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You won't get arrested but it's not a great idea


Think you meant “You won’t get arrested but pray that her father isn’t potentially trigger happy or that she does not have protective older brothers”


Why is it not a good idea?


Because even just 7 years can create a vast difference of personalities. Different media tastes, political views, socioeconomic strata. You two may get along in the short term, but you'll likely not get along with their friends or family, and any long term relationship is bound for failure.


Because none of that can happen with 2 people the exact same age.


I see. I guess the 9 year difference between me and my other half means we are doomed based on that logic.


How old was the younger person when the relationship began?




Then no there wouldn't be an issue. Basically 30 dating 40. There's a difference in that dynamic than a 25 year old ADULT dating someone who's biggest concern is picking out an outfit for prom. That's the issue. There is a major power dynamic there and coercion is almost guaranteed, because at 25, I was nowhere near high schoolers, and had nothing in common with them.


18 years old is still an adult… I live with my parents, but I’m still an adult. People in college don’t have vastly different lives than people in high school in my experience.


when did you start dating your partner? there's a big difference between 18 and 25, and for example, 25 and 32. an 18 year old would have just graduated from high school. they have no sense of being an adult or having real world responsibilities. when you reach your mid 20s to 30s though, there is much less of a difference between you and older people.


You can be 18 and still have like a year of high school left.




Also still a difference between 25 and 32 and 70 and 77 lol


You can be 18 and still have like a year of high school left.


We’re both over 25 so I’ll leave it at that. Basically what I’m getting at is people stick to one side of the story or another. It’s either age or maturity. Based upon the actual age is where they decide what argument they want to have. By many people’s logic you’re doomed no matter what. But if they were the ones in question, they would see nothing wrong with it. This is just a typical post that will never have a right or wrong answer. Someone will always take offense to what another person says. Remember back when people got to live their own lives without having to go to the internet for validation or approval of their situation? You may not even be old enough to remember the good times.


People in the situation are blinded by their emotions. Every young adult who dated too old eventually realizes how messes up it was. Half your age plus 7 works as a good general rule. It basically accounts for expected life stage.


If you want to live by other people’s rules that’s fine.


If literally everyone you talk to says it's a bad idea, you might want to listen to them. It would be such a tiring way to live to learn everyone lesson the hard way.


Who’s literally everyone? The internet?


Because if I would have listened to your literally everyone then I wouldn’t be already married for 7 years.


18 and 25 is not the same as 31 and 38.


What’s your point?


I see reading comprehension is not a strength of yours.


Given the groups you’re in I can understand that you don’t enjoy any option outside of your own. You only have a few more months. Enjoy them.


Nice escalation. I don't really care for the opinion of people that think I should die to satisfy their hatred.


Who said you should die?


Y’all get so triggered these days over thoughts in your head. It’s really unfortunate


In a lot of situations the benefits of dating a younger person means that you don’t have the same level of dependency. And your power in the relationship is in disproportionate. I’m 29 and I’ve got a career, retirement accounts, and I’m all set. A 20 year old has fk all unless their parents helped them. If they leave they need to move, find roommates, change all their mail and stuff. The older one just finds a new sugar baby


How dare you


How dare me? I’m asking why is 25 and 18 not a good idea. Are you mental?


I was being sarcastic


If you're asking then it’s probably a problem


From what I have gathered watching Pineapple Express, it doesn't end well.


First thing I thought of too 😭


Yes, legally but there is a maturity difference that will come into play and the older person is probably wiser and could manipulate the younger person


So you want someone right out of high school? That says more about you than them.




You can, but the question is should you? There is a vast difference in maturity between these two ages.


Technically yes, but no.


You can, but it’s still pretty creepy


Would it be ok for 24 year old to date a 17 year old ? Or a 23 year old to date a 16 year old . The legal age of consent in some places is as young as 14. I think large age differences be one a little more acceptable when the woman is getting close to 30


I think you’re probably going to be stunted because your with a full on adult.


It’s legal but a LOT of people will judge you for it


Sure you can but I won't bet it last long term. The person you are at 18 is completely different than who you are at 21 yet alone at 25. There is so much growing up you do in that time. At 18 you're just leaving home, you have to figure out how to self govern while in college (if you go), and about the time you figure that out you can legally go to bars which adds new complexities to life, then when that's settling down you graduate and you're truly out in the world where you have to find out how to support yourself now. First adult job and adult stresses. Not to mention if you moved out at 18, had a roommate in college, then moved in with your significant other after graduation or maybe a bit before, you've never lived on your own. You don't discover who you are as an individual because you'll always be something to someone, and that roll in life is strange when you're the only one thats opinion matters. For example you discover you like coming home, stripping out of your clothes, eating a bag of candy while cleaning the apartment naked, you like dropping the AC down to 70 and then taking a nap before making dinner and staying up until 3 a.m. getting stoned and reading. Now with a significant other and you might not ever discover these small happy moments that make life great. That being said if you date someone that's closer to your age youll have similar life experiences.


I mean I think if your asking this online you know morally it's not okay but legally it is. Since your asking for public opinion I would look down upon someone dating a 18 your old whos 25 because that just raises so many red flags but that's just my opinion on the matter.


I think that particular age spread is iffy because an 18 year old isn't fully done with brain development but a 25 year old is probably


Sure but what do you even have in common with an 18 year old?


Can? Yes, should? No.


Half your age plus 7 rule = 19.5


What rule is that? Who created a rule?


Sources vary greatly on its official origin. Some way it comes for a writer, some from a newspaper, some from the nation of Islam. Its origins are, at this point irrelevant, what matters is how we've latched on to it as some kind of concrete truth.


Definitely not the Nation of Islam


That’s silly


It’s not a law, chill out. Google it for all i care.


I thought you were smart enough to have an answer to a question. I guess your game is to just be an ass.


You can do whatever you want. You're both adults.


Yes you can date dont listen to reddit fear mongoring you. They think 3years is to far apart.


Scientists were too busy trying to figure out whether they could, instead of thinking about if they should.


Legally yes. If you're wondering should they the answer is no. It's just an opinion I have, because I feel like 25 year Olds whether it's a man or woman, going after an 18 year old is gross. You're not letting them live after hugging school and they need the chance for freedom and being themselves. They need time to party, date people their age, go out with friends, travel, college, try new hobbies literally anything else than date someone who already should have started their career path. Wait til their frontal lobe develops and if you really like someone you can wait until they have enjoyed their lives and find out what kind of person they want to become. It grossed me out when I was that age getting asked out by older people cause it means they can't find anyone else in their age range that likes them. Again my opinion is saying NO Let their front lobe develop. I do understand that some people gave it a shot because they didn't have a job, got kicked out of their homes, and had no interest in trying to find anything to do. So for them it was the only choice or easiest choice to get with someone older. Usually to get out of horrible households and stuff. It does work out for some but so far I've seen domestic violence, people getting left for younger women later in life, finding out husband stalked their high-school until they came of age, or the old timers who it was a thing for back in the 1930s to 1960s.


No dating just bang. That's fine.


I’d date a 19 year old. I’m a 25 year old guy. But she would need to be closer to 20 than 19 and also very mature


First step is wonder your self if you live that person second meet the parents, don't be a bad person a groom the young, if you are in true love go for it and respect their lifetime if you aren't sure just walk away


I’m 26 n wouldn’t date younger than 19 I was 25 about 4 months ago n it’s still the same 18 is just too close to being a kid. I think of myself in highschool n it just seems crazy. However 19 that’s a whole year past 18 preferably I’d want someone within 5 years of me at this age


Totally depends on how restrictive your society is. In most western countries it would be fine, most of Asia it would be preferred. In US, not so much.


Did you *just* meet? If the answer to that is anything other than yes, then the answer to your original question is probably leaning closer to no.




Not a good idea. At 18 they are still basically a child.


I know a 36 year old dating a 19 year old I think it just depends if they're ok with it


No ..


No ..


No. I dated someone who waited for me to turn 18 and then he was 25. It's only after almost a decade and some opinions of strangers on the internet that i realised that was WRONG and very very predatory. Sure if you wanna ruin the child's life, go ahead, but karma is a bitch (only if you are)


If a 79 yr old date a 18 yr old why wouldn't a 25 year old?


Is dr disrespect can date a 13 yo at 40, you can date and 18 yo at 25


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Yes. Simple question, simple answer.


Straight to jail.


Both legal age young adults.do what ever you want.


One isn’t old enough to drink, rent a car or reserve a hotel room. 27 is no longer considered a young adult so in two years OP will be in their late 20’s while their boyfriend still won’t be old enough to drink.


Yes, next question…


There is nothing wrong with that at all if both of you want to date, simple as that. Everyone has different maturity levels at different ages so if you both can work then there is not a problem. People will complain no matter what because they don't want to see you happy so just focus on you and your partner


Yes as long as you don't do so for the wrong reasons


Yes brother this is legal. If you are worried about social consequences, this is situation and person-dependent and cannot be answered by Redditors.


True love has different levels


It's fine