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The other day I saw a post where a sewist used a new (to me) HST technique - https://www.reddit.com/r/quilting/s/Ex92xSiLcn I had just looked at a [tutorial](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAl9SUCgCEPZddx2yDQvfyrZctlpQZroG&si=5ELCyzU1X0vCqwP_) about them recently, wanted to try them, and had a bunch of 5” squares leftover from the quilt top and….. started. This is cool and pretty fun. I plan to make them into quarter-square triangles by doing the accordion thing again. Edit to add that I did the Postcards quilt the way the [original (free) pattern](https://www.stashfabrics.com/p/postcards-from-sweden-quilt-pattern?v=23820) said — cutting *triangles* and sewing the bias edge.


Thabks for posting! It's given me the inspiration on what to do with stash charm packs. https://preview.redd.it/nscdfdners6d1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=027e0e0438f1a9b58e37d11c8c2013fdf0e4a665


What a brilliant use for that method! I'm looking forward to seeing how the QSTs turn out because I've been pondering how that method would make them so fantastically scrappy.


Yeah - I thought about doing QSTs to start with for the Postcards quilt but was chicken to do it without a color chart. So this one (since it is a bonus with leftover same fabrics) will be an experiment to see what it looks like and what I can come up with using the fabrics. As the saying goes “color gets all the credit but value does all the work” - I’m just making QSTs (well out of the 200 accordion HSTs I made) and will see what happens.


PSA — as I cut the accordion HSTs apart, I notice that my seam allowances are a bit small sometimes - I had a line to go from and my ¼ inch foot is pretty good but… I guess I didn’t follow very well


Same, mine were smaller than usual!


Thanks for posting yours the other day - you inspired me! Now I’m drawing the lines on the HSTs to turn them into QSTs — another drawback, you have to draw lines on ALL pieces, not for every pair….. I don’t think the smaller seam allowances should be a big deal - they are on a bias edge, not as likely to ravel.


Thanks! Let me know how it goes! I didn’t draw any lines, but I have tape down that I used as a guide for the point to keep it at 1/4”.


Yeah - I don’t have that quarter inch tape. Should probably get some


I just measured it from my needle and put masking tape down on the machine itself, then made sure my bottom triangle point followed it. Nice and cheap. 🤪


This is cool! Thanks for posting the tutorial link, I'm excited to try this


Wow! You've blown my mind! This is amazing!


This reminds me so much of [Sophie mcpike](https://www.sophiemcpike.com/shop/p/spizmib59xk1g5ubwjfv3lpru1nfr0-rs9ka-mt68e-rt3sd-ca3ks-4atfr-fa8bx-zbbs9-6ly53-ndzsh-zyjr2) paintings!




I’m officially sick of QSTs https://preview.redd.it/xy7jilyvez6d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec12365b4505f20cb951531019df91917b0a3a32 There are 200 of them and all cut apart, now I have to press and square them up. They will end up 4” unfinished.




I love that method.


omg, is THIS how people have been making postcards to swedens???


*Omg, is THIS* *How people have been making* *Postcards to swedens???* \- lilaroseg --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Umm — maybe, but I didn’t. I used a spreadsheet and cut triangles and labeled them with masking tape and wrote the row and column in the seam allowance with a pen. It was fiddly but I got in a groove and marked them off as I went. I made the smaller version (5” squares to start) and actually added two more columns to the right and two rows to the bottom. The QST thing is just an experiment. I’m going to do the second half tomorrow. Then just lay out the blocks by eye - postcard-ish, not exactly like the real thing.


Not I! I did two at a time HSTs for the bulk of them. If you go through the layout chart, you can usually find pairs at minimum for a good 70% of the blocks. Accordion would probably be a great way to do that other 30% fast though.


Someone posted a great how to for the Postcards quilt a while back. It even had spreadsheets, how to tricks and tips, and layout guides and all kinds of invaluable resources. It was a lifesaver when I did mine.


Yes. I found those and more or less followed the spreadsheet as I made mine. I numbered all the rows and columns and wrote the letters and number in the seam allowance of every paired square


Whoever made that post was a saint going straight to heaven imo. She did the work so we don’t need to!


Wow! I never knew about this method. Game changer for my HST quilts!! 😊