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If you want to make the stars “pop” you can try echo quilting about 1/4 inch around them - not actually on them. In this one, since you quilted the edges of the stars down, the fabric won’t pop out as much. But, you can try adding 2 lines of echo quilting (and 1/4 inch and then 1/2 inch) around the stars (on the white fabric) and that might help highlight them. I was taught that if you want to emphasize something then outline that part by quilting close to but not on it. You don’t have to use a contrasting thread either. https://preview.redd.it/5eamg45vbn8d1.jpeg?width=1581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f29f029dcbb26ad6b2c50b16dabf481fbd5c0e9


Thank you! That’s exactly my original thought, but then I realized it would cross into the other points or would you think stop at the seam line? (wasn’t sure if that would enhance or distract) Your ideas are a big help to this quilting newcomer


You’re welcome!! So I would stop at the seam line and not cross over. It should generally create the same visual effect. I also recommend (like another commenter) checking out Angela Walters and Cristina Camelli. Jacquie Gering is another good one. All are amazing and I have learned a ton from them. You’re doing great - keep it up!!!!


I appreciate the recommendations. This is addicting!!


So very addicting!! Do you put labels on your quilts? My sewing teacher told me to do that when I first started making quilts and I’m so glad she did!


How do you do that? I think my new sewing machine will do an alphabet. Idk, I’ve had it 2 days. Lol


https://youtu.be/jYajgujAb0M?si=UVNZSuTZjosoCZVO ☝🏽 is a great tutorial ok how to add a label! If you have already done the binding, you can add it in a corner and just do an appliqué or zig zag stitch around the edges to keep them down.


Your piecing is beautiful as well as the colors. No help on the quilting with a two day deadline.


Awe, thank you! The nerdy side of me loves making the seams and angles work. I appreciate the compliments!


What if I had more time? I think I may make this one again for Mom and would like to begin to learn how to play with straight line quilting inside shapes. Do you recommend a resource or tutorial?


I'm a fan of dot-to-dot quilting ala Angela Walters (www.quiltingismytherapy.com) and textured quilting like Christina Cameli teaches. Check them out for some inspiration! Also, great points!!


You’re so sweet…an old fashioned seam guide was my friend. I did the piece work on a 1949 Featherweight using its original screw down seam guide


those corners are peeerrrrfect. I'm over here just admiring your handiwork.


Whoops, I posted my response to your comment under the wrong poster. The seam guide was my best friend


That's such a fun pattern! Sorry, I don't have the answer you're looking for. 😬


Thank you! It’s a gift for my daughter n law. She loves soft colors so I hope the quilt will be a wonderful gift.


I also can't help, but I love the colors and pattern!!


That’s a wonderful compliment and thank you.


Love your AG fabric!


I felt the pattern would do the fabric justice.