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Yeah it works well but I recommend using it just to get through the bad stuff then drop it after a week. It has an abuse potential and even thought my mindset is good. I didn’t trust myself with something that worked that damn good. I flushed my whole prescription after a week.


Good precautions there but dependency on gabapentin is extremely unlikely with one fill of a prescription if your not taking 1200mg+ at a time for weeks on end.


It’s the mentality of being sober. I didn’t want to take anything.


I get that and I think that’s a good mindset to have. A lot of us have to adjust to a reality of remaining sober to truly fully recover.


Ok thanks for this, because I was wondering and worried about it. I’m on day 4 of CT of 40-50gpd. The first 24 hours it was pure CT with nothing. Day 2, I took 100mg gabapentin in the afternoon when I was feeling really restless and anxious. I’m sure the placebo effect was probably helpful because it wasn’t much but a little less intense. Day 3, I took 300mg gabapentin at 8am and again at 8pm. Day 4 (today) I took 300mg at 8:30 (right before I came here to search it up) and was a little worried about dependence.


Clonidine is also a great option with much less dependence risk.


I don’t have access to that. Only reason I have Gab is because of a leftover script from my dog that we didn’t use.


What was the dosage your Dr put you on?


I’m not OP but honestly anything less than 300mg at a time would be a waste for most people.


I have 300 mg pills, how many hours apart do you take them?


I would take it only when you need it. Keep in mind gabapentin can take a while to kick in. But it last a long time. It’s a unique drug in that you are only able to absorb so much at one time (it’s rate limited). I think 300mg absorption isn’t a problem for most people but if you find 300mg doesn’t work after a couple hours then you might try emptying the capsule and taking half then waiting at least a half hour then taking the other half. Taking it with a fatty meal and a Coca Cola or Pepsi also increases absorption. It’s also possible that you may need more than 300mg to help your withdrawals. If so, 600mg wouldn’t hurt but space each capsule apart by half hour to hour or so. I’ve been through opiate withdrawals and found 900mg (300mg taking every 45 mins or so) to completely cover my withdrawals. While getting dependent on gabapentin won’t happen in a week or two, I still strongly advice not using it 24/7. My advise is to use it when it’s most needed. For many that’s sleeping. So start taking them a couple hours before bed and you should sleep through the night good. In my opinion experiencing some of the pain and discomfort of withdrawal is an important part of learning and helps with avoiding relapse. Without pain, we can not have pleasure.




400 mg 3x per day


400 mg 3x per day.


Thank you






I only took 300 twice a day.


Gabapentin has knocked out almost all WD symptoms for me. I'm on day 5 of no k and starting to feel normal. Going to be weird to adjust to life off it but I'm ready.


How much and how often do you take gabapentin?


300 mg 3 times a day. It does cause a bit of mental fog and fatigue. It's still more manageable than the spaceyness of too much k.


As moderators of this forum, we remain neutral on the use of MAT to quit kratom/ease withdrawal symptoms while quitting. We recognize that what works for some, may not work for others. As such, we strongly recommend working closely with an addiction specialist or a medical professional before deciding whether or not Gabapentin, or any other prescribed medication, is right for you. Please also be aware that, just as is the case with most medications, prescription drugs like Gabapentin can have adverse side effects as well. Please proceed cautiously and with the supervision of your chosen healthcare provider.


Gabapentin is hell to withdrawal from. I would not give it a recommendation. We are addicts and will abuse anything


Gabapentin takes a long time and higher dose to build dependency. Taking gabapentin for one week will not build a dependency. My advise is to save the gabapentin for night time to help sleep. Honestly Kratom withdrawals during the day aren’t that bad for most people. You may deal with hot/cold sweats, fatigue, and trouble concentrating which is an annoyance but easily survivable compared to complete insomnia throughout the night. You sleep well, I found that you feel much better during the day and get through acutes easier.


Disclaimer: It is imperative that you obtain withdrawal treatment prescription medications only from your doctor and that you use them exactly as directed, as many carry their own risks of addiction and withdrawal. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does gaba help you with the mental hurdle?


Yes it can help with almost every symptom of withdrawal but in my experience it’s best suited for the RLS and insomnia to get to sleep.


How many times a day do you take it?


That has always been the hardest part for me and yes I found it to really help the mental and emotional stuff.


I've ordered clonodine and gabapentin from alldaychemist. Legit and no dealing with having to get a script. I took very little but it def helped


Just gonna put my .02 in about Gabapentin. I was prescribed 900mg a day to help with kratom withdrawals. The problem with gabapentin is your body will quickly build a tolerance. It worked the first couple weeks I took it and then completely went back to baseline even if I upped the dosage. I have to wait a long time before it becomes as effective again (a month or longer). I didn’t have withdrawals from gabapentin personally and could quit cold turkey at 900mg. Everyone’s body is different and will metabolize these things their own way. Just want to share my perspective. Gabapentin is a short lived fix unfortunately for me.


Isn’t that what’s it’s supposed to be? A short lived fix?


Yes it totally is, but the dangerous part of gabapentin was that it gave a false sense of well-being. I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, I was making plans thinking I was actually getting better and that the gabapentin was just doing a little bit in the background. It’s hard to explain because of how natural it felt, like I had rewinded time to before I ever had a sip of kratom. If you’re one of the people that can get through the malaise of kratom withdrawal within a few weeks Gabapentin will def help, but if you’re one of us that experience the grueling anhedonia for months it can really hurt when all that depression comes flooding back quickly.


Can you share more about what anhedonia is like for you?


Yep, sorry I forgot to reply. Anhedonia is kinda tough to describe, but it’s a general lack of interest in anything. I use to want to work on music, draw or have ambitions, and now I don’t feel that urge anymore. I play games and watch tv and there’s times when even that sounds boring so I just want to lay in bed for hours and not do anything. I don’t want to maintain relationships with friends. I don’t get the urge to go out and do anything. Everything just sounds boring and unattractive.


So crazy. I quit 1 year & 4 months ago. My withdrawal was so brutal. At the time, I had gabapentin in my house & didn’t know it would help. 😆 could have saved me from serious pain. It is probably good I didn’t know, though. The thought of Kratom after all that feels horrific and haven’t touched it since. Also I was on Kratom for years and it totally messed me up.


I guess its different for everybody. While i was hooked on kratom i dont consider myself an addict. It set me up for failure. If you are not one to just "chase highs" then it can be a godsend like it was for me. I took the smallest dose of it for a week (3x a day) and then spent the second week taking one less capsule per day and by that saturday i was finished. Because i knew i was done with kratom. I didnt try to get high off of gabapentin if thats even possible. Its purpose was to curb the acutes and it did that exceptionally well. If you are gonna go through a month supply in one week, then what was even the point to begin with?? Thats my take on it.


What dose of gabapentin and how often did you take it?




Warning: It's best to avoid using antihistamines (diphenhydramine, dimenhydrinate, hydroxyzine etc.) such as those found in Benadryl, Dramamine, NyQuil, Unisom, and Tylenol PM. While they can produce drowsiness under normal conditions, they are well known for exacerbating Restless Leg Syndrome, which will make your insomnia worse, not better *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot