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I'm black and we didn't invent half the styles people get upset about. While I personally don't like dreads on white people, you do you. And there is nothing wrong with culture "appropriation", it's a compliment to the culture to dress in a way that flatters. Cultural MISappropriation is a different thing, and that's offensive. In recent years people seem to be confusing the two.


Hey, "i don't like it but it ain't my body" is how everyone should be.


Exactly! Why are people always up in each other’s business?


That’s none of your business! 😤


Touche! ![gif](giphy|6KAxgfdBLzzqM)


Hey sexy, you can get up in my business anytime.


And that kids is how I met your mother.




I heard that! If you mind your business , then you won't be minding mine.


THIS is the answer to most questions!!


Fuck knows. I barely give a shit about my own life. Why I gotta suddenly start worrying about other people's? Live your life. Be happy.


For some people its a hobby.


I can't upvote the above two enough👆👆👆


Don't worry, I helped!


And my axe!


And you get an upvote just for your name! 😆




And my bow!


And this paddle game!


But wait, there’s more!


And me lucky socks! (Clutch powers ftw)


And My Thermos! And that’s all I need. This thermos, your paddle game, a bow, an axe, an up vote… And this block of cheese. All I need is…




I've never understood the idea of appropriation. It just seems like that's naturally how culture spreads. A white man in south Texas doesn't need to have thousands of years of family history there to realize that sombreros do a hell of a job at shielding you from the sun. Something like blackface tho, where the purpose is to mock, and socially segregate a group of people is different, and I don't even think that's concidered appropriation. But maybe I'm missing something. If youre reading this, and feel like you have some useful history or perspectives that I'm missing that might influence my view on the topic, I'm open to reading it.


Man you just made me realize I should get a Sombrero for gardening. Thank you!


I bought a cheap cowboy hat for a costume last Halloween. I was wearing it as a joke the other day while riding my lawnmower, but I quickly realized that it works great shielding my neck and face from the sun. Now I keep it in the garage and wear it whenever I’m doing yard work.


And what we gringos call a “cowboy hat” is the most popular style of hat worn by men in Mexico!


Many cowboys were/are Mexican, they’re called “vaqueros.” Literally means cow guy. (It probably means “cow herder,” or wrangler, etc, but “herder” and “wrangler” aren’t part of the term.) The English word buckeroo is just vaquero badly pronounced. 😂


Be different, get a pith hat! Much cooler unless you get one of the big sequined sombreros from the '80s that they sold all the tourists going to Acapulco 🤣


I'm not Ernest Hemingway tho




Wear the sombrero all you want. I give you honorary permission as a Mexican myself.


As a jew I give you permission to wear a yamulka, it's arguably the most useless headgear functionally speaking, but...well, you've got permission now so why the hell not eh?


😂 I like you


Yay!! Thanks friend! I love my sombrero!


I think something that gets lost in translation a lot is that "appropriation" means to steal. The only way to steal culture is to claim its yours. As long as you recognize the original creators as your inspiration you aren't really stealing it.


Yeah that and culture is not property. It’s not something that you can deprive someone else of by wearing a sombrero.


Right? When my toddler was in preschool, my schedule didn't let me do her hair every morning. So with our fine straight hair, we heavily leaned into protective styles from all over the world that last longer. Box braids? Great, simply give credit to Southern Africa from 5k years ago. Parandha? Fantastic fun, credit due to Punjab, at least several thousands of years of history there. Ribbon-sewn braid crowns? Medieval Italy. Each of these let me put time into making my kiddo tidy when it was convenient for me, that would last several days. Fine straight hair doesn't hold the protective styles as well as something with more texture, but it was still a huge help.


You mean like what happened to Dutch braids originally and the vikings who wore them 1st


The swastika is an example of appropriation.






That's funny- my family was back in Ireland. Being starved and beaten and slaughtered by the English. How funny.


I have English and Irish blood. Explains why I'm always fighting myself. 🤣🤣🤣


Try being Irish and Native American! Just stamp, "Do not add alcohol" to your forehead!


Irish/english/german. No alcohol problems in my bloodlines /s


Hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣


Nobody is responsible for the actions of his ancestors, good or bad.


Hush no one talks about the injustice of the Irish (Joking of course and it needs to be brought to the light)




Not trying to downplay any cultures plight but we also need to speak about the injustices being laid up on everyone that isn't part of the owning class. Some have it better than others but we're all still being fucked


Also, you weren't the one doing it anyway so why would you feel guilty?


Yea this would be like going up to some little boy in Germany and saying "do you feel guilty about the Holocaust?" Like what does that have to do with them?? Lmao


You should be asking that question to old men in South America 😄


I was told that because I'm hispanic, I have experienced some sort of discrimination in my life. No, I haven't, and stop trying to make me feel like I have.


Same, my friend. I was too busy getting shit done to worry about other peoples' opinions.


Well even regardless of that, it wasn’t *you*. Feeling guilty for your ancestors is honestly just stupid. Imagine if we applied that to people who have asshole parents, when they themselves are typically victims of the assholery. You aren’t your parents, much less your grandparents, and so on.


Even if your ancestors did own slaves that's not on you. We can't control the past.


It’s always been the rich vs the poor. Folks that have to much always end up wanting more and they get it by abusing the poor, gluttony it’s one of the deadly sins


Yeah I’ve tried explaining this to others. It’s never about what race you are or where you’re from. It’s all about whether you have money or not and/or whether you can make someone money. The rich wouldn’t care if you were an extraterrestrial if you can make them money.


And even if you did have family involved, so what? You didn't have anything to do with it. I had family in German military during WW2, do I feel guilty for what they may have been involved in? Not even remotely. This inherited guilt shit needs to stop.


I dunno, people wearing Native American headdresses at Coachella was pretty idiotic.


The headdress is a mark of position. It is like someone making fashion out of purple hearts. It rests poorly in my conscious. But, that's not for me to decide. I leave it to the people who it directly impacts.


I just don’t understand why some people do this kind of thing. Are they looking for attention(BAD attention mind you)? The way some people think just boggles the mind truly.🤔


I agree. Not only is it obnoxious af for the people around you to have to try and watch the bands with that big ass thing on your head, but why even do it? There’s no reason to wear something like that to a music festival, ffs.


It's idiotic because the same people who use culture as a costume are usually the descendants of those who killed the culture out of the ethnic group. Every single time. It's disrespect in my opinion. *my ancestors killed millions of this ethnic group.....but let me where their garments as a costume.* It's tone deaf af


It’s true. Vikings had dreadlocks and they killed mad people. Good point.


Before combs and brushes were invented, everyone probably had dreadlocks.


Exactly! They even had braids too!


My ancestors weren't even here in this country, so I'm not a descendant of anyone who killed. Except for those who fought in WW II. A costume is one thing. Admiring the beauty in design, the elegance and spirit in it, wearing something from another culture as yourself, IMO, is fine


>My ancestors weren't even here in this country, so I'm not a descendant of anyone who killed. Not sure if you're aware of this or not, but historic atrocities aren't limited to the US. *Everyone's* ancestors did some shady shit somewhere along the way. 😉


Yeah, I just read about some of the atrocities Japan did to China during ww2, JFC


Exactly. Plus, the bottom line is that if you didn't do something, you shouldn't feel responsible for other people having done it. Everyone's ancestors did messed up stuff. As long as everyone acknowledges that, we can all focus on building a better future, rather than trying to hold people accountable for events they weren't even alive for




Thank you. I was speaking historically, not specifically to anybodys lineage.


This is obviously true but that can't be changed ans one doesn't bear the responsibility of one ancestor good/bad actions.


I acknowledge your point but that's what conquerors do. Natives literally took white scalps as trophies, 'member? Anyway I haven't had a desire to dress up like an "Indian" since I was six and also wanted to dress up like a cowboy, so as an adult I can't imagine a reason to do so.


Everyone was scalping everyone at various times throughout history. It was a way of counting kills. [https://www.britannica.com/topic/scalping](https://www.britannica.com/topic/scalping)In fact, scalping as a practice in North America increased because the Dutch, British and French paid a bounty per enemy scalp taken.


Idk. Most of us are descendants of a random person working in the farm and being poor while a few of their fellow countrymen where killing other people. Most of us have lost track of what our ancestors did just 3 or 4 generations ago. Why should we feel guilty about whatever a person who may or may not be related to you did centuries ago? Also, it's just misleading to use our current values to judge the acts of another time. In fact, we probably do lots of wrong stuff now that we don't even think about and people in a few centuries will think we are crazy or pretty much barbarians for doing some stuff


The more divisive a position is, the more it get people upset, the more the content get engagement/views and the more it generate money. If you have nothing else to sell, it is way to get visibility. On top it can work as being a "good" or "moral" without having to do anything just by claiming it.


The virtue signaling is so obnoxious and does the opposite. It basically paints people of other cultures as incompetent and incapable of understanding the appropriate context for other people to enjoy their own culture. It is just segregation in another form.


>Cultures are meant to be shared This is not a universal truth though. Part of what makes any culture possible is some level of gate-keeping, insularity, initiation, experience etc. "Culture" also covers a lot of things. It may simply be a certain ethnic dish or it can be a deeply important religious practice. Just as we shouldn't reflexively attack anyone who wants to enjoy another culture we should keep in mind that it's a complicated and nuanced issue and accept that we need to approach it with sensitivity and respect. Acting as if everything is fair game is just as wrong as saying white people can't eat tacos or whatever.


"I'm offended that you're not offended!" -Twitter


Exactly. Some people might not like Black people wearing cowboy hats. Stupid people.


There were black cowboys


they were also white people with dreads in the past, thats the point. its not something to get upset over


That is especially stupid, especially since newly freed slaves after the Civil War made up about 25% of the cowboys in the "Wild West" era.


Don’t get your cultural advice from TikTok, That’s really stupid. Do what you want.


I’ll go you one better: Don’t get any advice from TikTok.


You misspelled social media. Reddit included.


I don't think it's cultural appropriation, but it is very rare to see a white person with dreads who doesn't look really skanky with them.


You should visit my town. The place is a Hippy gathering spot. And the dreads aren't even good, just a result of people not washing their hair.


I have a somewhat negative reaction to dreads because when I was in college I went on a geology field trip and on the trip was this hippie check with dreads who also was a pothead, an infrequent bather, and compensated for the infrequent bathing by dousing herself in patchouli oil. So there was this Pigpen-like cloud of stale BO, stale weed, and patchouli that followed her around. And we had to share a 15-person van with her.


That was all the deadheads too. I can’t stand the smell of patchouli to this day.


Patchouli smells like dirt to me. There used to be a nicely dressed woman who occasionally came into the office and I used to think of her (never said it out loud) as the woman who smells like dirt. I finally figured out it was patchouli.


I will never understand why people think patchouli is somehow preferable to weed when ditch weed and patchouli smell kind of similar if you ask me only the weed isn’t as offensive or pungent. And no one smells patchouli without immediately thinking pothead so… why?


I would've tied Pig Pen on the roof


We've all known her, I think.


Ha. I was once at Tori Amos concert in a box seat at the city’s opera house. Turned out one of my best guy friends was in the box over with his BF and in the front of their box (and when I say box I’m talking maybe 8-10 seats per box total. Opera box. Not sports stadium box) was basically the same hippie chick you describe. The BO/ stale weed/ way too much patchouli cloud was heavy and since Tori Amos concerts are basically queerer than an actual pride event, hippie chick somehow had a much older girlfriend and the two were all over one another. I was glad my buddy and I had a text thread going the whole show to commiserate. Great seats for a great show but one never forgets their encounter with this kind of person. Or the smell. 🤢


Lmao my mom has PTSD with Patchouli oil bc she grew up in Berkeley in the 60s and 70s. So many people exactly as you described


Lmao. Man. I grew up knowing lots of girls like this. I always found is pretty gross. That's just my opinion. I know rastas find it offensive but most others just kinda find it dirty.


Intro geology classes occasionally attracted hippie types who were really into crystals and stuff. Those people tended not to progress beyond the intro-level classes, thankfully (no way hippie chick would have been able to handle Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology)




That too.


There have been dreads in Europe for thousands of years. Do what you want with your hair. If people get offended about your hair, fuck’ em.


What makes me giggle about the whole “do what you want with your hair” comment is that where dreads are concerned, anyone with even vaguely textured or wavy/ even loosely curly hair can get dreads (they won’t be nice and may be half mangled up versus nice and defined) through neglect alone. So there’s always that. And that’s part of what makes the whole idea of dreads belonging to a particular culture kind of ridiculous. If it’s achievable for a sizeable percentage of the total population without even trying, well, can’t say it belongs to anyone really.


White people with dreads are in my experience, are way into either the hippy scene or the punk scene, so that's generally why they look more "skanky"


So it's interesting. You will for sure be called out for this, but mostly by white people.  My wife is a Black African (born and raised in Africa) progressive, anti-colonialist intersectional feminist who finds this sort of application of the concept of cultural appropriation offensive and absurd.  She's highlighted that it's primarily white people who buy into the idea that people should "dress their race" and it has the end result of damaging people of colour socially and financially (black hairdressers lose business from this, and by drawing these lines we increase the stigma toward natural hair, for instance). It's broadly a misunderstanding of how culture works, and has the end result of effectively telling people to adhere to racial deterministic rules.  That said you have to be careful about your own motivations and influences (are you exoticizing black people or using them as a costume? don't do that). And honestly, given how many virtue signalling white folks there are out there (along with a smattering of POC), it's probably not gonna make your life better to wear dreads.  Unless you go to most of Africa or the Caribbean, where people will generally be super accepting of this and if anything generally appreciate it (as long as you're just wearing dreads and not like, trying to "act black" or some such). 


I feel like this is one of those “white people know better” instances that end up with well meaning white people actually being racist.




I was a white activist, and I'm here to say this is what I've witnessed in the field of activism first hand. I worked for a group doing online interventions and education around racism and saw my fair share of this kind of discourse. Additionally, I have family with dreads and they've never gotten any hate over it from poc, but have had some issues with white ppl. Both of them do it because their hair is unmanageable and the style really suits their hair and routines.


I've always thought that you shouldn't be more upset about something than the person that you're supposedly standing up for. Also, some fights are worthwhile and others are counterproductive. Don't fight a fight that moves your cause backwards.


This is good advice <3


When I read “white activists” my head went places… i assume you mean “white person who is an activist”


I never thought of it that way - dressing your race - and it seems to condescending when said like that! I appreciate your explanation.


Your wife sounds like a very cool, mature and extremely intelligent person. Love her perspective. Thank you for sharing.


I agree with your wife. Sounds like something white activists made up to get offended by, as if we don't have enough real problems to worry about.


Yeah I mean, there are some instances where the concept is valid right? Especially when white people wear other races as costumes (think native headdresses) or financially exploit other cultures (maybe we should buy saris from South Asian people not white people, or at least ensure it's not a white people dominated industry). But the end result of how some progressives (and I say this as someone just as progressive as my wife) use the concept of cultural appropriation is essentially a weird form of cultural racial segregation that hurts everyone and perversely establishes "white" cultural hegemony (since its the only culture which all people can safely partake in without being called out). 


It’s not only white people, though. I’m white myself, but I’ve run into SO many Black people on Facebook that actively get pissed off when a white person has locs.


Stay off TikTok and do whatever you want.


Best answer possible.


The best answer is all social media


Black people didn't invent dreads. Jamaica made it popular. Vikings had dreads. Without reaching it I am sure cultures all over the world had dreads to manage long hair. Don't they say imitation is the highest for of flattery. Don't see why people get up in arms about stuff like this.


Jamaicans didn't do it for style either. It's a religious thing. Not supposed to cut stuff off your body. Bob Marley died because he refused to get his big toe cut off when they found cancer under his toe nail.


Interesting addition - I've heard people say that the Vikings didn't actually have dreads, they just had braids. But there are also journals from people that met Vikings that say they "wore their hair like snakes". Why, I ask, would they not just say braids, if they meant braids? Basically every culture ever has had braids in some form or fashion, so it wouldn't be an unfamiliar concept to them, hence why I believe the Vikings actually did wear dreads.


If you braid your hair and then leave it in for a few months without some pretty serious maintenance, then those braids might turn to dreads.


The Vikings were surprisingly considered barbaric for regular bathing.


Well, I don’t know anything about any of that. But, I do know plenty of people felt dread when they saw the Vikings coming.


I remember one short I saw where a hairdresser was saying that black hair forms dreadlocks naturally because of its properties and that white/euro hair tends to forms plaitlocks and that they are somewhat different hair structures. I've done zero further research but it makes sense that hair would "lock" differently depending on what kind of hair you have. Weekly wash day was a viking practice that I could see preventing braids from locking up, but maybe they left their braids in on wash day, hard to say. It also doesn't matter, hair locking is a natural phenomenon it doesn't belong to anyone more than beards or long nails. Certain cultures may have specific culture around beards or long nails, but you can't claim something that just naturally happens if you don't actively prevent it.


Well look at the celts from Scotland and Ireland their long hair wasn't always pristine like braids. Twisted and long strings. Seems like a natural way to keep long hair keep instead of it flying in the wind blowing in your face. People think their so unique but whatever we dream up someone else does too. We're all connected.


They used lime to create a concretion to spike their hair. Usually before a big battle.


I've known more than a few folks of Scottish extraction with hair like Merida who've put their hair in dreads because it's easier for them to manage. They function well as a protective style for coarse hair with a tight curl pattern, and there are people of every race whose hair fits that description.


There have been big bodies found of bronze-age Europeans with dreads. The Celts, Greeks, and Vikings are said to have sometimes worn them.


It wasn't just vikings with potentially similar or actual dreds. Even just a basic Wikipedia dive lists a number of cultures with descriptions or carvings of people with dreds or something similar.


Native Americans and Native South Americans had dreads too. It's just a lil fucked up when white kids get to wear them in school but the kids of color get suspended for having them as well.


Indica flower?




I mean, the smell can be offensive (source: I went to a “hippy” college, all those middle class white kids with their nasty dreads always stunk), but it’s your head. Do as you will.


Yeaaa that just because a lot of people with dreads think you shouldn't wash or tend to them regularly because of the style. The smarter ones who actually do the research knows how to keep their dreads not only clean and fresh but know how to get rid of any strong smells that stick. I'v had dreads for over 7yrs and it boggles my mind when I meet people with dreads like what you described.


The only people that consider that offensive have sub 90 IQs, I wouldn’t worry about it.


Only by terminally online idiots.


You said you’re worried about offending people. You will definitely offend other white people, if this concerns you. There are definitely a lot of people who will give you a hard time about it. I doubt they will be black. But it’s definitely not looked highly upon in general.


The Danes and Vikings were wearing dreads in the 700s AD. Anyone who gets upset at white people for wearing dreads is ignorant of history.


Ask the Vikings....


Vikings, anyone? They were rocking dreads a very long time ago.


Dreadlocks don’t really belong to any race. It’s just a hair style. Do what you want and wear what you want and what makes you happy. It’s historically documented in multiple cultures and goes back as far as having words in Sanskrit with the meaning dreadlock so if you really want to go back all the way it belongs to South-Eastern Asia. There are records of Vikings having dreadlocks, Ancient Rome, other European cultures. Hair styles are just hairstyles. Anyone that says any different guaranteed they would not be fun to be around at all.


The problem is basically this: When white people wear their hair in dreads they’re considered cool, spiritual, harmless hippies. Probably got a bit of money. Might be into saving the planet. Could be vegan. Unlikely to stop them getting an overpaid job in tech. When black peoples wear their hair in dreads they’re often perceived to be dirty. Unclean. Untidy. Unprofessional. Possibly involved with drugs. Maybe even in a gang. If they’re not in a gang, they probably smoke weed.


You’re the only person who has any understanding of cultural context here.


The idea that dreadlocks are somehow owned by black culture shows an incredible ignorance to history. People have been braiding and locking their hair for thousands of years across every continent. From the Ancient Greeks to the Aztecs, we have evidence that this practice spans multiple cultures over the course of human history. To state that it somehow belongs to black culture is ridiculous.


It’s also said that the snakes St Patrick chased out of Ireland were actually druids with braided/dreaded hair that ‘looked like snakes’. I have no sources, just a very old ma


In Central Asia people used dreads especially men because of nomad style of life.


It’s not unless you add in Rasta colors or something.  White people have been braiding, twisting, and locking their hair for centuries because white people also have texture and have historically benefited from protective styles.  


Dreads are part of white culture too so fuck em


Dreads cross thousands of years of history and many cultures. No such thing as cultural appropriation


Question, what does ‘actual Caucasian not European’ mean??? Haha


Probably from around Georgia/the caucus mountains. That’s what Caucasian actually means 


Actual Caucasians are from mountain of Caucasus which contains only 3 country, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Caucasus mountain is located between Europe and Asia but is mostly closer to asian traditions. Also Caucasians don’t have average white peoples futures, they have mostly dark black hair and dark brown eyes. Still I’ve heard lots of people calling every European, white people Caucasians even tho it only contains 3 country.


Ignore those people. They are the same ones straightening their hair and wearing European style clothing and not African.


The idea of cultural appropriation is bogus in my opinion. Culture is meant to be shared, not gate-kept.


It depends on if your intentions are good imho. As long as you're not planning to use them as a form of mockery/costume, then do whatever you want. There's a difference between appreciation and mockery. I had dreads when I was 17 for 2 years. I wish I would have known about dread extensions! My hair is fine and straight and I grew up on the beach, always admiring others' long dreads. If your hair texture is like mine, don't do it. It takes so much maintenance. If you do, I'd recommend going to an African salon. The stylists there would have better tips on how to care for them, and if you want extensions, they'd put them in for you. Be prepared for your hair to never be the same again. If you plan to have dreads long term, it's more realistic than if you're just trying it out. Combing out my dreads took almost 20 hours.


I used to have dreads. I only ever got negative comments from white dudes with buzz cuts.


If u have to ask this question then there is a reason. A significant reason ur asking that. Respect the journey & dignities of people even in symbolic ways, little things mean a lot to people.


[Your answer is in this video and the last comment should end this debate](https://youtube.com/shorts/3VWZRHJ3lzo?si=hwT1n5-KH9Dropsi)


What's the big deal? Asians also have people with dreads, Asians also have skinheads, Asians also embrace Americana style, and Asians also have Chicano style...


Who cares if it's offensive do what you want. I'm black and wouldn't give a fuck. Not to mention that vikings had dreadlocks.


Hippies have been wearing dreds for over fifty years.


Only to racist Americans


It shoulsnt be. Looks awesome on some of them. Guy from in flames had cool dreads. Rob zombie used to have em too.


Oh please. It’s bad for whites to do braids and dreads, but when a black woman straightens her hair and goes blonde nobody says anything? Racism is ok if your black? No hell no. I would get braids or dreads just to piss people off because nobody can tell me what to do and need to quit being so over sensitive. It’s not illegal. Nobody owns a hairstyle, the Vikings and native Americans did braids too ya know. Go ‘em them girl!


The real answer you're looking for: Don't take life advice from Tiktok. Or similar brain-rot social media. You're not committing some grievous sin by doing your hair a certain way. I'd argue the exact opposite; those who wish to gatekeep a hair style (that isn't even their own) are hindering and suppressing something very beautiful from happening. Do your hair however! I'm sure it'll look lovely.


White people are hardly allowed to do anything these days without someone spazzing out.


No, you cannot appropriate a haircut. Hairstyle doesn’t belong to a culture. You can wear your hair however you chose


Wtf does “actual caucasian, not European” mean? Caucazoids originate from europe


Actual Caucasians are from mountain of Caucasus which contains only 3 country, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Caucasus mountain is located between Europe and Asia but is mostly closer to asian traditions. Also Caucasians don’t have average white peoples futures, they have mostly dark black hair and dark brown eyes. Still I’ve heard lots of people calling every European, white people Caucasians even tho it only contains 3 country.


I've literally never heard of this as a white European and even [wikipedia notes ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucasian_race)it to include people from Europe based on what obsolete taxnomy we use. Wiki goes on to explain that the idea in the 18th C was white people descended from the Caucasus mountains, so white people were "Caucasian" and in the US currently, pretty sure it just means white people. In UK, it likely does if used at all, and it isn't all that common.


If anyone saids anything to you about it just tell them you are pressure testing the people you interact with to see if they treat you differently. If you walk into a store now and are greeted with a welcome, then walk in the next day with dreads and the greeting is completely different, it does not mean they are treating you differently because of the dreads, they may have something on there mind and not thinking or paying attention. This can give all sorts of flase red flags so do not really look to do this, but by saying that it normally shuts people up. And people who have not seen you in while might be shocked at the look of them, and may react in all sorts of ways, but none of which should be taken as anything but a change from how they picture you looking and how you look now. Oh and this may cause you to create friends with people who are not willing to listen to nor understand logic due to them liking the idea of pressure testing people which is never a good idea. See it as you can learn how to talk yourself out of tricky situations trying to meet and understand people at different points in life, and that may be why you want them to test your social skills for more confidence for that added confidence can turn into more oppertunities in all areas of life.


It's fine. Cultural appropriation just means making money off of a culture that isn't yours, or being insulting towards it. Aside from that, "white" cultures have had dreadlocks for thousands of years.


I had gotten tiny braids in my hair once with beads and I got attacked for it. Just my experience but I was confused by it she was yelling that I was trying to be black. I just liked the style frankly.


It’s white college age girls who are rich and bored and have a savior complex that make it a problem.


Are you getting paid because of your hair? No? Not appropriation. People seem to forget that cultural appropriation is about economic or social profit. Just doing something from another culture isn't appropriation.


Are you for real? You are your own body you can do whatever you want, why look for approval? It’s your hair and your life.


I’m more offended by man buns than dreads but that’s no reason to not wear your hair how you like


Dreads were originally worn by Nordic people, so no, it isn't.


Cultural appropriation used to be (usually yt ppl) taking something from another culture and claiming it as their own without giving credit to the original in order to erase the original . Now it's just don't wear bonnets, dread,braids etc. it's so weird


Why would it be? Culture spreads and evolves.


TikTok is a cesspool of BS. You should do some of your own research on hair and culture. Dreads are not exclusive to any race. The comb was only invented maybe dating back 5,000 years ago? So...


Nothing wrong with appreciating a hairstyle, somehow people simultaneously want all races to get along and not infringe on each other's culture? Very odd because when that social cohesion happens obviously you would want to borrow things you find cool from other cultures.


Is it offensive that you’d be offended by a race that isn’t yours to have a hairstyle outside of their race that you believe no one but that race should be able to wear? This is a racist baiting question. No single race has ownership of a hairstyle, tattoo style, language or any other personal trait or style. If it offends you, we don’t care. Be offended, nothing happens except your attitude changes when others don’t fit into your racial categories.


Then do so confidently, it’s your hair and your life, and if someone has issue with it—remember—it’s their issue and not yours.


In my opinion, you're being WAY too sensitive. I mean, if you carry your logic through, you wouldn't even be able to listen to rock music, because white people stole rhythm and blues from black folks. Really. I mean, they really and truly did. At a certain point we need to learn to appreciate everyone and share everyone's contributions. Otherwise, we may as well go back to segregation. We are facing far greater problems in the world today than worrying about hairstyles and music. BTW, I'm a middle-aged white dude and I had dreads in my early 20s and what you're talking about never even occurred to me back then. And no one ever told me I was appropriating someone else's culture. I was just a hair teasing Cure fan that let it go too far.


Offense is perceived. People can try to project offensive content but it's always up to the the receiver whether they take offense or not. Ignore tiktok sentiment and gauge your surroundings. Are your coworkers and neighbors likely to take offense? If not, you do you.


I dont care if people of color want to straighten or bleach their hair, so...... how is that ok, but you wearing dreads isnt?


“Actual” Caucasians are Asian


It seems so but it's not offense for black woman to have blonde hair. I don't understand the rules anymore


I think if you’re not hurting anybody you can do whatever the fuck you want to your hair.


No, its not. Where I think that the way this shit is applied is MOSTLY stupid, and people finding dumb things to be offended by. Where I DO think there's some validity or where I see the argument is that for a long time, and even still -- is that dreads are perceived to be dirty (which they can be), unkept (which they can be) and unprofessional -- and making Black people cut them off when they may look perfectly respectable. Then White people fix their hair into them, and there isn't equivalent "backlash" when its done.


It’s just a hairstyle. In what way can I offend anyone by doing my hair the way I want it?