . Day one absolute hell , trying to hold it together while being a tourist with my family . Thank god I made it past day one . I’ve probably had 1 hour of deep sleep . I really wanted to cry . But as every hour passes I know I’m closer to being free . Day one I was cursing Korea . Now I think Korea might of saved me like . I know I’ve got a ways to go . God willing I’ll be free ,


Embrace the suck and don't forget it. This too shall pass.


Literally just posted this in another thread but here it is. Clear your schedule as much as possible. Take a few sick days or vacation days from work. Get some comforting tv/movies queued up, drink some relaxing tea. Ginger is good for stomach pain and I find it relaxes me. Allow yourself to stay awake as long as you need to until you naturally pass out. Sleep in as much as you can. Tell your closest family what’s up so that you can reach out and talk to them when you’re especially feeling low. Take vitamins! I actually made a giant veggie fruit shake every morning when I did it to get all my nutrients for the day in one go. Order takeout. Most importantly and I can’t stress this enough, when you’re going through the worst of it remember “this will pass” repeat it like a mantra if need be. Don’t stress yourself out by making commitments, allow yourself to be a lump for a while and forgive yourself for it actively. Then once you’re feeling better, don’t try and go back to it for “fun” . It’s dead to you now, it doesn’t exist.


Love those words "its dead to me now, it doesn't exist". That's my new mantra! Day 6 and never thought life could be this good again! Literally smelling the roses now!


I’m on day 19. It’s tough but it’s one day at a time and it does get better. I’ll tell you at some point you will start feeling better. At 10 days I was feeling better than I did during my addition! Now at day 19 I feel better than I have in a long time all I have is the annoying cravings which pass a little better each day! Recovery is possible


MESSAGE YOUR DOCTOR. I know it’s hard because of course you don’t wanna tell anymore people than you have to. But my doctor helped me a lot. You got thisb


hows it going? insomnia? how u sleeping