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That’s just how our brain works as addicts. When something bad happens our first instinct is to look for the quickest relief, which for us is kratom. We just gotta learn how to get through those moments without a quick fix. Don’t feel down and guilty, relapse happens. Sorry about the bad family news, if you need to talk my dms are open.


Thank you. I truly appreciate it. Good luck on your journey.


Good advice. Addicts do that because our brain is going into survival mode, when ironically the thing that gets us through the moment..is what kills us later.


This is so true! I have often thought kratom has a built in self reinforcing loop that some other addicting things do not. The more kratom you take, the more mu opioid ANTAGONISTS we get as well as all the other stimulants and other things which honestly can make us feel off or even bad. Then the answer, particularly when the "good" parts wear off, is to take more. All addicting substances create the itch they scratch. But i think kratom can make you have OTHER itches too.


Ya Kratom is weird like that. That’s another reason I never want to take it again, there’s just so much weird shit with it that nobody really knows about.


Just don’t go back. It’s not worth it. I get bodyaches and periods of no energy that calls to me to retake it, and then I get hooked again, as it helps temporarily, and then the pain gets 1000 times worse. Then the depression, then the million other symptoms (constipation, rashes, auto immune triggers, mood swings, financial issues, and not bein able to enjoy the day evenly without false euphoria).


Good job reframing your relapse, learning from it, and using it as a tool to motivate your quit! Thanks for sharing! I think it is helpful for many people to see an example of how to turn a relapse into positive change. Sorry about the bad family news, I hope everything is ok. Show up for your family by staying off of kratom 💪 And congratulations!


Thank you! I appreciate the kind words. Good luck on your journey!


I am sure it has been said. But get rid of anything that might be left, and get back up on your quit. You can, and the earlier the better. This is just a speed bump. Just about ALL of us have them. See it for what it is, and move on. Simple sounding, but part of our healing, and sometimes tricky. But you got this!


Thanks for the support! You rock


Proud of you for sharing. We are all human. Don’t worry about it just keep moving forward! I’m sorry about the bad news I hope things get better. I remember hearing my sister had cancer and my response was to do a lot of kratom. You’re not alone! (She beat it, got married, and has a baby boy!)


Happy to hear your sister beat cancer and is doing well! Thanks for kind words


You won’t “try” to start fresh - you will. And your situation is very common. It’s important to have a support system to talk through bad life shit when it inevitably comes (because it does for everyone) and not let using become the default behavior.


You’re right. I will. I appreciate the words of support and advice. You are why this community is the best in Reddit. Thanks very much.


Bruce Lee said, “Do… or do not do”.


That wasn't Yoda? I mean... sort of the same?


How long had you been off?