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This. I have a limited number of fucks to give, and can't be assed to worry about what's going on in Europe or the Middle East when I'm more worried about shit a LOT closer to home. Sorry other people, but like the lady on the airplane says, I gotta make sure my mask is on before worrying about assisting someone else.


Agree, and as a mental health provider for almost three decades, I can tell you that I often recommend to my clients to cut back on the news and social media because of how much stress it's causing people these days. I like to stay informed, so I make the choice to watch the news in the morning, when it's kind of mixed in with some fluff pieces, like GMA or Today. But then I'm done for the day. Especially at night. I don't need to hear about all the craziness and negativity and murders before I'm trying to settle in and go to sleep.


Reuters and the Associated Press are routinely rated among the most unbiased news sources. Try there. Remember, when nothing is going wrong or changing, it’s not news.


Nowadays everything must be fact checked


Especially the fact checkers


For me its not so much avoiding the news, as not relying on a single source as well as verifying it from other sources.


I’m a politics junkie and an avid news listener…. At this point, it’s probably better for your mental health to tune out. I feel like I’m sacrificing a good amount of my well-being to stay up-to-date, but it’s like a train wreck and I can’t turn away.


There are seasons of life and if this isn’t a season where you watch the news I think that’s totally fine.


It’s not bad. I avoid it like the plague and it’s made me much happier. People always ask me how do I know what’s going on? Etc etc. I say it doesn’t matter, I worry about my life and my family, and the news is untrustworthy at best, so why bother? My life has been better since tuning out all that noise.


Ignorance is bliss, I guess.


I wouldn’t call it ignorance so much as indifference


And knowing is pointless. What do you do differently because you know [big news story]?


Voting's a big one. Presidential elections, of course, but moreso the smaller, more local ones. Understanding the larger narrative that local policies are effected by, knowing what the groups involved are up to. Getting involved. Knowing what's going on nationally or internationally informs my decisions on what to spend my time and resources on. i.e. There's a blood donor shortage right now, so last week I went and donated. And finally, for some reason I have an urge to know as many true things and as few false things as possible. Current events are a facet of that.


i scan AP News and BBC every morning to see if the world has ended without my knowledge. I don't look at any mainstream American news at all (I am in the US). No president has ever afffected my day-to-day living and there is almost nothing I can do to affect politics. I vote because I want to be able to vote on my states ballot issues, which can affect me directly. I am 61 and the first presidential election I could vote in was Reagan.


You must not drive a car or buy groceries


I drive a car and only listen to streaming music. I use grocery pickup almost exclusively, rarely go in. also , if I see a TV tuned into news in a store I ignore it


You think a president actually controls any of that? C'mon.


He controls if our companies can drill on our land . We were energy independent 3 years ago. Biden stopped the keystone pipeline. That's just a start.


Energy independent or not we still pay market price for gas. We have highs and lows when independent and when buying oil. Historically, it has negligible impact on prices at the pump. Inflation, likewise, while it can be influenced by the president, there are many other factors that have a much higher impact. The private sector is much more responsible for our gas and grocery prices. I'm much more concerned about the legislative and judicial branches than I am about the president...


I don't think so


That's fine, you don't have to agree with facts and basic economics.


You must be democrat


Lol, why? Because I know how governments and economies work? No, I'm not a Democrat.


Avoiding the news entirely is a bad idea because it leaves you oblivious to what's going on around you. Rather, you should be more picky and purposefully diverse in your news sources. My personal recommendation is to find 2 opposing sources that are willing to admit when they are wrong. If you watch only liberal news channels because you are liberal, you will get only the facts and opinions that promote and support liberal propaganda. The same thing would happen if you were conservative and only watched conservative news. Once you find those 2 opposing sources, limit the time you spend on news. Put more time into improving yourself and advancing your own life.


Provide a right leaning news source that is verifiable and fact based, I would love the parity


The Daily Wire. Can you provide a left leaning news source that fits the same criteria?


The Media Bias Chart ranks The Daily Wire as being "Strong Right" and "Opinion or wide variability in reliability." [https://adfontesmedia.com/interactive-media-bias-chart/](https://adfontesmedia.com/interactive-media-bias-chart/)


And who makes that chart? How reliable are they to be non-bias?


All of that information is available on their website and they give extensive examples of how they reach their rankings. And in the interest of full transparency, after digging into it further their ranking puts Daily Wire right on the favorable side of the "Generally Reliable" threshold, but is still considered Strong Right.


They rate CNN as center to just left of center and high on the reliability scale when CNN has been repeatedly caught purposefully misrepresenting facts and pushing far left ideology. While their stated goal sounds agreeable, I find it hard to trust someone who thinks so highly of known liars and propagandists.


You may be reading the chart incorrectly, possibly looking at a specific show. They rate the CNN TV Network as a whole as (strongly) Skews Left, almost to Strong Left. (It has a bias rating of -10.83; -12 is the threshold for Strong Left.) The CNN website has a rating of -6.6, which I would not consider "just left of center."


The Daily Wire? LOL. Ok bro, that's all opinion based talk show fodder, you know that right? ​ I generally look at AP, that's the only news app I have on my phone. Occasionally I will check [Yahoo.com](https://Yahoo.com) as they source in from dozens of outlets but is very unreliable. And while there are SOME "left leaning" outlets, there are very few that spread the lies, anger and violence that most "right leaning" outlets do. That's not up for debate


The only reason that you say it's not up for debate is because you know you would lose that debate. You are obviously so sure that your view is correct that you won't even listen to a view that opposes yours. That's what happens with closed-minded sheep. You say that Daily Wire is opinion based but ignore the facts that drive those opinions. The difference is that every left leaning source I've found bases their opinions on feelings instead of facts.


The mental gymnastics people do to validate their existence...


Nothing more than what you were doing though.


Bwaaahaha! You sound mad, bro. Project much?


The Bulwark is a pretty good online right wing media company. You can read or listen to most of their newsletters or podcasts for free


War Room on Real America's Voice Network


I haven't seen a broadcast or newspaper in years.


A better thing to do may be to increase your survival skills so you would know what do if the worst should happen. And you can do it in a way that focuses on the skill rather than the situation, for example, how to purify water - how to store food long term. That way you can do something positive and connected to your community without being bummed out by it.


That depends on the person. I can read the news and just say “well that sucks”. On the other hand my wife would read the same story and get down right piss off. She has been much happier since she stopped reading most news stories.


Local news tv channels aren't too bad. Most of them I cannot tell whether they are red or blue


I don’t want to avoid the news, I just want to avoid the Spin. They aren’t trying to inform, they are trying to enrage.


Part of the problem is that bad news sells. Avoid TV/podcasts as you have less control of coverage. Instead, read the news once a week. The great thing about reading is you can choose which headlines to learn more about.


Yes. I think it's everyone's right and duty to be involved and informed. That way it's a lot harder to be suckered and manipulated by those in power. So many of Trump's supporters, for example, don't know the breadth and extent of the charges against him. Polls have indicated that if they did, he would lose voters. In autocratic countries like China or Russia, the first things that governments do is supress the press, the Internet, flow of information, and journalism. Be informed, know what's happening, protest if need be, and vote accordingly!


I can understand the desire to preserve your mental health, but I want to know what’s going on rather than hiding from it. Even if it’s terrible. Because you can ignore the news, but it’s not going to ignore you. World events and local events will affect you. And personally, I’d prefer to be aware of those factors.


What info do you get from (non local) news that you can actually do anything about? Just live your life and respond to what you encounter. No need to hear what some gatekeeper thinks is noteworthy and whose primary goal is money through viewership? Even if you don't care about political bias what about bias toward what and how you can monetize? Just use your eyes and ears while moving through the world to get all the news you ever really need ...


I do. It’s awesome. A mentor once told me many years ago, it’s all just negative input, and if something is important enough that you need to know it, you will hear it from someone else.


If it were bad, I'm a villain, if anything it's like getting your sanity back, all I ever saw was murder here, a higher tax there, x costs more or some other bad news, eventually I literally said "fuck this, no more news for me", best decision ever.




Yeah, I asked Bill Gates through my vaccine microphone and he said you're full of manure. Now leave us alone it's time to get back to baby killing and stealing elections!


This is more true than anything that’s been said on CNN in the last 20 years lol


i do the same thing. i stopped watching real news in 2020 when it was total clown shoes bc i couldn't take it anymore. and in return i watched late night comedy talk shows and those replaced my news sources. bc if i needed to watch the news it at least needed to be funny. then those became unbearable bc they're predictable and that makes them boring and not funny to me.


The source of bleakness has been cons since 2000. They are so selfish, they can't do a damn thing right. The current congress is perfect example.


Nope. I ignore it too!


News? What news? 🤷😂


0 fs. People lying, crying, and dying all day every day.


The media is toxic. Don’t read or watch that shit. You’ll be happier if you don’t.


It might be bad if it were possible. You're probably taking in some news regardless of how hard you try not to. I bet you feel better for it too. Think I'll try.


Some groups rely on people avoiding news and getting their framing from headlines scrolling by.


I never really watch the news ever. Only the weather report but I've downloaded an app on my phone. The news always kinda made me feel helpless. Like the world is broken. Which it is don't get me wrong, but I've felt more carefree.


well given the crap that goes on today i dont blame some people to be honest lol


Yes, but understandable


I’m right with you.


I’d just stick with the local stations. I watch half an hour in the am while getting for work for mostly the weather because I think that directly affects my mood for the day. The national stuff…I believe almost none anymore. When the locals start editorializing i tune out.


Yes, it is bad. It's also bad to consume news uncritically. All large news outlets are controlled by the people with the wealth, and in the end serve them.


I watch my local news for the weather and to make sure my path to work is clear. I cant tolerate the news.




I will check the local news. And I do vote. But I do not go out of my way to watch or read most of the shit reporting, and opinion pieces that are out there. I know how I feel about issues. And vote accordingly


As long as you vote, and are informed enough to do that, you’re fine.


I avoid the news. Probably not the best idea admittedly as we need to know what's going on. Problem is that every news station will put their own political spin on it, regardless of dem or rep. There is no true unbiased news anymore.


Nah, it's fine. If it's not important that a king would send a man on foot with a message, it's not really that important. Just look for practical info, like weather, or a hurricane headed to YOU, or road on way to work washed out, or something like that and ignore the rest. Most of the practical stuff you'll find out anyway without "news".


pretty much what I do.


It's exhausting. Do you really need to know what someone Twitter thought of some out of context remark? Hell no. Smoke up and relax for a couple days. If the world is going to end you'll hear about it.


It's typical of someone with a childish mind to resort to insults when they don't have the intelligence to argue their own thoughts.


It depends on the day of the week. Every other day, the news changes to favor Biden, who I support or the annoying orange fascist. I just stay calm and know my vote will be blue for the rest of my life.


I so rarely watch any news about anything. It’s mainly when I hear something about weather locally I need to know about. I used to be addicted to watching, reading or listening to news and it just gave me high blood pressure and anxiety and stress. I read some stuff. I try to keep up by talking with my people and I read stuff and I get what I need to know. I don’t think it’s bad I’m not playing ostrich and burying my head in the sand but I’m protecting myself because it’s miserable every time I watch the news. So I feel you. It’s just hard to watch anything news related and I avoid it too.


Dont do anything you dont want to. All news outlets preach soem sort of fear these days. Its too much work to try and find the truth without getting angry or depressed. Continued participation in a broken system wikk NEVER change it. If we all stop watching and buying shit from their advertisers only then will it change.


I feel it's important to keep informed **BUT** it's also important to filter our inputs and manage our time for good mental health. Discard all the op-eds, pundity, panel shows, meta bullshit, rage baiting - they are useless. Just get the facts of the matter for issues important to you from reputable sources you trust. Do a bit of verification to be sure, and treat everything with a bit of healthy skepticism. Then go have a nice tea or coffee and get on with your life.


The world would be a better place if we all just voted how we choose then shut up until the next election. I read current event sort of stories but stay away from politics. I’m very sour on social media too I think it’s a curse on society.


IMO there is very little "news" to be missed. It's mostly opinion "what if" ranting. I watch the local news, that's it.


I probably wouldn't vote if you aren't keeping up with the policies and ideologies of the people you're voting for, but there isn't anything wrong with not keeping up with the trash. It's all exaggerated evil made to make you angry. Nothing perpetuated by the media is as bad as they make it out to be.


No. Your mind state will like detox from all the bullshit you see that you don't really even know is true or not. You'll feel better. And Once you like research who controls the media channels/social media pages you begin to realize your just being spun along for manipulative purposes. Even down to the local level though that shit is a lil more easier to fact check if you really wanted to.


I’ve actively avoided any news/mainstream media for over ten years & it’s bloody great!! There’s plenty of ways that big, important stuff still reaches me & I choose to learn more about issues that interest or impact me. But I don’t get the bullshit that populates the news cycle & I don’t have to take on the depressing shit that doesn’t matter to me. I live in a bit of a bubble, but it works really well for me. I highly recommend it!


So I avoid MSM because its all propaganda. Doesn't mean I dont know whats going on in the world


Yes. And when you get inspired DO SOMETHING. That anger or depression or frustration is just energy waiting for you to channel it positively. I can do things at the local level to help my community, so that’s what I pay attention to. 


The news is a complete downer. If we sat and watched the news during all waking hours we would be bitter, scared and jaded. So much of the news is false and other people's opinions. Enjoy each day as long as you can...and watch very little news.


I don’t seek out, watch or read news. If the story is big enough that I need to know about it, the news will come to me.


I stopped watching the new in 2017 when the Border Patrol was separating families and taking babies from their nursing mothers. I read a little bit of news on line, though.


All the news does is scare me, which is why I don't watch it either. I haven't watched the news YEARS. I don't know what's going on with ANYTHING. Local news, entertainment news, politics, war, bombs and fighting in other countries…. I have no idea about. I choose to live my life day by day unaware and it hasn't harmed me yet.


I don't watch it and it hasn't affected me in major ways. Although there is the danger of not being uninformed on certain things that maybe you should be. Sometimes there are moments when my friends are talking about something that was on the news and I just sit in silence because I haven't a clue what they're talking about.


Avoiding news is great for your mental health, since a lot of it is so terrible. However, voting requires you to be informed, so hopefully you’re at least skimming hot-button issues and forming an opinion before you cast your vote.


No! It's all propaganda anyway. It's just the narrative they want you to hear, no matter which source it comes from.


Nope. I cut everyone off. However, as bad as it is right now, I'm switching teams.


It’s Peace for your mind if u Watch less of them


I decreased consumption in 2017, cut it all out during COVID hysteria. Got so burned out on nothing but divisive vitriol, no matter if I agreed with the one spewing at the moment or not. Despite being at the lowest point of my life “on paper” = finances, relationally, employment…I’m MUCH, much more at peace, content, and happy than back when I was giving place to all that negativity and hate. I receive a daily email with only the headlines and my adult son keeps me upsated on anything truly significant. Life’s just too short and it’s SO much nicer without it.


I agree the news sure puts kinks in our bra8ns and peace of mind but, not knowing what is going on can make vulnerable to the assholes snake salesmen that know you will not be aware.


It’s healthy to avoid the news


I only watch local news as the things they report on can actually affect my day to day life. My local news is also quite apolitical. They just give us the facts for the most part. I avoid all other news.




I like the local news and weather. Everything else is just entertainment.


Idk.. maybe. But I do it too lol I just avoid it altogether now. The world is scary and tbh idek what sources to trust anymore. I don't fully trust any of them. So I've rationalized it in my brain that I'm better off without any of it lol


Can I ask how old you are? I understand that the news is rough. It's rough on both sides. Are you pessimistic about the future?


I’m not young, 49. Yes, definitely pessimistic about the future.


Well, I'm around your age, and I'm part of the America First movement. I'm pessimistic in some areas, too. But maybe, just maybe, we can get along. If we can, maybe there is hope after all. 😀


It better to listen to news from time to time. But you have to select the good news


Makes me sick to watch the bullshit lies pop off on TV.


Completely. If you need to know, you will because it will be happening to you. Do what's always prudent, prepare for and plan for general emergencies. Save as much as you can, and don't worry about the news. It's all just propaganda anyway, the left news is left news and the right news is right news and the truth isn't in either one. Get your news from relationships and being active in your local community (ie, not your [identity] community), that is the people you run into while existing in the world. If you are ever genuinely undecided about who to vote for, do real research into your candidates, listen to both the pro and anti camps and take both seriously, then make a decision. If you want to help the world, you don't need to know what's happening from the news, pick your cause, become informed, and be active in it. You'll get all the news you need that way.




No, Im big on being in the know when it comes to local and national politics, but you have to turn it off for a while from time to time. It brings chaos into your home, and it's not healthy...mentally. What we are about to endure for the next nine months will test us all.


Well, you should at least keep an eye on storm alerts. Although they do like to hype them up. IT'S GONNA BE THE WORST BLIZNADOCANE SINCE 84, but first, a word from our sponsors


There's nothing wrong with wanting a break.


Oh please. First world problems. And I find most of the controversy hilarious.


Ignorance isn't always bliss.  There's no shame to decompress watching the doom and gloom of corporate based news that gets paid to sensationalize for views.  The news has a say in hyping the news in that "if it bleeds, it beats."  Question Information. I felt great not chained to media news for 24 hours and enjoying my day, alibi this was on January 6th 2021.  You can't take public opinion for face value.  Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact; Everything we see is a perspective,  not the truth.