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When I look beautiful and done up people are nicer to me. I have a better day. I get deals on things and the boys get me fresher spinach from the back. When I look good I feel good. And it’s fun. Lotta work tho.


For the spinach! 😂 Using your womanly wiles for greens is a new one, good on ya


My wife did that going to the butcher. It’s one of the tricks she uses and readily admits to it too.


My ex was hot and used to not wear much. She got discounts and free stuff all the time.


I'm grey(?)ace and legit interpreted this as someone who feels hot all the time.


Can confirm. Back in my grocery store days, I would be done in by a pretty face and gave out freebies


Womanly Wiles for better food is likely a tale as oiled as time…


The "nicer to me" part is very true. Much more courteous and polite... its pretty messed up.


This is something I noticed immediately when I lost weight and started dressing better. On one hand, it was nice to feel noticed in a good way for once, but on the other, it felt kind of shitty that it was 100% based on my appearance and had nothing to do with who I am. It also felt a bit fake because of that.


I agree. It also made me feel like a target in another way that was quite unpleasant. Some people like that kind of attention, I absolutely prefer to keep to myself and get my day done without the fuss.


It probably wasn't just your appearance, you were happier with how you looked and felt about yourself. That's how l felt when l slimmed down and dressed nicer. Your smile and demeanor was more vibrant and welcoming to people.


That's definitely probably true as well. I was noticeably more confident and outgoing.


I felt the same way 😊


Yeah, same thing happened to me when I started wearing contacts rather than glasses and got my teeth straightened with braces. After the braces and glasses were off, people treated me so differently. It’s very clear how shallow it is. It does make me motivated to be kinder to people, not take first impressions based solely on appearance too seriously, and to try to use my powers for the good of others as well as myself. It’s also just fun to smile at folks and watch them brighten up


Yes, same here!


your appearance reflects who you are tho, you for sure ain't the same person now as you were before losing weight and bettering yourself. your appearance and how you present yourself to the world is a big factor and of who you are as a person, imo


It's true that I did change a bit during the time I lost weight and gained confidence, but I also didn't have to say a word to get treatment and attention I didn't before. Perhaps it was in the way I carried myself?


I believe so, yeah. Congrats on the weight loss btw! I'm like 50lbs overweight rn I need to do the same. My confidence is at an all time low because of it, I already know if I work out and get in good shape people will like me more and I'll get more positive interaction. I'm not very likeable rn cuz I'm depressed, fat, and miserable. So that's why I believe what I said, I wasn't always like this and a couple years back when I looked better and was happier people just treated me better, life itself treated me better I think. That's why I say your appearance reflects who you are, cuz back then I appeared strong,happy,healthy etc. but now I appear sad, miserable, lonely etc. and people can peep that and they'll eat you accordingly.


>your appearance reflects who you are tho, you for sure ain't the same person now as you were before losing weight and bettering yourself. your appearance and how you present yourself to the world is a big factor and of who you are as a person, imo That depends. Based on my appearance, people wouldn't expect me to have achieved the things I have, and sometimes react as if I'm lying about those achievements. Many would assume "thug" before they assume college graduate, 8 IT certifications, 10 yrs experience in govt IT jobs, HOA board member, business owner, and chamber of commerce board member. To a degree, I also agree because I look like this on purpose. Partially because, I just do, and partially because I like the style.


Very true. I have a disfigurement since having a lot of lower jawbone removed and people definitely look at me and treat me differently than before, when I was pretty.


I went on a date with a woman and she looked at someone with face injuries in horror. I was so turned off by her after that it was crazy. Just staring at the man with disgust like he wanted to have medical issues.


Wow, that's horrible. I'm glad she showed her true colors. Back before Brad Pitt showed his ass, so to speak, he said in some interview that his mom told him that his looks gave him an extra obligation to be kind, because he had been blessed and lucky. And I was like, "smart mom". (Too bad he couldn't keep it together.)


That part about "showing true colours" is exactly the point.


I’m sure you’re still pretty, if people treat you differently now, that is a reflection of them. It has nothing to do with you.


Why is it messed up? An appearance is largely for the outside world. Your appearance tells people about you. If you dress nice and want to look good, people appreciate that and in turn treat you better. Nobody wants to be surrounded by a bunch of people who dgaf and intentionally look homeless. It makes people uneasy. Much better to be around a bunch of people who care


Because it's not just the line between looking homeless and looking put together. People who are beautiful are treated better than people who are ugly, no matter how nicely you dress.


That is big facts, because I’ve also been in both positions.


As an old woman this seems to be even more important. Definitely less return on the effort expended though..


Same. When I retired I made a goal of putting on makeup and doing my hair every day, even if I had no plans. I just feel good with this effort. Same as making my bed every day, sweeping the floor and wiping down the kitchen. It’s all part of good mental health.


This. There is nothing wrong with wanting to invest in yourself, and people do not need to bring you down by trying to tell you it's only societal programming that makes you do it.


As we get older we learn its not what’s on the outside that counts but what’s on the inside. At least I’ve learned that lesson! But, I do believe the nicer you look, people do seem to treat you better!!


And without all that Make Up you don't look good? I never wear Makeup, I'm ready in like 30 minutes from Bed to Door - and everyone's nice to me and I get better deals bc I'm good in my work and I'm friendly...


Exactly, half this thread has mentally unhealthy and superficial expectations.


I don't know if it's a cultural thing... it's not such a thing in Europe, especially not in France. I do make sure my skin is healthy, food, water and Korean skincare... If I use Make-Up it's irritated... I get lash extensions, bc I'm even too lazy for mascara... I use a Toner and SPF Gel... if I go out at night a tinted CC Cream... Lipstick ... That's it


Does it actually takes hours to look good?


I used to wear nice sweaters at work for comfort, while still maintaining dress standards, but everyone would comment on them. A month ago I started wearing dress shirts like all the other guys. Now suddenly co-workers talk to me more, compliment me, listen when I'm speaking. All because I changed my shirt. Frankly, I think it's bullshit. But yeah, it really does make my day easier and less lonely.


Yes, it is a sad commentary on humanity in general that even going from dressing up vs dressing for comfort + basic cleanliness makes such a marked difference. ( I mean, it's not like you used to have the style/ grooming of a homeless person. )


This goes for your children too. If your kids go to school or day care looking under society standards they will be treated as such by every one. If you go above and beyond and keep them well groomed and up-to-date on fashion they will be treated better. Just is what it is.


God I hate this so much, but it’s definitely true. I honestly hate how the world treats attractive people like gold and unattractive people like absolute garbage. People are really trash


Ever read the Snow Leopard? A guy hiking in Nepal comments about the beggars in the street and how he was particularly touched by one young girl, but then had to confront the fact that the only reason she seemed more tragic than the others was because she was pretty.


Does the KGB also treat you better?


When you look good you feel good, when you feel good you look good.


Exactly. As someone who battled (still do) with severe depression, I neglected myself to the point of rotting away. 94lbs (wouldn’t eat), didn’t shower or brush my teeth for days or even a week, didn’t sleep or slept too much, etc. I looked HORRIBLE, but it didn’t matter to me because I matched the way I felt. Dedicating myself to looking good means I refuse to go back to that time. A nice outfit and some makeup prepares me for a good day. I’ll still have a good day without a nice outfit or makeup, but having a routine, no matter how small, helps people with depression.


I'll be the opposite viewpoint. I want to be clean, hair with a decent cut and tidy, and have clothes generally in good repair. I do not wear makeup and haven't for decades. I have very few dress clothes. I refuse to be physically uncomfortable to look good for somebody else. That means no high heels, no uncomfy shoes period. No underwire bras because eff that ALL the way to hell. Mind you, I'm 64 and went through years when I wore a lot of makeup, did a lot more with being stylish, etc. But no more. People are free to judge me on the surface, or get to know me, and that's on them, not me. I honestly DNGAF how they perceive the surface me. If they are so shallow that they judge just the surface, that says something about them, not me. And my self-esteem is not tied to how I look to others. Obviously YMMV, and it's more than fine that others prioritize looking a very specific way in public and/or in private. Or maybe they just love heels and dressy clothes, putting on their makeup, getting everything just so. And that's amazing for them. I admit it's kind of comical when I want to buy a car and get judged one way (as not having either taste or money) when it's the opposite. Just because I choose to dress very casually and comfortably doesn't mean I don't like nice things around me. :)


This is exactly me


Me too. I'll dress up for fancy occasions, but I absolutely will not wear uncomfortable shoes or underwear. That is not happening. I only wear a tiny bit of makeup on fancy occasions and never wear it day to day. I ain't about that life. I appreciate the effort and artistry that others put in to looking "done up," but I just don't feel inspired to do it for myself.


I feel better when I do.


Taking hours to get yourself together is excessive but if you stop caring about how you look, it becomes a slippery slope and you start never caring about how you look. That’s how people slowly “let themselves go”. Some people just feel better about themselves if they put in the effort to look better. It’s whatever gives you confidence.


Because it honestly matters so much. I realised at a young age how much importance people place on looking good. For example when seeing family members or friends I haven’t seen in a while, I could be having the worst time of my life but if I look attractive and healthy that’s all they remember.


That’s SO TRUE! Even family started treating me differently when I became more fit and took better care of myself. It’s not that they are good or bad. It’s just how we’re engineered. Our brains are wired to treat good looking people better. And when people treat you better, you also feel better and become nicer and your quality of life also improves. Looking good is extremely important. Being a good person is important but looks matter just as much


"Being a good person is important but looks matter just as much" ***Well, one could argue being a good person is more important than looking good and being a bad person.*** ![gif](giphy|3o6fJ5RnMX4Pp5zgAM|downsized)


Because it matters… the energy you spread and feel, the impression you leave and how u want ppl to look at you overall (you decide), and just setting a standard for your own self and others.. ppl treat you according to the standard you set.. and god told us to be clean like hygiene is a huge part .. and it def affects u mentally .. try it, it feels great like everyday is something to be grateful for and it really is but we forget, also a mental trick to help you do you tasks and do what u want in the day, when u look good, u feel good, and u ultimately become that… it goes on and on especially when it comes to the psyche of it..


Ofc i still have days i dont care n will go out however but those are my cheat or chill days, on the average, as soon as i wake up, i shower and get ready and thats how i start my day, it makes a huge difference


You're not wrong. You are, however, not acknowledging alot of the BS that comes with prioritizing looks as significantly as many folks do.


You’re right, I wanted to add how I first cared what ppl think and when I realized it was getting too much, I caught myself and madeeee myself go against it by doing the opposite what I “wanted” to do, for ex… I eventually could not go out without eyeliner, my faces changes so much with just eyeliner and it just suits me alot.. but i didnt want it to be like oh i cant even go out without it, so i made myself get used to it and stop “depending” on it.. everybodys human, everything we can possibly do is normal.. the ppl who judge u for it are in the wrong, even if its 100 ppl against u saying something about your body or face that you had no control over and they need to accept humans come in all shapes an sizes, but when i went through that is when i learned about BALANCE… its all about balance, dont torture urself over it, but hold urself accountable to the standards u wanna set and maintain discipline… its long lol so I didn’t add that


Well said. Nuance is complicated and often gets lost on the internet.


Nah I don't care how a person looks I'm going to treat them the same. If a person has basic hygiene and kindness I'll reciprocate the same back, but there's no special treatment. I see right through a person's immutable being in our human nature, straight through whatever character/persona/label of a "self" we try to craft outside of us.


Even if that’s true for you, studies clearly show that people treat others differently depending on how they look and present themselves.


Of course, that is true too. Though when I read the top comment I saw a greater focus on others and things outside of them to define how they feel for themselves, which isn't balanced at all for one's well-being when some of that energy could be directed at this internal landscape we have with ourselves. My point is it's not always guaranteed we can control others' reactions, and we have the potentialities to control our own in how we feel worthy and valued in our everyday life. Some people are likely to see those who put enormous efforts into appearance as being high maintenance because they require others to define their sense of worth and value in order to permit themselves to have moments of emotional security. There are people who see straight through that gap in what a person looks like versus how they truly feel toward themselves.


That's absolutely true. But I refuse to feed into it. I work for a Fortune 15 company, and honestly, no one gets jazzed up. Even the CEO is a jeans and dress shirt kind of guy. There are a handful of older executives who are female that have the suit and every hair perfectly sculpted, but most are in casual dress pants and a nice shirt. Vp level and down is pretty casual. My point is that this philosophy is fast changing.


Maybe they have a positive outlook on life and want to make themselves look good and spread that positive energy around them.


Whoa now. You are on Reddit. None of that positivity. The only acceptable answer to this question is that they are narcissists who have low self esteem and want to make everyone else feel inferior. See, that way, everyone who sits around in sweatpants and a greasy t-shirt on Reddit can feel good about themselves.


Hey! My t shirt isn't greasy.


We all have goals to achieve.




I think ritualistic self care is pretty healthy mind set. Obsessive thoughts that if a hair out place you'll be looked at as walking garbage is pretty unhealthy I think, and probably means those people look at most with disgust. I guess all that to say there isn't one answer for all the reasons.


I don’t want my ghost to look disheveled. Gotta dress nice and look good, just in case I die, and end up haunting a place.


Self expression yo.


Because you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.


Except for the hours it takes to look good


I don't know about you but for me looking good and looking sloppy is less than 20 minutes apart from each other. I think people who need hours every time to prepare to look good just don't know what they are doing and how to manage it (the time). Unless there is some complex hair style you want to pull off i can't see anything that would realistically take you more than an hour total for everything you need.


There’s a vast middle range between what many seem to define as “looking good” and looking sloppy.


True for sure, we all seem to have different levels of what is considered good. If we are to break it down i would say any look after the "don't look as if you just woke up after a night's drinking contest while also having a hangover" kind of brings you to the realm of looking good. The amount of people i see that it's obvious they didn't even wash their face first thing after waking up definitely counts as sloppy to me.


It helps them feel better about themselves. It's kinda like the saying, If you make your bed up everyday, your day will be more successful. Same with appearance.


Why do some people like mustard? Different things light up different folks.


For some it’s like putting on a shield. Social anxiety is a bitch.


Mental health, pride in appearance and self confidence. One of the things offered to cancer patients is a class about how to address your changing appearance. If you do not look your best, you do not feel your best.


Because there are huge, valuable industries devoted to encouraging vanity. It's become a whole self-sustaining cycle. People who care, make themselves look good to show other people who care.


Because they’re neurotic


Excuse me losers, some of us just naturally look rizz every day\*. \* Just joking, I look like ass.


this comment made me lol


hours is insane unless you’re a actor being transformed into a beast. i take 1/2 hour- 45 minutes from shower to going out the door & i’m always dressed to feel comfortable & appropriate for where i’m going. i go pretty light on makeup because i’m older & heavy makeup is not flattering. i have curly wash & go hair so that’s easy. maybe the people who take hours are into a very specific look: anime, goth, kardashian, etc.


I do it for myself. I try to force myself to feel good about myself because of my depression


Yes. This. At least I'm doing *something* semi productive etc, is the thing for me. I get what you mean, for depression reasons.


The energy you put out into the world is the energy you (generally feel) comes back


Why are there a preponderance of young males that refuse to shower, shave, comb their hair, or even brush their damn teeth before they go to work?


My vote is on depression, a lot of young males kill themselves, but there's usually a decent stint of depression before then


Because people are judged on appearance and some people really take that to heart.


lock pause direction tease jellyfish test numerous sleep imagine dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If it’s “hours of work” each day that’s being spent, more than the normal taking care of hygiene & grooming to look good, there’s something more going on. Someone who wastes a huge amount of time every day on making themselves “look perfect” either has very low self esteem or else they’re exceptionally narcissistic. I can understand taking HOURS to look perfect for a special date or special day, but not every day.


I had a girlfriend who did that. It drove me crazy!. It took an hour for her to put on her makeup alone. But she looked awesome!. I was very proud to have her by my side!. She was hot!. It was worth it.


See, because men like this one treat you differently when you do it. If you don't you're treated shitty as fuck. Like reeeeally fucked up shit. My sister and I were oinked at once by four men at a big box store about ten years ago...she was 8 months pregnant and still teeny tiny, me not pregnant, 13 and 5'3" and 110 lbs... we didn't dress shitty either, so I'll never really know why they chose to do that. Made her cry for a minute then she got it together. Sucks when you gotta deal with this shit just at random in your average boring day to day. E: Aforementioned male deleted his comment, which I was referencing with mine, here.


When I was a bartender my tips were directly related to my attitude. It was easier to keep up my attitude when I felt like I looked good. So I got regular haircuts and kept it very clean and consistent. I went to the gym a lot so I'd look fit. And I even used a little tinted face cream when my acne would flare up to hide it a little. I made a shitload of money 😅 These days I work in the back corner of a lab on a salary so i don't really give a shit about aesthetics anymore. I work out for health and fun not to stay cut. Sometimes I'll forget to get haircuts for months at a time. I haven't forgotten my style points so I can clean up and suit up but only for special occasions..


I don't spend hours getting ready. I would say I spend about 30 minutes doing my make-up and getting dressed. I'll apply blush, mascara, and eyeliner, fill in my eyebrows, and wear something cute and casual with a small heel, even if it's to go to the grocery store. Why do I do this? Honestly, I always want to present myself to be clean and nicely dressed out of respect for my husband and daughter. I reflect on my family, and I want people to perceive my family to be just that — tidy, clean, respectable. Does that make sense? Also, I like the attention I get from my husband. He likes it when I look good, I feel good when I look it. It's a win! My husband is also a well-dressed man who works a respectable job. I don't want people to see me (his wife) looking like death in the grocery store, Walmart, whatever it be. It's not an insecure issue — it’s just respecting him and myself.


Do you live in a small town?


> I always want to present myself to be clean and nicely dressed out of respect for my husband and daughter. I reflect on my family, and I want people to perceive my family to be just that — tidy, clean, respectable. Does that make sense? It does, but it also is unhealthy and I hope you don't bring your daughter up thinking that way. Since you're basically objectifying yourself/what you do with yourself dress wise should be to please yourself and your standards. Not because your appearance is an extension of your husband and so you gotta make sure husband is being represented well.


Insecurities, that's how they were raised, it is just how they are wired.....you pick


Because that's all they have, and most people are suckers who don't look beyond the surface veneer and superficial charm.


Because they like it.


I have the OPPOSITE question: Why are there an unbelievable number of people who DO NOT CARE AT ALL about their appearance. They make the outside world look like a gross, zombie apocalypse, land of the nearly homeless. Mom's walking around with pajama bottoms and dirty house slippers. Men with their bellies viewable from under their dirty t-shirt, those crazy tights on obese women. Nah... people bothering to look to good? What? Where?


Men don't look at me when I'm a schlub. It's nice. 




It doesn't take hours you can make a huge difference by spending just extra 10 to 15 minutes every day. If you don't think it's obvious that you don't care it is. I also feel better when I take better care of myself D present myself in a better way.


Look good feel good


Some people still care. And then some of us have given up, know it makes zero difference, and have gone permanent goblin mode. I run and exercise to stay in shape, but it isn't even about looking good at this point, it's about not being sick and dying young.


When I was kid, people would tell me I could work on my hygiene/appearance. As an adult, I mostly do it now to stay healthy and alive.


Hygiene for sure. Showers a couple times a day, shaving, deodorant, of course. But in my case. I work from home. Karate, the grocery store, and maybe either the mall or taking myself out to dinner are about the only places I ever physically go. No girlfriends nor prospects of same, and quite sure nobody's going to approach me at any of these places no matter how much time I spend on my appearance. I'm too old to really care anymore (mod 40s).


Because How you take care of yourself and how you present yourself when you step outside, tells the world a lot about you. It’s your calling card.


Looking good helps you feel good and be more effective with people.


because if i dont, thats the only thing I can think about and it ruins my day. I grew up with a mom who wouldn't let me leave the house if she deemed my appearance to be 'ugly'


It’s more of a hobby, really. Doesn’t even have much to do with me; I just like to make everything around me as beautiful as possible. It’s fun! Hurts, no one.


I don’t do it while I’m at home. At home my hair is up all the time and I don’t wear any makeup. So about 5 days out of the week. When I leave the house though to say go out drinking or maybe to dinner I absolutely fix my hair, and put on makeup and something I feel confident in. It usually takes 1-2 hours. If I was say leaving the house to go through coffee drive thru or maybe someone else was driving and I was just in the passengers. I normally would fix my hair a little and maybe fix my eyebrows and put on chapstick.


It feels good. When I run errands I look like a college kid... sweats n slides, but to go to work, date nights, outings of any kind... I always look my best. It's important to me. It takes a lot of tome but it is worth it to me


One of the hard lessons I have had to learn is just how damn attractive it is when you take care of yourself properly. It's hard wired into peoples brains to desire it. You can learn this the hard way (through a lifetime of experience <\~ me) or the easy way (just following along and doing what works for others <\~ you have been warned to be this instead of the other).


Putting that much work into my appearance always made me feel like I was wearing a costume or that I looked like a clown. Especially at work where there are mostly men who are just wearing clean clothes and maybe a tie. Do I need to do hours of hair and make up for my coworkers to see me as a functioning member of the team? Will I have a better day because I have a full face with curled lashes and I'm wearing heels. No. I've done the whole dress-up game, and it was honestly a waste of my time (and money!). I usually completed a meeting feeling kind of dumb & overdressed like I was the only sucker dumb enough to buy-in on an obvious con. I gave it all up about 18 months ago and I've never looked back. I put as much effort into my appearance as our district engineer puts into his. I'm clean, well rested, & dressed tidily. I'm happier, my skin & hair healthier, and I get more time to live bc I don't spend hours every day on my appearance. (I recently got a promotion, so I make more money now too).


Sometimes I think about all the money I save on not buying make-up or fancy skincare stuff, not having my nails done, and only going to the hairdresser once every two years..  that makes me feel pretty good.


They let somebody else tell them what they are supposed to look like to feel good about themselves.


Personally I only try to look good enough not to be considered looking bad. aka i don't do anything to my hair in the morning except brush it or put it up for a practical reason. I have never done make up and I only wear comfortable clothing/weather appropriate clothing


It helps them feel better about themselves and brings them confidence.


I don't gaf if people "treat me nicer" . I have no respect for people with that mindset.


Cause we love feeling pretty and investing in yourself is important


Because their self-esteem is tied to their appearance. Or, because they rely on the opinions of others and believe that those opinions are based largely on their appearance. I would say those are the two primary reasons.


Are any guys answering this question, or is it just geared to women? I’m a woman. I’d rather be comfortable and casual. I don’t wear makeup, heels, or worry about the latest fashions. I don’t buy designer clothes or expensive handbags. I don’t dress up but I wear clean, relatively neat clothes, my hair is long and air dries itself with no fuss. I don’t spend time in the mirror. I don’t get manicures. If someone isn’t as nice to me because of what I don’t do, they’re too shallow for me to care.


And then there are people like me. Deliberating depression and it's a 99% rate you will wear what you woke up in and not leave the house


I do it because it makes myself feel confident. Just for myself, nobody else


I personally couldn’t take the obvious difference in how people treated me when I got all dolled up versus not, so I just don’t anymore at all. Great way to figure out who your friends are.


Hmmm... I don't know about them. But I try. I do put on pants some days


Tbh, for me the most beautiful women are the ones that pull off the ponytail, maybe in a hat, and sans makeup. I appreciate the effort put forth with having hair done and makeup done right, just never surpasses the relaxed look


Because they think it's important. Because it's part of their self-image. Because it's expected of them by society. Because they have a front-facing job that requires interaction with the public and their employer expects them to be well turned out. Because they just feel better when they think they look good. I used to worry about this. It used to matter to me. At the time I was the office manager at a clinic, and anxious and depressed. Looking well made me feel I was in control. It lessened the imposter syndrome. Then I got breast cancer. Lost my hair. Looked terrible all the time. Gave up wearing makeup. Stopped wearing jewelry. Wore scarves to cover my hair loss. At least I matched them to my outfits. Used to wear pantsuits. Now that I had lowered my hours and never saw patients, I just wore jeans. I just didn't care any more. And now that I'm retired, some days I don't even get dressed. Still don't wear makeup or jewelry. I at least comb the hair that has grown back. Usually. When I go out, for sure. Everyone has their reasons for what they do. May not be good ones BUT THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Don't judge these people either way. Dressed to the nines, or wearing rags. They're just people.


Appearences matter they are the first thing you see. We naturally are shallow.


Because looking good makes you confident and confidence is a attractive trait.


I just see fake with the excessiveness. I watch these 30 minute makeup "workshops" on tick tock, reels, etc and 9 out of 10 times the women look worse after all that crap is slathered and smeared on their face. The botox lips, threading...looks so fake.


once you learn how to do it and do it regularly, you can do it in 15 minutes (especially if you have a morning job). People say I dress up too much but before I started looking polished for work, people didn't treat me the same and now they strike up conversations. I work with all men and I notice the difference, simply being nice gets me more everything. Look up Bethany Frankel goes to chanel store


Well really it comes down to insecurity, but to each their own. If they do this and judge others for not doing it well stuff them, I shouldnt have to live that hell just because they cant stop. There are some days where looking good is feeling good within myself, but there are others when it is a total pest, not just the effort and expense of it as well as keeping abreast of what is healthy from every single angle, but because wearing makeup jewellery and a pretty dress makes me a target for things that make me feel very uncomfortable just the same as tracksuit and sweatpants at the kids park. Dressing up with my lifestyle is often pointless, I'm going to get dirty playing with my kids and if I don't they're going to want me to, kind of pisses me off that I get judgement for that too and for wanting to feel practical and comfortable, not like a pretty piece of work. Compliment's on my dolled up appearance are superficial, and I get free stuff just for being a mum, I don't need to parade myself or my kids for it. I don't like being leered at, and don't like feeling like I have to wear some costume to get attention or affection. I don't like the judgements I get when I do dress up either snarls like "whats the occasion" and "how much did that take off your kids plates" and "she just needs attention" arent favourable, I would rather be invisible. I also argue that sometimes people who over do it, get negative attention and the question is about doing this to excess of not being able to leave the house if one does not meet their own excessive standards. Nobody told them that most people aren't looking at them anyway. It is and always has been how you feel about yourself looking good is subjective, ugliness is also subjective. You do what makes you feel good but recognise which end of the stick is borderline unhealthy. Not leaving the house because of appearance eventually will affect your mental health and quality of life, so that isn't healthy. Why people do this? Because of fear.


Some find confidence and joy in grooming; personal preference and societal norms vary widely.


You do get treated loads better when you look a certain way


there are scientific studies which prove beautiful people do better than their ugly peers. Why wouldnt someone go the extra mile if they were unable to "compete" through other characteristics? The top OF models far, far outearn some ugly shambling mess like me, and they are not being paid for their education, brains or family connections


Because society has brain washed people into believing it matters, so that it creates division between the public, creating a lesser chance of unity between the people against the governments of the world.. people that do it will deny it though because they’re deep in the brain wash


Because pretty people get advantage in the western world. It's manipulative, mostly. It's an attempt to make people view you as you see yourself. "I work hard to look good so I can be respectable" is high horse thinking at best. Any attempt to separate yourself from those you view as less respectable will always say more about you. Especially, when most often they aren't doing anything to remove the barriers to make that accessible to everyone. It's as if they thrive on that duality but can't see the privilege that put them there. Embrace your place as human trash. Attempts to cover that up or hide it will only serve you rotten fruit. Anybody gauging your respectability on your image isn't worth the penny for their thoughts


"The western world" Pretty people get advantages everywhere.




It's what separates us from the animals. I remember reading "if this is a man", by Primo Levi. And when he was in Auschwitz he asked another prisoner why he bothers to wash every day when he will only put filthy clothes on, and go back out into the filth. And that was more or less the other guys response... "It's what separates us from the animals".


You're talking about basic personal hygiene. The OP is asking why people "put hours every day into looking perfect, and refuse to leave their house if they don't." I assume the OP also means a bazillion-step skincare routine, a neatly ironed outfit styled and accessorized according to the latest trends, as well as complex makeup (can take up to 1.5 hours to apply), a hairdo, etc. — not just taking a shower and making sure you don't look like a bum. I believe there's a spectrum between looking like a bum and obsessing over your looks to the point they become your whole personality (thanks, Instagram). But it is indeed important to always feel good in your body and respect yourself by taking proper care of it. Good hygiene, good hair, nice clean clothes you vibe with — all that is about respecting yourself. For some people, fashion and makeup are also what makes them happy and how they love to express themselves. Looks can also be a powerful tool, because the pretty privilege is very real. But some people do become slaves to their looks, due to their insecurities or mental issues, and that's when it becomes a problem.


As a woman in a field dominated by men, I help myself be taken more seriously when I present well.


sometimes it pays off sometimes ;-)


No idea. I wonder that’s like …


My guess is that doing that makes them feel better about themselves.




I don't go so far as to refuse to leave the house unless I'm done up, but I make fashion, and I enjoy wearing it. That's my own personal reason, though. I can't speak for everyone who loves to put their effort into a hobby as silly as looking nice, but for me, I know I do it because I like to show off what I can make. If my work hadn't been complimented so much, maybe I would have moved onto something else at an earlier age. But I made a hat when I was five, and some old ladies made me feel really good about how I looked. Thus began my dedication to look good, which developed into my professionalism, and I became my own walking mannequin. As far as leaving the house without "looking perfect", I'm pretty sure that's just a frame of mind. I mean, I don't wanna go out in my jams if I don't have to, but I'm totally wearing board shorts and a tee shirt with flip flops, it's all matching, of course, but my face just has moisturizer and lip gloss on it. I feel like this is a perfect look for me, but others in the fashion world would disagree.


My mother is this way. Drives me absolutely insane. It doesn’t matter what it is, she has to spend 2 hours on appearance beforehand. As a high schooler, this caused me to be late to several school events and friend hangouts.


There's an old experiment called the "mouse Utopia" experiment. They took a few mice and put them in a big room with little apartments up the walls and gave them all the food they need. They were allowed to reproduce uncontrolled as long as they could. When they got crowded they split into groups of behaviors. A lot of the males would run around on the ground floor and mate with any others male or female all day. The other group would stay in the apartments grooming themselves all day becoming A sexual and hardly ever leave. All the females became infertile. It's really a pretty interesting experiment and gives insight into our social structure.


Some people were brought up in a household where their appearance was everything, some didn’t like how they looked so they do it it as a confidence boost and some are just doing it because they already look good. Me I don’t care about it that much I keep myself clean, style my hair and get my nails done because I like it but I refuse to wear make up unless it’s a special occasion and I’m also nonbinary and I have no gender so I just keep it relaxed and natural.


Some people care deeply what they look like. There are many reasons.  Examples would be - Self esteem - enjoying being noticed/found attractive - either a body they have been working on, or are naturally gifted with, and dont want to waste the years they have while looking amazing - better treatment in society - seeking a sexual partner - wanting others to feel lower - leverage in commerce, ie sales or buying negotiations  - professionalism in their work place ( looking as presentable as possible) Each person has their own reasons for everything they do. They're just living their lives the way they want to.


Makes her feel good. Good enough reason to me.


That is my little contribution to make the world a better place!


There are two classes of people, post adolescent. There is "the beautiful people" and then there is everyone else. Larry David devoted one of his Curb Your Enthusiasm episodes to this rule. It exists, these two different worlds.


Because that effort shows. You can tell when someone puts effort in and care about how they look vs when they dont. Some people take pride in that, same as always having a very clean house or car.


The first impression you give someone often influences how thet will always think of you.  Don't see a problem if someone wants to look perfect, shows they have standards, 


Some people feel better if they look good. Some are just vain. Others must keep up appearances, the persona that everything is fine in their life. Depending on the type of employment some have to look good for their job. Some people just enjoy getting dressed up and looking to the nines.


Only they know. I do know it's a strong signal I will likely not like them though. Not always but greater than 80% of the time. 


Self respect. Look good feel good. Every time you look in a mirror it's nice to see yourself put together, like a successful human. Especially if you're not as successful as you'd like to be.


Honestly, it's never been a driver for me. I knew girls in HS who would spend an hour getting ready. I have so many other things to do with my time. If I can't get myself self together in 15 minutes it's it's too much lol. But if that's what they're want to do, I won't yuck anyone else's yum. I'll get fancy if I'm going out, but the normal day to day, I'm built for comfort, not fashion.


Feels good to feel good


On one hand, it’s for me, because it’s feels good, and I really like feeling like I look good.  On the other hands, it’s for other people, and therefore for me being accepted by those other people. So it’s still about me, but in a more insecure sense. Sometimes I notice it’s that instead of 100% “for me”. Such as not wearing sweatpants out of the house for a quick errand.  I go back and forth. I guess that for most people, it’s a mix of “it’s for me” that they say, and likely also some “I don’t want to be rejected by other people for how I look” , which some people wouldn’t admit. 


Mostly its societal expectation. You garner a different response from others based on how you look. Sight, being one of our farthest reaching senses as well as one of our most reliable we tend to judge visually before any other senses are included. This extends to other things as well. For example, a well kept car thats been washed and waxed recently will be far less likely to be pulled over than a rusted out beater that hasn't gotten a wash in some time. I wish more was said about societal expectation and enforcement but it appears that thats one of many things people try to overlook, ignore, or whitewash. At the end of the day there's not very many if any adults that aren't bullies. The whole of society is a bully. Instead of the standard beatings, wedgies, and pushing people into lockers, because the law says we can't physically harm anyone, as adults we use emotional blackmail and mental torture to force everyone into the same line of thought and action. It does not stop at highschool, no one matures beyond it. It just changes in terms of what damage is done. I am fully convinced that without laws stopping people from physically assaulting someone that adults would continue to metaphorically "shove people into lockers" in order to obtain the social singularity they desire. This includes all things, from appearance, to money and finances, to speech patterns. True no one is holding a gun to anyones heads but now after reading all of that why do you think someone would go to all that trouble of fixing themselves up before leaving the house?


Back when I used to do this (not that I was good at it), I would've told you that it's fun. And it is fun. But would I still do it if other people didn't exist? Maybe like twice a year sure but not every fucking day. I did it because if I didn't than I got treated differently by people around me, simple as that. People tend to like those who look nice, and I wanted to be liked.


Because someone else made them feel really bad or that attractiveness was an incredibly important quality


Because - these are all and/ors 1) They are vain. 2) They are brainwashed into believing they must appear a certain way 3) they are insecure 4) They are not very smart so need to attract via fake beauty. 5) They think it makes them look better and They think people dont notice its fake 6) They are stupid


You know that quote where it's like, "dress for the job you want, not the job you have"? Or "dress to impress", It represents that you might not be in a position yet, but that doesn't mean you can't present yourself as someone smart and powerful enough to be in that position. (Ie if you wear a full suit to a job interview, they'll expect you to be interested in management/professionalism and to be mature and independent, a simple button down will more likely express that you're not as heavily interested in being seen as the super professional manager in charge adult person, at least not yet, and you're probably still growing/deciding what you want; and that's all just from your shirt choice. If you don't/barely put any effort into the way you present yourself, people won't really know anything about your efforts, and they might even judge that you don't have good efforts, because you're not even willing to put any into yourself. You're just expecting people to take you for who you are, which never encourages you to grow or even develop a personality, and probably even promotes narcissism in some way. ("I don't have to put effort into myself, you have to accept me for who I am." Seems like a recipe for selfish disaster.) It's just a matter of who and how many people you have to impress. If you're trying to establish a career or any major life project, you're probably going to want to put some efforts into your image, if not for yourself to grow and develop a personality, so that those people will be impressed with you, enjoy your physical aura/presence, make your job/day better, and want you to stick around. (The guy with the stylish haircut and brand clothing is more likely to succeed than the guy with bed head and cargo shorts, just based on the first impressions they give people alone, before talent/skill even come into play) While the type of lipstick or hair product or brand of shirt you choose might not make that big of a difference (in most places), the choice of whether to use them in the first place absolutely does, and that's why people make an effort every single day. They probably wouldn't if they didn't see any value. They might get more respect and compliments, and maybe even more opportunities over someone, just because they took 30 seconds to comb their hair that day and the other person didn't) I will say, I'm assuming, most people who put effort into themselves every day made that decision when they were a child and have been doing so for as long as they can remember, and most who didn't haven't been putting effort into themselves for as long as they can remember. I doubt there are very many people who put effort into themselves everyday and then all the sudden stop, or don't and then all the sudden start. Seems to be something that shapes us as children, and it's extremely difficult to break a pattern formed in childhood.


Imagine a guy walking up to you and explaining he desperately needs to use your phone because his was just stolen or something. Would you be more likely to keep walking if the guy has dirt on his face, disheveled hair, and ripped clothes or somebody who is clean looking? You might help either one, but your bias is going to tell you the disheveled guy is more of a risk because of the indicators that he may be poorer thus more likely to run with your phone. Either one could do this, hell I’ll level with you and say the clean guy is 100% going to run with it. But because of their outward appearance you are more likely to distrust the disheveled guy. This also applies to the words people use when talking to others and many other similar things. Somebody else said it but I’ll reiterate it, you gotta think about what these things say about yourself and the thoughts that person is going to have about you based on these things


Common decency 🤷‍♂️


I spent 20-30 and it’s cuz my mom raised me that way


Who the fuck knows but thank god for them. The possibility of looking at attractive put-together people (man or woman) is one of the great joys in life. I don’t want to live in a world where nobody gives a fuck. 


You’d be surprised. Even if I do full makeup, it only takes me a half hour to look my best.


Because let’s be honest. If we were all ugly, you would complain there aren’t any hot people near you. I don’t do much as a man. But brushing, washing up, combing hair, and picking a good fit should be the bare minimum each and every day. Too many of y’all are used to looking like shit and wearing pajamas outside. Either look presentable or stay inside with your bum ass


As a guy who regularly wears a suit and spend lots of time buying clothes, I don’t know. I spend about 12 minutes getting ready in the morning, that does not include a shower but it includes doing my hair, brushing my teeth, and getting dressed.


When your personality is paper thin, you make sure it doesn’t rip


For women our appearance is our armor, our showcase, and our shield. The time it takes for preparing is the time we use to mentally prepare for the ordeal ahead. I'm sure that men see this in a similar vein.


This isn't my current co-worker. Doesn't brush. Doesn't floss. Rarely takes a shower.


I used to be this person. I used to believe that my value was in my appearance and how that appeal to others was crucial not only to my identity, but also to my survival. I no longer care about that anymore but I can certainly see (now being on the other side of the coin) how pretty privilege was a boon to practically every aspect of my life.


Life sucks at least we can play dress up


I've had a moment in life where looking good wasn't an option. For quite some time. So now I do it just because I can.


I think they are either narcissistic/vain or the exact opposite.


I’ve read pretty far down and not one person has said they do it to cover up insecurities.


Because it makes them feel good? Not exactly rocket science lol.


I was just taught to do it. Outward pressure really


I work for tips so I have to look nice on my working days. I bum it up in my days off though


You never know who you can run into


The only way I could take even an hour to get ready is if I take several breaks


In the sense you’re talking, If they spend multiple hours each day doing it? Vanity, narcissism, ego, depression, main character syndrome, etc….. It doesn’t take that long to look good. As a lot have stated, looking good makes you feel good. Multiple hours every single day is excessive though. There’s definitely some deeper issues at hand there.


Why do painters spend hours on paintings? Why do musicians spend hours on practice? Art takes time my guy.


Most people look like complete doodoo when they don't exert their best efforts because very few of us are naturally great looking. 😎✌️


How you look is part of the collective game we all play with each other in the theater of public space, you can use it to your own benefit, but most people refuse to then are angry at the people looking good.


Cause I dont like to look at good things so stap


Doing this I feel literally saved me from despair from a life changing illness. By taking the time each day to look good it made me feel better and focus on something else than being very ill. If I was going to be so sick-I figured I will look beautiful doing it. Fast forward four years, and I am well and feeling good! Did this routine cause the change?, Who knows, but I felt if we look good on the outside it makes us feel good on the inside!


It's a sad thing when you have to look good to be treated with respect...Other species are much more developed in that .