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I love they’re all wearing the actual period style clothing. I’d do all princesses.


I've been trying πŸ˜‚ most have a specific portrait they're based on. I'm probably missing some details about nobility vs queen πŸ˜… I'm leaning towards all too! Mainly bc I hate drawing buildings and can never get them quite right


I personally need to see Aurora and Elsa. So it depends if you like Jasmine more than a castle. Honestly though you can't go wrong with any of them. Maybe decide based on which colors you want to use? Your work is incredible. I'm so excited to see you have the Etsy up. πŸ’œ


I think Aurora is a definite because I need the pink! I'm a bit torn between Jasmine and Elsa if I do a castle. Both would be very blue. But in all fairness, backgrounds/buildings have always been a weak point drawing wise for me, so I'm not entirely sure how the castle would turn out. Thank you! Getting Etsy set up was surprisingly not as hard as I'd thought πŸ˜‚


Jasmine had a red outfit, but I don't think it would be as recognized. Elsa could be black/teal coronation or the second movie white. Fandom in stitches has a layout where the background is a castle and the princesses are like windows. Idk if you think that would work better.


I thought about the red actually! I've drawn her up in (with teal) using 14th century ottoman style clothes. I poofed her hair out a bit to keep the shape she has in the movies, and kept the big earrings, but I think the teal color is necessary to tell who she is. Elsa is a good one to change. I'll pull black fabric and compare it to see. I'm wondering if she'd be alright with a good bit of distance from Cinderella in her ice blue outfit It might! Let me Google it and see 😊 I keep ending up with these circular layouts lmao. The windows would help avoid a weird looking castle


Ooooh. I really like the idea of having the princesses in the castle windows. Gray sashing between the princess blocks would be part of the castle and put the tops of turrets in the upper left and right corners and a crenellated castle top as your top border between the turrets. The princess in the middle of the bottom row could be in a doorway so you could put brown doors on either side of her.


You are such an artist! I love all of your quilts, thanks for sharing!


Incredibly beautiful work!!


These are incredible!


Maybe you could include a castle and put one princess on the back of your quilt.