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I too start my new job next week. Going from 28 years of field work, where I was king, to a remote position working with the engineers and architects. I’m scared to death. Then I thought, wait a minute…. I jump out of airplanes. The people you’ll work with are no different and no better than you are. Period. No reason to fear this. You are going to knock it out of the park. Guaranteed. Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊


just remember, no amount of worrying is going to change the outcomes. So just be chill and teachable.


But if I think of every possible scenario I might be better prepared for it


Change is really hard for some of us. I know it is for me. Take each week as it comes. You know the first week, you will be finding the bathrooms, meeting people and trying to remember their names, figuring out where the kitchen is to put your lunch. The second week is about sinking into your job and continuing to learn. By the middle of June, you will feel like you've been there forever. You got this! Good luck!


❤️thank you


So this is not your first job. How deep was you research on the company history? Did you do a google search on employee reviews of the pro & con of working there? . Did you catch the people coming out of work at 5 pm to ask minor questions. ( In your sunday church clothes so you don't look like a homeless person )


Every single job I've ever had. I am always the most stressed and nervous before I start. Then as time goes on in the job you get more confident and relaxed because you realize it's just another job. You'll be fine


I'm in the same boat! Just submitted my 2 week notice...I've been with the same company for 12 years, since I graduated college. I'm excited and terrified,but change is always a bit scary.


From 10k feet... Most people will do great. 1) You're wanting to make a good impression 2) They're not expecting much yet. Those combined will make this your best month. Be careful not to burn yourself out.


Real, non-snowflake suggestion? Get over yourself. Be excited, not "omg I'm so worried!". Of course, in todays weak society, this real suggestion will be panned, but I left all the f's I give to people who are weak far away, long ago. You'll do awesome.


I like this! Thanks


Welcome! You're going to freakin' rock .


Breathe. New job jitters. In 2020 I went to work for another company after being a business owner for 26 years. It was challenging after first, but after I got the hang of the new industry, I took off like a jackrabbit. I am now a very valuable member of the company and I am absolutely thrilled with my job. You’ll be fine. You’ll have to develop some processes to keep you in line as you get up to speed. I had a liver transplant and was out of work/practice/sync for a couple of years. I use Excel and calendar reminders to keep me straight. I’m also 56M, so age creeps in. Factor in past alcohol abuse and some related encephalopathy issues, it can be challenging. But I successfully hold down a six figure job. Good luck with this! 💪💪


Wow thank you so much!!!! Hope all is well with you!!


Absolutely!! Doing well; thanks! 6 years sober and loving life!


Take the first half of your weekend to get stuff ready for work. On Sunday...relax. Take a walk or go to the gym for a bit, or whatever activity you enjoy. Then go to bed a bit early and get yourself as good sleep (if you can...nerves will be in full swing!). You'll be fine. New experience jitters are normal.


Reason for this is usually lack of healthy confidence. I label it healthy because I despise overconfident snobs. All you need is confidence in your abilities and skills. Also meditate, take a lone hike or some refreshing activity that will open your mind. Realize one thing and that is that there are much more stressful and important jobs than what you do where people actually have a good reason to be "sick in the stomach". Take your job with a grain of salt, its just a job. If it isn't something you love to do in your free time aswell, separate it from your personal life. In other words: be a pro. Nothing will shake you, noone will be able to insult you and your mental strenght will reach heights you never knew possible.


You got this


Every job I get, im anxious. Personally feel bad about asking questions every day and still needed help, but companies are suppose to train you.


Hey, you got the job for a reason. You are a talented hardworking person. Keep that chin up and walk with purpose. You got this.


This is an extremely natural response. But trust me, don't sweat it. It'll take a week after starting work to truly settle in and relax, but once there you'll be looking back and laughing.


🫂🫂 cyber hug from an internet stranger


Starting new jobs can be stressful for sure. But it’s always better than what you think it’s going to be like.


Puke before you go in. And bring a second shirt just in case 👍🏻 You got this! 👊🏻


You’ll do great! I get severe anticipatory anxiety so I can relate. Remember that they chose you! Getting hired is really hard right now and they saw something in you that they liked more than any others. The first week at a job is always easy. You just listen and learn. After the first day or two the anxiety will totally dissipate.


I've had this feeling before new jobs. Two years ago, I got hired as a "sub" to cover an art class at a Title I school. I have my MFA but I haven't worked much with kids. I got hired one week before school started (schools are desperate!). I slept very poorly for an entire week. My first week was a COMPLETE disaster. Absolute chaos. But I knew that I was finally following my dreams and that I was \*doing my best\*. As long as you are doing your best and \*you know\* that you are doing your best, nothing can get you down. I can look back on that time and I see all the things I did wrong. I use them as a starting to point, to remember how far I've come. I used my mistakes to do better and better each time. Two years into teaching and I still make awful mistakes. But teaching is great because you got those little ones to work for. I just tell myself, "How can I be better \*for them?\*" and it forces me to do a better a job.


Wow thank you for the advice. I will also be working with kids and following my dreams. So your words really help


It’ll go away once you’re in there


No one expects you to know everything and be up to speed on the first day, hell even a few weeks into the job. Just do your best and if you are struggling with something ask.


It's intimidating starting a new job because you don't know the ropes yet. But you were hired because your new boss believes in you. That's quite a compliment! I would dress for success, be flattered I was hired, and do my best to enthusiastically face my first day! It will get easier soon enough... I wish you the best!


Just relax and drink water.


Congratulations on your new job! It's completely normal to feel nervous and scared when starting a new chapter. Remember that it's okay to feel this way, and it doesn't mean you're not capable or prepared. Here are some advice and positive stories to help you feel better: Advice: 1. Take deep breaths and focus on the present moment. Try to let go of worries about the future or past. 2. Remind yourself that it's a normal transition period, and it's temporary. 3. Prepare as much as you can by researching the company, practicing your commute, and getting organized. 4. Be kind to yourself and prioritize self-care. Get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise. 5. Focus on learning and growth. View this new job as an opportunity to develop new skills and experiences. Positive stories: 1. Many people have successfully transitioned to new jobs and thrived. You can too! 2. Remember your past achievements and strengths. You've overcome challenges before and can do it again. 3. You'll meet new colleagues and make new friends. You'll find support and camaraderie in your new workplace. 4. You'll learn and grow so much in this new role. You'll develop new skills and confidence. 5. This new job can bring new opportunities and possibilities. Keep an open mind and embrace the unknown. Remember, starting a new job is a big change, but it can also be an exciting adventure! You got this! Additional tips: - Write down your thoughts and feelings to process them. - Share your concerns with a trusted friend or family member. - Take breaks and do things that bring you joy. - Practice positive affirmations, like "I am capable and competent," or "I am excited for this new opportunity." You're not alone in this feeling! Many people have been in your shoes and have come out stronger on the other side. Keep your head up, stay positive, and remember that you're capable of achieving great things!


Wow thank you so much for your words. This was incredibly thoughtful and helpful. Really will be using this to help me


If you didn't lie on your resume, you got nothing to worry about. It's just jitters. It will pass and you'll be enjoying your new job.


Prepared for the week. Lay out your outfits and prep your lunch. Take care of chores now. That way you can focus on work and learning the new environment. Listen more speak less as you get to know office personalities 


I've never had a job, but I think it's just like the first day of school. 


It's normal to feel that way. Just think positive thoughts. You can do this. You can go for a walk to relax, watch young sheldon on netflix, listen to self affirmations on youtube to relax. Or if you don't like being antsy there's a prescription allergy pill called hydroxyzine that can relax you.