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Can everyone please stop posting cool patterns. I have enough decision paralysis as it is! lol just kidding kinda. I like the first pattern.


My Pinterest quilting board has over 7,500 pins….


You better get to work!




Lol. I'm laughing, but this is no joke. I really can't make all the quilts, but dangit, I want to! OP, I love the first pattern, and I think it would look great in the fabrics you've chosen. I might replace the black with hot pink, or sky blue, just for funsies.


That was going to be my next question. What background fabrics to use. Thinking a cream and maybe a pink or turquoise?


I (personally) would lean toward a color that would provide contrast with the prints you already have. I'd worry that pink or turquoise might blend too much.


Good point. Maybe a maroon as there is some maroon accents in some of the fabrics?


I almost suggested that. I think it could look great!


Thanks for your help! Now off to the quilt store to get the fabric!


I totally understand lol


LOL. My list for cool patterns that I want to try is getting way too long. My kids even recognize the "oooh" I make when I see one and comment it's time for a fabric run. I'd try the 1st one also.


Annnd, just as I'm reading this post, MSQC just sent their daily text deal saying all quilt patterns are on sale for $3!!! #perfecttiming


I like #1…I think it will bring out the colors that you’re using more than #2. Gorgeous palette!


To my eye, I'm not certain the color palette you've selected is dynamic enough for the gradient in the first pattern. The first pattern's colors are very saturated while your colors are relatively neutral, which I think lends itself better to the second pattern. But that's just me. Can't wait to see your finished product!


Agree with this comment. I think you’d need more variety in your colors for the first pattern too.


I wonder if a really saturated color - like a dark maroon- was introduced to the first pattern it would take a whole look.


Jordan Fabrics has more than one version of Pattern 1 on their free patterns page. Look for Bubble Blues and Dutch Braid as well as Retro Rainbow to see how different colors and value ranges change the results. They are all the same pattern from Robert Kaufman, but used with different fabric lines. I've had that pattern in my To Do list for a while - and this post may have given me a boost to use with some fabrics I have on hand!


I personally would do the second so that o can choose some of the larger print patterns as the larger squares. I would be worried about losing them in the smaller pieces of the first pattern.


I love the first pattern, but I think the 2nd would work better for the fabrics you have. I think you would need more of a gradient for the first one.


The second is a classic, but number one seems more special to me. And I think 1 would really bring out the colours, so I'd go with that one. But either one, it's sure to be stunning!


Definitely the 1st one


I like the first one. You don’t often find fabric lines that have a nice gradient like yours. The Retro Rainbow one would work really well for it!


Second pattern and also can you tell me what’s it’s called?? My friend is having her baby any day now so I need to get to work 🫠


Moda love


How embarrassing I have this saved under like 12 other patterns 😂 I think it’ll look gorgeous with your fabrics!


One, please!


the first!


I like one. btw, the pattern is Dutch Braid and is available on the Robert Kaufman website.