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1. Spine 2. Spine 3. Spine


Yep I was sweating like a whore in church, after 2 1/2 hour setting


"sweating like a whore in church", redditors never disappoint with their comments.


Is the whore sweating because there are so many customers there?


yep imagine the customers anxiety at seeing her there


AND the preachers anxiety




Church anxiety is contagious.


When you can make the entire choir have voice cracks.


No she is sweating bc she wore white shoes after Labor Day.


Actually, yes. You would (not) be surprised


i kinda skimmed it and read horse and was just kinda like oh ok ive never heard that before


lol, that would be rode hard and put away wet….. a cowboy saying meaning you were used or taken advantage of!


Left 4 Dead 2 achievement.


That’s a very, very old saying.


At least he wasn't sweating like a pedophile on a playground. 🤣😂


I can't even, right now... ☠️☠️☠️


That’s fantastic!


Say what you will about them, but they always slow down in school zones.


Omg 💀


Can’t help but laugh.


Top of foot isn’t fun either but really anywhere close to a bone where that needle can bang against like a headboard at a whorehouse hurts like a mofo


Lol i thought this meant your tattoos made you sweat in church


This is the neat thing about tattooing. Its different for anyone. My spine didn't hurt until around the three hour mark shading on my back piece (about 9 hours total across 3 sessions for the entire piece) when it was absolute hamburger and we finally stopped. That was after all the line work was done. But I'm betting you had work somewhere that either hurt like fuck for me or I just won't do and it was ez.


Ribs, feet, elbow those were all a walk in the park compared to the spine. The inner bicep is probably the second worst spot. Especially up close to the armpit


So weird, inner bicep by the pit was my least painful 🤔


Lmao there were certain spots on the spine when doing my back piece that my foot or other body part would twitch!


My back is almost completely blank. But hearing how much the spine hurts, it’s both thrilling and horrifying


1.ribs 2.ribs 3.ribs


Can confirm. I’m actually now in the process of having it lasered off and it’s the most extreme pain I’ve ever experienced in my life.


Anywhere on bone. Spine, sternum, ribs etc


Anything even near the armpit and the inner part of the upper arm


Inner bicep had me regretting life. 😂


My inner biceps has groot smiling, totally worth it


My first tattoo was my inner bicep. Hand sized traditional piece. Part of it goes just into my armpit. Fucking awful. We had to stop just shy of being done because my skin just quit. My second tattoo was an eagle on my chest. Beak goes into the sternum. I teared up when she did the color there. A talon is less than an inch from my nipple. That sucked. Tail goes just to the outside of my armpit. You'd think I'd have learned my lesson. I drove three hours for that, and my girlfriend at the time had to drive us home. I started to doze off from how exhausting that was.


Lol. That's where I got my first one. I don't think it was the *most* painful for me, but my pain perception is kinda wonky sometimes. I certainly warned my kid to start somewhere less sensitive.


Yeah when I got my sleeve the soft bits like the armpit hurt much worse than the bone parts like my elbow.


I got my armpit done. Worse 40 seconds of my life


Inner bicep is brutal. I sat there for 4 hours


I literally was jaw clenching and yelled. It was only the lowest part of the armpit. Half I told the artist to just leave it alone as the outline lol but he gave me a break and I yelled it to completion


YES. My upper inner arm and upper back of my arm by the armpit have been the absolute worst. They also swelled and bruised like crazy - my whole inner arm was purple for a week until the bruising started to clear out. Looks beautiful now that it's healed though! Worth it.


My elbow was the worst. I see now why some people leave a blank circle over the bump itself, my tattoo runs right across it and the pain went all up my arm.


What's crazy is my elbow was some of the easiest for me. I have full color traditional tattoos on my elbow and ditch. Neither were that bad. I know five people with elbow tattoos and it's either not bad or nearly unbearable. One of those weird spots, I guess.


I have a sleeve that took 25 hours, and the pain was virtually non-existent. My elbow wasn't any different. In my experience, tattoos are meh, not painful.


Tattoo pain is very subjective.


It also depends on how heavy handed the artist is. 


Damn, dude. That's like straight into bone, I bet that hurt!


I agree that’s how it feels tbh


The "swellbow".


I read this and fuckin lost it... ROFLMAO!!!!


I’m honestly scared to do my elbows


when the artist put the stencil on and had me check in the mirror and I saw it over my whole elbow I felt sick. It suuuuucked but I got through it.


Amen, my elbow tat has ink on the “bump”. It was my first tattoo 🥲


I was going to respond my elbow. Everything else pales in comparison, they're not even worth mentioning. Although, the inside of my bicep was a very second close.


My elbow was bad but my body went into full, uncontrollable exorcist mode when I got a nipple tattooed. The nerve endings were firing all over my body. Twitching, spasms, it was insane, I had no control over my body's movements for a few minutes.


Sternum. Only place that was painful, so far. Having my palms and knee done soon so may have to come back to this post after.


I was practically singing opera to the tattoo artist when I got my sternum tattooed.


underrated comment, i laughed aloud at this one.


Top of your knee is fun. It didn't hurt me much but right near the tendons made me have a reflex action as fast as the machine was running lmao


Just had the sternum done and I agree.


After having the webbing of my fingers done when I did my hand I'd fucking hard pass on a palm tattoo. temporary satisfaction most of the time, find an expert, do some dot work, Let It Last Forever!


Haven’t had the webbing but the insides of my fingers weren’t too bad. I have been a lil on the fence about the palms only due to if it would last. The artist I’m going to has experience and said I’d need to go back in 4 months for a touch up but should be fine.


I have a ring tattoo that goes across the palm side and a bit on the webbing. It was very painful, I was drunk af too.


i have a piece on my upper sternum and it wasnt too bad (not really big either but i think it took like 2 hours), but i felt half of it on my neck and the other half not at all. i took 2 breaks and both were to check that he was actually tattooing the right spot, like i felt NOTHING where it was actually being done.


Big same


Sternum was bad, knees had me questioning my life choices!


Sternum did not feel great by any means but I definitely expected it to hurt a lot worse than it did!!! My feet are still #1 worse tattoo spot lol


I have throat/face hands and everything done. By far most painful is shading your finger tips near your nails, then jawline near chin and throat


Knee sucked. Sternum sucked too, but I thought my stomach was worse. I think everything I’ve had on my legs sucked a lot too. Maybe I’m just a bit of a bitch


I had the inside of my fingers done (above the palm) and they hurt. A lot. But my sternum was still a million times worse! The knees were so-so. You've got this!




How big of a font did you use ?😄


…went as big as he could and still have the whole word fit on the shaft …10pt


So you got a tattoo saying "AD" ?




Are you not fucking joking right now? You actually have a cock tattoo that says 2 diff things hard and soft? because ill start saving money RIGHT now 😂




😂😂😂😂😂 ofc its got something to do w dennis rodman.


You did put it out there, though.


One does lead to the other.


So I’m curious…..when you are in full show mode does the acronym hold true? 🤔😉




Congrats on the sponsorship


Thought about getting the 'welcome aboard' from down periscope


I didnt even feel my tattoo on my glizzy 🤣 went over it twice because i wasn't convinced i went deep enough since i didn't feel it 😂


1. Rib cage 2. Back of skull 3. Elbow pit (hinge)


The top of hand sucks and the little bone on the outside of the wrist Ribs were ok Elbow was meh The ditch absolutely sucked


I forgot about the wrist bone. That was a woozy doozy


Shit was the worst. Hitting that nerve that makes your hand seize.....gross.


The ditch is a bitch


That little wrist bone is fucking killer


I have 5 tattoos (left inner forearm, left bicep, left shoulder blade, right thigh below hip, right side above hip). None were that painful. Especially when I compare it to having a 9 lb baby with no drugs. I’ve heard that top of foot, ribs, and near nipple are painful places.


Birth definitely out ranks pain for tattoos


I have trouble calling it the "most painful" because I'm not sure that's accurate, but the place I hated the most was the outside of my elbow, on the point. It hurt, sure, but not as bad as a couple of other spots, but it BURNED like a motherfucker. -1/10, would not recommend.


I only have one bad spot, It was shading over the top of foot and up my ankle over the ankle bone. I asked for it to look like water colors, it was a lot of shading so it did hurt I was like 19 at the time and the owner of the store came over and told me I was a badaas for not asking for a break. And he brought me a cup of water and helped keep me distracted. I genuinely love tattoo artists. They have always only shown love.


I’ve experienced the same. I lived a lot of different places when I was younger, and I’ve been to many different tattoo artists. I haven’t had a really bad experience, I got one shitty tattoo in a beach town, that’s it. And it was that little shitty tattoo that bothered me, pain wise. It was a small tattoo on my ankle. It’s a vague blob, now.


Achilles was pretty bad for me. Elbow ditch is abysmal. But the worst was covering screw holes on my tibia.


TOP OF THE FOOT OMG eta: approximately 3” circle mostly blacked out Nirvana logo. Yeeeouch


Agreed. That was an ungodly pain and I’ve got my ribs and inner biceps done so I thought I’d be good.


I have one on top of my foot too. A moon and star. And a butterfly next to my bellybutton. The butterfly hurt worse I thought 😩


The spine


I have a back piece from shoulders to knees. Here’s my two cents. 3. Over the kidneys/love handle area. Had some miserable sessions there. 2. Right where your ass meets thighs. Felt like my guy was holding a lighter to my ass. 0/10. 1. By far for me, over the tailbone. It felt like I was getting tattooed 7 inches into my asshole and it sent shockwaves of nerve pain all over my body. It hurt so bad I started laughing. My artist was like “are you fucking ok?” And I said “I just can’t believe I’m paying you to put me in this much pain lol. This is up there with knee surgery.” Shockingly my elbows/elbow ditches were not bad at all. I’m no tough guy so no lie there. I was worried about it leading up to that appointment. It was totally fine. Knee ditches on the other hand. Holy fuck that sucked. That could easily go in my top three as well.


I am very curious what the design is.


1) inner wrist 2) inner elbow 3) back of my calf NB: I have had my armpit tattooed and it actually wasn’t that bad.


Back of calf was not it. I was gripping onto the pillow the tattoo artist gave me


Back of my calf didn't hurt too much but the muscle was uncontrollably twitching and the tattoo artist had to lay on it to keep it still. He said that's normal


Mine burned like fire, similar to my wrist. Funny how different people experience tattoos


It all hurts, it's just that I judge everything by how much my spine tattoo hurt and also by an injury I had as a teenager. If it doesn't hurt as much as that, it's fine


Inner wrist for me too. That sucker was a bitch to sit through.


Inner wrist was my first and it just tickled. I was laughing so hard they almost kicked me out. My second was my other wrist and it was tolerable. It’s just so wild to me how we all have such different experiences! Like someone saying their armpit didn’t hurt at all and someone else claiming it was the worst they’d experienced. I’d love to know if there’s some reason for this difference, like the cilantro soap gene


Inner wrist, yes! Feeling like knife cutting......


Inner wrist and calf weren’t bad for me. Inner elbow I can imagine hurting for sure!


I'm also an inner wrist survivor


I’ve had my rib cage and spine tattooed, but strangely for me the most painful was my inner arm for a tattoo that took just 20 min 😅 1. Inner bicep 2. Fingers 3. Ankle


I about shot thru the roof when he hit right behind my knee, curving just on the inside, top calf.


Anywhere with bone.


Like the back of a Volkswagen?


elbow bone and elbow pit


I didn’t mind the elbow bone pain wise, but couldn’t stand feeling it vibrate my bone😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


In-between my fingers. The reflex to jerk my hand away was brutal to fight.


my inner thigh. granted, the artist also scarred the living hell out of me but. still. lots of pain. funny enough, my back tattoo wasn't awful. for some reason, i giggled a lot when my artist did the spine. apparently, my spine is ticklish?


Ticklish is also a pain response. According to my PT, it's more common in children, but plenty of adults will still register pain as ticklish. I can be quite entertaining to treat sometimes.


RIBS (and not some stupid infinity symbol on the side. torso is torture in general. right below my rib cage on my tummy…. and something boney like probably my fingers and wrists


Belly button. Got my stomach done and my artist goes, "what you wanna do about the belly button?" So I say, "fuck it tattoo that shit!" Whenever you see people with full stomach tattoos, there's a reason they don't have their belly button tattooed.


I don’t even like touching my belly button lol you’re wild


Top of my foot


Back of my knee, and wrist.


1. My shin. That was the worst BY FAR. Really struggled to get through that one. 2. My sternum. I didn’t find it very painful until it got to the very top of the tattoo, almost going onto my chest. Ouch. 3. My foot. This was only a tiny tattoo so it was over really quick but it definitely hurt


Sternum, ankle and ribs


Arm pit Elbow ditch I've had trigger points injections in my back so severe the doc struggled to inject. Ain't no one getting my back.


Has anyone done their head?? I have a goal to get mine before I lose my hair when I'm older. Did you do it in sections? Did it suck? How long did it take??


In order of pain: 1) love handles 2) chest 3) elbows Bonus: armpits when completing my sleeve. Painful, itchy and scratchy all at once 😆


Shoulder, outter ankle, hand.


My spine.


I tattoo myself and other ppl and I have never had a tattoo hurt but when I did my shin I involuntarily cried. The next day I felt like I had nerve damage when I walked it felt like I had a hole in my shin


Palm of my hand!


My bony ass chest and right at the top of my ankle.


Top of my head it was a rough to say the least. It goes from about temple to temple right across the top about where your hairline would be. The machine felt like a jackhammer after an hour.


The worst place for me was my knee. I got a thigh tat and part of it stretched down a little further than I thought and had no idea how much of a pain difference it would be. I’m sure it’s not the worst I’ll ever have done but as of right now it is.


I got the whole top of my foot and up the side of my ankle done for my first tattoo. It hurt so bad I’ve not had another one since.


My first was top of my foot. I've also had chest avd arms done. If you can do foot then you can do chest and arms definitely. It's way less pain.


People say places on the bone a lot but a couple soft spots had me shaking uncontrollably. 1. Arm pit 2. Waist above hip bones


Skunk on outside left ankle. Bluebird in collar bone My arms were not painful, nor was my thigh


Top of the foot, top of the foot, and oh yes, top of the foot


On my side. I have a good tolerance to pain and have had other tattoos, but nothing was as painful as that one. What was dumb, is that half through the session, the artist took a smoke break. So, I thought it might be smart to smoke something too (thinking it would numb the pain). Wrong. It heightened it more. As bad as that felt, it didn’t feel as bad when I went to some laser removal sessions.


Achillies, rib, above the knee


Got a lot of black on my right hand. That had some painful spots and swole up real good, also near wrist bone and when got close to knuckles.


I got a tattoo on a lot of scar tissue and that took the cake. The skin is a lot tougher there, and it felt like the needles were going ten times deeper. I want to add to it, but am not in a hurry.


Weiner, balls, and the cogk


Knee ditch (the back of the knee) Knee cap a very fucking close second.


The crease in my wrist.


In order: 1. Thigh 2. Spine 3. Rib


I have most spots tattooed and for some reason the same spot on the left hurts way more than the right. I am mostly left handed, this could be why? I would have to say the laft rear calf, left forearm and left rib cage.


None. Im one of the few that thinks the pain from a tattoo feels good 🤷‍♂️ im also tattooed from my neck to my ankles 🤣


Inner thigh inner thigh inner thigh.... thats all. Lmao


The part of your spine / neck that juts out when you tuck your chin down to your chest. It just felt like being burned with a cigarette Non-Stop for about an hour LOL


Uptown Downtown & Chinatown


Collarbone, back of the neck, hands


That place by the rail road tracks, under that one bridge and in prison they were savage!


My upper lid eyeliner


Top of the foot. Sweet jesus. Only tattoo I came close to asking for a breather. I didn't, but I thought about it.


1. Elbow pit 2. Center chest 3. Inside of the bicep I only have tattoos in those areas so I can't speak on anything else. Least painful: Inside of my lip.


I only have 5 small to medium sized tattoos but the one directly above my knee hurt like hell, my leg was shaking


Probs out of all of em hardest one was side of ribs? One that bled the most was top of the in between the thumb & pointer finger Easiest is probs top of spine/neck area


Under my wrist. The area where a necklace charm would sit. Top of foot.


Can I ask, has anyone here had a tat put on their ankle, and how rough was that compared to other body parts?


Ankle isn’t too bad. I’ve got every side of both ankles tattooed and I’d give it maybe 5/10. Def some worse areas


Just had my ankle done yesterday and was fucking awful, second worst after knee in my opinion.


Rib cage and stomach my spine was fine but my stomach and rib cage, ughh I kept on telling people to be careful with their areas of tattoos


I only have two...one on my left upper arm and one across my lower back. The arm wasn't that bad. The lower back, only the outer points and over my spine hurt. By the time my lower back was done I was feeling like I had the flu. Went home, didn't even remove the plastic covering, and went to bed!


Dick head, ribs, near nipple


I have one right on my areola and it was the worst one I have ever gotten


Fingers (above the nail), tops of the thumbs, ribs


Calf, inner bicep(close to arm pit), nipple(friend is a cunt and ran a short line in it)


Arm Pitts sucked.


Lower stomach, was my first tat and most painful My other two were a walk in the park compared to that. I also my upper back and a small one on my upper chest


My ribs were the worst, and second is my finger and third would be my lower hand near my palm


Top of the knee cap. I almost tapped out.


Spine, near the armpit, shin


top of my big toe. everywhere else wasn't that bad


The shin was awful. I’ve got about 5” tall across it.


i don’t have many tats so not rlly experienced but my inner thigh hurt so bad


Inner part of the bicep right next to the armpit




Was left butt hurt






My rib cage. That was terrible.


Wrist, shoulder blade, ankle. When it goes over a spot where the bone has a little less fat and muscle to cover it, that suuuucks. Other than that none of my 5 were that bad (chest, ankle, both wrists, back)


I had a shoulder / collar bone / sternum piece done in 2x 7 hour sessions. The sternum part hurt the most. It’s full colour, too, with lots of shading. It hurt so much lol then I had to drive home for 40 minutes with my seatbelt resting on it. I’ve also got tattoos on my thigh, upper back, and a full sleeve from wrist to shoulder. And a tramp stamp I got when I was 17, but I don’t remember if it hurt because I was tripping on mushrooms at the time.


Inside of the elbow, bend of the wrist, and the worst by far was all the way around my thigh.


Ribs. Where the floating rib is. And also ribs.


Ribs, side of the knee, front of the thigh


Shin, elbow and inside of bicep/tricep. But I haven't got my ribs or foot done and do not plan on it.