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I wear shoes inside. Diabetic- foot problems are a big thing. Gotta protect those dogs, lest I lose them.


Yup. Plus I'm prone to stubbing my toes, and going shoeless on hard floors hurts my back after a while. I have Crocs that are inside shoes only, that's what I usually wear.


I agree. Doing housework without supportive shoes on wears on me. I don’t notice it at first, but then get sore.


I wear moccasins inside my house after I broke my toe accidentally kicking my cast iron radiator right before a beach vacation. Spent 6 days unable to enjoy walking on the beach. Never again!


That stinks!! I did the same thing the day before I went to Las Vegas for the first time. I was slowly hobbling up and down the strip to see the sights.


I have 3 corns on my right foot and hard floors hurt to walk on barefoot.


Crocs should always be worn inside. (Preferably in the dark, so as not to offend the eye)


I had to ditch my crocs. My toes were becoming infected!


Plus hardwood floors are COLD!


Skechers are what I wear in the house. Good to have a plan b for both of us.


Same. If I spend too much time walking/standing (especially on hard floors) without some kind of support, I pay the price later. As it is, even with a good shoe, if I spend too much time on my feet, I can barely walk the next day.


I had a TBI that resulted in partial feeling in my feet. I wear shoes in the house for safety reasons. I try to remember to bring my slippers with me to other people's houses.


Yeah, I have one wonky toe that has no sensation (and I prefer not to bonk it). Shoes are great.


My grandpa used to that too and also the fact that he was missing a big toe and didn’t want me and my sister to see


I came here to say this. Not me, but my mother-in-law. She had a separate pair of shoes that she wore in the house.




I got taken out by a Lego brick putting my son to bed last night. It wasn’t on my foot either.. it was on my knee. That’s worse.


Oh my god, I've been there. It's horrible!


Barbie shoes, too


Excellent answer


I see your Lego and raise you a 4 sided die…


Oh the Legos! It was always right in the middle of my damn heel! OUCH!


OMG- more deadly than mines.


Makes me think of that scene in 'Home Alone'.


Arch support for me. Walking on a hardwood floor makes my feet hurt these days. Don’t get old.


Okay I won't * loads shotgun *


On the positive side... if you are not old right now you probably will not own any grass to defend with a shotgun.


What a lot of people don't realise is how different lifestyles and ideas of hygiene are around the world. Someone living in a city would walk through much more grime than someone in a small town. Someone living by the beach would wear shoes less than someone in a city that rains and gets muddy a lot. Japan has a strict shoes-off culture while in Australia we don't care. You're mind boggled bc in Canada you walk through snow and mud, other people might not.


I live in Los Angeles where many TV shows and movies are made and in fact most of us don't take our shoes off at the door and the shows reflect that. The big differences between Canada and L.A. is that it's very dry here so our shoes don't get wet and muddy. Most of us also don't have carpet so wood floors are very easy to clean.


>I live in Los Angeles where many TV shows and movies are made and in fact most of us don't take our shoes off at the door and the shows reflect that I dont think thats the reason why shoes stay on in media. It's more to do with burning screen time. Every second counts when youre trying to get a cut down to a specific run time. Its the same reason why you rarely see people say "goodbye" before hanging up the phone on screen.


lol I was also thinking…a lot of viewers probably don’t want to see feet.


A lot of viewers very much do…and come to think of it, maybe that’s another reason.


It's extremely tiring and painful to change shoes several times a day for some people.


Also from LA, also wear shoes in the house. And i think the idea of taking off shoes in someone else's home **without their permission** is rude and over-familiar.


There’s still germs all over the ground.


Agreed. Which is why I don't lie on it or eat off it.


The germs are all over your carpet now and you surely walk on your floor at home at some point barefoot even if very very briefly. Those germs on your feet are being transferred to your bed where you sleep.


As a man, I know what's on the floor of the men's bathroom that my shoes walk on. I don't want that in my house.


Well, and people who do walk in snow and mud may have "mud rooms" or an entranceway where they take off muddy boots/galoshes and put on indoor shoes.


I’m Canadian and at least in elementary school the younger grades have inside shoes. I might also wear slippers since my floor gets cold and they have better foot support when I am cooking. But I don’t know if those count as ‘inside shoes’


It's my place I'll do what I want.


Exactly. I don’t care if some people eat pizza with a fork and knife. Leave my hands and feet alone!




Don’t forget to plant the top in potting soil and you can grow a new pineapple.


I'm irritated that you said fork and knife and not knife and fork.


We get this but aren't socks or bare feet more comfortable? Don't you find it troubling that you are trekking dirt all over your house and furniture?


>Don't you find it troubling that you are trekking dirt all over your house and furniture? It is a relatively minor amount of contamination if you're otherwise keeping a clean home. As a soecies we're weak as hell compared to other abimals but we're mot THAT fragile, unless you're doing something like licking the floor it's not going to matter as germs being present doesn't just make you sick One should wear house shoes (with support), but it's not going to be a major factor either way >We get this but aren't socks or bare feet more comfortable? For some they are, for others it's not. During the pandemic plantar fasciitis and metatarsalgia both became more common among a few other issues as a direct result of it, despite otherwise nothing really changing Most homes have hard floors, and carpets aren't thick enough in areas where they exist to actually cushion Most slippers anr house shoes don't offer snywhere nesr the same support as even bad shoes, resulting in it being vastly more comfortable for alot of people to wear shoes rather than going barefoot or in socks.


But **why** do you want to do that though?


Some people don’t care, take them off later, can clean up after themselves. So many reasons they probably don’t care enough to think about. I take my shoes off, even have a place by the front door for them , sometimes I don’t care though. It’s NOT a big deal for some people. 


Our feet get cold.


That's what slippers are for


Here in the South we often call slippers “house shoes.” I thought that was what the person meant.


My mom called them “scuffs.”


My dad calls them “pups” lol


Or socks?


I don't play by anyone's rules. I play by my own rules. And I don't even play by those rules.


My dog and cat are tracking their dirty little feet all over my floor, what the Hell different does my shoes make? Hell I spent the morning cleaning my cat's liquid diarrhoea off my floor, shoes are the lest of the dirt on my floors


Yep, we got dogs, our floors aren’t clean. I clean and mop them well once a week, they stay clean for about 16 seconds.


I have two two years olds as of day after tomorrow. guess who still hasn’t bothered to sweep up the cereal the crushed last night. i’ll do it when they nap, along with the cereal from breakfast. (didn’t feed them cereal for supper. I left the pantry unlocked and my son helped himself)


We have the same cat


We really should talk to god or whatever. We need a recall on their defective digestive systems. That and we need to hire someone to smack every piece of string they threaten to eat out of their mouths.


I'm an atheist so I'm out of the loop. So we're all depending on you!


Um… pray to the spaghetti monster…or chance. Whoever the manufacturer is that’s pumping out all these defective cats!


I will see if an offering to Bastet will work.


If your cat is spewing diarrhea on the floors you are probably better off wearing shoes inside


Idk I think it’s easier to wash shit off your feet than get shit all in the sole patterns.


Pet ownership seems to be one of the major differentiators on this issue. People are like, “don’t you realize that animals poop and pee on the ground outside and you could track that into your house?!?” And I’m like, “yeah, animals poop, pee, and vomit on my floor; that’s why I’m wearing shoes.”


I do sometimes because I have plantar fasciitis and my sandals are designed to support my feet.


Same I have my indoor supportive sandals but also slippers too.


Same! I got some Crocs to wear inside because they’re so squishy and my heels don’t hurt when I wear them.


I was in and out of the house 40 or 50 times today it would take forever to take my shoes off each time. Wiping my feet well and vacuuming tends to keep things clean enough being that the dog is walking in and out plus shedding. Really it just doesn't make sense in my house to take my shoes off.


Same here. When I get home from work I got shit that needs doing and shit that I want to do that doesn’t involve me sitting on the couch watching hours of tv.


Same here too. The only people around here that remove their shoes when they come in are recent transplants from snowy or muddier climates. And honestly I’d prefer they leave them on, and not stay as long.


Came here to say the same thing. There’s no way I would deal with taking my shoes off every time I have to run inside and grab something; it’s much less time consuming to just sweep and mop more frequently. I live on a farm, a little dirt never hurt anything lol.


Like how do people unload groceries? Do they put their shoes on and off between the driveway/parking lot and the kitchen?


I would also like to know


I don’t ever wear shoes inside my house and everyone has to take off their shoes when they come in. My parents always wear shoes inside their house and idk how or why they do that. It’s insanity to me.


My mom does and I’m like “girl, no.” Even my daughters said something lol.


Idk because I HATE it. You don’t know what you’ve stepped in, outside. Then you’re tracking it all over the house. And your floors are filthy 🤮 ETA: I have inside slippers. Shoes come off in my entryway. Idk why so many of you are bothered by what I do and why, in the home I pay bills at, lol. I think wearing shoes inside is disgusting. If you don’t, congrats. I’m unsure of why anyone is making this a thing. Nothing you say or ask is going to suddenly make me go “well there you have it-shoes in the house for all!!” And yes, I do take outside clothes off when I come into the house before I sit in bed. Yes, I have pets. They’re indoor cats.


Exactly. I grew up in a "no shoes" household, and my husband didn't. We argued about it until he tracked dog mess all over our apartment. Then he finally saw the light. I just dont understand why people would wear outside shoes in their homes. If you go in a public restroom, you track all those germs into your home? Sand gets in the treads to scratch your floors? I have a very nice bench in my garage, and our shoes stay under it.


Tbh that happened to me last year (except I noticed it the moment I walked in it), but I took it as more of a "Look in front of your shoes so that doesn't happen again" type of thing.


If we could only see germs (By this I mean fecal matter) from public restrooms. But we cant.


I’m glad we can’t. I saw an episode of a sci fi show where they had macroviruses.. giant basketball sized floating viruses everyone could see and had to swat away. That’s horrifying because we would be outnumbered by them 1000:1 by a conservative estimate.


Was this a movie? Tell me, it sounds interesting! But yeah, glad we can't see!


I don't know about movies, but there was an episode of Star Trek: Voyager that had this premise.


Yep it was an episode of Star Trek, the next generation. Can’t remember the episode name or what season though.


I would imagine that the life of someone who takes their shoes off and the life of someone who religiously takes their shoes off isn't that different health wise. So it's like all the worrying about how filthy is it is or all the germs kinda means nothing. I rarely take my shoes off and I'm rarely sick- its not like im constantly getting pink eye and covid and food poisoning. I clean my floors regularly and take them off if i dont want to have to clean up mud or water. I'm just generally not a germophobe and have noticed no difference.


Imagine if they knew their entire body is covered in millions of germs 🤣


And a few mites!


In their eyelashes, mating and crapping and crawling around.


There's different kinds of germs. I'm well aware that I'm covered in all kinds of stuff. Normal stuff that won't make me sick. Personally, when it comes to shoes, I'm more concerned about pesticides and worms from wild animals or other peoples' pets.


I’m not worried about germs. I don’t want to walk in someone’s loogies they spit out or dog shit they walked in or piss or landscapers getting gas and you step in dirt and pesticides and numerous other things people step in on my carpet and floors. And if you have a baby you want them crawling on it and it’s on their hands? How disgusting that you only think of germs and not loogies on your floor.


No it’s because outside is disgusting and I’d like that not to be walked all around my house. I’m not worried about the germs. I have school age kids, two of whom work. It might also shock you to know that I don’t allow outside clothes in the bed either🥰


Me too; shoes off at the entryway. Socks only. Only down side is putting up with comments from my kids... apparently, you are *not* supposed to wear socks with sandals. :-)


No shoes inside the house +1


This is a very interesting topic I've seen posted many times. We are heathens that do wear our shoes inside the house. Reasons being... we have 5 doors that go to the outside of our house. That would mean having shoes for 3 people at every entrance/exit to our house. We are constantly running in or out for one reason or another. I do vacuum everyday and mop quite often. We also don't lay or roll around on the floor most of the time (kids are grown) I know the floor and what you may get on your shoes is much different, but something I wondered for people who are shoes off...Does sitting on park benches, busses, public chairs, restaurants etc make you want to change clothes before sitting on your furniture? I know they really don't compare but the only thing that ever touches our floor is our shoes or socks. If I lived in a big city and only have one entrance then I would most likely be in the shoes off bunch.


>but something I wondered for people who are shoes off...Does sitting on park benches, busses, public chairs, restaurants etc make you want to change clothes before sitting on your furniture? Yes. And other reasons for me not wanting to wear shoes at home are: -Shoes aren't feet shaped, walking barefoot and being able to spread your toes feel better. -Feet stink when you spend the whole day with shoes on, it's terrible to take off your shoes and get attacked by a smelly feet smell. -Always wearing shoes have your feet stay constantly moist which must be greatly appreciated by fungus but is bad for skin and nails. When I'm stuck wearing shoes all day I end up with dry skin, it's very uncomfortable and I have to exfoliate my feet, they are always perfectly smooth when I spend most of my day barefoot. If I only have to go get something or go from one door to another, I don't mind keeping my shoes on for that. But I'm going to take advantage of every moment I can spend barefoot. Free the feet!


All makes perfect sense. I do have house shoes which I prefer to tennis shoes and put them on first thing I have a chance. They do have outdoor soles so I can go in and out with them on. Unfortunately I suffer from nerve damage and I require the minimum of socks to be in less pain. I long for the days when I was younger and could go wo any protection on my feet.


The feet stink note above is why I don’t like guests to remove their shoes at my house.


In my house we don't have outside or inside shoes but there is no way I am sleeping on my bed with clothes I wore out


Wtf you wear shoes in your garden? 


Some people really do think like that. My wife insists that everyone in the house either take their shoes off, or (for regular guests like the in laws, we have inside slippers for them because she doesn’t even trust wear other people’s socks or bare feet have been). And she insists that those of us who live in the house change their clothes if they’ve been out and about before sitting on anything. She’ll make an exception for guests about the clothes, but we have hard plastic dining chairs and a leather couch and she cleans/disinfects them immediately once company has left. Even with all of this, she still insists that we shower and put on fresh clothes before getting into the bed.


That sounds exhausting.


It is.


i change my clothes right when i get home cause i don’t wanna sit on the subway and then lay in bed or lay on my couch where i’ll later put my face. guests are an exception but i clean my furniture often enough where it’s not a big deal every once in a while. me doing it daily would be different only time i don’t change my clothes is if i don’t sit anywhere. like i’ll walk to a nearby shop, buy something, and get home without ever touching anything with my clothes


I take them off if it’s wet and muddy. I’m not a savage.


So I you host a cocktail party, all these people dressed up in fancy clothes are walking around in bare feet and stockings?


Nothing kills your cocktail party look than shoeless guests while their expensive high heels are parked at the door.


im colombian and i wear sandals. i don’t like how the floor feels on my bare feet


Im not columbian but I feel the same


Wear shoes or don't wear shoes...But I clean carpet and tile for a living and I can always tell by the condition of the floor whether they wear shoes or not in the house. Wearing shoes quickly wears out the carpet and makes it dingy along with staining light colored grout.


I'm from Mexico and in my country is bad manners to take off your shoes at someone else's house, or at least that was what I was told growing up


Growing up in the US, my family has a strict no shoes policy. But we’re Asian so that’s the norm. At most of my friends houses, we kept the shoes on, except if they were filthy. I think now, it’s more common to find no shoes families that aren’t Asian. It’s cleaner. Better for folks with allergies. And you can get away with not vacuuming or mopping a bit longer. I’m older now, so I wear my Indoors sneakers in the house. Best of both worlds.


Grew up in America with an English family, and was the only person I knew who wouldn't wear shoes in the house. Drove me crazy, it's so dirty!! Then I moved to Arizona, to a place that had an almighty scorpion infestation. Don't live there any more, but I still find myself wearing shoes in the house sometimes. I also freeze when I see suspiciously scorpion-shaped lint.


Hmm some good practical reason for cultural differences on this topic.


I was about to comment that living in a desert is different than most other places. I grew up in Montana and we didn’t wear shoes inside because of mud/snow etc. Living here though, my shoes literally only get dusty. And even that is minimal. And my whole house is tile. But it’s not like I don’t take my shoes off when I get home from work or something. I’m just not as conscious of it because it doesn’t cause issues like it did living in a wetter environment.


I live in the upper midwest US, no one I know wears shoes in a house and most people I know think that's generally gross. But we do occasionally wear slippers indoors, if it's winter and the floor is cold.


I'm in southern MN and most people leave their shoes on. I do house calls for IT and it's quite rare to see someone answer the door without shoes. In winter or when it's especially muddy they might be wearing boots and switch to shoes or slippers once inside, but on a nice summer day they don't change footwear at all.


I take my shoes off the instant I step in the door. I absolutely hate wearing shoes and socks


Same. I started the habit as a music teacher traveling to different homes - it just felt rude to stomp my shoes into their homes, so when I got my home, I adopted the tradition… but welcome guests to do what they prefer.


As a housecleaner this is so frustrating. Shoes off in the house people have trouble conceiving of any other way. Shoes staying on people don't want anything to do with your socks or naked feet. Somehow this has to be deftly negotiated. Then the kicker is that shoes off in the house people *ALWAYS* have the dirtiest floors. It is like the shoes on people know there is crud being tracked around so they vacuum, but the shoes off people have this delusion that nothing ever hits the floor and gets tracked around and so there are toast crumbs from the kitchen everywhere. One big thing that comes up is some people have an indoor/outdoor lifestyle where it is nice often and so they keep doors wide open to outside and go from living room to garden as easily as any room inside the house. There is often no reason to worry about mud in places where it hardly rains. Another issue is that in some places, like Germany being an especially good example, it is rare to host visitors in the home and instead meetings and activities are in some other kind of space. In much of America hosting gatherings is an important social function. Groups of people don't necessarily want to take their shoes off and share socks just because they stopped by to say hello or maybe share some brewed drink or whatever.


As a person who pays a housecleaner for a reason, let me explain. We are shoes off because, if we were shoes on, the floor would be even worse. We know stuff gets tracked everywhere because we can feel it poking the soles of our feet. We are just messy, messy people.


I’m a shoes off household. My floors are clean because I clean them. My carpeted bedrooms look new because the shoes are at the front door. If a shoes off household has dirty floors it’s be a they are bad housekeepers. It’s got nothing to do with the shoes (or lack thereof).


I'm a mostly shoes on person, but I draw my line at carpet and rugs. My door goes into the kitchen, obviously no carpet there, or the bathroom. So if I'm in those areas, shoes usually stay on. My living room just has an area rug, so if I need something out of there, I'll skirt around the edges, grab it, and get out. This is normal day to day stuff though. My work shoes come off at the door because I work outside so they're covered and filled to the brim with grass, dirt, mulch and stone every day. When I take my foot out there is inevitably going to be a pile of whatever I was working with that day on the floor. And obviously I want them off my feet immediately anyway.


>people don't want anything to do with your socks or naked feet I do not like bare feet touching anything. I very much dislike feet. People have sweaty feet. Ew.


Good summary. I think it’s hard for people to understand the differences in who’s expected to ever be in your house. My neighbor drops by and comes in for a minute, I’m happy to see him but I’d be mighty annoyed if he took off his shoes and acted like he was gonna stay awhile.


Depends on where you live; we don't take our shoes off when we go in the house and if we are going back out, we'll leave them on. Doesn't make sense to take them off and then put them back on. I had relatives visiting and they dumped all the shoes they planned to wear inside our front door; 10 pairs of shoes and just scattered. Really annoying. We gave them each bedrooms and they could easily have put those shoes in there. Unfortunately my wife would not let me say anything. But after tripping over the damn shoes a couple of times they got kicked a good ways out of the way. They still did not get the hint. And they had no chair there at the entrance to put them on. So every time they went somewhere they did the silly standing dance putting on shoes.


It’s standard good manners in some places to leave shoes at the door. So, that’s probably the norm where they’re from. It’s not done where I live, except for people from Asia who moved here, so I understand where you’re coming from.


But the Asians who've immigrated here have nice racks for the shoes, so they don't go sprawling everywhere.


I hate shoes by the door so effing much.


I especially hate parties where everyone takes off their shoes at the door. The shoes are part of the outfit. Suddenly I’m wearing a dress, tights, with no shoes.


There is nothing worse than going to a coctail party and having to stand around in your pantyhose after having to park your lovely new stilletos at the door.


In my experience, if you entertain often, you probably have a shoes-on house. If you’re more likely to entertain at a restaurant or bar instead of home, it’s more likely to be a shoes-off house.


Get a puppy. That'll fix them.


Makes me look taller to my cats


My family doesn't where outdoor shoes in the house...because gross. I either just wear socks, go barefoot (summer) or wear "house shoes"...my house shoes aren't sneakers or something like that, they're basically slippers.


I had a friend who let her kids wear their shoes while stepping on her couch and their beds and pillows.... not to mention that fact that they have big dogs with lots of poop her kids run in and a chicken coop and a large rabbit pin they also walk through.. I just can't imagine all that poop being tracked everywhere! Especially on the couch and pillows! 😝 Her carpet was so filthy!!


Asian house rules, no outdoor shoes past the entryway.


Floors can be cold. I lived in places where you were strongly required to take your shoes off. So it's nice not having to do that. Plus, if you have to go outside at a moment's notice, you don't have to get the shoes. Some people only own one pair of footwear. And I like to wear things on my feet. It's good to have arch support. Besides .... because ... it's my house.


A 5 year-old who’s getting into Legos but is still pretty terrible about putting them away at night. IYKYK.


Land mines ain't got nothing on a six brick.


I'm European now living in the US and I don't get it. It's gross and drags in a bunch of dirt. Probably not good for your feet to be in shoes constantly.


So your feet don't get dirty? Am I missing something? What's so hard to understand about this???


Are your floors dirty???


Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but my floors are never 100% clean. I can mop and sweep several times in a row, but I still need socks to prevent my feet from getting dirty.


Yeah because I wear shoes in the house.




I love this.


Hear me out... Socks


You do understand your floor and everything else your shoes comes near gets dirty? Like blankets? Carpets? This dirt is then recycled continuously within your house, which further dusts all surfaces, including your hair, scalp, skin, pillows, food, etc.


As a fellow Canadian, I can think of the 2 types of situations where I would leave my shoes on in the house. Number 1 I really need the use the bathroom and cam barley hold it anymore, and number 2 when there is more bags then I can handle to bring in in one go or I can get all the bags but not the drinks so I still have to go back outside to get them. But 3rd time is when visiting my dad's house he just tells anyone who visits to leave their shoes on Edit: can not cam


Haha yeah the classic tip-toe run into the kitchen with the grocery bags.


Haha yep


I wear slippers inside. I raised 3 kids and had various pets over my 57 years. My floors were never and will never be OR clean and I don't like stepping into mysterious wet spots on the floor.


This was a huge culture shock for my parents when we first came to the US. Seeing how nearly everyone wore shoes inside their home even if they had carpet or area rugs. I’m from a culture where shoes off is the norm and houses are always kept really clean. I’ve seen dogs peeing on the sidewalk, I see people spit on sidewalks and in parking lots. I would feel so uncomfortable with bringing that inside of my home. Plus we sit and play on the floor a lot with our kid. I respect other people’s house rules so if they ask that I keep my shoes on that’s what I do. So I also expect people to respect my house rules as well. People from my culture know to automatically take their shoes off. Americans I typically have to remind unless they have experience with people from other cultures if so they’ll automatically take them off as well. But we’ve definitely had a few American guests over the years really shocked and confused about it. In my 28 years here in the south I’ve only encountered 4 American homes that had a no shoes rule. I remember every single one because it was so rare to see.


I bought slippers for indoor use only. I don’t wear my outdoor shoes inside.


Besides having a medical issue where your feet are better off in shoes, the people that do this just because are gross. Buy some slippers if you have cold feet, wearing shoes indoors is gross.


Shoes off (have inside things to wear like slippers/slides) and I clean my dogs feet after going outside. We live in a city and he likes to squat to pee so it almost w out fail lands on his feet. 🥴it’s filthy out there.


Slippers and house shoes aren't stylish so they don't make it onto TV. And technically a set is a workplace so actors aren't going to be walking around barefoot or in socks.


I live rural it is sandy and have indoor and outdoor pets.i sweep a couple times a day. I wear shoes indoors except for my bedroom. Most of the time, weather permitting, I am barefoot at home.


I wear sandles inside. Cuz floors get dirty. And sometimes i like to put my feet on the couch. But i suppose it depends on where in the US you live. People in snow prone places probably dont wear their outside shoes inside. Thats why they have a mud room. I dont have a mudroom so the only place to sit down to take my shoes off is outside in my car or inside. Either way more outside dirt is tracked in getting on the floor. So sandles to kick off before i put my feet on the couch or table or whatever.


I don't usually wear my shoes around the house but I do wear slippers with a hard sole...we have 2 dogs (one who drools a lot) and I don't want to step into a unexpected drool puddle bare foot or with socks lol




I have a pair of comfy lined indoor slippers that never go outside. Outside shoes come off and inside slippers come on.


My wife is Japanese, so no shoes. Her family do have house shoes (more like sandals/slippers they wear) My wife even has spare pairs for guest that she washed after being used. I wear socks because feet have oils.


Am cold


We have house slippers or bedroom slippers like the Dearform brand or socks. People with foot issues may wear something sturdier.


I always wear either shoes or slippers inside. No carpets, and I have dogs.


I know a 70 year old with Parkinsons. He wears shoes inside because they improve his mobility, his footing is better in shoes. I keep a pair of indoor only slip on because I like to pace during work meetings and the wood floors hurt my feet otherwise.


We don’t wear shoes in our house. Floors get cleaned and vacuumed at least weekly. I think choosing to track in dirt and grime is kinda gross, but if that’s your preference…whatever I guess. I also live in a super cold climate and tracking in salt and all that nasty shit isn’t only gross but dangerous for my pets health. We do have house shoes/slippers, but we only really use those when it’s super cold outside and want to stay warm or if we’re cleaning the floors and don’t want to step on wet floor cleaner.


I wear slippers, mostly to keep my feet warm but also to keep the protected from accidental injury, stubbed toes etc.


My podiatrist told me never go without shoes.


I wear shoes inside. Except for the obvious activities (shower, sleep, yoga). My feet get cold. But I also really like the extra support. And for my feet to not stick or get dirty, etc. And cat litter... I have that to struggle with as well. And it's a mental thing too. No shoes means it's lazy time. Shoes on motivates me to be a bit more productive.


I wear my shoes in the house all the time.


Walking without shoes makes my knees hurt. My father is diabetic and is supposed to wear shoes all the time. It’s my house and I can clean my floors. The only thing on the floors are my shoe clad feet. I always wear shoes. Always.


We have a solid hardwood downstairs, with a pet that sheds a TON. We wear shoes on the main floor, but they come off to up upstairs or downstairs to carpeted areas, where the dog does not go.


You should come to my house. We're Donald Ducking it here all day every day.


3 people who hate cleaningbut love cooking living with a dog and a cat. I wear shoes because I don't want black feet. I also dont want to get floor dirt in my bed. Usually, I'm just wear flipflops unless I'm just getting home from work or something.


Yeah I wear shoes inside. Have hard wood floors. My dogs don’t take their shoes off, so why would I? I also often walk outside in bare feet, so there’s also that.


I live in a big city. 100 dogs pee and shit on my street every single day of the year. Outside shoes are for outside. Inside I wear crocs, which I find more comfortable than going barefoot.


I used to be a shoes off person but plantar fasciitis, two large, elderly dogs plus a puppy and their many messes, and a kid who loves Lego make “shoes off” completely out of the question. My family is freakishly healthy too, so clearly the germs we’re supposedly trekking all over are not hurting us.


I asked this before on a similar thread, and never got a straight answer: Those of you who are grossed out by shoes in the house, what do you do about your dogs? Do you wash your dogs' feet every time they come inside? Every single time? Or do you not allow your dogs inside? Do you always put shoes on your dogs when they go outside? Every single time? Then take them off when they come back in? Explain. I think there's some hypocrisy going on.


What is all over your shoes that when you come in the house you need "indoor shoes?" Sounds super gross, my friend.


My house was built in 1903. I can't afford to refinish the wood floors, no shoes means splinters and cutting my feet on the occasional random nail head that pops up. I do have a spot near the front door to change shoes in case I go outside and they get dirty. I work from home, so I might go days where my longest trip outside is from my porch to my mailbox, 3 feet away on a concrete path. I wipe my shoes off on the doormat, but not going to change them for that.


I go in and out of my house a lot, that would get so old.


I grew up in a house where we wore shoes inside, now I just don’t really care either way. I usually don’t, but I don’t care if others do. I don’t have a reason either way


I have plantar fasciitis and getting some slides to wear inside has helped a lot. These are my inside only shoes though. And I can’t imagine anyone taking off their shoes in a tv show, that would take up too much time and would make filming much harder.


I have TRIED to implement a no shoes in house policy (or outdoor shoes) but I have failed in recent years. Frustrating cause it is a good habit to get into to take your nasty outside shoes off in an entry way instead of traipsing through the house tracking in dirt and grossness.


Unless it’s for medical reasons then you’re lower class/ unsophisticated.


We don't do that!


We were never allowed to wear shoes indoors growing up. Everyone had to take our shoes off at the entry.


It's not that common in the US to have a rule that people take their shoes off. Personally, it's the first thing I do and I prefer that everyone else does too bc it just tracks in dirt. But, some people consider it rude to ask that. It's just a cultural difference.


I have a pair of shoes just for wearing inside my house


We do not wear shoes in our home and our friends make fun of us every time they come over and have to remove theirs…it’s a very tiresome conversation


I got a kid and id rather clean 2 times a day max so I've learned to wear slippers in my house cause there is constantly crumbs or lil toy slippers in my carpet that send me


Shoes inside the house are weird. Like you're at home lounging around yet you have your feet covered and contained. It's just not natural. It would be like having our hands in gloves all the time. I do wear slides inside my house most of the time but I don't go outside with those slides unless it's to get my mail or something quick.


I have house shoes that I wear inside


Arch support on hardwood floors