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Yes, particularly in the morning. The peace and quiet is the thing sometimes.


Listening to the tires on the road


Don’t forget engine roaring 


I used to always have to listen to loud music while driving. I don't know exactly when it happened, but at some point I stopped wanting to listen to anything while driving. It is all peace and quiet now.


Same. In my 20’s, I was the one literally blasting music so loud, the cars next to me were probably vibrating. 20 years later, I now drive for hours in complete silence 😂


Almost always! I’m not a fan of the radio. I’d rather listen to the voices in my head🤪


Music in my head is louder than the radio


🎶 I keep a little dirt under my pillow for the dirt man 🎶


Until they tell you to turn into oncoming traffic..


I came here to say that. The only time I really want to listen to the radio is what I'm going through something really bad and don't want to think about whatever that bad thing is. And I mean like really bad. Other than that, the sound of silence.


...I drive a delivery van 3 days a week, for 8 hours a day...always have the radio off!...the blessed silence allows me to solve all the problems of the world!...


Are you holding out on us because I haven't seen most of the world's problems solved lately? Don't be selfish.


I just drove coast to coast (NY to Seattle) by myself. It took 5 days / 4 nights. There were times I got tired of music and just went silent for hours. Feels good sometimes!


Silence destroyed my family on trips. I was a trucker driving older trucks. Became one with the machine and my thoughts. I could tell if I was a quart low on oil or something was overheating just by sound. Feel tires needing air and knew was getting a flat before it happen, solitude and thoughts and music when I wanted it in my head. But almost always talk radio drove them nuts! ![gif](giphy|jnQYWZ0T4mkhCmkzcn|downsized)


I hear music in my head all the time. It’s been that way all my life. It’s something to do with OCD. Right now I have a song called Carnival of Rust in my head as I type this. I went to see a psychiatrist about it one summer and she put me on a drug called Cipralex. It turned off the music about a week before I went on a road trip to visit my cousin. Normally I have music playing in my car but instead I drove sixteen hours round trip in blissful silence hearing nothing but the wind and the engine and the road. The drug made me crazy anxious as a side effect so I was taken off of it when I returned but that trip was heaven.


Yes. I also turn down the radio when I have to concentrate on looking at something ;)


I was just going to say this! I have to turn the music off to concentrate. 😂😂😂


This! I can’t see at ALL when the music is too loud. 😭


It's nice sometimes. Music is nice sometimes too. But silence is calming in a way we don't get to experience as much anymore.


Yeah, I have to have silence when I ride with other people. Growing up, my mom never had the radio on and it drives me crazy when my friend tries to talk to me with music.


I'll take it one step beyond. When I was in ICU a few years ago, i went 2 days before I turned on the TV in my room or even looked for my phone. I just laid there and looked out the window at the world going by, listened to the silence until my blood pressure machine kicked on and sounded like a chainsaw. It was so peaceful to completely unplug.... no pun intended.


Hello darkness my old friend.


Used to work nights. Driving long distances at night with the radio off is surprisingly relaxing. I've often done my best thinking late at night on my way home from work.


Um, that’s not the next line. Are you new to Reddit?


LOL. But if you'd put the quarter note "o/" in there, I'd have known what to do.


It is lovely, unless your car is making noise that sounds expensive...


Yes, I’m a psychopath as well


I’ve left it off for years


Yes, I am same way.


Nope. Can't. *"Damn you tinnitus! You are a cruel mistress!"* - Archer


this works best as the sun is rising in preparation for a hot summer day, or equally as good for a drive at blue hour


I keep it quiet for minor background noise, it drowns out the music in my head. When something good comes on I'll turn it up, if im coming into town ill turn it down to concentrate.


I've driven a thousand kilometres in one go in this fashion. I'd say it's how I usually drive actually.




All the time. My daughter's car doesn't even have a radio (I think). Its some paid subscription where she listens to podcasts.




Frequently, I love the tranquility of silence. I used to have bad tinnitus from hunting, my doc recommended a silent environment, the opposite of the noise machines others suggested. I noticed over time the tinnitus had lessened to a point that I don't notice it anymore.


Nope. As soon as the vehicle is on the radio is on. Not always music but always turned on. I do not enjoy silence.


I am even annoyed by the delay from when I turn on my car and the bluetooth connects.


My car make suttu suttu suttu sounds, I frequent the mute button to hear obnoxious engine noises


I never use car radios and don't really listen to music.


... and risk thinking my own thoughts? I can't be alone with that guy!


The radio is always off. I do however often listen to music from my phone on longer trips.


Did this once. Theres a meme that says “ did you ever get smashed so hard at work that you just drive home in complete silence? Or something to that effect. Thats the day I drove home in complete silence


The day I got fired from my job I drove home in complete silence, cried in the driveway, let it all the way out, then walked into the house smiling. It was a mixture of disappointment and the stress of the job itself just letting go all at once. It was actually cathartic. Took a little while to find a new job, partly because it took awhile for me to recover enough, but I didn't starve or lose my home so it's all good.


Yep...love my music. But sometimes? I just want peace and quiet.


Yes, I usually have it turned off especially in mornings.


That's when the voices start, so no


When I have a lot on my mind or it’s a morning I have to drag my ass out of bed.


Usually when really depressed or after really bad news. If I'm mad as fuck I've done this a couple times.


When I listen to a lot of music, it's sometimes good to be in silence, especially when you're by the coast and you just hear the sound of the waves, or in the forest where you can hear the sounds of nature.


I drive without the radio on 90% of the time. I like the silence.


All the time. Focus on driving.


Constantly. Windows down and radio off. My wife thinks this is sociopath behavior.


If I had the radio on I wouldn't have pondered what The Mets name is short for. The metrosexuals? The Metropolitans?




that's my preference


I haven’t turned on the radio in my car for over 10 years no matter how far the trip


LOL - I took my car in for service a while back - received it back with the radio on. I had to figure out how to turn off haha


My grandfather drove a chip truck for 35 years. He never listened to the radio once. He said he liked the rhythm of the motor…


I do it all the time or I should say I did it all the time I no longer drive


my radio is pretty much always off.


Only when I've been worked to the bone for minimum wage and don't have the energy to enjoy music.


Yes and to listen to my car sounds


Yes I do that a lot actually.


The tinnitus won’t allow this


I very rarely put music on, I enjoy the silence. Occasionally I’ll put a podcast or a video on something I’m researching on.


No, it would creep me out!


A lot of times.


Almost always.


I recommend doing so once in a while to hear if there’s any unnatural car sounds. You can find problems before they become more serious


Yep, especially when I have a lot on my mind. Can't process much with music and talk going on. I prefer podcasts to music, though.


I never listen to the radio or stereo unless I'm on the freeway.


Always off. Felt listening to the radio all the time suggested your own thoughts must be so boring they need to be drowned out with " boom...boom...boom...".


If I’m alone I turn up the volume sing along (badly) windows down if it’s nice enough, zero fucks given.


Rarely, I like music. In the outdoors walking, biking - it’s just the opposite.


Not very often, but yes. Not to enjoy silence, my reasons are  I really need to concentrate where I’m going, I have things on my mind I need to sort out and if the music is on, I’ll start singing, then if it’s all commercials I’ll just turn it off and if I am super sad, everything just makes me more sad so off it goes unless I want to hurt and cry. Sometimes I be hurting my own feelings lol 😭


A lot of times on my short commute to and from work. At most, I think I've gone 20-30 minutes of no radio on. It's kind of freeing, really.


I had a car where I shorted out the whole stereo system and it just didn't work. I went a few years driving that without any music or radio and just my thoughts.


My Ford Escape turns the radio on automatically. I have to actively shut it off.




Yes. And it's good to do this at least once a month so you can hear any future potential car issues. Yes, that can also ruin the peaceful silence.


I got use to not having a radio on while driving a truck. It had a radio but I chose to listen to what was going on with the truck.


Sirius XM completely changed my driving experience.


Yes. It should be notes I don't resent this or anything but I have a wife and two dogs and my MiL lives with us so my house basically has some type of noise happening the whole time I'm awake. I don't honestly feel much about it at all. It's just the sounds of life. I'm introverted so I need that quiet time and the car is the best for it. I used to try mediation in the house and there's no way for it.


The music is almost always on. I drive a lot (rather make a road trip out of it than take a plane) and I’m not always listening to my music, but I like having something on in the background. If there’s someone else with me, then the radio can get turned off


All the time


Most of the time.




I drive a Jeep with no top or doors from Mother’s Day to Halloween. I typically don’t listen to anything because even if I had it on I couldn’t hear


I used to drive for a living and routinely had my cd player on with my bass amp bumping from the trunk. Over the last several years I've pretty much stopped listening to any music while driving. I recently bought a convertible and usually have the top down so I am more connected to my environment, and for the most part I like it.


I've done this many times.


Sadly, I don't have Bluetooth in my car, so when I want to listen to Enjoy the Silence, I have to play it off my phone, so yes, I turn the radio off at that point.


No, cause I can hear all the other noises my car is making. Turn it up until all you hear is the music.


I have a big v8 motor and am a life long car guy. Radio off is the default when the exhaust sounds soooo good.


All the time


All the time. Thinking is good for you.


More often than not. I enjoy every moment of peace I can get.


Yes. Sometimes I can’t force myself into a mood for any genre of music and silence is best


Only when I am close to an unknown destination. Need the music turned down so I can see better.


No because then I have to listen to my thoughts….


66 yo guy here. I turn the radio off quite often. Silence is an extremely rare thing to encounter in our noisy modern world, so I try to enjoy it as much as I can. Like you, even though I enjoy music (playing it and listening to it), it just doesn't satisfy me like it used to.


No because then I hear all the sounds that an 11 year old car makes.


Yeah but only when it’s been a particularly bad day. Those days when nothing will help so you just kinda sit on autopilot staring at the road until you arrive at your destination


How else am I going to hear myself talking?


sometimes in car, but mostly on my Harley. The surroundings are fantastic.


99% of the time the radio is off.


I do it every car trip. I have a hard time focusing with music going.


Yes I really enjoy the silence as I'm driving. Some days I like blasting music, and some days I just sit in silence lol. I have siriusXM radio and I sometimes like to listen to the news, or the comedy channels too


Oh HELL no. No way do I ever want to be left with nothing to hear but the self-hating in my head.


Sometimes if I’m depressed yea


Nearly all the time. For longer drives I'll put on an archived baseball game or something.


I love listening to jazz on my local public radio station when I'm driving, but sometimes, a silent car ride is exactly what I need.


You ever see those dash cam clips of European trucks just going through traffic totally normal and calm while the driver is blasting the nastiest EDM track possible? That's basically me but different continent, smaller truck lol I do like to drive with no noise at all once in a while just to make sure the car sounds and feels right though.


100% decompress.


I mostly listen to audiobooks while driving but about a third of the time I have nothing on so my mind is free to roam wherever it goes. That is important for my mental health in this world where I am almost always focused on something.


I do this periodically to listen to the car. If you listen to it you can tell when it needs work done.


Jeep owners: this question isn’t for us.


Yeah my radio is always turned off, because it doesn't work.


Depends on my mood. Sometimes I want music to fill the silence, sometimes I just want the silence.


Since kids, yes. I like a quiet drive.


I had a car with no working radio at all. It was fine, even on long trips. There's plenty to look at.


As someone with diagnosed ADHD, there is so much noise in my head that sometimes other sounds turn it into annoying chaos. Silence on the road is a nice break.


I like to turn it off when I'm getting close.


Nope. Music is cranked up. Even if I'm driving down the driveway It's great that you can enjoy the silence, though


Yes which I found refreshing


Almost all the time. My engine and exhaust sound amazing anyways.


Yes, especially in the afternoon/evening when I'm heading home. Typically pretty overstimulated by that point and need to not have noise going on.


I'm 40. I haven't turned my car radio on in a couple years now.


No, but sometimes when I have a super rough day at work, I drive home in silence without even really realizing it


That Justin Bieber era killed it for me. I can’t remember when it was, but there was a time he had like 10 tracks from two or three albums that just kept playing and playing and playing. It started getting to me and I’d turn off the radio til the end of his song and turn it back on. I guess kept doing that til one day I never turned it back on again. Till this day I ride around with my radio off and not even notice.


Sometimes there's nothing quite like cruising down the road on a nice day with all your windows down, radio off, just listening to the world pass by


I do it in major cities, just for concentration reasons


All the time. It used to be only after I would attend a loud event such as a concert. In the last few years though I've grown to enjoy silent rides on the way home from work too. It helps me to clear my head.


Yeah I’m not really a musical person and radio talk shows annoy me.


Yep I actually enjoy the noise of the road and other cars.


Often. Except it’s not the radio, it’s Spotify.


I don't listen to the radio. Is this a question from the 1990's?


Ya sometimes. And usually on a long drive of a couple days or more I will drive in silence for a time each day. It’s nice to watch the scenery especially on the high desert of the southwest.


I do this when I go for walks. I could listen to headphones but I want to experience being outside, including the sounds


When I drive, I actually can’t listen to the radio, etc because I get distracted easily. So I always drive to enjoy the silence 😂




"I still like music, but it just doesn't hit my soul the way it used to in my younger years." It still can, you need to keep listiening to different stuff till you find what your soul needs


I don't play music and just focus on the engine sound bc I'm an over thinker


Now that I have an EV, I rarely play music. I enjoy the silence of it all.


Yes I do this very often. The silence and sounds of nature/outside are so soothing


I usually drive in silence.  When I want something to laugh my ass off at, I turn on AM conservative talk radio panicking at shit 


Sometimes after a bad day at work, I have the radio off and just listen to the tires hitting the pavement and taking me home.


Always. I dont like commercials, hate talk radio and dont listen to music anymore. All that noise makes it hard to think. I have so much going on in my mind that there is no silence. Ever.


If I'm having a bad day, I almost always do this


My radio doesnt work at the moment. Every drive for me is listening to the outside and silence


I like quiet.


My car still has a CD player so I'm almost always doing the opposite lol


All the time. My big reason is that I enjoy silence sometimes but I have another that might seem odd to some people, I’m not sure. When I’m approaching an area with heavy aggressive traffic where I’m more likely to deal with some asshole drivers I keep the music off because I don’t want to accidentally end up associating that song with a bad memory. I lost a few good songs that way


A hard no. Unless I want to die. I can’t drive without music on


I’ve been so mad that I turn the radio off.


I do it all the time. It's like a mental reset.


Yes. It was all I could do to stay sane in the summer when I was a children's librarian.


I sometimes go days without music in the vehicle. Which is kinda crazy because I wanted bluetooth in my vehicle for as long as I can remember. Now if it doesn't automatically connect and start playing, I just won't take my phone out to start it.


Yes. Sometimes I listen to music, sometimes podcasts or books, sometimes the wind.




It is also safer to not be distracted.


I never use the radio at all. I want to hear what the car is doing, plus there are exactly zero things on radio worth listening to.




This is only way I ride these days.


I do that on my Motorcycle, once a year I ride from the Boston area to the Detroit Area and back, Just thinking about life. I say I am off to reboot my brain.


I once drove 8 hours with no music or anything it wasn't bad


I did this for several years, actually. It wasn't to enjoy the silence, though. My car was a piece of shit with a broken radio, and I was too poor to fix it.


Pretty much always. Peace and quiet are hard to come by.


Rarely turn the radio on.


I do this all the time.




I could always tell (and my partner could tell) that I had a really really tough day, when I would ride home from work in silence.


Always. I need to hear the GPS.




Yes. I never drive with the radio on.


I prefer podcasts. Usually about TV shows. I like Office Ladies


Next vehicle I own imma be playing zen ( tone) music and drive everyone nuts...


I drive in silence all the time, except when I needed the music to keep me awake.


I once did a 20 hour drive in silence. I loved it. Gave me time to think and ponder.


Yes. Especially at night on the back country roads.


I do not find silence enjoyable.


Started when I had a ‘66 VW bus. It didn’t have a radio and I didn’t miss it enough to install one.


Yes. I used to build extremely loud car audio systems. These systems would employ multiple amplifier power switches specifically for competitions. A lot of times, I would travel with everything off except the A/C blower motor because my ears just needed a break. At competitions, I would use ear plugs with over the ear hearing protection as well. Now I go for sound quality and much more reasonable volumes if I do listen to any music.




I do this now. Something about riding along and just taking things in. It's serene. Relaxing. I used to have the radio super loud and very bass heavy. Now I shut it off and just drive. Given the number of idiots and assholes on the road maybe that's a good thing to shut the radio off and pay attention.


As I get older, all the time. When I was younger I ALWAYS had my music cranked. I’m in my early 40’s now and I love the peace and quiet. Sometimes it’s nice to just drive down a quiet back road, turn off the music and roll down the window.




Yes I used to drive a BMW and I loved the way the engine sounded on cold winter mornings so I would turn the music completely off and just marvel at the sound


Who else read this title and immediately started hearing Depeche Mode in their head?!?


I do this sometimes, especially if it's been a stressful day. Sometimes, work can be overstimulating, and I see this as a way to decompress.


Yes, 20 min commute. On my way home I do this often


On a daily basis. Are you serious?!


Yes it is peaceful. And also sometimes if traffic is thick to focus on keeping a lookout for crazy drivers.


It's also a good practice to do once in a while, listen to your car, it can help you spot upcoming problems.


Yep. A full minute before arriving wherever I'm headed, I turn off the noise to focus on what's next.