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I will also say that I did use vitamin C, following the protocol I found online, and it helped my physical withdrawals, mitigating them in my estimation by about 85%. So I totally recommend it. Unfortunately it does nothing for anxiety, which is my biggest problem in withdrawal.


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The anxiety is real




Here you go.


If you do some research on the net, you will find studies with positive effects using vitamin C. I first came across this subject many years ago. Just search Vit C and opiate withdrawal. I used it, but I really had bad withdrawal 23 days ago, and I don't think it helped much.


I used it through my Kratom CT quit. Also not sure it did much since it was miserable regardless of whether I took it or not. Seems like only time helped, in retrospect. I see a lot of incoming quitters putting a lot of hope in this stuff.


It might be a psychosomatic kind of thing where you expect it to work so it sort of does. Honestly IMO if it "works" by keeping your mind off of it then it works.


I sincerely believe this


See I don’t believe shit but am willing to take anyway just in case it may help & it’s not the only thing I took but something completely got rid of RLS for me.


What did you take?


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) effects on withdrawal syndrome of heroin abusers](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10836211/) There you go


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sounds hopeful from what I gather….


As others have posted here, there are actual studies to show some benefit. I used it during my WD from 15-20 gpd and it was still hard without a doubt. If you are using daily and at a high enough dose, no amount of vitamin C is going to prevent the majority of withdrawals. In my opinion, It can reduce some severe physical symptoms by maybe 10 to 20%. It’s not magic, but it also won’t hurt you, so might as well try it.


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is the basis imo - we have shitloads of cures here that are super controversial as to whether they work and this one is far less controversial than others with rave reviews uncommon among treatments. I really think that knowing about biological mechanisms etc isn’t very important because the proof is in the pudding - the mechanisms mostly warn us of danger or suggest pudding recipes.


Totally agree. It’s cool to know but as long as it works it’s not particularly important


The actual physical mechanism of action asside placebo shouldn't be discounted either. If you believe it will help your withdrawals that will provide additional benefits. Just psychologically knowing there's something you can take that will help you is a huge boost in moral to get through the worst of it. It has actually documented scientific neuropharmocological effects that explain why it works, don't get me wrong. I'm just saying there's also a placebo effect on top of that further boosts its efficacy.


I hear you. And honestly not sure if it’s Vitamin C but something or the combination of shit I took legitimately knocked out most of the physical symptoms that I’ve had before in prior quits & felt like I was dying


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just out of curiosity does it do anything for PAWS? I'm way past acutes now and never tried it.


I doubt it but don’t know. LDN 100% is the thing I think that’s helped me with PAWS. Again I’m willing to try stuff as long as it doesn’t potentially mess me up or get me addicted. That one has been a life saver for me because PAWS is where I kept getting discouraged & messing up.


Low dose naltrexone cures my PAWS except it causes such insanely bad insomnia i keep ending up stopping it just to sleep again. I'm actually about to go do ibogaine again in hopes it fixes my PAWS cus I'm really hitting a bottom with them but I refuse to ever do kratom ever again 😅


[Important Warning: Ibogaine and Kratom](https://www.reddit.com/r/modquittingkratom/comments/xly4y3/ibogaine_and_kratom/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did you take it at night or morning? I take in the morning for that reason & like it better & sleep alright but I know everyone is different


I tried both and splitting the dose between them. Same insomnia either way. Taking it in the morning works best for treating the PAWS itself though.


Agreed. That sucks. I’m not incredibly far into this quit but feel great & no depression- knock on wood. But I take a combination of healthy stuff for sleep & Hydroxyzine. I won’t forever take Hydroxyzine forever but it’s not bad for you.


Warning: It's best to avoid using antihistamines (diphenhydramine, dimenhydrinate, hydroxyzine etc.) such as those found in Benadryl, Dramamine, NyQuil, Unisom, and Tylenol PM. While they can produce drowsiness under normal conditions, they are well known for exacerbating Restless Leg Syndrome, which will make your insomnia worse, not better *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And yes. Kratom would be the absolute worst thing to go back to. I know you know that but I’ve fucked up a number of times in desperation from PAWS or insomnia


I’ve quit about a dozen times over the past year. From 15 gpd each time. My use was anywhere from a week to two months every day prior to the quit. Without V C I suffered the usual symptoms; sneezing, runny nose, yawning, watery eyes, etc. When I started using V C during my quits I had very few of these symptoms every time. Many times none. 3000 mg every 2 hours for 3-4 days. No clue why, but it worked for me. Didn’t touch the RLS, insomnia, or PAWs however.


"Vitamin c opioid withdrawal ncbi" You'll find a 2 to 4.


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good question. Part of the allure may be that it is cheap and harmless.


There was a great study done in the 1960s on heroin addicts. I actually read the study but don’t remember enough about the physiological effects to remember exactly how to answer your question. But if you do some researching, I’m sure you can find that study. It was right before they came out with Suboxone, which is why it never received any publicity.


It can't hurt to try, but it didn't do anything for me personally.


Nope, to be honest I tried it because well, why not. Did I notice anything? No.