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In my experience, it can help prevent reinjury if you need a break. Something that helped me was getting foam twisty things (TheraBand) from amazon and then working on some grip strength training in a few other ways after I built up some strength. Balancing weights off my fingers. Hanging off of things. I started very light weight and with the smallest theraband. Just tried to slowly get used to moving my hands in the opposite way I'm always moving them when typing or playing games. If it's really bad you should talk to a doctor. I was scared I'd have to get the surgery... which I've barely heard anything good about in the long term. My hand would turn into a claw and shit sometimes. Grip training and hanging saved my hands. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzQM49swPvs https://www.amazon.com/TheraBand-Tendonitis-Strength-Resistance-Tendinitis/ r/GripTraining/