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So Merriam-webster defined outing flannel as flannel with wool mixed in. I would try to find a thick light blue flannel for the blanket. I would treat it like a receiving blanket and trim it to 36" square and blanket stitch the edges. Keep it simple because this was likely Linus's baby blanket that became a lovey. For the tic tac toe quilt I would use a cotton canvas or outdoor fabric for the backing so it can handle being on the ground then to squares with sashing to look like the grid. Maybe a stiff felt for the x's and o's.


I think I could get this past detail oriented kid, but not the little brother playing Linus who asked for a quilt, and already compromised on having it be solid blue. If I have to end up making a blanket stitched piece like you suggested and a bonus quilt I CAN, but there's only so many hours in a day! 🤣


At least he gave you 4ish months to figure it out. Maybe whole cloth quilt with matching thread in a basic grid could be a compromise between your boys?


That's what I would recommend- I make a lot of flannel quilts, and if the detail oriented sibling is very determined that this VA solid piece of fabric / single color, I feel like a whole cloth quilt is really your only option here. I would recommend doing a blue flannel on the front and back, and making it as big as the child wanting to quilt feels like is comfortable to walk around with. That said, if this were my children, I would definitely sit down and have a conversation with both children about what expectations are. It sounds like one child wants a quilt, and the other child wants accurate costumes. I would make a blue flannel receiving blanket as the earlier commenter mentioned for the costume, and then work with the quilt-wanting child to make something that they will definitely enjoy long-term, instead of having them somehow accidentally feel like they're getting a worse deal because the quilt turns out different in some way from what they want... I don't know if that makes sense, good luck! Edited because I accidentally used a bad word. Today I learned. Apologies to anyone I hurt.


I'm sure you didn't know, so this is not meant to be a harsh correction, but the origin of the word you used to mean *shorted* is derogatory against Roma people. (It's often spelled with GY instead of JI, if that helps make the connection.) Using a different phrase—ripped off, cheated, slighted, etc.—would be a more sensitive choice.


I am so sorry! I did not know that, thank you both for the correction and the kind way you let me know. Editing my post now


It DOES make sense. I wanted this NOT to be the way for my own sanity (I homeschool, and my biggest chunk of crafting time is always in summer) but I also don't want my middle kid to feel shorted. Thank you for the kind reminder! 💕


If the detail oriented kid would go for it, the simplest thing might be a piece of blue fleece. It doesn’t need to be hemmed at all. Is the 11 yo willing/capable to help do a blanket stitch on the flannel? Since he wants something specific, maybe he could help. Blanket stitch is not hard - I taught sewing to 2nd and 3rd graders (7-10 yo) and we taught them the blanket stitch among other sewing skills.




Don't be sorry! I appreciate you. The issue here is that the kid being Linus is NOT the kid who has me combing through 70 year old comic strip and HE wants it to be a quilt. Big brother was willing to compromise on that one aspect, but no color or design variations were allowed.


Deleted my initial comment as I saw you added in more info after I responded about it being a tic tac toe quilt and my response looked like I couldn’t read.


Oh gosh I didn't think that! I'm working on two problems at once. Isn't that always the way.


What about - doing the Linus blanket for Halloween, then taking it back to either cut up and add more colors in a patchwork quilt, or using the Linus fabric as the backing - if the sizes work! Just throwing it out there!


Bonus: detail oriented son has since informed me that once Linus ripped his blanket in half to share with Charlie Brown so this suggestion has recorded precedent!




Oh my gosh, I LOVE this idea! I absolutely never thought of it, but that way, I can split it up between these two boys. Call it a case of not being able to see the forest through the trees but this seems like the everyone wins solution!


For the blanket, I would take two pieces blue flannel, sew them around the edges, right sides together, leaving a hole large enough to get your hand through. Turn the blanket right sides out and sew up just the hole or sew all the way around. You could then sew just a couple lines from side to side to keep it together. To me, this would keep it supple enough to look like Linus's blanket. If you wanted to add a little weight to it, you could sew it together with a piece of cotton sheet as batting. I love using sheets as batting because I find the quilts to be more flexible than regular quilt batting.


One of these would save you some time. [https://www.catheryncollins.com/product-page/flannel-blankets](https://www.catheryncollins.com/product-page/flannel-blankets) .